Barrier of Light

Chapter 596 Cremation (Third update)

"You want to kill me?!"

"Why do you kill me!!"

Meng Xiao's hysterical voice stopped suddenly.

Because this sharp knife containing the fourth-level realm had already cut off his head.

At this moment, his eyes were still a little dazed.

[Hazy Moon], robe, blessing... With these three blessings, his physical body is almost invincible in the same realm. Except for a few monsters with abnormal offensive capabilities, it is impossible for others to break it. Defend.


Gu Shen did it.

A third-level transcendent cut off his head with a single blow.

Meng Xiao couldn't understand all this. He had been hiding in the darkness and saw the battle where the statue was knocked down. He had all the information and intelligence at his fingertips. The reason why he dared to fight Gu Shen was because he didn't Fear of the so-called "three realms of extraordinary beings".

So what if we cross three realms?

I am truly on the tenth level of the deep sea!

But that light and fluttering knife...

But how could that light knife be so sharp?

The River Styx breaks.

At the last moment, he grabbed Gu Shen and smashed the entrance of the Hades Palace together. Countless extraordinary sources rioted in the void, and the door was washed away by the rolling black water.

Gu Shen held Meng Xiao's head with one hand and said softly: "Can't you figure it out?"

Meng Xiao's vitality was disappearing rapidly.

But it is not direct destruction.

Gu Shen felt a faint fear in his heart... As expected of the "immortal", Meng Xiao's headless body was still clutching his shoulders tightly, refusing to let go.

The blessing of light flows in this body. It is obvious that this light of blessing is trying to contact the Xizhou God's Throne thousands of miles away, but unfortunately, in this ghost place called "Styx River" , the blessing of light is the most useless thing.

Gu Shen had a vague premonition...

If you put the head on.

Meng Xiao can still live again!

If blessing can really connect to the throne of God, then all of this guy's current injuries can even be healed by a miracle!

Although this requires an overdraft of lifespan, if the undead is allowed to recover to full health once, this fight will be impossible to fight.

"I don't understand..."

Meng Xiao stared at Gu Shen and murmured: "That tree of yours is... Suxuan?"

This isn't the first time I've seen it.

The last time, he was pulled into a dream by Gu Shen, shot an arrow, and saw the blurry shadow of a huge tree in the dream.

"Yes, it's Suxuanmu."

Gu Shen spoke softly to put an end to his doubts: "Think carefully about what I said to you before, maybe... you will have the answer."

Meng Xiao's thinking became slower and slower.

Suxuanmu is a sacred tree that even the God of Light cannot cultivate...

Gu Shen, how could it be?

All along, he has been pursuing the relationship between Gu Shen and Hades...

Guangming City's pursuit of Pluto has never stopped in the past twenty years.

Even everyone in the five continents thinks that Pluto is dead.

But Guangming City has never given up on pursuing the whereabouts of "Pluto's Fire". For them, they cannot believe that Pluto is really dead until they see the "Fire" appear.

This time Pluto appeared in Dongzhou, they still had doubts.

No one saw the true form of Pluto in the black mist.

No one knows where Pluto went after the incident in the cemetery.

Under this situation, the Holy Inquisition Legion of Guangming City once proposed a bold idea...

Maybe Pluto is really dead?

At this moment, the conjecture of the Holy Inquisition of Light suddenly appeared in Meng Xiao's mind. Then he discovered that this absurd conjecture... seemed to correspond to an even more absurd reality.

Meng Xiao's thoughts turned slower and slower, and his vision became increasingly blurry.

this moment.

He suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

It's a bracelet...

The scene of disaster reflected by the bracelet was exactly the same at this moment.

Time seemed to slow down, because his blood had dried up. He saw the mighty Styx River, Gu Shen in black clothes, and a burning light spot at the end of the black river in the distance.

That was the strange light of the [door] being opened.

All along, Meng Xiao mistakenly believed that the real "disaster" that the bracelet reminded him of was the big explosion...

He tried every means to avoid this fate.

But I didn't expect it.

This final scene turned out to be what he saw after his head was "cut off."

Meng Xiao stared hard at Gu Shen and squeezed out the remaining sounds in disbelief.


"That's Hades?"

Gu Shen didn't answer, just smiled silently.

He didn't want to tell this secret even if the other party was a dead person.

Who knows... does the God of Light in Xizhou have any forbidden techniques that can form some kind of linkage with Meng Xiao's soul?

Gu Shen didn't know and didn't want to take the risk.

Giving Meng Xiao the last few seconds to think about the unanswered questions in life was his greatest kindness and tolerance.


Blazing fire ignited.

The head held in Gu Shen's palm burned fiercely, and the pain, confusion, distortion, and shock on Meng Xiao's face were all burned to ashes in the fire...

The power of light's blessing also dissipated.

The body that was clutching his shoulders lost all its strength at this moment and fell into the water with a bang. Gu Shen waited patiently for the head in his palm to be burned into nothingness. He didn't even keep the skull for Meng Xiao. , good people do their best to send Buddha to the West.

