Barrier of Light

Chapter 653 She is laughing

It's April in the world, and spring is blooming.

Bai Lu drinks tea on the top floor of her tea room.

She opened the window and looked down.

There is a warm wind passing by, blowing the spring willows all over the city along the Ninghe River.

Catkins are flying in the ancient town of Nagano. This is a good season, but there is more rain, so most pedestrians on the road will carry an "oil-paper umbrella"——

In recent years, technology has been developing faster and faster. Some daily necessities that are popular among consumers are "retro" old models.

This popular "oil-paper umbrella" that only became popular this year looks shabby.

But it's actually quite interesting to use.

As long as the umbrella is opened, there are several functions for the owner to choose at will. The oil paper can be suddenly transparent, or it can be linked with AI to automatically draw an ink painting according to the intensity of the rain and the priority of the raindrops.

If it rains lightly, the picture on the umbrella will spread slowly, like ripples on the lake, rising and falling slowly.

If there is a strong wind and rain, you can see a picture of the rushing river with thick ink and heavy colors.

At this moment in the morning, the sky above the Snow Forbidden City was actually "bright and sunny".

In the afternoon, dark clouds came.

The wind picks up the catkins and floats across the river.

There are more "oil-paper umbrellas" opened one after another in the streets. The sudden rain falls, and black and white ink paintings splash one after another on the streets of this quaint town.

"It's quite a sight."

Bai Lu spoke softly and said, "It's just a little more deserted."

She has been studying in the ancestral hall for more than a year.

On weekdays, I don’t leave the house and don’t hear what is going on outside the window. These days I am very quiet and restless... But I didn’t expect that Nagano Castle is unprecedentedly peaceful.

This is Nagano.

She has never seen such a peaceful scene since she was born.

After the Gu family merged, the old and new factions no longer fought. The internal fighting in Jiangbei Council was much less frequent. The old man was clearing out the remnants of Gu Lushen's henchmen with his iron-blooded skills... and the young master of the Gu family was also running around all day long and disappeared. figure.

Other than that.

With the support of Gao Tian, ​​the little girl Li Qingsui successfully became the "temporary head of the family". Due to her insufficient age, the title of head of the Li family needs to be preceded by the word "temporary"... But now the Li family Presbyterian Church Having been tamed, it is only a matter of time before the word "temporary" is removed. After another three years at most, this little girl will become one of the five leaders in power in Nagano.

The Gong and Mu families have reconciled.

Gong Zi and Mu Ya have been successfully engaged, but they are not in a hurry to hold a wedding, so the Gong Mu family has not made any noise in recent days.

As for the Bai family...

There is nothing more to say.

The ancestor became the "War God Throne", which was the biggest event in the past hundred years.

But the Bai family is the quietest among the five families, bar none.

The Bai family has been the defense line of order in Nagano since ancient times. After Mr. Bai Shu became the god throne, Dongzhou's last line of defense, which was on the verge of being broken, suddenly became impregnable.

Although this is good.

But... no fighting, no fighting, no fighting, only a quiet Nagano filled with city breeze, is it still the Nagano in my impression?

Bai Lu drank tea and sighed softly.

The annual rookie battle has just ended, and I’m afraid I have to wait another year for Nagano to become lively.

She looked at the reflection in the teacup and couldn't help but think.

Nagano is so quiet now, maybe because... there is one less guy?

Gu Shen.

As soon as the name appeared, Bai Lu quickly shook her head and rejected this ridiculous idea.

How could I have such funny thoughts?

This guy can meditate in Nagano for a whole year without going out.

If Nagano is hot or not, what does it have to do with him?


Some people are the center of the world without going out. Everyone and everything seems to revolve around such people.

After Gu Shen went to Beizhou, the five Dongzhou families were always paying attention to the news in Beizhou.

The "Maze Mission" outside the northern border fortress.

The "Storm Blocking War" in the Kubao Fortress.

And the "restart" of the Dolu River disaster!

There are other trivial news... such as the death of the blessed son, the breakdown of the marriage between the Beizhou royal family and Guangming City...

During these days when Bai Lu was sitting in the teahouse, she would look at what was happening in Beizhou every day. The fact was that since Gu Shen went to Beizhou, Beizhou had become lively.

She could only admit that Gu Shen was a "magical" guy.

"Counting the's time for Gu to come back. He's not really planning to become a grand duke in Beizhou, is he?"

Bai Lu looked out the window, bored for a while, counting the raindrops falling from the eaves, and suddenly became a little angry.

Why does this annoying guy always appear in his mind?

It must be that Miss Chu at the bottom of the Ning River is so beautiful that she can't see her on weekdays. Only when Gu Shen comes, can she take the opportunity to take a second look.


That must be the case!

He was muttering secretly in his heart, and Bai Lu's eyes suddenly glowed.

She saw a familiar figure in the alley not far from the teahouse.

"Hey, Shen Li!"

Bai Lu slapped the tea table and turned over.

When the latter heard the sound, he ran away without hesitation.

But Bai Lu had already prepared it.

When she spoke, her mental power spread out with the dream of thorns...

The little iron man ran for two steps and saw huge black buds blooming one after another on the wall at the end of the narrow alley. He immediately gave up his struggle.

He knew he was in a dream, so he could only turn around and said helplessly: "Auntie, your eyes are really tricky."

