Barrier of Light

Chapter 675 Suzaku Divine Envoy

The moment the mask breaks.

Ian was stunned when he saw Chu Ling's true appearance. He has walked in the world for more than a hundred years and has never seen a woman with such a stunning appearance.

He could no longer imagine——

How delicious would the soul of such a stunningly beautiful girl taste like?


The moment he bit down, he realized something was wrong! !

Under the ritual of life sacrifice, biting the soul is just an illusion. The real meaning is "transfer of life." Since the immortality technique he mastered is incomplete, a large amount of life force will flow into the void. In a ceremony, what I can receive is only one-twentieth of the life of the person being imbued.

But that's enough. This girl looks like she's less than twenty.

Even if I only live another sixty years.

I can also gain three more years of life...

But after taking this first bite, there was a feeling of "failure". Ian felt as if he had gained nothing... Was it an illusion?

He quickly took a second bite!

Nothing happened, and my "life span" barely increased at all. Maybe... it increased by just a few dozen minutes? In the long river of time he has experienced, these few dozen minutes are really like a wave of waves.

There will be no splashing water.

But soon the “exciting” stuff arrives!

Ian's pupils contracted and he grunted. He felt a large amount of "memories" coming from him. Involuntarily, they poured into his spiritual sea. This was the "price" of taking two bites, and he had to bear it. He couldn't help it. Avoid "draining". There is no free lunch in this world. If you want to eat up the "life" of the person being sucked, you need to eat the corresponding memory.

It seems that this is a good thing.

But on the contrary, it was a disaster.

The longer a person lives, the longer his memory... For an antique like Ian who has lived for 121 years, his spirit has long since aged, and his memory space has been filled up.

If you swallow a life span, it means swallowing a memory.

Then his spiritual sea will be filled with a large number of "memories"... He will gradually forget who he really is, and gradually lose his "self" in the memory war in the spiritual sea.

Immortality, this is the most powerful forbidden technique in the world.

Its side effects and costs must be the most terrifying.

Chu Ling didn't resist. She even stretched out a hand to hold down Gu Shen who was about to take action.

"I feel like... my life has diminished."

She said calmly: "About one day missing."

One day is not too little for her.

The life she had was even shorter than Xia Chan.

A complete life cycle lasts only more than ten days.

Gu Shen was a little hesitant. He looked at the "monstrous formation" emitting blood-colored fluctuations. If Chu Ling hadn't stopped him, he would have tried to interrupt this evil sacrifice of life transfer...

He respects Chu Ling and understands Chu Ling's intention to stop him.

"This formation seems to be the beginning of everything...but in fact, everything is over."

Chu Ling said in a very soft voice: "From the moment he took the first bite."

She could feel that more than just life was passing away.

Also, memory.

A massive amount of data that cannot be described in words.

The data, which could almost shatter the hard drive of an entire room, crazily crept into Ian's head. In just a moment, the young man's face turned red and it became difficult to breathe.

A strange picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

A train flashing with electric light roared past the bottom of the endless sea.

Then there were mountains, snowfields, deserts, blue seas, and tens of millions of cutscenes. This was the surveillance picture captured by the [Deep Sea] eyes. These pictures flooded into Ian's mind in an instant, and they are still there. Continuously dividing, the power of the Immortality Technique forcefully dragged him into the soul sea of ​​the original owner of this life, allowing him to experience the original scene of the birth of these memories.

These are the lowest and most useless junk data in Chu Ling's spiritual world.

Veins bulged in Ian's forehead and his eyes bulged.

"Who are you……"

Ian stared at Chu Ling, and he suddenly understood.

Unfortunately, at this moment, his mind has been filled with massive data, and his own thinking space has been squeezed to the extreme. Even speaking has become a luxury.

He tried his best to speak.

"Who are you!!!"

The next moment, there was a "bang"——

His head exploded!

All this happened without warning and extremely suddenly.

The bloody formations in the room dissipated at the most intense moment, and the countless scarlets stopped surging and slowly calmed down.

But there was really a layer of blood covering the ground, making the scene inside the cellar look weird and miserable.

I'm afraid no one could have imagined that Ian, who has been calculating and shrewd his whole life, would end up like this...

This ending is really ironic.

"Have you guessed it?"

