Barrier of Light

Chapter 716 Misleading Disaster

Gu Shen's final blow was extremely effective.

Even he himself did not expect that the ghost veil paired with the light robe could unleash such a terrifying blow!

If the opponent is not Taotie, but Yuan Zhong... without any defense and facing the blow just now, there is a high probability that the outcome will be a "broken sea of ​​​​heart".


Taotie is already a "out-of-control person", and the spirit of an out-of-control person is extremely disordered... Gu Shen's inner sea attack fell into his mental sea and could not make him collapse directly.


On the top of the Kulong Snow Mountain, the splashing snowflakes gradually scattered.

The three people in Baixiu came to Gao Tian.

"Taotie... escaped?"

Mu Qingyang looked at the direction in which Taotie was escaping, a little unwillingly. Gu Shen's blow was really beautiful, couldn't he keep it like this?

They also heard the conversation between Gao Tian and Gu Shen.

"I really didn't expect...this guy turned out to be a 'out of control' person." Gong Zi also narrowed his eyes.

"The top three of [Snow Cage] are all top-level fourth-level ones who have understood the two laws. They are indistinguishable. The reason why Taotie is placed first... is because he lost control before he was taken into the tundra." Gao Tian said calmly: "After Mr. Zhou Jiren imprisoned him, he directly booked the top spot on the Tundra Level 4 high-risk list."

"I see." Gong Zi nodded, "When the strength is equal, those who lose control are much more dangerous than normal people..."

Although Tundra criminals are desperadoes.

But they still have weaknesses——

Once people have something they want, they will develop many weaknesses.

Wanting to live is the biggest weakness of these criminals.

But it's different for those who are out of control. After the spiritual sea loses order, no one can understand the logic of their actions and the purpose of their actions... Everything Taotie did in ambush in Kulong Snow Mountain has lost the meaning of investigation.

He can do whatever he pleases.

Or you could just happen to be passing by.

He follows the instinct of life and walks on the edge of destruction.

"Can I still catch up now?"

Mu Qingyang looked into the distance... With his mental induction, he could no longer see any trace of Taotie. The top of the snow-capped mountains in the distance regained their calm amid the broken snow, and the falling snow covered the rugged rocks.

Taotie's speed is too fast.

With his strength, he definitely wouldn't be able to catch up.

Several people looked at Uncle Gao one after another.

"This is the most important role in the 'encirclement and suppression mission'. Now that it has appeared, we cannot let it go." "

The man with a high ponytail wearing white gloves holds the handle of a black umbrella with both hands, looking at the snowy scene in the distance. His spirit has completely locked "Taotie", and his target is indeed the number one super criminal in [Snow Cage]. In a short time, He had already traveled several miles in just tens of seconds, but Taotie didn't know that the man who locked onto him was one of the top three in Nagano in terms of mental strength.

"No matter how far he runs, he can't escape."

Gao Tian said calmly: "The 'encirclement and suppression' of Kulong Snow Mountain can enter its final stage. I will go after Taotie, and you will be responsible for taking down the remaining criminals on the mountain."



The next moment.

Gao Tian disappeared at the top of the snow-capped mountain. He held up the title field, and a streak of snow-white splendor shot out like a cannonball, with snowflakes flying dozens of meters in radius.

This picture is so shocking that Mu Qingyang, who has been traveling in Jiuning District for many years and has never been back to Nagano a few times, was dumbfounded.

He has heard Gao Tian's name.

But I didn't expect that this "Li's Butler", who was usually gentle and polite, would have such a tough and fierce side!

"Uncle Gao...has he always been so fierce?"

During this period of massacre, Gao Tian hardly showed up.

What he did was very simple, which was to ensure Li Qingsui's safety in the logistics department and the successful implementation of orders.

This is a training for young people in Nagano. As a title, it usually does not happen when there is no absolute danger. If the opponent this time is not the number one Taotie in [Snow Cage], he will not intervene.

Without a life and death battle, there would be no breakthrough.

It can't even have a sharpening effect.

"You haven't been back to Nagano, so it's normal that you don't know." Gong Zi smiled and said: "Uncle Gao is indeed a peerless man. Among the five masters of the three institutes, no matter how powerful the big shot is... you have to give him some face."

Extraordinaries who are powerful enough often have some scruples.

Either there is a family behind them who relies on them for survival, or there are relatives and friends who care about them.

But Gao Tian is different from them.

He has no family, no relatives and friends... He is a pure Sanren, and he is a super strong man with a "title level". No big force is willing to provoke someone like Gao Tian.

His only concern was Li Qingsui.

The future head of the Li family is an absolutely big shot that no one dares to make any decisions about.

"Okay, the encirclement and suppression of Kulong Snow Mountain can be concluded."

Baixiu said softly: "We have been delaying this battle for a long time."

The rear of the camp that maintains a link with the spiritual channel.

Li Qingsui and Luo Yu were actually watching all this.

At this moment, there are many extraordinary beings waiting for orders outside the snow-capped mountains. The suppression of the firepower network has completely locked up those criminals who want to escape in the snow-capped mountains.

If we don't launch a general attack, some fish will escape.

It was also the same moment.

Luo Yu's question rang out on the channel: "What's the situation on the front line? Can we launch a general offensive?"

"The frontline is in good shape."

Gong Zi said calmly: "Taotie has escaped, and Uncle Gao is on the hunt for him... The danger in Kulong Snow Mountain has been eliminated, and we can launch a general attack."

