Barrier of Light

Chapter 623 Guidance from the Temple (6K)

Duke Zhuxue's energy boat sailed in the night sky of Central City.

Jia Wei led his men and stood in front of the observation deck, watching the boundless night clouds sweeping across the broken stars, bathed in the faint starlight. The linen robes on these holy judges seemed to be coated with a faint silver light.

The word "bright" does not only appear during the day.

Even if the sun returns to the ruins, there are still thousands of bright lights falling in this world.

And these radiances are the "source" of the power of their faith.

Seeing any ray of light in the world is like seeing the throne of God.

The Holy Judges standing under the portholes felt at ease and at ease in their hearts. They knew that even in Beizhou, Lord God was still with them.

"Lord Zhuxue, I haven't seen you for a long time... Your Excellency is still as brilliant as ever."

Jia Wei is not a person who speaks compliments.

For a "great knight" like him, all he needs to do is learn to hold a sharp sword and cut through obstacles.

Compliments are a useless etiquette for the weak.

But at this moment, what he said to Zhuxue sounded like a "compliment".

This is not the case.

If you know the "past" of these two people, you will know that this is Jia Wei's heartfelt emotion... The relationship between Xizhou and Beizhou used to be very friendly, otherwise there would be no so-called Meng Lin marriage.

More than ten years ago, before Lin Ci took over the name of "Forging Snow", she went to Zhongzhou and studied incognito for a period of time.

At that time, he was studying hard at Holy Cross College in Middle-earth.

His classmates in the same year were all nobles.

Those who can enter Holy Cross College are not just people from Central China. Most of them come from all over the world. Many of them are from famous families. Of course, there are some exceptions... There are a very small number of "young disciples" who, with their own efforts, Entered this college.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Jia Wei was also studying at Holy Cross College that year, and was a classmate of Zhu Xuenai.

The world only knows that Jia Wei is the "fourth-level most powerful" knight of Guangming City. After wearing the "Mingguang Armor", he can crush all opponents.

But they didn't know.

Under that heavy armor was the true face of the great knight.

Before wearing the "red armor", Jia Wei had covered his face... He had attacked Pluto's Holy Judgment operation twenty years ago, and in that operation, although Guangming City claimed victory.

But in reality, the situation was miserable.

I don’t know how many Holy Judges have even had their souls deprived by Hades!

Not even one out of ten survived, and they were stained with nightmares and had trouble sleeping at night.

Jia Wei, who was only sixteen years old at the time, was the "lucky one" in the Holy Judgment Operation. He was saved by the God of Light and escaped with his life, but his whole face was stained by the Styx...

Under the heavy armor shrouded in light, there is a face full of darkness and ugliness.


During the years of further study in Zhongzhou, everyone regarded this young man from Xizhou as an "alien" and were unwilling to talk to him.

Jia Wei regards serving the light as his lifelong philosophy.

He actually doesn't care about these "treatments", let alone the so-called "cold looks"...

As a survivor who has experienced the battle of Hades, from the moment he survived, he had only one purpose in life - to become the strongest and then punish the evil spirits.

But there are always a few people who have different attitudes towards him.

Lin Silk is one of them.

Due to the good relations between the two continents, the two became close "best friends" during their studies.

However, after finishing their training in Zhongzhou, Lin Silk and Jia Wei went their separate ways. As their status and reputation became more prominent, the relationship between Guangming City and the Lin family became subtle. The friendship that the two parties had established for many years was in turmoil, and they distanced themselves from each other. As they drifted apart, under such circumstances, the friendship between Lin Silk and Jia Wei gradually drifted away like the evening wind.

If it weren't for the escape of the Goddess of Light this time.

The two have not exchanged messages for several years.


Lin Ci looked at her former classmate and said calmly: "You are still the same as before, with the same armor."

Still feeling cold.

Back then, Jia Wei was as cold as a knife.

