Barrier of Light

Chapter 554 Returners

"Captain, how should we get out?"

One of the team members spoke in a low voice.

Everyone was silent.

In fact, don't they know... No matter how powerful the captain is, he is not a god and cannot find the exit so quickly.

The [door] mentioned before may be just a guess.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be much time left for them.

On this black snow mountain, more and more snowflakes fell, becoming denser and denser. Without Gu Shen's "Fire Link", their spirits gradually became weaker...


Zhong Yuan only paused slightly for a second, and his expression did not change much. From the beginning to the end, there was no emotion such as depression, regret, or loss...

The phoenix fire is no longer as blazing as before.

He then shrunk the lighting range of the [Phoenix Ring] and controlled the light to a radius of about ten meters, so that the seven team members would be close together and not be scattered by the wind and snow.

"Captain, if we continue like this...will it be useful?"

Yuan Yuan looked a little pale, and he silently conveyed the message from his heart.

Some words cannot be said in public, and this is the case.

If he opens his mouth, the hearts of the entire team will be shaken.

He is the vice-captain of the second team, and he is also the person who believes in Zhong Yuan the most in the world. Yuan Yuan agrees with the previous "mirror world" speculation, but if the team really enters a virtual mirror world and keeps going like this, What's the use?

It's just going in circles.

A waste of energy, a waste of energy... In the end, the Phoenix Fire will definitely go out.

At that time, everyone will usher in the ultimate "darkness".

After hearing the words, the blond man turned his head slightly. He glanced at his deputy calmly. Until this moment, his eyes remained unwavering. In the faint light of the whistling black snow, he gave Yuan Yuan an extremely firm response.

"Believe me."

So the whole team just kept trudging forward with their heads down.

Black snow filled the air.

In order to save energy and fight against this endless "journey", everyone chose to hold their breath and concentrate silently...

They trust the captain completely.

I trust the captain to lead everyone out of danger.

It's just that no one understands, what is the effect of continuing like this?

I don’t know how long it will take.

Zhong Yuan suddenly stopped.

They once again returned to the campfire, where this nightmare began.

Several team members raised their heads blankly, looked into the distance, and then looked behind them.

"Found the [door]."

After a long journey, the flames in the phoenix ring have become too weak to protect the light within ten meters...

At this moment, Zhong Yuan's words were like a life-saving straw.

"Where is the [door]?"

Yuan Yuan looked confused. All he saw were countless pieces of flying snow.

"Have you noticed? Everything here is real. It takes 2,318 steps to walk a complete cycle while maintaining equal synchronization. It is like this every time. This is not what dreams can do. .”

Zhong Yuan spoke softly.

Yuan Yuan was stunned, "You mean...this is another real world."

"Yes. It's just the same as 'reality'. If this is the real world... then it also needs the support of extraordinary source matter to operate. No matter how special it is, it must conform to the iron laws of the real world. "

Zhong Yuan suddenly smiled: "I have been thinking about how we separated from Mr. Xiao Gu. At first, I thought it was Mr. Xiao Gu who had an accident, but now it seems... it seems that we were pulled to the 'mirror surface' among.”

A team member asked in a deep voice: "Captain, do you see anything?"

"Do you remember how we got in?"

Several team members looked at each other.

Of course they remember!

The reason they entered this hellish place was because they lit a bonfire.

Then... encountering black snow!

"I think we violated the 'taboo' on this black snow mountain, so we provoked the coming of the [Gate]." Zhong Yuan said calmly: "Maybe the taboo"

"Bright?" Yuan Yuan was surprised.

The next moment he understood what the captain meant.

Zhong Yuan raised his palm and waved it gently. The flaming phoenix lingering in the air let out a high-pitched roar, dragged its remaining body, and dissipated into the air where the black snow was flying.

The light that shrouded the heads of the team was extinguished, and the phoenix feather flame withered amidst the rolling black snow.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhongyuan snapped his fingers and stirred up a ray of spirit.

He extinguished the "phoenix fire" in the stone.

The whole world instantly became dark... Originally protected by the "Phoenix Fire", everyone just felt dim. At this moment, the real eternal night fell, and the next moment, the "black snow" that fell from the top of the mountain roared past again.

The black snow mountain remains silent all year round.

There is no light all day long.

If someone really arranged this "mirror world" and set up a [door], then the best way... is to look for "light". If there is light, there will be people.

The phoenix fire is too bright.

So I was targeted directly!

Zhong Yuan stared at the darkness ahead. The scene of black snow from countless nightmares came to him. He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, there was only a gleam of golden light in his pupils!

