Barrier of Light

Chapter 601 Pluto meets Pluto

"Retreat now!"

Under the majestic sound waves, the main boat began to turn around!

Under the impact of the air waves, all source energy boats fell into shock and were on the verge of collapse——

At this moment, both Osmond and Lin Lin understood the true meaning of this siege... These extraordinary beings didn't care about their own "death" at all. They used their bodies to surround the main boat towards the black snow mountain, and then waited far away The big explosion came that day.

Sweeping under the wave of sound.

Lu Zhe, who was on the top of the black snow mountain, resisted the strong wind and swept down the mountain.

His figure kept disappearing and reappearing.

"Teleport" is a very consuming ability, but it is being used continuously by Lu Zhe at this moment!

He was more concerned about Mu Wanqiu than the big explosion... Xiaoqiu should be in the second half of the Dolu River. He hoped that Her Majesty the Queen would protect her. She must not be in the center of the explosion.

Lu Zhe prayed and speeded up.

This time when he stepped into a disaster situation, he actually had only one mission -

Protect the safety of this Hoizhou S-class!

Not so long ago.

The water of the River Styx is quite calm.

The surging waves knocked over and swallowed up the ashes that Gu Shen had thrown out.

From now on, there will no longer be "Meng Xiao" in this world. This blessed son of the City of Light has blended into the River Styx "with ease", but he will not be alone, because there are still several people at the bottom of the River Styx. Accompanied by hundreds of Holy Judges.

"It's time to leave."

Gu Shen mercilessly poured the Moon-Suppressing Duke completely into the River Styx, leaving not even a drop of dregs behind, and then clapped his hands.

From the far end of the Styx River, there were bursts of vibrations.

That should be the sound of travelers attacking the portal.

"What's going on on the main control boat?"

This trip to the Styx River was basically satisfactory to Gu Shen. He got the black gem containing "spiritual poison" and successfully broke through the barrier of the transcendent.

The only headache is the finishing work after killing Meng Xiao...

But what better place to bury a body than the River Styx?

At this moment, Gu Shen noticed that Mu Wanqiu looked a little dazed.

She sat on the judge's back, her eyes wandering, constantly looking towards the distance of the River Styx, and her mental power seemed to be wandering... The direction she was looking at was the source of darkness shrouded in mist.

Even Gu Shen, who is the "King of Hades", doesn't want to touch it at this moment.

The River Styx has appeared, and there will be plenty of opportunities to come again in the future.

"Gu Shen...don't you feel...the call?"

Mu Wanqiu bit the tip of her tongue.

She said in bewilderment and confusion: "Just... there..."

When Gu Shen was solving the Holy Judge's nightmare, he entered Mu Wanqiu's spiritual sea.

He knew very well what Mu Wanqiu saw... That picture was indeed shocking.

The boundless River Styx is crawling under the throne, with roaring waves. The face of "Hades" is hidden on the throne, shrouded in mist, and ordinary people cannot get a glimpse of his true face.

Under the guidance of this dream.

Seeing the face of Pluto became Mu Wanqiu's biggest wish.

At this moment...she was only a little bit away from the end of the dream.

Gu Shen was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you want to go to the end of the River Styx to see it?"

Mu Wanqiu didn't know that Pluto had died twenty years ago.

At this moment, Hades was standing in front of her.

But as soon as the voice of guidance appeared in the dream, it was hard to calm down. She tried hard to resist the voice of guidance, but in the end she failed.

Mu Wanqiu's voice was hard and she murmured to herself: "I...I don't know..."

I don't know when, that nightmare has become a nightmare.

This scene was all seen by Gu Shen. He was no stranger to this kind of situation. The former Pluto was an extremely domineering figure. Anyone who was favored by him would be possessed by an evil spirit that was difficult to resist. Infection, corrosion... Golden Spike is like this, and Mu Wanqiu is like this too.

Under the influence of this black gem, Styx's direct purpose of spreading "spiritual toxins" over the years is to develop an "undead army" for the Pure Land!

If we say... those who were infected with the toxin and died directly were soldiers.

Then the "special existence" that is compatible with the nightmare of Styx is a more advanced "apostle".

In fact, Mu Wanqiu was the apostle chosen by Hades through the River Styx.

Her abilities are a perfect match for Styx.

If Gu Shen doesn't intervene...then her mind will gradually become "abnormal" before long, but this kind of abnormality may not be detectable by outsiders.

For example...she will become indifferent to life, and then she will no longer care about how many people she kills, and even enjoy killing people.

A qualified "Apostle of Pluto" is to promote the Pure Land.

"I go with you."

After thinking for a few seconds, Gu Shen made a decision.

It's not that he's not afraid of death.

But he also wanted to see the scene at the end of the River Styx.

So far, the only extraordinary person who has reached the end is probably the White Lizard General of the Third Legion. Unfortunately, the information sent back by that person is really vague. No matter how hard you try to figure it out, it is difficult to get useful information.

Gu Shen wanted to know.

Is Mu Wanqiu's dream a real picture...

If so, then what does "Pluto" look like on the throne?

