Barrier of Light

Chapter 550 Broken Link Area


The seven people all spoke in a deep voice, forming a wonderful spiritual link between them.

A perfect closed circle.

This kind of link is more subtle, more stable, and more powerful than the "Eye of the Source"... and the medium that forms the link is not the super power of one of them, but the big robe they are wearing at the moment!

That robe engraved with the "moon-suppressing pattern"!

"Sir... is what General White Lizard said true?"

One person thought for a moment and then spoke cautiously.

He is a follower of Grand Duke Zhenyue in Guangming City. Because of the restart of the mission, he rushed to Central City all the way.

In the information of Guangming City.

There is no end to the Dolu River disaster... Before the Beizhou military took over the disaster, one of the first batch of extraordinary people to enter the disaster was a believer in the God of Light. At that time, this believer He risked his life to find the door to the disaster situation for Guangming City, so he kept moving along the main trunk of the Black River.

The final that the believer's soul returns to the light.

The information that was transmitted back to the "light" together with his soul was that the black river has no end.

This black river is blocked by a huge snow mountain!

But General Bai Lizi said that he saw a stone tablet and ancient inscriptions at the end of the Black River!

Putting these two pieces of information together attracted the attention of Guangming City... and thus, Zhen Yue's trip came about.

As the Grand Duke of Beizhou, he had just succeeded to the throne. It was only natural for him to participate in this operation. What's more, he also brought followers from Guangming City. With such help, Beizhou had no reason to refuse!

“We’ll know the answer once we get over that mountain.”

Meng Xiao looked into the distance and said calmly: "But with the reputation of the White Lizard General, why would he fabricate such a piece of news out of thin air?"

"grown ups……"

Ba Kui, who was following him, asked in a low voice: "Can we take action after we enter the 'broken link zone'?"

"That snow-capped mountain is extraordinary."

Meng Xiao narrowed his eyes and said expressionlessly: "After entering, don't rush to find anyone, first find the correct path to this snow mountain. When the time is right, I will lock Gu Shen's position... You guys, please do it" Don't let your guard down, if you die in the snowy mountains, I won't have time to collect the body."

Baquet scratched his head.

He said seriously: "If we want to take action... Zhong Yuan's team is a combat force that cannot be underestimated."

Baquet paused, hesitated a little, and said, "That blond guy is really strong."

Meng Xiao said two words coldly.


Ba Kui was startled, a little aggrieved, and thought to himself, what was wrong with what he just said?

"Sir Osmond, we are approaching Montenegro and are about to enter the 'Broken Link Zone'."

The spiritual link between Zhong Yuan and the central control room was successfully established.

On the other side of the screen, the old man and the young man sitting in the central control room did not look relaxed.

From Osmond's eyes, Zhong Yuan vaguely noticed something strange: "Your Excellency?"

"Captain Zhongyuan, I have some bad news to tell you."

Lin Lin spoke for Osmond and said: "There may be unknown 'supernatural beings' in the Dolu River disaster... Other teams found long-buried and destroyed skeletons downstream of the river branch. "


The spiritual link in the central control room can be heard by all team members!

After a moment of astonishment, everyone's expressions became heavy.


Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "But along the way... I didn't sense any living breath."

Speaking of this, he looked at Gu Shen.

Gu Shen's blazing fire has also been under investigation.

Gu Shen and Zhong Yuan looked at each other and slowly shook their heads... This news was beyond his expectation. The blazing fire spread around the "Black River". Although there was only a wisp, the range of perception was not small, and even the slightest trace of life could be detected. The breath is not detected!

"You need to be careful..."

Lin Lin solemnly reminded: "It may be that the power of death in the main river is too strong and no living thing can survive, but no matter what, you must keep an eye on it."


Zhong Yuan's expression was solemn, and his reaction was extremely fast. After learning the news, he realized something deeper——

If there really is a living being!

So why didn't the coalition forces notice anything during the first crusade mission?

They... are probably hidden!

In this way, they are not just simple "extraordinary beings", these things living in the Dolu River disaster may have their own wisdom!

If you know how to hide, you must know how to pounce!

"By the way...there's one more thing."

