Barrier of Light

Chapter 535 Captains Gather (8k words big chapter! Please vote for me!)

The moment you see who's coming.

Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes.

For some unknown reason today, there was always a shadow lingering in his heart, as if to remind him that something might happen.

Since his extraordinary awakening, Zhong Yuan's premonition has been very accurate.

At this moment he finally understood the reason.

Grand Duke Zhenyue also came to the training ground.

"Mr. Zhong Yuan, I have long admired your name." Meng Xiao stretched out a hand and said calmly: "I heard that you are one of the most talented people in Beizhou. You first joined the Third Army and then the Survey Corps. Before you were thirty, you became the Second Army. The captain has high power and position, and is deeply valued by the regiment commander... Such a resume is really amazing."

There is nothing wrong with these words. If they were said by others, they would be able to hear the meaning of "exclamation".

But it was different when Grand Duke Zhenyue said it.

His tone was calm.

In terms of status, he is much more noble than Zhong Yuan!

"...Mr. Meng can speak directly if he has anything to say."

Zhong Yuan had no expression on his face, stretched out his palm, and shook hands with Meng Xiao politely.

He didn't call Zhen Yue by his name at all.

Men from the Survey Corps, what scene have you not seen before?

Zhong Yuan knew that at the dinner, a conflict broke out between his deputy captain and Duke Zhenyue and his party.

This kind of thing is nothing. Since he chose to inform Gu Shen in advance in Gubao, he was naturally prepared to deal with it head-on.

"Nothing... I just want to remind Mr. Zhong Yuan that it is better for the people who survey the corps to carry out their mission out of the fortress honestly." Meng Xiao said calmly: "Why do you have to get involved in things that have nothing to do with you?"

Zhong Yuan's pupils contracted.

He looked into Zhenyue's eyes.

Those eyes were cold and full of warning.

This guy...knows what he said to Gu Shen in Gubao?, how do you know this?

"You seem surprised..."

Meng Xiao suddenly smiled, and he let go of Zhong Yuan's hand: "If you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself."

Grand Duke Zhenyue tapped his eyes lightly with two fingers and said calmly: "I can see... more than you imagine."

"What on earth is this guy talking about?"

Zhen Yue left, and Lu Zhe frowned, "What a arrogant guy. Sooner or later, someone will treat him."

Zhong Yuan lowered his head and asked in a deep voice.

"If I remember correctly, Meng Xiao's only at the tenth level of the deep sea, right?"

Lu Zhe was slightly startled.

"Yes... he just broke through the fourth level." Lu Zhe rubbed his chin, "This kid should be an attack-type extraordinary person, but his mental power is really strong. He should be a rare existence on the tenth level. It seems that before He is also a 'transcender'."

A true genius can elevate his mental power to a level beyond his current state.

There are so few people like this. They have a name in Beizhou, called "Transcendental Persons"... In fact, this type of title does not have much meaning, because the closer to the early stage of transcendental awakening, the more difficult it is to complete the "Spiritual Transcendence". The simpler.

For example, at the beginning, some people had just awakened their extraordinary abilities, and their strength was at the first level of the deep water zone. However, due to their excellent awakening talents, their mental power started at the second level level... Although the number of these people was not large, they were still at the level of the second level. Not that rare.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to complete the "spiritual transcendence".

Mental strength is the greatest condition to support the stable progress of extraordinary abilities!

The stronger a person's mental power is, the smaller the probability of losing control...the greater the source of energy that can be carried and the explosive power that can be generated instantly!

And every time you cross a level, there is a big chasm.

If there is a third-level genius who is at the eighth level of extraordinary strength and the ninth level of mental ability, when he is steadily promoted to the ninth level, there is a high probability that his mental power will be infinitely close to that of the fourth level... Such a person A powerful genius, when he successfully crosses the level, his mental power level is probably only at the average level of the tenth level.

His mental strength is still higher than his extraordinary strength. is difficult to achieve "transcendence" anymore.

Grand Duke Zhenyue, who has just broken through the fourth level, already possesses the top tenth level of spiritual power. Apparently he has completed the "spiritual transcendence" in the previous stage!

"When it comes to Xizhou's genius, everyone's eyes are attracted to the goddess of light... They all say that Meng Xizhou is extremely talented, but this Meng Xiao is not just a person."

