Barrier of Light

Chapter 668 His name

The dusty cellar was opened, and the wooden steps made an overwhelming crunching sound.

The four of them entered slowly.

Ian was an important member of the Ancient Literature Society back then. He certainly knew the importance of shielding [Deep Sea] detection. This basement completely eliminated information detection in Central Continent... There is no access circuit or network connection. Every time he enters and leaves, It is "top secret" outside of information surveillance. A large number of drawings are stacked in sealed bookcases.

Very good moisture-proof measures have been taken here, and no drawings have been damaged in twenty years.

Hooper carried the old man on his back and picked up an anthracite kerosene lamp and was about to light it. Gu Shen stopped him and wiped two fingers between his eyebrows.


There was a very slight burning sound.

The blazing fire illuminated the dark underground space.

This ray of blazing fire made both Hooper and Ian startled. A stunning soft light bloomed in the underground space. The blazing fire changed its shape according to the owner's will, and soon flowed into a lantern.

Gu Shen snapped his fingers.

It slowly floated up and hung above the ceiling of the cellar. The soft light it emitted made this dark and damp place shine as if it were daytime.

Hooper sighed: "It is indeed a key..."

Gu Shen just smiled slightly.

"These...are some of the deciphered drawings."

Hooper took out a stack of papers from the bookcase in the corner. There were about a hundred pieces of paper... Gu Shen made a slight estimate and found that the workload of deciphering these drawings was roughly equivalent to one-fifth of the formation pattern taught by Master Qianye?

Master Qianye is an ancient human from the [Old World], and he can comprehend ancient texts very quickly.

But not Ian and Holling...the fact that they were able to decipher so much over the years is a miracle in itself.

"it is a pity."

The old man's voice echoed lowly in the mental equipment: "The deciphering of these ancient texts has no substantive effect at all... The spirit of these drawings is divided into orders, like a huge puzzle. Only by understanding them all can we understand the specifics. 'Forbidden Power'."

"What we have understood is like a corner of a puzzle. We can see a corner of the true face. It is ethereal. It is also like...a wedge in a thick book." Hooper handed the drawings to Gu Shen.


Gu Shen asked: "Can I get any useful information from what I have learned so far?"

"Not quite yet."

Hooper answered for the teacher: "The research content of 'Forbidden Ancient Texts' is too huge. The amount of information in these drawings is pitiful. It will probably take decades to decipher them all..."

After all, there are only two people, Ian and Holly.

Their strength is really meager.

"But if it were you, maybe the speed of comprehension would be faster?" Hooper asked with a smile: "Mr. Gu, you are the 'key' left by Mr. Turing. Do you have any unique methods of deciphering?" ?”

"You think too highly of me."

Gu Shen shook his head with a smile and said softly: "The real master of deciphering is not me."

He handed the drawings to Chu Ling's hands.

Hooper was a little surprised.

"The real master of code-breaking...are you?"

Ever since Gu Shen entered the courtyard, the woman in the white cat mask has been following him closely. The two were inseparable and extremely intimate. Even a fool could guess the relationship between the two.

Hooper didn't ask any more questions, because this trip involved the secrets of the Ancient Literature Society, and the people Gu Shen brought with him must also be the "backbone" to confirm the identity within the Ancient Literature Society!

Chu Ling took the drawing and said nothing.

She silently flipped through the pages, page after page... as if she were flipping through a fairy tale picture book with little content.

This scene plunged the basement into silence.

Hooper was dumbfounded. The white cat woman could read the drawings faster than he could read a book!

The two of them were still in shock.

And Gu Shen was already used to it.

When I was in the cemetery, I dismantled the tomb formations and studied ancient Chinese. I forgot about time for a while. Even with the support of the spectators, I forgot to eat and sleep all day long, and it still took a year!

One year, this speed is already very fast.

But as for Chu only took a few hours.

The sound of drawings clattering was flowing in the basement. Chu Ling turned the pages very quickly, and it was getting faster and faster. Ian had worked hard to study the drawings for several years, and it only took her ten minutes to read them over. .

Gu Shen asked: "Have you finished reading?"

Chu Ling replied: "I've finished reading."