He exudes a strong aura of "keep away from strangers". Just one glance at him from a distance will tell you that this guy has a fire hidden in his heart. He must be a person with extremely firm ideas and beliefs.

Even without the "Mingguang Armor", Jia Wei is still a cold person that strangers dare not approach.

"I came to Central City with orders to thoroughly investigate the case of 'Meng Xiao'."

Jia Wei got straight to the point and slowly turned around, no longer looking at the stars outside the porthole window, but facing Lin Silk directly.

He said slowly: "Meng Xiao is not only the 'Son of Blessing' in Guangming City, but also the hereditary 'Grand Duke Zhenyue' of Beizhou. In terms of status, the Son of Blessing and the Grand Duke Zhenyue are both first-rate. Important people."


Lin Ci asked: "Guangming City's obituary is known to all the five continents. But if you really want to investigate the Meng Xiao case, you must have known on the way here that he violated Beizhou's military discipline." , in a disaster situation, you have already shouldered the 'crime of defection'!"

Meng Xiao directly summoned the God of Light to descend in the disaster situation... This move directly destroyed the strategic "trust" relationship between the two northwest continents!

Very simple reason——

If the God of Light wants to come to the Dolu River, then what he should do is to urgently convene a supreme meeting to seek the Queen's opinion, instead of coming directly in his true form!

If the God of Light breaks through the boundary between the two continents, he will directly destroy the ancient agreement between the Gods of non-interference!

Of course, if he called a meeting, the Queen would simply refuse.

Guangming had already guessed the outcome, so he made this choice.

This time... luckily it ended in failure.

If it really succeeds, no one can guess how the events in the disaster will turn out!

In fact, there should have been a follow-up to the matter of "invoking the throne of God". The highest authority should have warned or even dealt with this kind of transgression. However, the Queen did not pursue it at all... because she knew very well that there had been something wrong before Guangming acted. arrange.

No matter how the highest seat pursues the case, Guangming can shirk the blame.

After all, this was a unilateral act by the "Blessed Son". As a god, and a god whose arrival failed, he could have pushed the original situation into a "temporary change".

The Supreme Court never engages in such meaningless arguments.'s the turn of the people below.


Jia Wei could not refute Lin Ci's words.

He just said in a calm voice: "If he is guilty, then he should be dealt with according to the law. He should be detained, then interrogated, and finally judged, instead of just... dying in the Dolu River."

Lin Silk also fell silent.

He also knew very well that Beizhou was not suitable for any "justification" on this point.

Meng Xiao's death was a fact that actually happened, mainly because of the special circumstances at the time, and the guy died so fast. When the first team captain Lu Zhe rushed over, he didn't even see his shadow.

It is estimated... that it has long since melted into the Dolu River.

"Sorry, from Beizhou's perspective, Meng Xiao is just missing." Lin Silu said softly: "The last time we contacted him was in front of the Black Snow Mountain, and he took the initiative to cut off contact with Osmond's main boat... … We are not responsible for what happens after that.”

Beizhou will not be responsible for Meng Xiao's death. come up with evidence.

This sentence sounds a bit gangster, but what Lin Cang said is also true.

Meng Xiao was solely responsible for all of this.

"In the shrine in Guangming City, there is a plaque that stores the soul of the 'Blessed Son'. We can detect Meng Xiao's life and death... He is indeed dead now, and he died in the Dolu River disaster."

Jia Wei's voice was a little hoarse, and he murmured: "The Holy Inquisitor came to Beizhou this time, but he didn't actually want Central City to be directly responsible for this... We just want to find the truth, if Meng Xiao really did it out of an 'accident' , then we have nothing to say.”


Lin Silk raised her eyebrows.

"We hope that Her Majesty the Queen can grant certain 'privileges'. We want to go to the Dolu River disaster area and investigate the scene of the crime." Jia Wei slowly made the request, "In addition, we need a certain amount of 'self-handling of the case' "Quan', Beizhou needs to open certain permissions to the Holy Inquisitor."