His right hand passed across Yuan Jia's waist.


Zhong Yuan released the tough hook rope developed by the Beizhou military on his waist. The black rope was like an iron wire that froze his hands. It was fluttering in the strong wind and became a real "life-saving straw"!

"Everyone, hold on to the rope."

Now that the light has gone out.

If you want to keep the team need to use the most primitive methods.

Fortunately, those primitive methods often work well.

A series of grasping forces came from the black rope. The seemingly short blond man burst out with great power at this moment. He stepped into the snow pit, and several strands of power were blown away by the heavy snow. , passed along the rope to his waist, but could not shake the footsteps of this "thin" man in the slightest.

Zhong Yuan dragged his team members and began to climb the snow mountain. After the flames were extinguished... no one knew what was ahead.

No one knows whether the previous inference is correct.

The wind and snow were so heavy at the moment that no one even knew where they were walking.

Darkness, endless darkness!

The fear from the unknown is crushed step by step!

The figure at the front, which was moving forward despite the wind and snow, stood out as a faint outline in the darkness. The team members quickly recovered. They grasped the long rope, gathered their strength, and climbed together.

Of course, Zhong Yuan is not the only one who is calculating this team.

The previous "cycles", step distance, time, direction... these data were calculated silently by everyone. Not long after, one of the team members exclaimed in the black snow.

"It worked...we really left that ghost place!"

Darkness floods the mountaintops.

At this moment, all everyone can do is actually climb, which is no different from the mirror world before... It's just that after walking for so long, everyone has never seen the previous "stone barrier" again.

"I sensed Mr. Gu's 'Fire Link'... He's not far away?!"

Yuan Yuan also spoke in surprise.

The link that had been disconnected for a long time seemed to have a tendency to be reconnected. There was a vague signal guiding it across a very long distance!

He looked up.

If my guess is correct, Gu Shen... is right in front!

Right at the top of the mountain!

Several team members couldn't help but look surprised, except for one person at this moment.

The blond man who was walking at the front of the team, pulling the seven team members with a rope, had a solemn look on his face, even more solemn than before in the "Mirror World"...

His mental powers are the sharpest.

Therefore, he sees the most!


Zhong Yuan whispered, "It's not just Gu Shen."

Yuan Yuan was the first to react: "There is someone else on the top of the mountain... Meng Xiao?!"

There was a thud in his heart.

Along the way, Duke Zhenyue's team had been following his group. He didn't take it to heart until he climbed the mountain... Because if his group didn't scatter, even if Meng Xiao caught up, he wouldn't need to fear!

Do it, just one word!

The captain has long been unhappy with Meng Xiao, and so is he!

"No...that's not right..."

Yuan Yuan suddenly realized what was unreasonable. If the taboo in this black snow mountain was light, then Mr. Xiao Gu's "flame" should also provoke the [door] to come.


How could those guys from Guangming City advance in the dark?

"I know what you want to say."

Zhong Yuan was silent for a second and said calmly: "This seems very unreasonable...'Fire' was also used. Why were we pulled into the mirror, but they were not?"

Yuan Yuan nodded seriously.

"I can think of only one explanation..." The blond man sighed, "Their 'fire' is much more powerful than the Phoenix Fire. The darkness wants to devour the light, but it is also a coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong. If it must If we have to choose someone to attack, Jingmeng should have no choice but to choose us.”

Yuan Yuan was speechless.

It is reasonable to use this answer to explain Zhenyue. After all, Meng Xiao comes from Guangming City. He carries the "blessing of the God's Throne" on his body. The power of God is too powerful.

If Meng Xiao desperately used all of them, he might be able to light up the entire black snow mountain top!

But... why should Gu Shen?

Is his "S-level ability" really that powerful?

Why have they been together for so long... Yuan Yuan always felt that Gu Shen's Blazing Fire was weak? must be my own imagination.

Vice Captain Yuan shook his head helplessly.

The group of people climbed to the top of the mountain... but in the darkness, they saw a sad scene again. Before they reached the top of the mountain, a few people smelled a smell of blood.

"There was a fight here?"

One of the team members knelt down and looked at a broken face, feeling that it looked inexplicably familiar.

After staring for a while.

He recognized the owner of this face...

It's me!

The blood on the snow was still warm and had not dried up. The head seemed to have been cut off by an extremely sharp iron tool. This scene was really scary.

Anyone who suddenly sees his own head will be startled.

"team leader!!!"

The team member felt his scalp was numb, could not control his emotions, and let out a low howl.