In Nagano, anyone who encounters Shiro will feel a headache.

"Why are you running away for no reason? I won't skin you."

Bai Lu said angrily: "What's more, you are now a 'distinguished guest' who my teacher has deliberately asked to entertain well. Are you still worried that I will bully you?"

This is also the most depressing thing about Bai Lu these days.

After finally getting out of seclusion, the five members of Nagano were all busy with trivial matters, and Nagano was boring. She could only find some fun for herself. The first thing that came to her mind was to compete, but Shen Li's identity changed.

Mr. Shan gave many warnings and instructions, no one should be rude to Shen Li.

Although they don't know what happened, most people can guess that Mr. Shan's attitude changed after the incident in the cemetery. Presumably... it was the "Pluto" who left a message to the chief judge to take special care of Shen Li. .

Thus, Bai Lu's last bit of fun was shattered.

She stood with her arms akimbo, her back against the wall of the alley where Shen Li was the only way out, and said with a smile: "Brother Shen, don't worry, I just want to ask, when will Gu Shen come back?"

In Nagano City, Shen Li and Gu Shen had the best relationship.

During the previous year of seclusion, Bai Lu could frequently hear discussions among her clan members when passing by the ancestral hall, even if she was reading papers every day.

The Gu family Chunyu Temple is very lively.

Why is Gu Shen blacksmithing again today?

To put it nicely, Gu Shen is asked to strike, but to put it badly... Shen Li will be beaten!

The relationship between these two people was established with one punch and one kick. Shen Li, a martial arts idiot who was famous throughout Nagano, has not challenged other extraordinary people since he was beaten in Gu Shen's Spring Rain Temple...

The relationship between these two people is really strong.

Shen Li curled his lips and said, "I'm warning you, don't have any ideas about Brother Gu. He and Miss Chu are a match made in heaven, and there's no chance for you."


Bai Lu subconsciously spat and said angrily: "Who wants to make plans for him? I have no interest in him!"


Shen Li suddenly realized it. He rubbed his chin and said seriously: "I understand... Is it that Nagano has been too quiet recently? Are you looking forward to Brother Gu coming back to make some big noise?"

Bai Lu coughed in a low voice and nodded slightly.

"Miss Bai, it turns out that you are too busy and too busy."

Shen Li pointed to the north and suggested seriously: "I heard that the prison over there in the Tundra has a big hole, and Nagano is transferring people. If you are really too busy, why not go and mend the hole."

When Bai Lu heard this, her eyes flashed with anger.

She raised her hand and grasped it, and a small whip appeared instantly. The long whip snapped in the air, making a crisp explosion!

"It was just a joke——"

Seeing the whip, Shen Li changed his face faster than flipping through a book, and quickly confessed: "Ahem, according to my 'reliable information', Brother Gu landed in Nagano today and is now in the north. I was busy picking him up just now."

Why didn't she know about such a big thing... Bai Lu frowned and thought carefully: "Reliable news?"

Northern Nagano.

An energy boat slowly landed.

The cabin door opened and the ladder dropped.

There are only two people in this airship.

A'zhaer said softly: "Mr. Xiao Gu, the road ahead is forbidden, so I can only send you here."

It was her when she left, and it was her when she came.

It is the highest courtesy in Beizhou Central City to allow this Queen's apostle to meet.

Gu Shen bowed before leaving.

He said sincerely: "Thank you very much for Beizhou's hospitality these days."

Dust was flying around the energy boat, and it was affected by Azhaer's ability and condensed into ice.

The airship hung in the air and slowly left.

The whole world became quiet.

Gu Shen was alone, standing on the barren land in the north of Nagano. He didn't bring any luggage. When he was leaving, all the gifts given by Beizhou generals were collected in the pure land realm.

Gu Shen looked at the outline of the city in the distance hidden in the dust and smoke, and felt an indescribable complex emotion in his heart... During his trip to Beizhou, even though it only lasted dozens of days, when he saw the Snow Forbidden City again, it was inevitable that An illusion of "many years passed by".

The buildings in Central City are suspended in the air.

At this moment...the feeling of being grounded is really reassuring.

He took two steps forward and was suddenly startled.

He saw Bai Chen on the city wall.

Are you greeting yourself?

No... Bai Chen is responsible for [Feng Tong] monitoring. He is here now, probably for official business. A Zhaer has arrived in Nagano. He needs to closely monitor every move of this apostle.

But then, a strong wind blew,

On the other side of the dusty smoke, several familiar figures appeared.

Gong Zi, Mu Ya, Mu Nan, Li Qingsui, Gao Tian, ​​Shen Li, Bai Lu...

These are all his "old friends" in the Snow Forbidden City.

These people were standing quietly at the gate of the city, with faint smiles on their faces.

Their waiting was beyond Gu Shen's expectation.

The news that he took the Azer airship back to Nagano... he didn't tell anyone. He originally wanted to leave quietly alone, return quietly, wave his sleeves, and not take away any clouds.

Seeing this scene, Gu Shen couldn't help but laugh.

These guys... He shook his head helplessly, feeling a little confused in his heart.

His confidentiality work was done flawlessly, how did they know?

The next moment, Gu Shen understood why.

The dust and smoke completely dissipated.

He saw the fairy girl in red dress and white skirt in the middle of the crowd.

She was smiling to herself.

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