Gu Shen looked at the fallen headless corpse with a complicated expression.

"He ate not only 'life', but also memories." Chu Ling lowered his eyebrows and said slowly: "No one in this world can carry my memories... He will definitely be strangled to death. From eating From the first bite, it was destined to be this way.”

Blood flowed in front of the two of them.

It also flowed to the withered wheelchair.

An aging body trembled violently.

After Ian's death, his "mental control" over his disciple Hooper was also released... The smell of blood stimulated Hooper, who knew very well what it meant for him to wake up.

But now, he can no longer hear, see, or speak.

Even my own spirit cannot be passed on.

"Mr. Hooper..."

Gu Shen sighed softly in his heart. He tapped his finger to activate a ray of fire, which hit Hooper's eyebrows and shared the scene he saw with this "poor man" who had only a short time left.

Ian died, burdened with a mountain of sins, and fell in a pool of blood.

No one moved to kill him.

What killed him was his own greed.

This way of death seems a bit advantageous to him, but for a "greedy person" who is trying his best to live for a few more years, this way of death is the most frustrating and painful.

He could feel the uncontrollable excitement in Hooper's spirit at this moment!

This young disciple came to Linz to serve and follow him because he sincerely admired the talent and moral character of Archmaester Ian. However, not long after, he was killed by Ian using the "immortality technique" and was tied to the prison. In the wheelchair, he lost his five senses and six consciousnesses, and became a living dead.

Today, he was finally able to see it. He saw the fate of "Ian"!

The fragile body was shaking violently.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Hooper tried his best to convey such a voice in the spiritual sea.

Just by delivering such a sentence, he exhausted the little remaining strength.

The old body in the wheelchair stopped all movements, and its palms slowly lowered...

Chu Ling stretched out his hand, tried his breathing, and then shook his head at Gu Shen.

Hooper died too.

This is natural death from old age, and it is death caused by exhaustion of all vitality.


Gu Shen and Chu Ling just stood quietly in the cellar. After a long time, they both had the same idea at the same time.

Everything that had happened before, and everything that was left at this moment, was ridiculous.

Ian is dead, and so is Hooper.

There were only two people, one was lying in a pool of blood, and the other was sitting in a wheelchair.

At this moment, in this unknown cellar, only the taboo blueprints and incomplete ancient texts on the "Longevity Technique" are left... Only these cold dead objects can prove that Gu Shen's trip is not a true waste. Come on, at least he still has something to gain. But this was not his original intention when he came. When he first came to Central Continent, he just wanted to find a way to quickly connect the members of the Ancient Literature Society.

"Is this... the bad luck brought by Hades?"

Gu Shen squatted in front of Ian's body, his voice a little complicated.

Ian's death was so dramatic that he couldn't help but suspect that it was precisely because of contact with him and the invisible misfortune that led to this catastrophe... If he hadn't come to Linz, this old guy might still be able to survive Live a little longer.

However, the next person to be absorbed may be "Hollin" who rushes back to Linz.

In fact, Ian was not the only one affected by bad luck.

The biggest trouble is still with Gu Shen... First of all, the problem of linking to the Ancient Prose Society has not been solved at all. Ian taught himself a vivid lesson, never trust "strangers".

Fortunately, Chu Ling absorbed the "relics" left by Ian. These spiritual messages were all garbled and out of order, but Ian probably would not have thought that Chu Ling's reading had nothing to do with the order, and she did not need to care about the order. .

These "relics" are enough to decipher ancient texts.

It just takes some time.

There are no shortcuts in this world.

This is true for deciphering ancient texts, and it is even more true for trying to restore the real connection between ancient texts. Ian's death made Gu Shen completely understand that this is not something that can be accomplished "overnight" at all. It is destined to be a long and hard work.

Even if you are the [key], you have to walk slowly step by step.

However, he has initially achieved his goal, at least harvesting the "Rose of Wind" from Rhine City. In the days to come, Caroline Ye can be used as the first choice of "pillar supporter" in Central Continent.

All that's left are the bodies in the cellar.

This is not easy to deal with.

It's a sunny and warm morning.

South of the small town of Linz, there is a public mausoleum area. Many extraordinary people came here to send white flowers of condolence specially used for funerals on one of the new monuments... The owner of this tombstone is named "Ian Leon." Nader".

