Barrier of Light

Chapter 695 War begins! (Additional updates for Baiyin Dameng’s Ten Thousand Allures)

The cold wind was blowing in the camp, and although there was a campfire blocking it, there was still a bit of coldness seeping in.

Gu Shen stood expressionless in front of two bonfires.

The distant mountains overlap and the night is dark and fishy.

Although he could not clearly see the specific scene behind the mountains, the intuition coming from the spiritual sea was not wrong... the "strange light" he felt was the spiritual aura of the extraordinary.

Who else could exude such a powerful spiritual aura in this desolate tundra area?

They can only be criminals who escaped from the [Snow Cage]!

Gu Shen stretched out his hand to hold the pendant. Under the protection of the goddess of fate, there were waves of nervous mental fluctuations at this moment, which also confirmed his suspicion from the side.

"Mr. Xiao Gu... What a coincidence, you can't sleep either?"

A voice came from behind.

Dr. Jimo, who was wearing a big coat, rubbed his hands together to feel the air-conditioning, and walked slowly. He came to the campfire and muttered: "I don't know why, I tossed and turned tonight and couldn't sleep well."

Gu Shen glanced at Jimo.

The situation is a bit bad now. Now in the camp, apart from myself, there are only two fourth-level extraordinary beings... One of them is a non-combatant member in charge of "healing". It does not mean that Jimo is not powerful enough. After all, he is a real fourth-level spirit. Department, if you fight against an ordinary third level, you can definitely win it easily.

But if you are facing a fourth-level prison escape felon.

His fighting ability is not enough.

"Mr. Ji, do you feel something is wrong?" Gu Shen put away the pendant.

"I spread my mental power to the maximum...I didn't see anything unusual..." Jimo covered his coat tightly, hesitated for a moment, and murmured: "What do you mean?"

Gu Shen looked towards the distant mountains.

Those guys are indeed hidden, and they know enough about the spiritual probing distance of the fourth-order transcendent... Even with his own blazing fire, he can't see clearly such a distant scene.

Jimo had no way of noticing, and could only feel vaguely uneasy, which was reasonable, as his strength was not enough.

"Prepare for enemy attack."

Gu Shen just said this in a very soft voice.

He glanced at the bonfire beside him, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a wisp of flame was caught in his hand, and he threw it upwards.


This ball of blazing flames exploded in mid-air, blazing brightly and the entire camp instantly lit up like daylight!

This early warning was more impactful than a mental message. Those who were resting in the camp and patrolling nearby were all awakened instantly and their consciousness was tense.

Gu Shen's voice rang in the hearts of everyone in the camp.

"Everyone gathers towards the bonfire and prepares to meet the enemy attack!"

In an instant, the dead camp suddenly surged into action. The young disciples of the Mu family, as well as the elite extraordinary beings from the pioneer exploration team, although they were not aware of what happened, they all recognized that it was Gu Shen's voice.

"Get closer!"

"Back raid!"

The transcendent who was patrolling outside and left the camp slightly rushed back at this moment.

"What happened? We were discovered?"

Ten miles away, three figures were gliding close to the ground, almost blending into the color of the snow.

Silver Eyes looked surprised.

They all saw the blazing flame that suddenly rose and exploded on the sky in the distance. In their opinion, for no reason, a scorching light ignited in the dark night, like fireworks exploding. It was obviously an early warning!

Behind him, the tall man standing on top of the snow-capped mountains remained motionless.

Boss Yuan's cold voice penetrated hundreds of meters and reached the hearts of the three of them: "Keep moving forward and attack directly."

"I...come to see you off."

The words fell.

Amidst the heavy snowfall, Boss Yuan stretched out a palm, aimed at the three of them through the void, and pressed it.


The extraordinary source of essence in the void suddenly burst out, and the figures of the three people blurred for a while, as if the entire space they were in had been cut off. Also blurred with them was the caster himself.

In the next moment, they suddenly jumped nearly a kilometer!

This is a terrifying ability that can "move space". They jumped several times in succession. The three people, flying in the snowy night, approached the camp at an extremely fast speed... They originally wanted to lurk quietly, Avoid all the sensors, and then launch a sudden attack, but this sudden change completely changed the plan!

Now, the only way is to attack head-on and attack this road quickly!

They jumped closer and could not hide their aura.

And in just a few seconds, he suddenly jumped to a terrifying speed of thousands of meters... Even Mu Qingyang, who was sitting in the tent and was a fourth-level attacker who was not good at mental strength, could still feel this surging force. Dangerous atmosphere!


At the moment when Gu Shen reminded him in his heart, the big guns in the camp suddenly rang out!

Mu Qingyang opened his eyes suddenly, grasped the barrel of the gun, and raised the curtain with the tip of the red tassel. A gloomy murderous intention flowed from Danfeng's eyes.

somebody is coming!