Lin Ci looked at the Holy Judges in front of him. He felt that the scene in front of him was really ironic.

When I left the College of the Holy Cross, my young self would never have imagined that meeting my "old friends" again after so many years would lead to such an uncompromising negotiation scene.

Both sides concentrated.

The Holy Inquisitor traveled thousands of miles to Central City just to "investigate the case."

The first step in investigating the case is to obtain the Queen's permission.

If Her Majesty the Queen tells them to leave, they must leave now.

Of course... the impact of this incident will also spread. After all, the explanation given by Beizhou was that "Meng Xiao died in an accident." If he really "died in an accident," why didn't he dare to let the Holy Inquisitor carry out the operation? investigation?

"It's not that simple to enter the Duolu River." Zhuxue said calmly: "Meng Xiao's 'behavior of asking God' has made Beizhou no longer able to trust the Holy Inquisitor's motives..."

Jia Wei was well prepared and spoke again: "The spiritual sea of ​​every Holy Inquisitor I brought is absolutely clean... After they step into the Duolu River, they will not take away the secrets of the Beizhou military. If not After discovering the clues about the blessed son, when they leave the disaster situation, they can accept the Beizhou military's 'spiritual sea cleansing' to wash away all irrelevant memories."

"Da da da……"

Jia Wei waited patiently for a response.

Zhuxue, who was not far away, sat down and tapped his fingertips slowly on the long table.

Lin Silk wore a wireless communicator on one ear and fell into deep thought.

Soon after, a hoarse current seemed to come from the other end, as if someone was speaking something...

Then came the last sound.


A crisp settling sound.

Lin Silk raised her eyes to look at Jia Wei and said softly: "Okay. Let's go into the Duolu River to investigate, right? I can agree to this condition."

"Zhu Xue's energy boat has left Central City."

That night.

Chu Ling passed the news to Gu Shen.

As [Deep Sea] updates and iterates faster and faster, the source code can no longer keep up with the update speed of the system.

Although Chu Ling cannot have the highest authority... she can still easily mobilize a large amount of basic data in the deep water area.

Keeping an eye on Zhuxue's airship is tantamount to keeping an eye on the movements of these "Holy Judges".

Gu Shen is practicing breathing techniques in the small courtyard.

He opened his eyes, and a wisp of fire flashed through his pupils.

"Leaving Central City, we are heading to the 'Doru River Disaster Situation'!"

He knew very well what Chu Ling's message meant.

The preliminary negotiations between Grand Duke Zhuxue and Jia Wei have been completed... On the surface, Beizhou seems to have backed down on the Meng Xiao case and chosen to allow the Holy Inquisitor to enter Heihe to investigate.

But Gu Shen had been to the second floor of the attic, and he knew very well what a terrifying chess player the "Queen of Beizhou" was.

When the bright summons was about to succeed, the queen was sitting firmly in the attic.

What does the mere investigation of the Holy Inquisitor mean?

Beizhou must be investigated by the Holy Inquisitor!

Once the investigation reaches the end and there is no result... the Holy Judge can only agree with Beizhou's so-called "unexpected" ending!

This is an upright conspiracy.

But this choice made Gu Shen have some doubts in his heart... Jia Wei immediately reached a negotiation as soon as he boarded the airship. He originally thought that Beizhou would try its best to delay it.

At least, the Holy Judge shouldn't be allowed to advance so quickly.

He was so decisive, as if he had guessed the ending.

Is it possible that Her Majesty, the Queen, has magical powers so powerful that she can penetrate the fog in the second half of the "River Styx" and see the images at the bottom of the river?

Gu Shen felt a little panicked.

He was suddenly a little worried... His identity as "Pluto" had been seen through by Her Majesty the Queen.

However... this worry seems a bit unnecessary.

Nowadays, the Xuankongshan courtyard is peaceful.

He stayed in Beizhou.

And it was a great stay.