Both Ian and Hooper fell silent.

"What about the content?"

"These drawings should be part of the wedge, but they are not complete...there is still some 'key information' missing." Chu Ling looked at the old man and said slowly: "The research direction in these years is not wrong, but some things have happened in the arrangement of the content. questions, they also require changing reading order, completion, and elimination.”

This sentence is put very euphemistically.

These drawings are chaotic...but the entire basement is filled with ancient drawings. How difficult is it to find the order?

Therefore, all these years of research are not as good as this woman's ten minutes of reading.

After hearing this, the old man sat in a wheelchair, with a gloomy look on his already withered face.

Sure enough... we still have to wait until the "key" appears!

Hooper looked at the white cat mask and asked with emotion: "Mr. Xiao Gu, who is this girl?"

"She is an extremely qualified person who is one of the few who can comprehend ancient Chinese literature."

Gu Shen said slowly: "Within the scope of her ability, she can 'decode' certain ancient texts extremely quickly."

Those ancient texts taught by Qianye have laid an excellent foundation in the database of [Source Code].

But this does not mean that Chu Ling can decipher "ancient texts" infinitely... There are also many difficulties and confusions in this part of the drawings.

It's just that she is different from ordinary people.

If you don’t understand something at first glance, there is no need to look at it a second time.

Coming into the world as [Source Code], she has a unique soul of the deep sea, and can silently comprehend the ancient will of these drawings in another "world".

The [source code] in "Ling Ling Yao" is currently being "slowly" understood.

"I see……"

Hooper nodded without asking any further questions.

"Mr. Ian..." Gu Shen looked around the basement and said, "These drawings... are too many. Even if you have the ability to decipher and organize them, it will take a long time. I think it's better to seal them up first. "

The four people left the basement, and there was a knock on the door of the small courtyard.

The visitor is none other than Locke, the ambassador of the small town of Linz.

"Grand Maester."

Locke stood outside the door. He shook his head at Hooper, indicating that he did not need to go in.

He said softly: "We are deeply sorry for what happened to Mr. Hollin..."

Behind him, there are several extraordinary beings, all wearing the exclusive robes of the Star Envoys of the Tower of Source.

They are all two stars and three stars.

Gu Shen used some mental telepathy...the strength of these star envoys is quite good. The three-star ones are on the seventh level of the deep sea, and the two-star ones are on the sixth level of the deep sea. With this strength, they cannot be considered weak anywhere. .

The territory of Central Continent is so huge that even a small town like Linz can be garrisoned by third-level extraordinary beings, which shows that the number of extraordinary beings trained by the Tower of Source is very large.

Of course, the emergence of the third level may also be due to the celebrity "Ian" staying there for a long time.

Hooper thanked the teacher and said: "Master Locke, thank you for your hard work. Actually, there is no need to make an extra trip."

"You are Welcome."

Locke said seriously: "There has never been such a bad extraordinary case in Linz. The other party has too strong a 'purpose'... We highly suspect that there may be a second crime in the near future."

Gu Shen and Chu Ling looked at each other...


The extraordinary person who killed Huolin came to seize the "ancient drawings".

If he did it on purpose, then he likely knew about Hollin and Ian's secret relationship over the years.

They are more likely to know the existence of the rumored "forbidden ancient texts".

After killing Huo Lin, the next step... should be to come to Ian!

"We have reported this case to the city."

Locke said sincerely: "Judging from the residual aura at the crime scene, the strength of that transcendent has far exceeded ours, and may have reached the fourth level... The upper city will send a star messenger who is strong enough." ', come to protect His Excellency the Grand Master, and we can arrive as soon as today."

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair, his brows furrowed.

Because his hair fell down, his face was hidden and could not be seen clearly by outsiders.

But it was confirmed from his breath that he was not happy at all at this moment.

"Your Excellency, Grand Maester?"

Locke felt something was wrong and asked softly.

"I appreciate your good intentions."

The old man's muddy voice sounded hoarsely in the courtyard: "But please tell the city... there is no need to send anyone."

Locke was startled.

Even Gu Shen and Chu Ling did not expect that after saying this, the old man ordered Hooper to push the wheelchair back to the attic.