Lin Lin lowered his voice and said, "Gu Shen, you have to be careful. You are about to enter the 'Broken Link Zone'. In addition to the possible 'extraordinary beings', you also have to be careful of those guys following behind."

Lin Lin knew that it was impossible for Gu Shen not to notice.

"Thank you for reminding."

Gu Shen said seriously: "I will come back alive."

"Not only must we come back alive... we must also come back unscathed." Lin Lin said quietly: "You are a distinguished guest invited back by Her Majesty the Queen. As the host of Beizhou, I hope that after the mission is over, I can send you back to Nagano safely."

Gu Shen smiled charmingly.

The howling cold wind blew by, and the fine gray snow came with a burst of mist. The originally unstable spiritual link was broken. On both sides of the screen, two young people looking at each other several miles apart had not yet seen each other. Before he could say more, he was forced to end the conversation.

Zhong Yuan put away the transmitter and exhaled a filthy breath.

He looked at the Black Mountain in the distance, and the illusion of "fragmentation" began to emerge in his mind.

That was a scene I had dreamed about more than once.

"Let's go, everyone."

The blond man held his breath and spoke in a low voice: "This time, follow me up the mountain and see what is on the other side of the mountain..."

Central control room.

After Lin Lin's spiritual connection was disconnected, his mind was quite uneasy.

All the teams had basically made a notification... Except for Zhong Yuan's team, which had been walking on the main river road and found no so-called "skeletons", the other teams were more or less aware that the creatures had been moving. Mark of!

Now, all he can do is wait!

After completing the intelligence mission of communication, Osmond looked much calmer.

He held the hot tea and said calmly: "Xiao Lin, have all the teams completed their notifications?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Lin Lin came back to his senses: "There is only one exception... That team disconnected their spiritual link in advance, and the central control room was unable to establish a communication platform with them."

Needless to say, I also know which team it is.

Osmond laughed.

There was a deep smile in his only remaining eye, and he asked with a hint of irony: "What can we do? Contacting the team leader is a big deal. Do you want to give it another try?"

Lin Lin certainly heard the irony in the commander's words.

"Your Excellency, we have tried our best."

He said calmly: "The signal from Grand Duke Zhenyue is too poor... I'm afraid this news won't reach him."

"Yes, we have tried our best, but it is really... such a pity."

Osmond took a sip of tea and sighed: "In this case, we can only wish him good luck."

Lin Lin raised the tea cup in front of his desk and clinked it with the commander in a tacit understanding.

A loud sound.

The moment the two clinked their tea cups, they couldn't help but laugh.

The reason why the Dolu River is named Dolu River is because General White Lizard saw a stone tablet at the end of the "Black River".

According to the ancient inscriptions on the stone tablet, there is such a name that "just means something".

But there are no stone monuments in Montenegro.

At least Zhong Yuan didn't see it, and neither did the White Lizard General... So Black Mountain has no name. It can only be called Black Mountain at present, but this does not mean that this mountain is an ordinary mountain.

Driven by Yuan Jia's 75% combustion efficiency, it didn't take long for Gu Shen to see the black mountain magnified dozens of times before his eyes.

A huge black shadow stretched across the sky and the earth.

It seemed as if... it had absorbed the entire world's snow. The black color covering the mountain peaks was entirely covered with gray snowflakes falling from the Iron Dome.

Snow is the cleanest and purest thing in the world.

Available here.

But it is vaguely tainted with the meaning of evil, ominous, and disaster.

Everyone in the team was mentally tense.

Yuan Yuan clearly felt that the oppressive feeling brought by this black mountain to him... was stronger than the [Maze]. His memory of the mission to the fort was wiped out, and he could no longer remember clearly the scene of his final encounter with Golden Spike Flower. , so only the early exploration memory is retained.

The danger of [Maze] is the final wrong guidance!

But [Black Mountain] is different...

Thousands of meters away, you can feel the invisible spreading "pressure", as if it were a huge plaque with clear words hanging in front of the mountain, warning visitors not to trespass easily.

It was precisely because of this majestic warning that Zhong Yuan made the move to enter this mountain alone during his last action.