The Holy Judge searched for seven days in the Dolu River disaster!

In the past seven days, forty-three Holy Inquisitors traveled all over the Black Snow Mountain and searched the Black River... Unfortunately, they could not find even a single ashes of Meng Xiao. The famous "Blessed Son" of Guangming City disappeared out of thin air.

On the contrary, on the Black Snow Mountain... they found some "unexpected gains".

Although this black snow mountain experienced a major impact, the mountain shook violently.

But these Holy Judges still threw some "acquaintances" who were burned to ashes in the snow that was superimposed on countless layers... The bright aura of the Holy Judges could not be concealed.

They silently collected these "ashes" and brought them back to Jia Wei.

"This is what Meng Xiao left behind when he 'asked God'."

Lu Zhe, the captain of the first team, followed closely after the Holy Inquisitor entered the disaster situation. This was the "new task" assigned to him by Zhuxue... As the "fourth-order strongest" in Beizhou, he accompanied " Distinguished guest" Jia Wei assisted in completing the investigation of Meng Xiao's case.

This can be regarded as a silent "check and balance" and a "counter-deterrence" in response to "deterrence".

The Holy Judges looked at the ashes left behind by their comrades, their expressions unchanged.

Being burned to ashes by the blessed son is nothing.

The only regret is that they were not included... If there were more power from those who sacrificed their lives, perhaps Lord God Throne would have successfully arrived at that time.

Lu Zhe knew very well what was going on in the minds of these guys, so he added appropriately: "I forgot to mention that there are some fragments of 'replicas' in these ashes. This black snow mountain can reproduce the power of extraordinary beings. And produced fakes. When I passed by, I cleaned up all these replicas... Well, if you don't mind, the remnants of these replicas can also be taken back as ashes. After all, they are all the same in theory. Source, there’s not much difference.”

Jia Wei had nothing to do with Lu Zhe.

In the past few days, he has been observing the captain of the first team...

This is a monster that is just like me, deliberately in its current position. In a real fight, no one can take advantage of it. Although I have "Mingguang Armor", it is a defensive thing after all.

The meaning of Lu Zhe's existence is to stick to himself like brown candy to prevent the Holy Inquisitors from making some "irregular" actions.

After seven days of investigation.

The Inquisitor gained nothing.

Lu Zhe accompanied Jia Wei on a trip to the Black River.

According to the information from the City of Light, the Dolu River is very likely to be the "River Styx" left behind by Pluto, and perhaps the resentment of the "Holy Judge" is buried in it. However, this active knight went to great lengths to With all his strength, he used more than one "Light Sensing Sealed Artifact" and found no clue... Not to mention the "Holy Judge", there wasn't even a hair on it.

"Brother Jia, do you also find it... strange?"

Lu Zhe said with emotion: "We also searched around the Duolu River, and Meng Xiao seemed to have been burned to ashes and sprinkled into the Black River... completely disappeared."

"Burn into ashes...sprinkle into the Black River..."

Jia Wei's face under the red armor was very ugly. He said coldly: "I saw the list of restart missions. No one of your Beizhou captains can do this!"

Lu Zhe shrugged.

Jia Wei suddenly stared at the captain of a team... In theory, it was not true that there were none.

There is one right in front of you.

"Don't look at me." Lu Zhe said calmly: "My mission is to 'capture Meng Xiao', and the Beizhou Court also wants to give him a trial... If he sees me, he might be able to save a small life."

Looking at the ashes of the Holy Judge placed in the "wooden niche".

Jia Wei fell into deep thought.

When he set out from Xizhou, he knew that this investigation would probably not be an easy task. The Holy Judges must prepare for the outcome of "returning without success", and now the investigation of the Dolu River disaster... It is enough to show that the current situation is infinitely close to the worst ending.

He did not obtain a shred of substantive evidence.

On the contrary, it was the "member ashes" discovered in Heixue Mountain that confirmed the fact that Meng Xiao violated Beizhou's iron law.