Zhong Yuan has rich experience.

When he sensed that there was excess breath, he released the domain and controlled the surrounding wind and grass... The voice of this team member was all intercepted in the domain.

Yuan Yuan frowned: "What's wrong? I'm so scared!"

The team member's voice was hoarse: "It's a corpse..."

Yuan Yuan said: "There are corpses here."

in the dark.

Zhong Yuan spoke for the shocked team member. He said calmly: "It's our bodies."


Because the light source was extinguished, everyone could barely see the scene at the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Logically speaking, if the light source goes out, normal people can quickly adapt to the darkness... But this black snow mountain is different. There are constantly heavy snow, heavy fog, and strong wind blowing. Under the interference of these phenomena, it makes people feel as if There was constant ink drifting from out of sight.

I smelled blood early on.

Finding these bodies is nothing.

"What is going on?" Another team member also exclaimed with a trembling voice: "My head was chopped off?!"

He couldn't help but touch his neck.

They had just come out of the "Mirror Dream". Although under the leadership of Zhong Yuan, this nightmare was successfully solved, several people were still left with psychological shadows. They suddenly had the illusion that they were still in the mirror world. .

Seeing this broken body, it seems that this is the real person.

"Don't worry, you are alive and well."

Zhong Yuan said quietly, "Do you still remember what I said at the beginning?"

"The real person has entered the mirror...the dummy has come to reality." Yuan Yuan murmured: "This is our 'copy'...made by this black snow mountain, the fake us."

After saying these words, everyone felt a chill running down their spines.


What would happen if these "replicas" walked out of the snowy mountains?

"They were killed by Gu Shen." Zhong Yuan looked around and said, "The strength of these clones... doesn't seem to be that strong, otherwise he wouldn't have fought so easily."

The reason for saying this.

It's because...he also saw his own body.

On the snow, a blond corpse with "thousands of knives pierced through the heart" lay on its back, exuding the charred smell of being severely burned.

Zhong Yuan stared for a moment and roughly simulated the scene of his clone fighting Gu Shen in his mind.

"My 'Phoenix Fire' has been copied, but the ability is not..."

The last version of himself should have been pierced through the body by Gu Shen using his mental power to control the iron sharp edge, and finally ignited.

this is a good news.

If Heixueshan could unscrupulously copy the power of the "extraordinary", then Gu Shen would not be able to deal with it on his own.

It's just that... the scales in this world are fair.

Even God cannot create such a "weird place".

"A total of eight..."

Yuan Yuan whispered: "The quantity is no problem, it's just right!"

Gu Shen... is so powerful in combat!

When examining the corpse, he took a closer look and found that the extraordinary aura contained in these dead copies was not that weak!

One against eight, including copies of himself and the captain!

"No, it's nine..."

Zhong Yuan slowly came to the corner of a broken boulder on the top of the mountain. It was pitch black... different from the darkness that comes with the Black Snow Mountain. This was the "darkness" after being completely burned.

It seemed as if a strong holy light had burned here.

"Is this the aura of Guangming City?"

"Yes." Zhong Yuan calmly reasoned, "In that battle... the clones Gu Shen faced were not just us. The corpse that once existed here was the ninth clone, himself. In the end, these clones were killed by him Kill them all. Then a second battle broke out soon, and I guess it was the team led by Zhen Yue that caught up."

In the darkness, the remaining aura of the City of Light is indeed conspicuous.

Black snowflakes were flying and falling on the top of the mountain. At this moment, there was a faint beam of light, still shrouded in the sky, reflecting the black snow in that area brighter than other places.

"These guys finally took action."

The most ominous thought in Yuan Yuan's heart actually happened.

"Gu Shen escaped." Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Zhen Yue's men went after him, but he stayed here alone... He deliberately destroyed Gu Shen's body? Why is this?"

This destroyed corpse had been burned by the divine light of Guangming City.

The information in this trace is more important than all other places combined!

Since the last contact, Zhong Yuan had suspected that the Grand Duke Meng Xiao of Zhenyue had some strange sealed object that could peek into the fate of others... Was the destruction of Gu Shen's body this time related to that sealed object?

Compared to Meng Xiao's secret.

In fact, Zhong Yuan was more curious about Gu Shen's secret... This young man, whose strength seemed to be only at the seventh level, was actually much more powerful than he imagined. The return of the maze mission was enough to prove this.

But he really didn't expect that Gu Shen could break free from Meng Xiao's hands after getting rid of these clones!

However, it is reasonable.

After all, this is someone sent by the Queen...

