Barrier of Light

Chapter 577 Thousands of [Doors]

Perhaps because he was too mentally exhausted, he accidentally said the word Styx.

But Gu Shen was not panicked.

His expression remained unchanged, he looked at the long knife held in Mu Wanqiu's hand, and laughed softly: "This trick is of no use to me. I know... you won't use the knife."

Mu Wanqiu said coldly: "Do you think you know me well?"

"Of course not."

Gu Shen shook his head.

Although his mental strength has recovered somewhat, his voice still sounds a little weak: "But I know... You are different from those in the Beizhou military. If it were another captain, I would not dare to say this."

Mu Wanqiu was slightly startled.

"The fact that we met here shows a lot of things... I don't believe that your appearance here is an accident or coincidence." Gu Shen said slowly: "Is there anything that can make you, the first team of the Investigation Corps An S-class ace who is willing to take responsibility for violating discipline and act privately? I think you know exactly what kind of place this is, even if I don't tell you."

When I just made a slip of the tongue.

Mu Wanqiu's face did not show shock or astonishment, but suddenly became solemn.

Obviously...she already knows the secrets related to the Styx.

But what Gu Shen was curious about was how she obtained this information?


An idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

Gu Shen remembered that before the restart mission, he had visited Mu Wanqiu, but that time he was turned away... The reason why he went to visit at that time was to try his best to peep into the dream in advance. Collect as much information as possible about the Dolu River disaster.

it is a pity.

Mu Wanqiu refused to let anyone enter his dream.

Now that I think about it, the reason why she did this is obvious.

Her dream was different from Zhong Yuan's.

Not a mirror dream.

But...a dream related to the "River Styx".

And her ability happens to be called [Judge], which is very similar to the netherworld temperament of Duoluhe, and it is very likely that she has some kind of predestined connection with Styx.

Therefore, this forbidden dream about the River Styx must naturally be kept secret from everyone.

Even captain Lu Zhe is no exception!

Thinking of this, Gu Shen smiled and asked, "So, you dreamed about it through the [Judge]?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Mu Wanqiu's pretty face suddenly turned cold, and a hint of anger appeared in her eyes.


That sword actually came out of its sheath!

After being pushed out just an inch, a dense thunder exploded!

The stone wall beside Gu Shen's cheek suddenly shattered!

He raised his hands, smiled helplessly, indicating that he surrendered, and shut up obediently.

All right.

Although he wanted to get Mu Wanqiu's answer... but the knife he just struck was already an answer.

Being annoyed and angry belongs to yes.

Mu Wanqiu slowly sheathed the knife and said coldly: "Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

This guy has a pretty good brain.

It's just that his words were really unpleasant, no wonder he was chased by Zhenyue.

Gu Shen accepted the offer and smiled quickly: "I understand. You are the biggest now."

He was seriously injured.

It was all because of Mu Wanqiu's rescue that he survived... The rest of the way, before he could recover, he still had to rely on Mu Wanqiu to put in more effort.

This girl is very powerful and her fighting style is tough and ruthless, but she still lacks some skills when it comes to socializing with others.

Regarding her coming to the River Styx, Gu Shen felt that there was no need to ask more questions at the moment. It would not take long before she would gradually know.

It is worth noting.

The moment Mu Wanqiu took action, Gu Shen released the blazing fire. They were both S-level and transcended two realms. His and Mu Wanqiu's spiritual level was actually on par with each other.

Therefore, Gu Shen predicted immediately that Mu Wanqiu's sword attack was just a warning, so he did not dodge.

But what surprised him was that even the blazing fire couldn't capture the complete ghost of the [Judge]... It can be seen that this guy's speed is so fast that it is simply unbelievable!

Beizhou military intelligence showed that [Judge] has a spiritual ability, but the induction I just had seemed to have another mystery!

[Judge]'s close combat ability is probably not inferior to that of the power attack system!

That's a good thing, though.

Now that I am walking with Mu Wanqiu, I am afraid that the odds are against me in such a ghost place... The stronger Mu Wanqiu is, the safer I am.

ten minutes later.

Gu Shen's injury improved a lot and he was able to walk slowly.

"It seems that Meng Xiao didn't catch up."

Mu Wanqiu folded his arms and leaned against the stone wall, looking in the direction he came from. The maze was actually not big. Although it was winding and winding, there was only one corridor after all, so even the slightest sound would be clearly captured.