Lu Zhe said with emotion: "Judging from the current spiritual aura induction, I am afraid that in the third stage of practice, he has successfully completed the 'Transcendence'. This is really not easy."

"If he had just transcended one realm, I'm afraid he wouldn't be like him now..." Zhong Yuan said expressionlessly: "Who is not a 'transcendent'?"

Those who can obtain the qualification of "exemption candidates" are all geniuses among geniuses.

Both he and Lu Zhe had completed the spiritual power transcendence in the third stage.

However, when he was promoted to the fourth stage, Zhongyuan's mental power stabilized at the mid-level level of the tenth level, and he was never able to complete the transcendence after that.

"It makes sense, but he is not as strong as you thought." Lu Zhe smiled: "As far as I know, there is only one person in the entire Five Continents, Xiaoqiu, who can achieve the two realms of transcendence at the third level... Meng Xiao Now that his mental power is so strong, he must have used some means to achieve a second breakthrough."


Zhong Yuan looked at Lu Zhe and spread out the palm he was holding.

His palm seemed to be coated with a layer of gold powder.

Some parts are shining brightly.

This isn't really a powder, but a "spiritual glow."

"The golden spiritual glow..."

Lu Zhe's eyes narrowed and his expression became solemn, "Let me just say, this guy must have extra means to get by. It is said that he has won the support of Guangming City... While inheriting the hereditary title in Beizhou, he also enjoys the support in Guangming City. This ray of radiant aura is very powerful, and it is most likely some kind of blessing given by the 'God of Light'. When it comes to a real fight, there are probably not many people at the same level who can be his opponent."

Say it.

Lu Zhe smiled: "But Xiaozhong, what are you afraid of? You are the eleventh level of Dzogchen! He really dares to fight you, I support you to fix him! This is Beizhou, if he dares to use 'Guangming City' I will crush these spiritual radiances for you!"

These words are truly "arrogant".

These spiritual radiances are most likely the blessings left by the "Throne of Light".

Although there is only one ray, if it is truly awakened, the power will be extremely powerful... Listening to Lu Zhe's tone, he did not pay attention to these radiances at all.

"Of course I'm not afraid of him."

Zhong Yuan knew what kind of monster the captain of the first team was. He shook his head and said solemnly: "Actually, the point is not the conflict between Meng Xiao and I. You should have seen it. He was demonstrating to me just now..."

"Oh?" Lu Zhe raised his eyebrows.

He understood what Zhong Yuan meant. The two of them had no grievances. How could Grand Duke Zhenyue... give the warning just now for no reason?

"The reason for the demonstration is very simple..."

Zhong Yuan said: "Not long ago, I met Gu Shen in Gubao."

"Gu Shen?"

Lu Zhe felt that this matter was getting more and more interesting, "That S-level genius from Dongzhou?"


Zhong Yuan said calmly: "Because of the maze mission and the storm battle in the Fort, the Queen invited him and my team members to enter the city to receive rewards."

The recent news is quite exciting.

Most of the extraordinary people in Central City know it.

It's just that people like Lu Zhe are a different kind. He has never cared about trivial matters that have nothing to do with him. After completing the mission, he came to the training ground early, focused on nothing, practiced in seclusion, and began to prepare for the restart of the mission.

So Zhong Yuan said it again.

After a while.

"So... you mean that Meng Xiao knows what you said to Gu Shen in Gubao?" Lu Zhe frowned: "You suspect that it is the power of some kind of sealed object that has traveled thousands of miles to complete something like this." A re-release of 'Profiling'?"


Zhong Yuan said slowly: "This guy... has a power that makes my heart palpitate. I suspect it is some powerful sealed object."

"Tsk, this is not something that can be guessed casually." Lu Zhe smiled and said: "The third child is well-informed and has been operating in the Zhenyue fiefdom before. Is he the one who told you this news?"

The "third child" in Lu Zhe's mouth is the third captain of the Survey Corps. This is an alternative character who does not take fighting as his forte. His strength is not outstanding among the captains of the corps, but he travels around the border all the year round, fighting with the generals. The relationship remains very good.

For this reason, most of the time, he was not on missions outside the fortress. Instead, he was helping the legion commander manage the surrounding relationships, investigating some trivial matters, and investigating inland cases related to the legion.

