Barrier of Light

Chapter 575 Crash into darkness

a year ago.

The apostles of Dionysus and Sky God appeared in Dadu and were unstoppable.

At that time, the entire Dongzhou urgently needed an [Apostle] to appear... to prove that Mr. Gu Changzhi was not dead.

If it had not been for the last moment, when Gu Nanfeng took the token of the God of Light and arrived at the battlefield in the metropolitan area in time, I don’t know what the outcome of the battle of the apostles would have been. The decision on the Awakening Act and the issue of Gu Changzhi’s life and death might also have happened. Ushering in new changes.

But think about it afterwards.

That sacred token that "saved Dadu's life" came at an unreasonable time.

How Gu Nanfeng got there is still a mystery. Even if he is as close as Luo Yu, he has no idea how he did it.

But now.

Bits and pieces of information come together.

The answer vaguely emerged in Gu Shen's mind——

Gu Nanfeng left the Beizhou military as "CN021" and went to Xizhou Guangming City. To get the bright token, he had three key helpers.

First, he is the young head of the Gu family, and Mr. Gu Changzhi was once the most beloved and respected disciple of the God of Light.

Secondly, he had a close friendship with Meng Xizhou, and the matter of "repented marriage" had not been exposed at that time. After Gu Nanfeng returned to Dongzhou, he kept silent about his trip to Xizhou, presumably because he did not want to cause trouble to the goddess Meng. . But it is obvious that being able to enter Guangming City, see the God's throne, and obtain the token must be due to Meng Xizhou's contribution.

The third and most important point is.

The [Apostle] selected for this token is in line with the wishes of the God of Light.

In other words.

Even if Gu Nanfeng didn't go to Xizhou in person, Song Ci would be the best choice for a keepsake.

the reason is simple.

Song Ci is an extremely rare, one-in-a-million "immortal" among the group of extraordinary beings.

When he first combined with the light token, the power he unleashed was already quite shocking. Just the first time he touched it, he was perfectly integrated with the divine power of light... It is not so much the power of the light throne that is so powerful as his The pedigree is too good.

Each divine throne and each fire type has its own characteristics.

Although the throne of God can bestow divine power at will.

But... if you can find the extraordinary person who best suits your fire, the divine power given to you can also be "used" to the greatest extent!

Song Ci, the immortal, is the "Chosen One" that Guangming City has been looking for!

So...after guessing this.

Meng Xiao's real trump card has come to light.

"The God of Light seems to like the 'immortal' very much..."

Gu Shen looked at Duke Zhenyue, who was bursting with flames, and said softly, "Yes, who wouldn't like such an excellent 'Chosen Bloodline'? As long as there is a trace of vitality left in the body, it can continue to burn, stimulate the potential again, and renew stand up."

The immortals, chosen by heaven, receive the gift of light and can burn like the sun.

Meng Xiao narrowed his eyes.

He neither denied nor admitted...he just stretched out a palm and gently covered the bloody hole in his chest. The blazing light burned the flesh and made a hissing sound. If it had been anyone else, this would have happened. A piece of flesh and blood has been roasted.

But for him.

My heart felt warm.

This fatal high temperature actually saved his life... The chest pierced by the iron arrow slowly stopped bleeding under the warmth of the light, but the pain did not go away. This is the biggest weakness of the [Immortal], all The injuries are real and all the pain is impossible to avoid.

Every time I stand up, it means... bearing huge pain.

In the world of extraordinary beings, there is an absolutely fair scale.

As an [Immortal], you must shoulder greater responsibilities and pay a greater price.

And at this moment.

These pains are nothing.

Meng Xiao spoke with a smile and said: "That's very good...but at this time, what's the use of saying this again?"

Only the power of two arrows.

The two arrows... have been used up.

Now Gu Shen's hands were trembling terribly. Even if he was given another hour, he probably wouldn't be able to recover... The "maintenance" of the dragon-scaled bow seemed to require a lot of energy as a price.

Meng Xiao could tell.

Today, Gu Shen is completely exhausted, because he cannot even maintain the basic form of the dragon-scale bow... Pieces of dragon scales are swept by the undercurrent of the Styx River. Then, it dispersed, and this extremely intimidating divine bow disappeared into thin air, turning into wisps of silver light that glanced back into the cuffs of He Shen's black robe.