"No...not necessarily."

Gu Shen already knew what happened previously.

He rubbed his chin and murmured: "Although you repaired the stone wall at the last moment, the stone wall does not necessarily mean the [door]... The [door] at the bottom of the Styx River may not be closed at the same time. Based on my hunch, Meng Xiao It is possible that he crashed into the [door] at the last moment."


Mu Wanqiu frowned slightly when he heard the word premonition.

Although spiritual extraordinary people are born with keen perceptions, at critical moments, extraordinary people who are superstitious about this kind of perception... often die miserably.

"Yes, a premonition. My premonition can be used as a clear guide to destiny."

Gu Shen's expression did not change and he said seriously: "If you read more and read newspapers, you should know... I am a divination disciple of Master Qianye."

When he said this, he touched his pendant through his clothes.

The title of Divination Disciple is really useful.


Mu Wanqiu was unusually silent. Although the extraordinary men of the Beizhou Legion did not pay much attention to information from other continents, they still needed to know something about the "famous figures" in the world.

The fortune teller of the Qingzhong Cemetery and the prophet of the Tower of Origin are both familiar characters to the extraordinary people of the Five Continents.

"Are you sure? Is this an application of divination?" Mu Wanqiu glanced at Gu Shen suspiciously. Her intuition told her that what this guy said seemed not quite right, so she slowly tapped her chest with her long fingertips. Hitting the hilt of the knife, he asked again.


Gu Shen nodded again.

The reason why he is so sure.

It's because of [the protection of the Goddess of Destiny] that the familiar sense of crisis has not dissipated.

Meng Xiao must have followed...but due to rules, he was not in the same maze.

This is an important message.

When the Styx Gate opens, the place it leads to is by no means just such a small area. The labyrinth that he and Mu Wanqiu are currently in is probably only a small part of the "Styx Ruins".

"Believe me... Meng Xiao's situation should be similar to ours. He must have come 'here' too."

Gu Shen looked at the surrounding environment.

This was his first time to truly observe the maze in detail.

He had seen it before. The stone wall was covered with ancient inscriptions, but Gu Shen was more self-aware than Mu Wanqiu... After studying ancient inscriptions in the cemetery for a year, he knew the characteristics of these things very well.

Without a teacher, without spiritual teaching.

If you don't understand it at first sight, you will never understand it.

Reading any further is just a waste of time.

"Since you are a disciple of Master Qianye... what about these ancient texts?" Mu Wanqiu saw that Gu Shen was taking it seriously. During this period, he also touched the stone wall with his fingers and tapped it, feeling some hope in his heart.

But the next moment, she was poured cold water on her head.

"Don't think too much, I can't understand this thing."

Gu Shen glanced back at Mu Wanqiu and asked with a smile: "You don't try to 'decode' these ancient texts when you see them, do you?"

Mu Wanqiu fell silent.

"Since you can't understand, what's the use of beating it up?" She said angrily: "It's just a mystery..."

"It's not completely useless."

Gu Shen pressed the stone wall with his fingertips and walked along the corridor for a short distance. He said seriously: "Didn't you notice when you took out the knife just now? This so-called 'maze' is not sleepy at all." Living there?"

When Mu Wanqiu heard this, he was slightly startled.

It really is……

He just hit the stone wall with a random knife and broke it into pieces!

Although I don't know who the owner of this ancient ruins is and what his intentions are, it is obvious that these stone walls cannot trap him... so there is a high probability that they will not be able to trap those truly powerful extraordinary beings.

"Even a third-level transcendent should be able to cause damage to the stone wall..." Gu Shen Youyou said: "Although they can't chop as much as you with one strike, they are really trapped here and want to find an exit... as long as If you aim at a certain place, you can always create a hole."

"That's right."

Mu Wanqiu was also a little confused, "Then what is the significance of building these stone walls?"

Gu Shen paused.

Yes...this is really weird.

"I have heard that 'ancient texts' can only express unspeakable qualities, but also have other functions." Mu Wanqiu added: "A large number of ancient texts combined together can emit incredible power. These stone walls, as a Doesn’t the carrier of ‘ancient literature’ have any special power?”

Mu Wanqiu's words inspired Gu Shen.