Not long after, Zhong Yuan's thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Mr. Xiao Gu is in danger..."

Yuan Yuan became nervous, grasped the sword at his waist, gritted his teeth and said: "Captain, we should chase him immediately, we should be able to catch up."

Zhong Yuan stood on the top of the snow mountain.

He calmly looked at the bottom of the mountain, but did not even give the order to go down the mountain. Instead, he shook his head and said: "Don't chase, hurry up and prepare to return."

Yuan Yuan and everyone: "???"

No one expected that the captain would make such a choice!

"Return!? This order...are you serious?!"

Yuan Yuan's eyes widened. This was the first time he contradicted the captain, "Are you worried that we can't catch up? We have all been spiritually linked to Gu Shen and can sense the location of the 'blazing fire' in our hearts... …Not long ago, we were extremely close. Even if we are pulled away again now and we catch up again, it won’t take long!”

Although the other team members did not speak like Yuan Yuan, they also held the sword.

It can be seen that they are ready to fight.

Along the way, Mr. Xiao Gu didn't say much, but after entering the dangerous place, the ray of fire he gave them saved them a lot of energy and also gave them a lot of mental help... They all remembered this kindness. From the bottom of my heart!

The most important thing is that the iron rule of the Beizhou mission is that colleagues are strictly prohibited from fighting!

The shards of light on the top of the black snow mountain and the remaining traces of the battle are enough to prove that Meng Xiao took action against Gu Shen... What they hate most is such a vicious person who attacks his comrades behind their backs!

Facing Yuan Yuan's question, Zhong Yuan just answered calmly.

"In absolute darkness, can you see the way down the mountain?"

"Can you confirm that [door] will only appear once?"

"The most important thing is...even if we catch up, do you think our team can save Gu Shen?"

Yuan Yuan was stunned.

He did not consider these issues, not because he was reckless, but because the situation was urgent and there was no time to consider.

In absolute darkness, if there is still a "link", then the search for people will be much simpler... But now that the distance has widened again, the entire team needs to be pulled by the captain to move forward. If they want to survive in the vast darkness Finding Mr. Xiao Gu among them is really like "finding a needle in a haystack".

As for the [Gate]... Yuan Yuan recalled the scene when it was triggered previously.

Heixue came, and it was clear that Gu Shen had also violated a taboo!

But the [Gate] only detained them. Although I don’t know why, if they were swept away together by the [Gate] again, it would be really bad. The spirit and physical strength of the entire team had begun to weaken.

Under such an environment, if there is an encounter with Archduke Zhenyue, even if the captain is still at his peak and can resist the powerful blessing of the God of Light, his team members will probably be crushed by Meng Xiao's team. The drag of being captain.

"I got you."

Zhong Yuan whispered: "Gu Shen is being chased by Zhen Yue at the moment. The situation is critical. If we don't save him, we will be violating our conscience... But if you think about it carefully, isn't the battle that just broke out on the top of the mountain not dangerous? That is The nine copies that came out of the mirror dream."

Judging from the traces of battle.

Everything happens quickly and ends quickly.

Less than ten minutes.

These copies were all eliminated by Gu Shen!

"You should have sensed the blazing link just now... This guy's aura is extremely stable, and he was able to deal with these clones without even the slightest injury." Zhong Yuan said lightly: "His strength is far stronger than you think. Instead of worrying about him, worry about yourself.”

"If everyone's physical strength and spirit were at their peak, I would have ordered the charge at this moment, but now you will only become a burden in the battle."

Zhong Yuan's words showed no mercy to his team members.

But like a basin of cold water, Yuan Yuan was sober.

" are right."

Yuan Yuan said in a hoarse voice: "But Mr. Gu saved our lives outside the Great Wall... I really can't just leave and sit back and do nothing."

Zhong Yuan frowned: "Sit back and do nothing. Who told you that if we just leave, we will just sit back and do nothing?"

Yuan Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"The iron law of Beizhou is that when you are on a mission, comrades trust each other with their lives and must not stab each other in the back." Zhong Yuan's voice was colder than the black snow flying at the moment: "Zhenyue Grand Duke Meng Xiao, disobeying the iron law is a crime. Forgive...we will return to our base and inform all of our comrades about this news so that we can kill this beast together. If you and I fall on this snowy mountain, how can we take this news back with us?"

"But at that time...Mr. Xiao Gu had already..."

Yuan Yuan's anxious voice was interrupted by Zhong Yuan waving his hand.

He said meaningfully: "You should know... Gu Shen is a 'privileged person' invited by Her Majesty the Queen to come here to participate in the mission."

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