What's worse is that Guangming City's intelligence on "Dolu River" also needs to be reconsidered.

Because he didn't find any [door] in the second half of the Dolu River.

Maybe it's because of damage, or maybe it's because of other unknown reasons... No matter what the reason is, the clues to the "Pluto Ruins" that Lord God has tried so hard to find are broken here...

The ashes in the wooden niche were not taken away.

The red-armored knight used a ray of spirit to ignite the wooden niche again, along with the embers of light aura in the ashes.

He crushed the blazing fire at the foot of the Black Snow Mountain.

Jia Wei summoned the Holy Inquisition and announced the end of the investigation: "The trip to the disaster situation... ends here."

"Next, return to Central City."

The investigation of the Holy Judges in Beizhou has attracted the attention of many people.

The dignitaries of Central City encountered an "unexpected greeting" from the Holy Inquisitor at a dinner party at the Underground Research Institute.

This matter has been fermenting in the deep water area for the past few days.

The extraordinary beings in Beizhou felt disgusted and angry from the bottom of their hearts at the arrival of the "Holy Judge".

Her Majesty has won the battle.

Under the guise of "celebrating", these people are actually investigating the case. This move is undoubtedly based on suspicion that someone in Beizhou has killed the blessed son of Guangming City.

In their view...the so-called blessed son is actually a "snatching" thing. As the Grand Duke of Beizhou, he actually violated the iron crime, stabbed his colleagues in the back, and sabotaged the mission. He should have gone to the extraordinary court, but he happened to meet him. The shock wave brought by "Traveler" died in the Dolu River. Beizhou should not be blamed for this kind of thing in any case.

Therefore, Jia Wei's behavior of leading people to investigate the case received a lot of reviling in the [Deep Water Zone] in just a few days!

The pressure on the Holy Judge to investigate the case has increased again.

After Jia Wei left "Duolu River", he also received "concerned greetings" from the big figures in Guangming City for the first time. The content of the "greetings" was roughly the same... Has the Holy Inquisitor found the relics of the blessed son, and can he Evidence that characterizes Beizhou murder, etc...

But it's a pity.

After he reported back the fruitless "investigation results", the concerned big shots felt disappointed.

Even Jia Wei himself began to doubt.

Is it still necessary to continue the case file investigation on the Blessed Son?

There are no remains, no relics, not even a trace of light left behind, everything disappeared into the black river... Even if Lord God comes in person, I am afraid there will be no evidence...

In fact, the next "investigation" can still be carried out, because there is still a long list of characters in Guangming City.

On these lists are all extraordinary people who are "closely related" to Meng Xiao.

Visit them one by one, and you may be able to make a breakthrough.

It's just that...the resistance faced by the Holy Inquisitor in Beizhou is getting bigger and bigger.

Just when Jia Wei was stuck in the mud, his spiritual sea received a very important message of guidance.

This message comes from the [Temple] in Guangming City.

The blessed son, with his followers, stepped into the Dolu River disaster area and summoned the God of Light, which was the plan of the [Temple].

If we go back further——

So a few years ago, Meng Xiao, as the only son of Grand Duke Zhenyue, went to Beizhou to inherit his father's title, family property, and authority... It was also the arrangement of the [Temple]. If the [Holy Judge] is the palm of the throne, Then the [Temple] is the vision and will of Lord God.

The light of the [Temple] can fall on every corner of the Five Continents.

"Among the relics inherited by Meng Xiao from the former Grand Duke Zhenyue, there is a 'bracelet', which is an extremely important 'sealed object' for Guangming City."

The instructions for [Temple] are very simple.

"Jia Wei, at close range, you only need to activate the 'Mingguang Armor' and stir up the light aura with all your strength, and you can mentally sense the existence of the bracelet... Follow the list of characters and visit them in order. As long as you can find the 'bracelet', you can The murderer of Meng Xiao was found.”

(There’s another chapter tonight)

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