He was enlightened and murmured: "You are right... ancient writing must have unique characteristics and special power. These stone walls are carriers, so easy to destroy, there must be rules. Every stone wall here, every point , can all be [doors]."

This maze seems to have no exit, but in fact, every place can be an exit.

As long as the wall is broken, there will be a [door]!

"It's just that the corresponding rules behind these [doors] are different because of the different ancient inscriptions!"

Mu Wanqiu frowned nicely: "You mean, if you chop the wrong [door], you won't be able to get out?"

"'s probably more serious than that."

Gu Shen raised a finger and said in a deep voice: "Behind some [doors] is 'life', and behind some [doors]... is probably 'death'!!"

Mu Wanqiu was silent for a moment.

There was cold sweat oozing out from behind her.

If Gu Shen's speculation is true...

Then her previous behavior of casually smashing a stone wall was gambling with her life!

Once you step into the wrong [door], wouldn't you be dead?

Thinking back to his Feng Qingyun Dan's sword blow, Mu Wanqiu couldn't help but feel a little scared. When he chopped the stone wall, he really didn't think so much...

"Come...point here and draw the knife."

Gu Shen slowly took a step back.

He touched a stone wall covered with ancient texts and seemed to understand something.

Mu Wanqiu held the handle of the knife.


She took a deep breath. After realizing the terrifying rules of the maze wall, she felt that her psychological pressure suddenly increased.

Gu Shen nodded: "Don't hesitate, use your knife and chop it into pieces."


The moment the knife was drawn out, Mu Wanqiu's pupils bloomed with a bright snow-white light.

The huge ghost figure of [Judge] struck instantly, almost overlapping with her palm, and an ordinary sword exploded with unprecedented lethality... With just one strike, the stone wall was chopped into pieces!

Stone chips are flying everywhere!

The [Door] appeared, but along with it, there was a dark chaotic turbulence!

"Is this... a raw door?"

Mu Wanqiu's pupils shrank slightly. Her mental sensing seemed to be ineffective here, unable to provide any warning. There seemed to be only an eternal emptiness and darkness behind the [door], and she could not sense anything.

She didn't know what she would encounter after stepping into that [door].

When Mu Wanqiu turned her attention to Gu Shen, she found that the latter just shook his head and said calmly: "Fill it back."

The [Judge] takes action again.

Rumble, rumble——

The flying stone fragments were stuffed back into the stone wall by the huge ghost!

After a few seconds, the stone wall was as smooth as new.

"What...are we doing?" Mu Wanqiu couldn't understand what Gu Shen had just done.

"Two very important messages."

Gu Shen approached the stone wall again, looked at it for a long time, and then stretched out two fingers.

"First, our guess is correct. This maze has countless exits... Every stone wall carved with ancient inscriptions will reveal a passage after it is broken. Theoretically, we can find countless [doors] through which To countless destinations.”


Gu Shen paused for a moment.

He looked solemn and said softly: "These ancient texts are 'changing'."

"What did you say?"

Mu Wanqiu couldn't believe it.

Ancient texts cannot be memorized. Did Gu Shen memorize the ancient texts that were just shattered?

Is this...impossible?

"Income from divination." Gu Shen's explanation is still simple. In fact, the principle is not difficult. The protection of the goddess of fate is indeed a kind of divination in a sense. After the experiment just now, the pendant's spiritual induction on the stone wall has produced Change.

This also means that if it is broken again, the [door] that appears will be different from the one just now!

Then, there is only one possibility...

"After it was shattered, the ancient writings on the wall changed again."

Gu Shen said calmly: "Perhaps this is why Zhenyue did not catch up. Every crushing of this maze means that the [door] will appear, and every healing means the disappearance of the [door] , as well as changes in ancient texts. Even if you don’t use [Judge], these stone walls will slowly return to their original positions over time."

"Through these two pieces of information, we can speculate further."

Gu Shen stood up and said, "Good news, these ancient texts that we can't understand must have special meaning. There must be some 'exit' that connects them to the correct end point."

"Is this good news?" Mu Wanqiu rubbed his eyebrows.

"Of course, but we have another piece of good news."

Gu Shen said calmly: "If Meng Xiao really catches up to the [Gate] and is unlucky, there is a high probability that he will be transported to an environment that is more severe and cold than the maze."

(PS: Update notice, after tomorrow, updates will begin in November.)

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