"It's really useless."

Gu Shen also smiled. He showed his cards and said, "If you think about it carefully, you are really difficult to kill..."

The blessing of light, the moon-suppressing robe, the fourth level of deep water area, the absolute defense ability [Hazy Moon], plus... the bloodline of the undead.

Since I started practicing extraordinary practice.

Gu Shen has never faced such a powerful opponent directly. In his several confrontations with "Xiao", although the latter was highly advanced, he only used the art of clones to mediate with him... And this time, there was no conspiracy or anything at all. negotiation.

Meng Xiao would not keep even a minute or a second to himself, let alone an hour.

Although there is currently a confrontation.

But from the moment the iron arrow penetrated the chest and the [Immortal] was still alive, the winner was decided.

The arrow just used up all Gu Shen's strength, but fortunately, it also caused serious damage to Meng Xiao... He couldn't move at the moment, and he had to wait for the injury on his chest to heal before he could take action.

When Gu Shen was at his most desperate, the voice of a certain audience member rang out in his mind.


The voice is magnetic and playful.

These three simple words are the devil's mockery of fate... Some people have worked very hard, but their fate is destined to be this way.

Gu Shen was silent for a while, then he raised his head and looked at the dark River Styx.

At this moment, he was standing at the bottom of the river, stepping on the dry rocks, and suddenly realized that this Styx River... was really damn black, with no end visible at a glance, like the devil in the ruler.


This voice has never been so tempting...

Just nod to yourself or say a nice word.

The guy in the ruler should be ready to stand up from the throne. Gu Shen didn't know what would happen next... but he guessed that there was a high probability that the devil would take over his body and then cleanly kill this incompetent person. The blessed son of light in this life was torn into pieces.

What Hazy Moon, what fourth level, what undead bloodline?

Crush them all, break their bones and scatter them into ashes!

The bottom of the Styx River is a good place for killing people and dismembering their bodies and burying their bones in ecstasy.

If Meng Xiao is destroyed here, even if the God of Light comes to the Dolu River in the future, not even a hair will be found.


There was another voice in my mind, telling myself.

【"Don't trade."】

He was unwilling to give in.

Because after killing Meng Xiao, he was the one who had to bear the price... Gu Shen was not afraid of Guangming City's pursuit, but he was afraid that he would follow the same path of Pluto and collude with the devil in the ruler.

The number of times I fell into the abyss was zero or countless.

Just when he was struggling and painfully entangled between a desperate situation and another desperate situation.

The Devil extended his invitation a second time: "Deal?"

Only this time, its voice didn't sound as calm as before.

Gu Shen keenly captured the mental fluctuations in this voice.

He was slightly startled.

How is this going?

Could it be that... something happened?

At the same moment, the cross pendant in Gu Shen's hand conveyed a vibrating thought with a clear direction. The faint spiritual glow guided him in a certain direction that he had gone to before...

That is the gathering place of Pluto’s spiritual toxins!

Because of Meng Xiao's pursuit, Gu Shen changed his route. At this moment, he was still some distance away from the original "end point"... But he knew very well that the guidance given by the cross pendant meant that that place was in a desperate situation. The only way to resolve the crisis.

Before Gu Shen could think about it.

"Rumble, rumble—"

A low and terrifying roar erupted from the entire bottom of the Styx.

The previously dead and calm river bottom erupted into a terrifying wave of rage at this moment.

Undercurrents surged and crisscrossed instantly.

This scene caught both Gu Shen and Meng Xiao unexpectedly.

The two Chosen Ones, who held the "Divination Artifact" and could predict part of the future in advance, were both briefly shocked and surprised at this moment... But Gu Shen reacted faster, almost as if the undercurrent of the Styx was rising. In an instant, he rushed towards the direction pointed by the pendant!

At this moment, he didn't care whether the "spiritual poison" was exposed or not.

In a desperate situation, if he doesn't want to make a deal with the devil, he must hold on to this last life-saving straw.

The river water surged instantly.

Countless undertows hit the river bed, breaking the dead rocks into sharp stone fragments and splashing in the undertow.

Exhausted, Gu Shen increased his speed to the extreme and could no longer care about it. Four or five bloody wounds were made on his cheek in an instant... However, the healing power of "Underworld Fire" was extremely strong, and these small wounds healed instantly. The deadliest "river poison" is instantly resolved by the Pure Land the moment it invades the blood.