If the people who came to express condolences knew Ian's true identity, he was a remnant of the Ancient Literature Society.

Then they will not give flowers.

If the members of the Ancient Literature Society knew that Ian was abusing the longevity technique and violating the moral bottom line.

Then they will no longer pay homage.

This is an "old man" who has lived for too long and finally forgot why he lived. He is both crazy and pitiful. Under the temptation of immortality, he finally wrote the word "ridiculous" on his life.

But it doesn't seem to change anything.

Today, he dies among flowers and flowers, and still enjoys the high respect of countless people after his death.

Gu Shen was also at the funeral, but he stood at the very back... He had seen too many "life and death farewells" in the past few years, and attending funerals seemed to have become a common thing.

He watched all this silently, without any fluctuation in his heart.

It is meaningless to him to expose Ian. As an outsider, he will only cause countless troubles. Taking a step back and showing Ian's ugly face will also be a blow to the Ancient Literature Society.

After thinking for a long time in the cellar, he made a decision.

Preserving "Ian's" good name.

It's just that...the person lying in the coffin at this moment, being presented with flowers, saluted, and worshiped, is the innocent victim Hooper.

The real "Ian" has been burned completely.

Gu Shen explained to the outside world that Hooper, the disciple responsible for taking care of Ian, chose to travel after his teacher passed away... No one would care about this young man, because in their view, Ian really died of old age.

"Mr. Gu, you don't seem to be sad."

There was another person at the end of the team with him, who was the high-level star envoy sent by Shangcheng to investigate the Huolin case.

The high-ranking star envoy checked Ian's body and confirmed that there was no problem before today's funeral.

"Lord Star Envoy, you are not sad either."

Gu Shen glanced at it and said calmly: "Human beings have different joys and sorrows... Do we have to squeeze out tears like them to prove our emotions?"

At the front, there were several students who had been rejected by Ian, looking sad and "sincerely affectionate."

For Gu Shen, who knew Ian's true identity, this scene was a bit funny. These guys were all rejected by Ian because of their poor qualifications.

If they can really enter the courtyard, they may be the next ones to be sucked out of life... I wonder if they will still be able to cry by then?


The high-ranking star envoy smiled after hearing this.

He was not planning to cause trouble to Gu Shen on this matter.

The star envoy suddenly said: "Mr. Xiao Gu, when I left Shangcheng, I heard an interesting thing... Maybe you, a guest from Dongzhou, will be interested."

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows: "Why, did something major happen in Shangcheng related to Dongzhou?"

"It's not a big deal."

The Star Envoy said calmly: "Lu Nanjin got into a fight with one of the Four Divine Sons, the Suzaku Divine Envoy, in front of the Tower of Origin. The Suzaku Divine Envoy's senior brother Qin Ye died in your Dongzhou, and the two of them fought. It caused quite a stir.”


Gu Shen looked calm, but actually his heart thumped.

What senior sister meant by "taking a look" is indeed not that simple.

The status of the four divine sons of the Tower of Source is probably equivalent to that of the "Blessed Sons" of Guangming City. These four are carefully selected by the two gods and will be the future agents of divine authority!

When the name Qin Ye came out, Gu Shen guessed the ending.

It was related to the old case back then, so the senior sister would definitely draw her sword, but if she meets the Fourth God Son now, the outcome may be disastrous.

"Lu Nanjin lost."

Sure enough, the high-ranking star envoy paused deliberately.

When he said this, there was a smile on his lips. He deliberately left it until now just to see Gu Shen's reaction.

The star envoy wanted to see surprise or dissatisfaction on Gu Shen's face.

But in the end he was disappointed.

There was no movement on Gu Shen's face.

He asked calmly: "What happened next?"


"She was not strong enough, and she was too far behind the Suzaku Divine Envoy. She was beaten until she vomited blood, suffered a huge defeat, and returned home in vain." The Star Envoy paused and smiled: "As far as I know, Lu Nanjin escaped from the Tower of Origin. When we were there, we were in a very embarrassing situation... The Suzaku Divine Envoy chased us all the way, and no one knows what happened next. I don’t know if we have caught up now."

Beaten to the point of vomiting blood?

Gu Shen's eyes gradually became gloomy.

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