Gu Shen very thoughtfully held a "cremation ceremony" for this son who was blessed by Guangming City.

It's just that... there are some things that he must take away.

After a while.

He had a few more things in his hands.

The first is Meng Xiao's most commonly used treasure, the A-level robe engraved with the moon-suppressing pattern. Although this thing is full of the annoying aura of blessing from the City of Light, it is a first-class protective item.

As long as you wear this robe, you are equivalent to having a fourth-level [Hazy Moon] covering your body and providing protection. In addition, if you accumulate a certain amount of strength, you can also shoot through the robe.

The only drawback is that some places cannot be fully covered.

But the defensive power of this robe is truly astonishing.

Without the blessing of [Candle Extinguishing], it would be difficult for my own iron arrows to penetrate the Moon-Suppressing Robe.

Of course Gu Shen accepted it.

The second one is the bracelet in Meng Xiao's hand.

Gu Shen didn't know the use of this object yet... He tentatively burned it with blazing fire and found that the bracelet was extremely strong and not afraid of his own fire at all.

This alone is enough to prove its preciousness.

In addition to these two items, Meng Xiao also had some scattered sealed objects on his body, all of which were taken off by Gu Shen.

Gu Shen has always suspected that Meng Xiao can perform some kind of "future divination"!

There must be some forbidden sealed item on his body.

At this moment, there was no time to check carefully, so he had to put them all away. Gu Shen summoned his pure land realm and simply stored them.

A cry of surprise rang out in the distance of the Styx River.

"Brother Gu!"

A graceful figure, stepping on the body of the judge holding up the big banner, flew over at low altitude and floated over.

Mu Wanqiu stepped out of the door first, but found that Gu Shen had not left... She waited anxiously above the Hades River, searching for Gu Shen's figure everywhere, for fear of something unexpected happening in the Hades Palace.

The collapse of the Hades Palace has spread to the entire disaster.

The entire disaster situation seemed to be bombarded by some huge force.

Now that he finally found it, Mu Wanqiu breathed a sigh of relief and landed not far from Gu Shen.

She looked at the blazing fire beside Gu Shen and the rising dust and debris, and asked in confusion: "Is this?"

"Well...this is Meng Xiao."

Gu Shen's blazing fire is now turning into a furnace, floating in the air. Inside the furnace lies Beizhou's "noble" Zhenyue Grand Duke. The cremation has now reached the final step, and all the bones in Zhenyue's body have been burned. It turned into a powder, and it was completely unrecognizable.


Mu Wanqiu was speechless for a while. She had to admit that Gu Shen was a crueler person than herself.

It turns out that he didn’t leave the Hades Palace, but went to hunt down Meng Xiao!

However, is Gu Shen so strong that he can kill Meng Xiao just after breaking through the third realm?

"Rest in peace. Below are the Holy Judges of the City of Light. They will accompany you."

It sounded like a very pious speech, but there was no hint of blessing on Gu Shen's face. He reached out and grabbed a handful of ashes from the furnace and sprinkled them on the River Styx.

Mu Wanqiu twitched her lips, telling another hellish joke.

This place is called Styx, after all.

Those who scatter their ashes in this place will probably not rest in peace.

"Would you like to grab a handful of ashes and scatter them? It'll be really fun."

Gu Shen extended an invitation to Mu Wanqiu.

The latter shook his head.

"No need." Mu Wanqiu said softly: "I find this guy's ashes dirty."

Meng Xiao is now a criminal on Beizhou's wanted list.

If nothing unexpected happens.

This time the restart mission is completed, he will be arrested and escorted to the Beizhou Military Court to pay the price for what he has done... Whether it is summoning foreign gods or killing his comrades, this is a crime that violates the iron law of Beizhou .


Now Meng Xiao was killed by Gu Shen.

Mu Wanqiu rubbed her eyebrows. She thought for a long time before asking, "You should know what killing the Son of Light's Blessing... means, right?"

Meng Xiao is indeed a sinner and must be judged.

But before he was imprisoned, he was killed inexplicably in a disaster situation...

Those crimes cannot be established.

If this news spreads, it will definitely cause violent shock throughout Xizhou. Regardless of the truth of the matter, the Holy Inquisitor will definitely launch an investigation!

"of course I know."

Gu Shen responded and said calmly: "The Holy Judges of Xizhou will desperately search for the murderer. They are messengers of light. Most of the people targeted by them will not end well."

"I have had contact with the Holy Judges before, and they are crazier than you think..." Mu Wanqiu reminded seriously: "Once you get stuck, there will be endless trouble."

Gu Shen looked at the ashes in the furnace and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he sighed: "Okay, I understand."

Mu Wanqiu just took a breath.

"In the future, those Holy Judges who are chasing me will be cremated like this..."

Gu Shen asked seriously: "What do you think of handling it this way?"

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