Barrier of Light

Chapter 67 Profile

Jiang Wan opened his eyes.

She felt that she had lost all consciousness for a moment, and after waking up, an unprecedented sense of relief emerged... With blood flowing throughout her body, she seemed to have gained a new life.

After being stunned for several minutes, memories of the past and the past came to my mind as if from a lifetime ago.

I have been suffering from insomnia for too long, so I came here with my last glimmer of hope.

Then...I fell asleep as I wished.


She subconsciously rubbed her temples and sat up, but there was no sour feeling as expected. Her whole body was warm, and all the fatigue and sleepiness were swept away.

Jiang Wan murmured in disbelief: "How long have I been asleep?"

"An hour." A gentle young voice said, "Here, water."

Gu Shen smiled and said, "The insomnia has been cured. I wish you a good sleep every day in the future."

Jiang Wan took the water gratefully. She was very tired from being tortured in the past few days because she couldn't sleep. Although her spirits were improving now, her physical condition was still a bit bad, her lips were dry and her face was pale.

But these are minor problems and will only take a few days to heal.

"Dr. Xiao are really...unbelievable."

She was a little uneasy when she saw that the assistant doctor was so young. After all, she had traveled all over half of the metropolis and found several experts but was unable to do anything about it...

The way she looked at Gu Shen was completely different now. It was not just gratitude, but also admiration!

Young and highly skilled.

"By the way...I haven't paid the reward yet..."

Jiang Wan rummaged through her bag and took out her business card and a small wad of bills. She was a little embarrassed and said, "Dr. Gu, I don't know how much you charge... I haven't rested for too long, so I'm not fully prepared. I only have about three to four thousand in cash on me. If it’s not enough, can I transfer the rest to you online?”

As expected of a rich woman, she is really generous... Gu Shen sighed silently in his heart, the economic strength of the people in the metropolitan area is really good.

As far as he knew, Sister Xiaoxin's price in the clinic was around 800 an hour. In his opinion, this was already very expensive, and she wouldn't have such a good business in Qinghe.

"It doesn't have to be that much... these are enough."

Gu Shen smiled and took only half of the banknotes.

I am now a real transcendent. This time, I not only completed the hypnosis, but also removed the remaining mental poison from the sealed object... I just charge a nominal fee.

In fact, after becoming extraordinary, Gu Shen's desire for money is not so strong.

The mother-in-law who cares most about her, as well as the orphanage, are all protected by Cui Zhongcheng and the Zhao Group.

Today, Gu Shen pays more attention to... the truth behind this insomnia incident.

He looked through his business cards.

"...Jiang Wan."

Gu Shen wrote down the name in his mind and suddenly said: "Miss Jiang, I would like to ask, where do you live?"

"I live in the far south, in the Nanwan area." Jiang Wan was stunned and said, "Is there any problem?"

Nanwan is a well-known wealthy area, and it is also a villa area. However, it is located in a remote area, sparsely populated, and relatively clean.

Lipu is located in the belly of Dadu, closer to the bustling area.

"Just a casual question."

Gu Shen smiled and asked this question...actually to determine the source of this extraordinary incident.

He always remembered Cui Zhongcheng's words on the plane.

If nothing unexpected happens, every move he makes while sleeping is under the supervision of Mr. Cui.

If the source of this extraordinary incident was near Lipu Street, then I would have to be more alert and take it seriously.

Gu Shen asked again: "Do you still remember where you went on the first day you had insomnia?"

"Some...can't remember clearly."

"My daily life is irregular. This is not the first time I have had insomnia symptoms, but it has never been this severe."

Jiang Wan held her forehead and thought for a long time, then suddenly said in surprise: "It's just that the day before yesterday, I seemed to have attended a best friend's party..."

Speaking of this, her cheeks were slightly red: "It's quite a coincidence. Later we went to Qingtao Bar near the river beach, not far from Lipu Street. I drank a lot of wine at that time, and I wanted to borrow I had a good sleep under the influence of alcohol...but after the show...I couldn't fall asleep..."

Qingtao Bar... Gu Shen silently wrote it down.

"Maybe it's just that you've been under a lot of stress recently." He smiled easily and said, "It's not good for your health to stay up late. It's getting late. Miss Jiang, please go back and have a good rest."

"I've been...too stressed lately?" Jiang Wan's face turned red, she quickly picked up her bag and stood up, saying, "I won't bother you...Thank you, Doctor Gu!"

When I got home and fed the cat, it was almost eleven or twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

After briefly stroking his thoughts, Gu Shen decided to go to Qingtao Bar.

Dadu is completely different from Qinghe, it is the most prosperous city in the south of Dongzhou.

Take a dart and hit it anywhere on the map of Dadu. Every inch of land is valuable. Except for the suburbs, any piece of land is more prosperous than the core area of ​​Qinghe. At night, countless bars are open along the bank of the Hengjiang River in Dadu. Welcome guests, neon lights flashing, feasting, river beach tide ups and downs, reflecting the upper and lower psychedelic city that never sleeps.

"Little handsome boy, come and play~"

"Would you like to lock up with each other?"

Gu Shen has clear facial features, childish but not weak, such an appearance is easy to like, coupled with his clean youthful demeanor, no matter how he dresses up, it is hard to make people hate him.

In keeping with the principle of keeping a low profile, he wore a peaked cap and a black overalls. He walked with his head bowed, but he still met several tall, slim girls who struck up a conversation along the way.

He refused cleanly.

Leaving aside Chu Ling... Gu Shen's mind is now occupied with investigating the case.

The only clue is in Qingtao Bar. It has been three days since the incident. It is not easy to find the source...


Gu Shen raised his head and looked at the neon sign of Qingtao Bar.

Originally, he chose to go out at this time because he was worried that he would be conspicuous if he came too early and there were not many customers in the bar... Gu Shen silently lowered his hat, looked at the crowded dance floor in front of him, and thought that he was still young.

So many people want to find clues.

There is a way that may work, but my current mental strength may not be enough.

I can only... give it a try.

Taking a long breath, Gu Shen closed his eyes, and a faint blazing fire appeared between his eyebrows.

A crowded corner.

A very soft whisper bloomed in the hustle and bustle.


Along with this low shout, the blazing fire suddenly jumped and penetrated towards the forehead, as if it was going to blend into the skin and turn into a raised eye pupil.

All the noise around Gu Shen's ears disappeared, and the whole bar was silent. At this moment, his mental power began to be consumed rapidly, which was probably dozens of times that of Hypnosis Jiang Wan.

He raised his head, and the swaying men and women were entangled with selflessness on the dance floor, like a group of demons dancing wildly. The dazzling ambient light rendered everything around him like hell...but there was no sound at all. After the profiling ability was activated, the whole world changed. It's like a no-man's land thousands of miles deep under the ocean.

Gu Shen forcibly traced a trace of spiritual imprint from three days ago.

In the sight of the blazing fire, he saw a faint shadow, like a beast smelling blood... That shadow was faintly visible, pointing to the bar.

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