Because he is well-informed, several captain-level experts often jokingly call him the "Eye of the Survey Corps". Like Osmond, he is the first-in-line successor who will be very useful in the future!

Zhong Yuan nodded and said: "Old Zheng is usually not very reliable, so this kind of key information cannot be wrong."

"Well... Although he holds the hereditary title of Grand Duke in Beizhou, Meng Xiao has a very high status in Guangming City." Lu Zhe said slowly: "With his status, if there are any taboo sealed objects... it is reasonable. . But I don’t really believe that there are sealed objects that can do it, thousands of miles away, and go back in time and space. Even if it can be done, why would he trace it to you?"

Zhong Yuan also fell into thinking.


Due to the reminder from the third captain, he was extremely careful when warning Gu Shen.

Didn't even say anything.

On weekdays, he has no interaction with Grand Duke Zhenyue.

How on earth did this get “checked” on him?

"Mr. Xiao Gu, we're here."

The airship slowly docked on the roof of the suspended building.

What comes into view is the wide open terrace. The outer periphery of this suspended building is wrapped with a layer of glass made of strong logic materials.

In the dark night, this building faintly revealed a quiet and chilling atmosphere.

Azhaer smiled and asked, "How is it?"

Although he had already made psychological predictions, Gu Shen was still a little shocked by this suspended building built on a super large airship.

"It's really a big deal..."

Gu Shen sighed: "I'm afraid this training ground is expensive to build, right?"

"You have a good vision, but there is nothing more important than restarting the mission." Azhaer said respectfully: "Her Majesty the Queen has actually planned to build such a training ground for a long time. After the mission is over, it can be put into use... There are only a handful of them now. Only some people are qualified to enter this building to practice. The generals and generals are still discussing the specific mission plan and the preliminary selection list with Grand Duke Zhuxue."

Gu Shen nodded.

"It is expected that in about a week, the entire list of the restarted mission will be confirmed." Azha'er said: "According to His Majesty's wishes, this mission will only be carried out by about a hundred people at most."

Gu Shen had already heard these words on the second floor.

Based on the map of the Dolu River disaster area, if you want to explore it, it is best to branch out into thirteen branches.

"Select one hundred extraordinary people from the border of Beizhou. These people must be geniuses and elites." Azha'er said meaningfully: "And some geniuses among geniuses do not need to participate in the selection. They have already obtained it in advance." He is exempted from the exam qualification and has been designated as the 'captain' level figure in this mission. When the list is down, the team members will be selected, run-in training, and then officially set off."

Gu Shen thought thoughtfully: "So...this building is full of people who are exempt from the test and are captains of the restart mission squadron?"

While the airship was suspended, Chu Ling began to scan the building.


The confidentiality of this building is too high. The Queen should have encrypted it herself, and Chu Ling's authority was restricted.

Scan failed.

Gu Shen didn't know what was going on in the building yet.

"Yes." Azhaer said with a smile: "But you don't have to worry. The Queen said that you have the privilege of moving freely in this don't have to obey other people's orders, so these captains who are exempt from the test have no right to order you to do anything. anything."

Gu Shen is not worried about this.

"How many people are there in the building now? Can I see the list of those exempted from the test?" He made a small request.

When approaching this building.

[The Asylum of the Goddess of Destiny] vaguely issued guidance similar to a warning...

There should be something bad for you hidden in it.


Azhaer hesitated for a moment and said apologetically: "I am sorry that I cannot agree to this matter. If you really want to see it, you can make a request to the Legion Commander."

The task of restarting the Doru River disaster is the top secret of the Hokkaido military!

The list of exempted candidates was not something she could decide.

"No need..."

Gu Shen smiled and said, "I just mentioned it casually. There is no need to trouble the Legion Commander. Azhaer, let's go down now."

He thought about it carefully and realized that the mental fluctuations coming from the pendant were somewhat familiar.

It was very similar to the danger sign I felt at the dinner party.

In an instant, a face flashed in Gu Shen's mind.

Lord Zhenyue.

Meng Xiao!

With Meng Xiao's strength, identity, and status... he is very likely to be one of the "exemption candidates" this time, so the warning in the pendant must be because of him.

However, he would have to meet Meng Xiao sooner or later.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.

Besides... Meng Xiao was not the only one in this building, there might be other acquaintances as well. Gu Shen thought about it and realized that Zhong Yuan, the second captain of the Survey Corps, was also an extraordinary person who met the conditions for exemption.