Meng Xiao looked ugly. His reaction was a little slow, but he started immediately.

Because of this sudden change.

This caused the battle that he had already won to cause trouble...

At this moment, I can no longer take a breath.

Gu Shen tried his best to escape, and he also tried his best to catch up.

However, Meng Xiao did not have the blessing of "Dark Fire". He was seriously injured and had to be careful of "River Poison". As a result, he was unable to reach the maximum speed for a while and could only barely follow Gu Shen.

In the darkness, two figures were chasing each other, maintaining the maximum distance that the naked eye could see.

Gu Shen's physical strength was almost reaching its limit.

What kept him from falling at this moment was just the strong will in his mind.

In the ruler space, the devil sitting on the throne saw that the deal he was about to reach was ruined in an instant, and finally lost his temper.

It was far less calm and composed than before. It cursed in a low voice and vented its anger: "Madman! Madman! Are you really a madman? Doing a transaction with me will cost you your life?!"

It really doesn't understand.

Why didn't Gu Shen choose to trade with himself when he was running out of gas?

Could it be that making a deal with yourself is more terrifying than death?


Gu Shen didn't have the strength to deal with the devil.

At this moment, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the "spiritual light" in the river.

Previous transactions remain in effect.

The devil must always provide him with the location that can remove toxins from the river bottom... At this moment, this deal saved Gu Shen's life, because his mental and physical strength were nearly exhausted, and he only had his last breath left.

Maybe it's because my body is close to its limit.

Even the fluctuations of thoughts transmitted by the pendant become very blurry after being transmitted to the spiritual sea.

Gu Shen could only rely on his eyes to stare at the guiding light given by the devil.

That is your final "destination".

It is impossible for this boundless river to riot for no reason.

Gu Shen could only pray silently in his heart. The riot in the river was due to some unknown reason, which caused a certain [door] to suddenly appear at the bottom of the Styx...

In the world of the supernatural, prayer is effective.

Because the throne of God will hear it.

But in Gu Shen's world, prayer is not that useful, because he himself is the "God Seat".

But sometimes, destiny is wonderful and there are traces to follow.

This is the River Styx.

If Gu Shen hopes that there will be a [door] here... then there is a high probability that there will be one here.

Because he is Hades.

Moving forward with these angry currents, Gu Shen suddenly felt a huge suction force, and he finally saw the location of the light spot.

A dark, broken [Door] stood at the bottom of the Styx, like a black hole, endlessly sucking in countless black river water.

Meng Xiao, who was pursuing from behind, suddenly became gloomy.

Why did a [door] suddenly appear in this ghost place? !

Gu Shen's luck is also much better!

Meng Xiao felt a vague sense of ominousness in his heart.

The closer we get to this door [Gate], the more turbulent the rolling and broken black water becomes.

It seems to be roaring, roaring, demonstrating and warning the "creatures" that sneak into the river.

But in Gu Shen's feeling, the closer to the light, the gentler the water flow becomes.

Is this a welcome home?

The devil's voice sounded again. He restrained his anger and spoke very seriously: "Gu me, don't go in. Behind the [door] is disaster."

"..." Gu Shen remained unmoved.

The devil warned in a low voice: "I can swear that what I just said is true. You have run out of gas, so why bother to enter the [door]? The thing behind the [door] may be more terrifying than Meng Xiao. A much more terrifying existence... Believe me, now is the best opportunity for you and me to make a deal. As long as you nod and give up your body, within ten minutes, I will immediately help you kill this blessed child."

As soon as this statement came out.

Gu Shen was completely silent.

However, the speed at which he rushed towards the [door] did not slow down at all, because his spirit had reached its limit, and his body had no more strength... but the will in his heart remained unshaken.

Danger behind the [door]?

Of course he was afraid, it was an unknown world.

It's just...the more the devil emphasized, the safer he felt.

The dark figure on the throne had a gloomy expression.

It is anxiously awaiting a reply.

At this moment, Gu Shen actually refused to enter the ruler space, not even giving him a chance to delay time and mediate with himself.

Seeing that [door] getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer.

Gu Shen didn't hesitate at all.

He ran straight into the unknown darkness.

And all that was left for the devil was still those cold words.

"Sorry, I refuse the deal."

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