Barrier of Light

Chapter 55 Extraordinary Trial

Night falls.

On the second-floor rooftop of the alley, mist is rising from the hot pot, and tripe and beef are tumbling in red oil.



The wine glasses clinked together, making a crisp sound.

Gu Shen slowly drank a whole glass of wine.

He felt that everything was as misty as a dream... When he left the orphanage, he thought about what his future life would be like. No matter what he did, he would most likely be lonely, so every time he passed by the alley late at night, he saw someone Clinking glasses and drinking in the corner shop, he would never put himself into such a role.

Maybe I'm not that lonely.

It’s just that no one ever toasts to themselves.

And now, there is.

"Three consecutive dream interpretations...these auditors are really nothing!"

After listening to the review process during the day, Zhong Wei slammed the table and said angrily: "If our little Gu makes any mistakes, can they take responsibility?"

"That's right!" Mr. Shu smoked his cigar, leaned back slightly, and said righteously: "They went too far!"

"So..." Zhong Wei immediately said: "Teacher, can you bear this? They haven't left Qinghe yet, and it's still too late to take action now!"

"Ahem!" Mr. Shu took a long puff of cigarette.


Luo Er saw Zhong Wei's "ulterior motives" and quickly helped the teacher out of the situation. He said with a smile: "Let's just drink some wine and curse behind each other's back. Those princes have done their duty well, and besides... Xiao Gu..." The ghost's cage has been torn apart, it's a good thing that Judge Tang doesn't cause trouble for us."

Speaking of this, Gu Shen scratched his head in embarrassment.

"The Cage of Ghosts..."

Nan Jin took a sip of wine and said softly: "I can also understand the dream interpretation of Qing Di and Sand of Time as... your talent is good enough. But Ghost Cage, how did you kill the ghost in one minute? "

The Ghost Cage embodies evil thoughts and takes time.

The third dream interpretation took only one minute.

Basically, it can be understood that...the evil thoughts had just appeared concretely, and they were instantly killed by Gu Shen!

"It has something to do with my extraordinary ability..."

Gu Shen thought for a while and said, "My extraordinary power... seems to have been accidentally released in that dream."

"It cannot be controlled at will in reality, but it can be fully displayed in specific dreams." Mr. Shu sat back lazily, "The key words used by the review team to evaluate Xiao Gu's ability characteristics are 'blazing' and 'tearing'. This There is a high probability that it is a power that is not currently recorded in the extraordinary genealogy chart."

"Blazing light and tearing..." Nan Jin murmured: "It fits."

This is how the two extraordinary beings involved in the fire died.

"His abilities still need to be explored slowly." Senior Sister Luo said: "But after passing the review this time, Gu Shen has the authority to enter the 'deep water area' and participate in extraordinary trials."

"Deep water area... extraordinary trial?"

"Now that you already know the existence of 'extraordinary beings', it is not difficult to guess... that the deep sea connects the five continents, and it cannot be as simple as connecting all citizens." Luo Er said softly: "In the virtual network you use every day In addition, a huge spiritual network has been established in the deep sea, and humans with extraordinary spiritual power can be deeply connected through chip and network technology."

"The 'deep sea' we use normally is a network located in the 'shallow water area'. This layer of network covers the daily life, entertainment, and leisure of five billion humans."

"But under the shallow water area... there is a vast spiritual sea area in the deep sea that has not yet been explored. This is called the 'deep water area', and some people call it the 'extraordinary sea area'." Zhong Wei took over Senior Sister Luo's words with a solemn expression. He raised a finger and said seriously: "The extraordinary sea requires strong mental power to enter. This is a place that ordinary people cannot pry into."

"After the Deep Sea Computer was developed, it has created too many miracles. As for its potential... the parliament is also studying it." Luo Er said: "It is obviously lifeless, but it seems to have wisdom and can interact with it independently. This spiritual network has been established among extraordinary beings. The spiritual practice of every extraordinary person connected to the deep sea will provide it with computing power, and in turn, it will open up different permissions for us."

"This..." Gu Shen never thought that the deep sea he knew so well was actually a machine like this: "It looks like... it wants to get help from an 'extraordinary person'?"

"You're right. It's indeed help, and it's mutual help." Mr. Shu finally spoke. He shook off his cigar and said softly: "Transcendents and the deep sea form a delicate balance, which requires the strong spirit of the transcendent." For auxiliary calculations, extraordinary people also need the deep sea to provide links to stabilize themselves."

"The extraordinary people in the council are obviously strong and weak according to the depth at which their spirits reach the extraordinary sea area." Luo Er looked at Gu Shen, "Currently, the deep water area has been basically explored... There are a total of twelve layers of sea area."

"Is this an extraordinary trial?" Gu Shen digested the message from his senior sister and frowned: "According to this... wouldn't spiritual-type extraordinary people have an advantage in exploring the extraordinary sea area?"

"Yes, and no." Senior Sister Luo smiled, "When you understand Jingzhe, you should understand that in extraordinary practice, the body and spirit advance simultaneously. Once the balance is out of balance, there will be the possibility of 'loss of control'. In In the extraordinary trial in the deep water area of ​​​​the deep sea, the exploration time of the spiritual system will be faster, but after completion, it will take a relatively longer time to digest the promotion. Because the extraordinary 'physical body' of the spiritual system has not caught up with the 'spirit' development of."

Gu Shen somewhat understood.

If there is an extraordinary person with extremely strong mental power who has completed the trial of a certain level of the sea, but his physical body is not strong enough, then exploring the next level of the extraordinary sea... may cause him to lose control.

"When the Deep Sea had just connected to the extraordinary people and only a prototype of the extraordinary genealogy chart had been made, many people with extraordinary powers showed only fragmentary characteristics... But as the exploration of the twelve layers of the Deep Sea advanced, they also Slowly understand your own extraordinary characteristics and finally master them." Luo Er said slowly: "Of course...the twelve levels of the sea are not as simple as you think. As long as you complete the exploration of the first three levels of the sea, you will understand yourself. What is the nature of extraordinary abilities, but just these first three levels of spiritual sea... have trapped nearly 90% of extraordinary awakened people, and it will take them a long time to complete basic exploration."

The first three levels of the sea have stumped 90% of the extraordinary beings?

What about senior sister and teacher...

Gu Shen looked at Senior Sister Luo and then at Mr. Shu. His desire to gossip made him want to speak, but his reason told him... there was nothing worthwhile to ask.

The faces of these two people... have invincibility written all over them.

"If you can complete all twelve levels of extraordinary trials, then the East Continent Council will grant you a specific title and treat you as a distinguished guest. Such extraordinary people are too rare to be rampant in the five continents." Senior Brother Zhong Wei suddenly smiled. He leaned forward and said meaningfully: "By the way, the reason why the teacher is called 'Mr. Tree'... is because his title is, Towering Tree!"

really. Needless to say, Mr. Shu is an absolute strong man who has passed the twelve levels of trials.

Gu Shen just let out a long sigh.

It was really difficult for him to associate the bad old man around him with the towering tree.

"Xiao Gu, it's time to think about your title, I'm very optimistic about you." Senior Brother Zhong laughed and said: "In the future, when I can't beat someone and run away, I will give you your name.

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