"Okay, I'll take you down right now."

Azhaer handed over the airship to [Deep Sea] to pilot it, and took Gu Shen to land on the rooftop of the building.

"This building has special rooms reserved for 'captain-level' figures. Everyone has enough living and privacy space."

"This floor is the fight room."

"This floor is the shooting range."

"This floor can be used for leisure and entertainment. Extraordinary beings can relax here when they are tired..."

Gu Shen walked around and saw that this building had just been built. According to what Azhaer said, only captain-level people were staying there now, so there were only a few people, and it looked unusually empty. There were only drink delivery robots patrolling back and forth in the bar pavilion, [ Deep Sea] is in charge of everything in this building. The exempt captain has extremely high authority and can freely enter and exit all venues. At the same time, everyone has an independent first-floor space.

After all... there are only a few captains in total.

Gu Shen chose the first floor as a living place.

"Mr. Xiao Gu... I forgot to mention that there is a place that might interest you."

Azhaer finished the guidance and said, "On the 37th floor, there is a 'simulated battle cabin' specially built for spiritual extraordinary people. It can carry out deep spiritual links and simulate Source Armor battles."

"Simulated battle cabin?"

Gu Shen has heard of similar technology, and Huazhi has already developed it, but the level is limited, and it is difficult to guarantee stability in high-level mental duels... After all, the development of [Deep Water Zone] is only in its preliminary stage.

"After all, you are a spiritual transcendent..."

A'zha'er smiled and said: "I heard that the battle cabin there is the latest technology of the Beizhou military. It has corrected many shortcomings and may help spiritual practice. The most important thing is... you have no idea about Yuan Jia. Very interested, aren't you? Just treat it as a toy and help us test it."

Gu Shen smiled: "Thank you, I will go and have a look."

He is indeed very interested in Yuan Jia from Beizhou.

If that battle simulation cabin can simulate a battle between Source Armor... then it would indeed be a good toy.

He sent Azhaer away and walked around the room alone.

The reason why he didn't go out immediately was because the cross pendant reminded him before landing... There was probably an "enemy" in this building, and most likely it was the Grand Duke Meng Xiao of Zhenyue.

"Chu Ling...can you scan this building?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and asked.

"You can give it a try, but there is no guarantee of success or complete information."

Chu Ling gave a pertinent answer: "I need you to have a spiritual connection with the [Deep Sea Network] here."


Gu Shen smiled, and the next moment he would establish a spiritual link with the deep water area.

The ten seconds of waiting seemed particularly long.

This building was defended by the Queen. Since the authority of the highest seat was too high, Chu Ling could not forcefully connect from the outside and obtain the key information of this building. However, if he penetrated inside, the [source code] could quietly " Invasion".

"Successful intrusion, scanning in progress..."

Ten seconds later, a good news came. Chu Ling had already begun to manipulate the code and immerse himself in the building system: "The current progress is 1%. It is estimated that it will take 3 hours and 18 minutes to complete all scans."

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time."

Gu Shen felt at ease, and the "unknown feeling" in the face of danger was relieved a lot.

When the scan is completed, he will at least get a simple list of those exempted from the test.

At that time, you will be able to confirm your inner thoughts.

Chu Ling scanned the building, and Gu Shen was not idle either. He began to use breathing techniques and perform spiritual practice.

Azhar is right.

Gu Shen is a very "hard-working" person.

As a result of prematurely comprehending the "Breath of Spring" and mastering the "Pure Land", Gu Shen's spiritual cultivation speed was as fast as riding on a rocket, and he was also immersed in the pleasure brought by "partial subjects" .

As long as you have time, temper your spirit!

After leaving the Furnace God Realm, the Dou Zhan Golden Hoop reappeared, tightly tying the blazing fire between his eyebrows. If he wanted to complete the third "breakthrough", he needed to break this golden hoop... This is a real fact. It's hard work and hard work, and nothing can be done less.

Gu Shen manipulated the blazing fire again and again to hit the golden hoop.

Every hit fails!

His spiritual sea will experience a huge tremor!

In an instant, my mind turned silver.

The failure of the impact... naturally comes at a price. I lost consciousness for a moment, and then a strong "sense of frustration" emerged. Blazing fire seemed to be cut by a slow knife. This feeling was not pain, but a strange mental torture. .