The criminals in [Snow Cage] are really crazy. Facing Nagano’s encirclement and suppression, they dare to fight back...


The camp has entered a level 1 alert state.

The children of the Mu family have already set up a parrying formation high in the camp. Even the vanguard exploration team will prepare large-capacity and strong logic weapons during group operations.

Improved heavy machine guns, Gatlings, and large quantities of red and silver bullets are all ready.

At this moment, three vague figures appeared in everyone's sight.

"It's so fast!"

Those three figures were like lightning. One second, they were running shoulder to shoulder in the distance. The next second, as if they had received some instructions, they dispersed in an instant and disappeared on the snowy field!

Even the fourth-level Jimo didn't see their whereabouts clearly!


The disciples of the Mu family who had set up an offensive at a high point and were preparing to fight were suddenly stunned. The strong wind roared. In these short seconds, there was a dead silence outside the camp, as if the murderous intention and impact just now were all... hallucination.

The weapons and firepower they had prepared, even if they wanted to pour it out, there was no way to start——

Suddenly a strong wind blew.

The pale snow mist swept towards the camp like a sea tide. However, in just a few seconds, the pale snow mist turned scarlet, as if mixed with a large amount of blood——

This violent wind came extremely fast. A patrolman who had not had time to return to the camp and had not yet stepped into the range of the camp fire was caught up by the red snow mist. His pupils shrank and he felt a burning sensation on his back——

"Tear it apart!"

This scarlet snow mist, with an extremely corrosive meaning, hit his back!

This scene was extremely strange, as if there was a blood-red spider lying on his back.


The shrill screams of pain resounded in the long night, making people shudder. The moment he was touched by the snow mist, he was paralyzed. Not far away was a safe camp with a sealed barrier, but now he wanted to move. Even one finger is extremely difficult.

He just stood there stiffly.


The next moment, a ball of fire and wind exploded into red mist.

A young figure, with blazing flames burning between his brows, punched open the red mist with a gloomy expression, and the highly corrosive spiritual poisonous mist was completely burned by the fire——

Gu Shen grabbed the young man and turned back instantly.

"Chi chi chi..."

After returning to the camp, Gu Shen put the rescued patrolman on the ground and turned him over. The latter had passed out, and the huge pain caused him to lose consciousness... The clothes on his back were completely corroded, Large chunks of flesh were also turned out, and the scarlet marks all over the back looked like a giant spider had surrounded him and sucked blood.

What kind of terrifying poisonous fog is this?

Jimo looked pale when he saw this scene.

Gu Shen did not hesitate. After seeing the injury clearly, he immediately stretched out his palm and pressed it in the air. The fire burned suddenly... The fire of life, which was not a large amount at the moment, burned brightly on the back of the unconscious man, carrying it with him. The corrosive scarlet blood was burned out by the high temperature, and countless toxins that invaded the lungs and internal organs were also removed by the blazing fire!

Jimo stared at Gu Shen's blazing fire.

This ability is truly heaven-defying and simply miraculous!

"Next, let's take action." Gu Shen waved his hand to extinguish the blazing fire and said softly: "If there is a fight, I won't care about saving people. Such a thing will cause trouble for you."


Jimo murmured: "Wait, you mean to go out to fight? Shouldn't we stay in the camp and wait for support from the rear of the headquarters?"

After saying this, he realized how stupid it was.

In just a few dozen seconds, the red mist spread all over the sky along with the snow mist, covering the whole mile.

The entire camp seems to be in a "Red Sea"... This is obviously to bury everyone here in a very short time.

"That's too late."

Mu Qingyang also came to the bonfire. He said solemnly: "Retreating to the camp is a dead end. If we count on support, everything will be over by the time the people from the headquarters arrive here."

"But..." Jimo gritted his teeth.

He wanted to say, but there are only two level four in our camp.

The other one is myself.

Even if Mr. Xiao Gu is extremely talented and powerful and can withstand a fourth-level person, can Mu Qingyang kill everyone by himself?

He didn't say anything more, he just retreated silently, opened up his spiritual field, and added an extra layer of protection in the tent... The poisonous mist was very corrosive. He was the only fourth-level spiritual system, so he had to Be considerate in protecting others.

This is also the only thing Jimo can do.

In front of the tent, there are two bonfires, hunting in the wind.

"Brother Gu, you are really hiding your strength."

Mu Qingyang grasped the big gun and looked at Gu Shen. He had witnessed the previous actions of grabbing people with his own eyes... Gu Shen's speed, explosive power, and mental strength were far beyond the eighth level.


Gu Shen didn't say anything. He originally wanted to arrange the next battle plan.