Gu Shen has always had doubts about the true identity of the "devil". Going to the end of the River Styx may not give him the answer...but at least he can eliminate some wrong options.

The thundering sound became heavier and heavier.

Two figures were flying over the River Styx.

The judge held up the big flag, like an eagle, setting off a turbulent wave.

On the other side, Gu Shen and Mu Wanqiu advanced hand in hand. He only opened up a small area of ​​​​the field and projected the "Pure Land" on himself. With just such a small ray of field power, his speed was on par with the judge.

Although they are both at the third level, there is a qualitative difference.

Mu Wanqiu looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression.

She knew that the transcendent beings of the three realms had crossed the insurmountable chasm. No matter how good her judge was, she could not be the opponent of Gu Shen, who had the Pure Land realm.

But what really made her feel complicated was not this.

But she, Mu Wanqiu, is very competitive. After joining the Survey Corps, she has never accepted defeat. If she meets a transcendent who is stronger than herself, she has only one thought in her mind: practice and then defeat him!

Even the captain is like this!

But when she met Gu Shen...she couldn't arouse the slightest "desire to win" in her heart, but when she stayed by Gu Shen's side, her heart, which had always been in turmoil, would magically calm down.

What exactly is this for?

Could it be the spiritual influence silently emitted by the S-class "blazing fire"?

While she was lost in thought, a huge wave suddenly hit her. Mu Wanqiu's thoughts returned to the real world, and she saw the "end of the Styx" that General White Lizard said.

The second half of this river connects with the zenith. Where does it really end?

The dome in the distance was covered with a faint shadow. That shadow was the "throne" in his dream. Countless mist surrounded it, twisting the thousands-foot-long throne into a vague outline.

Under the roaring waves, the judge could not move forward no matter how hard he tried...

Here is the end.

"Doru River."

It was a rare scene for Pluto to meet Pluto. Unfortunately, Gu Shen stared at the throne for a long time without seeing the true face of the shadow, but this was not without gain.

The auras of the devil and Pluto are very similar, and both are entities that hide their faces.

Even if it's not one person.

It must be from the same source!

He turned his attention to the stone of the origin of the disaster that was crawling under the shadow... Those were indeed two ancient inscriptions, which looked exactly the same as the "Doru" in human writing. It was a pity that the Styx River had reached its end. , the specific appearance of the distant scenery can no longer be explored.

Maybe that throne really exists.

Or maybe, after getting close to the Doulu stone, you will find that it is actually a big mountain.

It's just that... no matter how many "maybes" there are, they are meaningless.

"Let's go back."

Gu Shen spoke softly, but he received no response.

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes slightly.

I saw the judge suspended above the angry sea struggling violently in the waves and gradually losing consciousness. Mu Wanqiu, who was sitting on his back, looked at the majestic black shadow on the ceiling with a dazed expression, and his eyes were gradually filled with darkness. shrouded.

The nightmare planted by the Styx sprouted at this moment.

The evil spirit from the former "Pluto" began to erode Mu Wanqiu's spiritual sea... This was his method, domineering, cold, and unreasonable.

Anyone he likes must be "taken under his command".

Even if it's through "lure".

Unfortunately, Mu Wanqiu was not alone.

"It really didn't surprise me..."

Gu Shen looked at the tall throne sitting cross-legged at the end of the long river, and said coldly, "You have done all the bad things, and you really deserve to die."

The silent black shadow covering the entire Styx overlooks everything.

This silence was like a response to Gu Shen.

It's like saying: "What can you do to me?"

Gu Shen took out a ring finger.

It was an "unknown object" he obtained from a snowy mountain tomb in the tundra. Like the iron sword, it had unreasonable qualities.

This ring can absorb all spirits!

Even the divine thoughts of the Storm God Seat in Nanzhou can be swallowed up!

After taking out the finger, the strong wind at the end of the Styx River suddenly increased, and countless black mist containing evil power rolled towards Gu Shen, but Gu Shen's expression did not change at all...

He tapped his fingers lightly.

The unconscious judge gained a moment of clarity at this moment.

The "flame" that it had cherished and preserved suddenly jumped out and jumped into the center of the judge's eyebrows. A ray of bright light also splashed out from the center of Mu Wanqiu's eyebrows!

The blazing fire penetrates into the subtle sea and goes straight into the spiritual sea!

Gu Shen saw clearly the nightmare constantly reflected in Mu Wanqiu's inner lake at this moment, and also saw the nightmare seed planted by the "Styx River". He aimed at Mu Wanqiu's eyebrows and reached out to grab it mercilessly...


There was a gash between Mu Wanqiu's eyebrows, and blood gurgled down.

She closed her eyes tightly, her expression suddenly turned pale, and from the bloody mouth, a wisp of struggling and twisting black mist was caught!

Gu Shen threw it directly into the ring.

"Crack, click, click!"

The finger puller welcomes all comers and makes a crisp strangled sound. It is chewing this black mist!

What omen, what disaster, what Hades...

Once swallowed by the finger, it will be completely broken into pieces and directly cut off from the outside world.

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