It makes one’s scalp tense and one can grit one’s teeth.

Looking at Gu Shen's expression, he was calm, as if nothing had happened and everything was calm and calm.

It's because he has long been accustomed to this kind of "torture".

From the inner layer of the golden hoop, blazing fire constantly bursts out.

Gu Shen took the trouble, attacking again and again, failing again and again... His mental power was already strong enough to be called a monster, but he did not want to give up the third opportunity to "transcend the realm", even if he had to attack a thousand times, one Ten thousand times, even a million times.

He will persist to the end.

Half an hour later.

"Scan completed, some information cannot be obtained..."

Gu Shen no longer attacks the golden hoop.

In his mind, an illusory picture of a few carriages emerged.

The girl sitting in the carriage drew a list with her fingertips: "According to the scanned information, apart from you, there are seven people living in this building. This should be what Azhaer said. Those who know are exempt from the test.”

Gu Shen saw the person he was looking for on the list at a glance.

Meng Xiao!


The pendant guide is correct!

"Only seven?" Gu Shen frowned slightly: "I thought all the captains to restart the mission had been determined..."

Now, it seems that is not the case.

Beizhou has only selected absolute captain-level figures. It seems that the ongoing meeting in Central City is to select other suitable captains.

Then these seven should be the well-deserved top geniuses.

It is really difficult to be able to avoid taking the exam and stand out from the entire Beizhou border.

Gu Shen flipped through the list and smiled lightly.

All my previous guesses were correct.

He saw the familiar blond man, Zhong Yuan, captain of the Second Team of the Survey Corps, who was also on the list of captains... However, this guy's strength was among the best in the entire Beizhou, so there was no reason why he was not exempt from the test.

Besides Zhong Yuan, there is also an old acquaintance.

"Fischer...he is also in this building."

Gu Shen still remembered the "immortal" wearing the source armor mask on the giant wall. He didn't expect to meet again so soon. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't see Fisher at the previous dinner.

I think I accepted the invitation in advance and was sent here to start practicing.

He didn't know much about the information about [Live Fish], but he knew that Fisher was very strong, otherwise he wouldn't have made an exception to obtain the seventh-level Source Armor.

Looking at it now, these seven exempted people should all be extremely powerful extraordinary beings. seems that those who are exempted from the exam are not selected based on their strength.

There are many strong men in Beizhou.

There are at least a dozen extraordinary beings on the eleventh floor of the deep water area...

"The Third Legion and the Survey Legion are still mainly responsible for restarting the mission this time, so most of the selectors are from the two legions." Chu Ling said slowly: "These extraordinary people on the list are all extremely talented. Well, I guess Her Majesty the Queen granted them exemption from the exam and summoned them in advance... maybe there are other things."

"other things?"

Gu Shen fell into thinking, and then he let out a light sigh.

He saw an "interesting" character on the list.

"The third-level transcendent...are also on the list of exempted persons?"

Gu Shen's eyes stayed on the name "Mu Wanqiu".

The strength of this extraordinary person is the same as mine!

They are all on the seventh floor!

"Mu Wanqiu's files are completely sealed and almost unavailable for viewing. She is known as Beizhou's 'S-class', and like you, enjoys extremely high treatment." Chu Ling said seriously: "It is said that her extraordinary abilities are very powerful. The future potential is extremely is completely possible to fight beyond the current realm."

Gu Shen remembered what he had heard before.

Among the members of the Survey Corps, there is a monster who is an extremely powerful "transcendent".

"Mu Wanqiu..."

He recited the name silently, and for some reason, the blazing fire jumped faintly.

Could it be that the cross pendant guides more than one dangerous person?

Every extraordinary person on this list is a strong person who cannot be underestimated!

Before meeting each other, Gu Shen did not dare to let down his guard. He did not know who was the enemy and who was a friend. If he made an exception and participated in this restart mission, he would probably cause dissatisfaction among the geniuses in Beizhou.

Gu Shen sent greeting messages to [Live Fish] Fisher and Zhong Yuan respectively.

When he came here, he only had these two acquaintances.

He knew the personalities of these two people and had a good relationship with him... When he first arrived, it was necessary to take the initiative to say hello.