"If you can handle a fourth-level man... it will be much easier." Mu Qingyang said seriously: "You are responsible for guarding the camp, and I will kill the other two."

There were four people in total... Gu Shengang wanted to remind them.

Mu Qingyang jumped out with a gun.

The [Green Fire] domain burned in the red mist, wrapping him up, one man and one shot, extremely brave, he actually locked onto a figure outside the snowfield, and rushed towards him!

"All right……"

Gu Shen was very sure that the "danger" he felt dozens of miles away did not come from the three figures that were rushing across the snowfield earlier... These three people were just pawns.

If Mu Qingyang could really deal with one or two fourth-order people, it would be enough.

Leave the real trouble to yourself.

However, the most urgent task is to resolve the poisonous fog first——

Gu Shen slowly looked around.

Today's camp is full of weapons, but the red mist is filling the air. The spirits of these extraordinary beings are completely obscured, and they have no target if they want to fire.

Judging from Jimo's mental strength.

It is very difficult to resist this red mist.

The top priority is to clean up these toxins——

Gu Shen was a little curious. This huge "Red Sea" was beyond the ability of normal people. Even a fourth-level transcendent had a limit to the scope of its release.

Obviously, this poisonous guy cannot have the strength of Lu Zhe and Jia Wei.

So in such a short period of time, such a large amount of poisonous sea was released...

There is only one possibility.

He used the sealed artifact.

Then something interesting happens. When the criminals who are imprisoned in the [Snow Cage] are imprisoned, even the clothes on their bodies will be pulled clean, and everything in the area will also be completely removed. !

Was the sealed object... buried outside the [Snow Cage] a long time ago?

From this point of view, this is a guy who has planned to escape from prison for a long time. He left such a back-up, because the sky sheath collapsed, but it was really a combination of circumstances and came in handy.

"In the [Snow Cage], there is a Class A criminal, nicknamed the Poisonous Ghost."

Chu Ling, who was connected to Gu Shen's mind, had already found the relevant files. She compared the "blurred figure" that Gu Shen saw with the photos in the files, and they almost completely overlapped.

The guy's identity was found out instantly.

"Poison Ghost, mid-level tenth level of the deep sea, ranked nineteenth on the high-risk list, ability [Red Sleeping Demon]."

"In the [Snow Cage], the Poison Ghost also has two close companions. They are the [White-haired Ghost] ranked thirty-four, and the [Silver Eye] ranked sixty-seven. All of them are A fourth-level transcendent."

"Only two?" Gu Shen frowned: "There should be one more. He is more dangerous than the poisonous ghost."

"In the [Snow Cage], many people will hide their interactions." Chu Lin paused and said: "There are very few people ranked in front of the poisonous ghosts. According to the data analysis, this person has a high probability of being in the top ten of the high-risk list. ... Combined with the incomplete images captured by the Sky Eye when the iron wall was destroyed, it is indeed true that there was a person who escaped from prison in the same direction as these three criminals."

"Sixth on the high-risk list, 'Yuan Zhong'. An extremely dangerous person on the eleventh level of the deep sea. His ability is 'Intercut'. It is a trait system and can cut through space. This is a power similar to the characteristics of the captain of the first team of the Survey Corps." .”

"Trait system, cutting space?"

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes. He probably understood where his previous sense of danger came from.

This is indeed a serious and high-risk criminal, the eleventh level of the deep sea... This is the minimum requirement for the team leaders in the restart mission. My current spiritual sea has just reached this size.

"You have to be careful..."

After the intelligence collection was completed, Gu Shen looked solemn and did not forget to explain: "This information is very important. Remember to remind Mu Qingyang through the spiritual link."

"Don't worry. I've completed the reminder."

got this reply.

Gu Shen nodded.

He reached out again from the bonfire and grabbed a ball of flowing fire.


In the silent night, there was another vibration.

This ball of flowing fire was thrown high by Gu Shen and exploded in the sky. It was as bright as daytime fireworks. But after it burst, the countless flowing flames did not break up. Instead, they fell down like a waterfall and turned into a huge canopy. , covering the entire camp——

Gu Shen unleashed his "blazing fire"!

at the same time.

His huge mental power, under the bright cover of this blazing flame explosion, instantly spread out, covering the entire Red Sea!

He went straight to the source of the toxins being released!

A stooped figure was holding a snuff bottle with a weird texture!

Gu Shen stretched out his hand and held it in vain, and the iron sword condensed instantly.

He looked in the direction of the source of the poison, his eyes very cold.

"I found you...the poisonous ghost."

(The update is scheduled in the morning. I was a little confused when I woke up. Thanks to Baiyin Alliance for the alluring reward! Because there is no manuscript saved at all, I can only show my liver. There will be an additional chapter in the afternoon! Thank you again, boss!)

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