But this time, it's different.

This team is going to explore the secrets of "Black Mountain"!

After approaching Montenegro.

Gu Shen's state of mind became extremely peaceful.

The pendant no longer trembles, because being too close to the danger itself and prompting it will cause the host to make wrong judgments. At this moment, the pendant, like Gu Shen, fell into absolute calmness.

Gu Shen knew that this black mountain was the lifeblood of something connected to the Dolu River!

Because the underworld fire residing in his spiritual sea just trembled!

The "lifeline source" that really affects the underworld fire is hidden behind the mountain... most likely, it is hidden at the "stone tablet" that General White Lizard saw!

Gu Shen took a deep breath.

"Everyone...please hold on to my 'blazing fire'."

He continued to fight against the Douzhan Golden Hoop, and the small wisp of blazing fire that he had squeezed out after all the hard work was now subdivided again and turned into eight extremely narrow wisps of flame. Because it was too thin and weak, it could not stand in the biting cold wind. , once flickered and disappeared, as if it would be extinguished the next moment.

Gu Shen's mind moved.

These few wisps of tiny flames were distributed into everyone's hands.

Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at Gu Shen's "Blazing Fire". Not many people know the specific function of this Dongzhou S-level genius' ability... But judging from his long-term observation and his performance at this moment, "Blazing Fire" seems to be biased towards the spiritual assistance system, and its killing power is very average, incomparable to Mu Wanqiu's "Judge" full of murderous intent.

A few seconds later, this wisp of flame stood firm in the cold wind, seemingly weak, but never extinguished.

This kind of "toughness" is really surprising.

It's just that... this spiritual flame is really too small!

Zhong Yuan silently grasped the blazing fire, and a warmth came from his palms...Looking back, he saw that the other people in the team were also the same. It seemed that due to the temperature transmitted by this wisp of flame, the cold that originally covered his body was The snow also began to melt at this moment.


Someone let out a sigh of contentment.

This voice was clearly transmitted into everyone's heart by Blazing Fire.

"This is……?"

Someone exclaimed: "Mr. Xiao Gu, can your blazing fire 'link' our spirits? Just like [The Eye of the Origin]?"


Gu Shen smiled and said nothing more.

[Blazing Fire] can do much more than [Episode of Origin]. This is not an ability of the same level... there is no comparison.

The pendant has issued an early warning.

Gu Shen was thinking about the way to enter the mountain on the way. There was an unknown "disaster" before him, and there was Zhen Yue's "hunting" behind him. He was not a fool. Even without the previous appointment, he would not have arrived at the destination. He and Zhong Yuan parted ways, and then set foot on Black Mountain alone.

These extraordinary beings are all powerful teammates...

Link it up with "blazing fire"! To ensure that everyone's spirit is stable!

At this's time to do something on your own.

"The 'Falling Snow' in the Dolu River Disaster is mentally corrosive... You should know the mental poison that swept through the 'Gubao Fortress', right?" Gu Shen said slowly: "I was the one who dealt with that disaster. , my 'blazing fire' naturally restrains these toxins. Grabbing this fire and setting foot on this mountain, no matter where I am, I can feel it in my heart and will not lose my bearings."

"The poison of the Duolu River comes from the same source as the river poison... If you can cure one, you can cure the other." Zhong Yuan said, "After entering the mountain, everyone grasped the 'flame'. This black mountain is not trivial. I don't know. At some point, we will lose our way, and by that time, I am afraid that no matter how many of us there are, we will not be able to escape the fate of being separated and lost."

The team's flight speed gradually slowed down and its altitude gradually decreased.

That powerful mental pressure continues to spread...

In the end, the Source Armor could not fly off the ground, and everyone's feet actually stepped on the snow. The black snow flakes continued to melt in the jets of the exoskeleton device, turning into sunken black puddles.

The gray dome is reflected in the black puddle.

The black river is reflected in the gray dome.

The team members stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the huge black mountain of unknown height.


The next moment, a majestic heavy snow swept across and engulfed everyone——

After the black snow dissipates.

At the foot of the mountain, it was empty again, desolate and silent.

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