The exempted people in this building are all real strong men. Except for Meng Xiao, there is no need for Gu Shen to offend the others. Maybe by contacting these two, he can introduce himself to other captains in the building.

Fisher responded quickly.

"Gu, I really didn't expect to meet you on such an occasion..."

The living fish was surprised by Gu Shen's arrival, but also expressed his eager welcome. At the same time, he jokingly said that it was unfortunate that he was changing the water in the "fish tank" above his head... and after changing the water, he had to participate in the Deep Scale City I have an online meeting to deal with some trivial matters in the fortress. I'm afraid I don't have much time to meet with Gu Shen today.

As for Zhongyuan.

This guy was probably busy and didn't reply at all.

Gu Shen felt a little bored and rested, and suddenly thought of the "simulated battle cabin" that Azhaer said.

The thirty-seventh floor is not far from me.

Gu Shen has seen the simulated battle cabin developed by Huazhi, a cabin that can accommodate adults lying down completely. After entering, the cabin will be closed after completing the link...

There is one drawback to this pod.

That is, it is easy to cause fluctuations. The more powerful the spirit, the harder it is to be completely carried by the [Deep Sea Network]. In fact, it is not that [Deep Sea] is incapable, but that the Federation has deprived [Deep Sea] of the ability to carry powerful spirits.

[Deep Sea] is scattered to five continents.

Its computing power is also distributed across five continents... The most important task is to ensure that every branch can be connected stably.

The construction of the deep water area can be achieved by every extraordinary person contributing a small amount of spirit!

This small ray of spirit is a symbol of status and proof of popularity.

Countless extraordinary people contribute computing power to the Deep Sea, and the Deep Sea feeds back the network to them.

But if [Deep Sea] has the complete and concrete ability to carry a powerful spirit... there may be an accident that swallows it up.

The "battle cabin" in front of me is very similar to the one developed by Huazhi.

But there is a completely different difference!

"The spiritual network on this floor is severed."

Chu Ling said seriously: "Similar to the blockade policy adopted by Gubao Fortress, the local area network is used to ensure a stable link within the spiritual network, and at the same time to ensure that the spirit of the extraordinary will not be swallowed up... so this place can 100% carry the spirit of the extraordinary. , to carry out simulated battles to the greatest extent, this method is destined to be unable to be promoted. "

So...this is a battle cabin specially built for elites!

Gu Shen sat in the cabin.

He closed his eyes and made a mental connection... He seemed to feel the bumpy feeling of connecting to the [Deep Sea] for the first time.

The world has become silent as never before.

Open your eyes again.

He turned his head, and what he saw at this moment was not the narrow cabin that contained him, but an open world of ice.

The wind was freezing, and there was even a slight biting chill.

Really interesting...

This is no longer the realm of "toys".

In front of Gu Shen, there was a prompt on the system panel. The battle cabin automatically put a "fourth-level source armor" on him based on his current mental strength, and recommended an AI opponent with a fourth-level source armor for the battle.

Due to mental network blockade.

A simulated battle between Yuan Jia in the battle cabin... Without face-to-face contact with other opponents, naturally it can only be a "single-player game".

Gu Shen pulled out the long knife from his source armor.

He briefly became familiar with running and jumping.

In the wind and snow in the distance, the shadow of the AI ​​opponent slowly condensed.

The war hasn't started yet, and the world around him is a blur.

A string of [codes] swarmed out of the wind and snow, pieced together into a blurry image of a girl in white.

[Code] gradually disappears.

The image of the girl becomes clear and real.

Chu Ling reached out to touch the snow flakes here and said with emotion: "The Beizhou military's idea is very good, but it needs to be improved... If you want to achieve a real network blockade, you can't let me find a way to sneak in."

After pinching a handful of broken snow and kneading it into a snowball, Chu Ling floated and landed on a large rock. She stretched out her hand to hold her chin, and the heavy snow in the sky blew the girl's long hair and dress.

There was a "pop" sound.

She gently threw the snowball and hit Gu Shen's source armor.

"Hey, Gu Shenzuo."

Chu Ling blinked and showed a sly smile that he had never seen before: "It's so boring in the carriage, let me enjoy your Yuan Jia performance."

(PS: 1. Wait for a long time. If there is an outbreak, there will definitely be an outbreak. This time I wrote a big chapter. In order to ensure the quality, it will be revised later. 2. Please vote again!)

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