In fact, this bachelor's temperament has always been like this, aloof and secluded, eccentric and unpredictable.

Just when this happened, Locke and others were very embarrassed.

They were standing dry outside the courtyard door. They really couldn't get in now... neither could they wait, nor could they leave.

Locke sighed and shook his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, you...should be the S-level genius from Nagano, Dongzhou, Gu Shen, right?"

He could only speak to Gu Shen and said: "I didn't recognize you when we were at the station earlier... I'm really sorry. I never expected that you and Mr. Ian would have such a relationship. I can only ask you to leave a message. The city's messenger will arrive soon, and we will guard the courtyard."

"I will pass this on."

Gu Shen opened his mouth but stopped talking.

He was actually a little surprised, surprised by Locke's attitude. The relationship between Zhongzhou and Dongzhou was not good. This guy recognized his identity, so why was he not at all "hostile" to him?

"We are just little people...with limited abilities. Most of the time, we just follow orders."

Locke was clever and saw through Gu Shen's thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile: "Blessed by the two gods, all the 'transcendents' who come to Central Continent are guests. If you are willing to go to the Tower of Source, maybe there is something else in the upper city. The robe is given as a gift."

Hearing this, Gu Shen understood.

Central Continent opens its doors, welcoming everyone to step into the upper city and challenge the Tower of Source... The essential reason is that there are "two gods" sitting in charge, possessing the strongest extraordinary strength in the five continents.

This is a kind of pride flowing in the blood.

Thinking about it, in the past few years, there have been more than one situation where extraordinary people from other continents were brought under his command.

After seeing Locke off, Gu Shen turned around and returned to the attic, where he saw a lonely and desolate figure in a wheelchair.

Ian sat at the end of the corridor, looking up at the lonely figure on the mural.

He was almost as solid as a stone sculpture.

"The teacher wants to be alone for a while."

Hooper came over and pulled Gu Shen aside, his expression a little complicated.

A long time ago, before the Ancient Literature Society was shattered, Archbishop Ian and young Huolin established a deep relationship of trust.

The latter must be extremely talented and highly favored to become a professor at Holy Cross College.

He is simply too old.

My fate was approaching, and before I died, I saw the key. This was originally great news, but I accidentally learned the sad news of the death of my favorite disciple...

This is really a big blow.

Gu Shen can understand.


Hooper lowered his voice and said, "The guy who did it has already left Linz."

Gu Shen guessed that there was another reason why Ian refused to send people to the city.

Ian, you have guessed the murderer!

He didn't want to disturb Ian's purity, but he couldn't help it at this moment.

Gu Shen took a deep breath, walked up to the old man sitting alone at the end of the corridor, and asked seriously: "Your Excellency, Grand Bachelor, since you know the relevant information about this case... why don't you tell me what happened back then?" come out?"


Ian's eyes were sunken.

His skin was about to reach its "limit", and even raising his head seemed extremely difficult.

There was silence in the spiritual link device.

After a few seconds of silence——

"Go to the Rhine, his target is Caroline Ye."

Ian murmured: "While 'he' hasn't done anything yet, while 'I' am still alive... when you come back, in the basement, I will hand over all the drawings and what happened that year." ,inform."

After saying this, the old man lowered his head.

The breeze blows.

The wind across the hall stirred up dry hair, making the attic even more silent.

Gu Shen looked at Hooper and reminded seriously: "The star envoy from the upper city will arrive soon."

Of course Hooper understood what Gu Shen meant.

He nodded and said: "No one will enter the courtyard without the teacher's permission... Mr. Huo Lin's death will not be traced to the Ancient Literature Society even if he goes to the city. So you can rest assured."

Before leaving, Gu Shen couldn't help but speak.

"Ian, Sir Leonard."

This was the first time he addressed the Grand Maester by his full name.

Hooper looked stunned.

"Do you know the name of the murderer?"


The attic was still silent.

The old man in the wheelchair showed no intention of replying.

Gu Shen continued to ask: "Is his name 'Xiao'?"

Still silent.

The old man's back fell alone in front of the mural.

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