Several people looked at each other.

Gu Shen felt vaguely that he had overlooked something, but the current situation was looking good.

If you don't attack, you will miss the opportunity.


The command from the main console was transmitted to the spiritual sea of ​​every law enforcer. Under the foot of the Kulong Snow Mountain, bright fires burned. Nagano's law enforcement team no longer concealed their strength and began to carry out a frontal attack.

The four leaders spread out and rushed towards the battlefield.

They will not take action directly... The encirclement and suppression mission is a rare test for law enforcement officers who are as powerful as criminals. As "superpowers" with absolute suppression in the team, the four of them are in this battle. The greatest significance of encirclement and suppression is to stabilize the situation.

Gu Shen stood in the snow forest.

He watched as his team of law enforcers gathered to attack and kill a third-level out-of-control person.

With equal strength, five extraordinary beings of the same level can barely draw a tie with one out-of-control person, going back and forth... Since the spiritual sea has collapsed, the latter is not afraid of death, and his actions are very logical. Weird and completely unpredictable, he often makes crazy moves that involve injuries in exchange for death.

So this battle was very difficult.

However, this kind of scene is happening everywhere in Kulong Snow Mountain at this moment.

"Why...I always feel something is wrong?"

Gu Shen stood in the snow forest, he frowned and murmured: "Taotie escaped, Uncle Gao chased him. We won this battle, and the next step is to end... Everything seems to be fine."


Chu Ling listened to his heart.

As the sensor of all information from Gu Shen's skull, she responded extremely quickly and pointed out the problem immediately: "You ignored the first reminder from the bracelet."


Gu Shen was suddenly startled.

"I ignored the bracelet's first divination?"

The first divination... There are corpses lying everywhere in the snowy mountains, not only those of extraordinary criminals, but also those of law enforcement officers! This picture indicates that tonight will be a tragic battle!

And the most powerless thing is that this picture is the established result.

The meaning is: No matter what Gu Shen does, it will lead to this scene.

But why?

The biggest and most unstable factor, Taotie... has escaped!

Will there be any surprises in this ending?

"Didi didi."

The old-fashioned communicator on Gu Shen's body, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly rang at this moment.

This is a one-way pager.

After killing Yuan Zhong, Gu Shen had been carrying it with him... Han Dang had previously said that he wanted to trade with him, but after expressing his desire to trade, this guy kept silent.

Gu Shen had no better choice.

He could only carry the pager with him and wait for the next "contact".

At this moment, it rang.

Gu Shen immediately answered the call and said coldly: "Han, what do you want to do to the law enforcer?"


Han Dang was a little surprised by Gu Shen's reply. After he paused for a moment, he smiled gently and said: "Gu Shen, you don't seem to be surprised by my call... It's interesting, is it a revelation given to you by divination? "


Gu Shen had no intention of talking nonsense with this guy.

Of course he would not answer such a question.

Then the scene fell into silence, but after a few seconds, Han Dang continued to smile as if nothing had happened: "Okay, I want to ask you... how did you think about the last transaction?"

"You want to know the result?"

"Of course..." Han Dang smiled: "I want to know, Mr. Gu, who has always looked down on me, has he weighed it clearly this time? What is more important between me and those criminals?"

"The old man has thought it over carefully." Gu Shen said slowly: "If you show enough sincerity, Nagano will consider granting you an amnesty."

This is of course a lie.

Without Han Dang, the encirclement and suppression mission would become very easy——

This crime alone is heinous!

He is now threatening the federation, and it is rare for the high-level opinions within the federation to be unified... No matter what, we cannot compromise with this kind of person. If we compromise once, there will be countless times. Such a being will drift outside the [Snow Cage] in a day. One day makes people feel uneasy.

But it's a pity.

[Deep Sea] The field of vision was completely destroyed, and the hinterland of the tundra was too big. No one knew where Han Dang had sneaked into with the criminals who had taken refuge in him... Especially among the group of gatherers this time, there was one who had been in Nagano back then. A title-level figure with high power and position.

Jing Shanyan, the former chief judge who possesses the [Blue King Power Realm].

Jing Shanyan's [Jade King Power Realm] is extremely good at concealment... With this ability, once he is willing to help Han Dang, the difficulty of encirclement and suppression will be greatly increased.

"Is that so?"

Han Dang said seriously: "If I remember correctly... you were able to face the review amidst the controversy and turn the danger into safety because someone at the top of the federal government was willing to take the risk and issue an amnesty order for you."

"So, now I also want a pardon."

Han Dang said word for word: "Let that old man apply for a pardon. I want to see a real pardon, and then I will announce my pardon to the whole world."

The first reaction in Gu Shen's mind was...this is impossible!

In this case, isn't it just a fake show?

But he couldn't refuse.

Still trying to figure it out slowly.

Gu Shen said calmly: "Why, you are the only one? Isn't your mentor important, or can you betray him?"

Over the communicator, Han Dang just smiled and did not reply.

"Where's Jingshan Yan?"

Gu Shen continued to ask: "You seem to really just want to protect yourself... Don't you have anyone else you care about?"

"Junior Brother Gu, are you serious about this negotiation?"

Han Dang interrupted him and sighed: "Maybe you just want to delay time... you want to get more information from me."


Gu Shen was silent.

"You know, the more you try to get my information... the more at ease I feel." Han Dang smiled softly and said: "After the electronic eyes of [Deep Sea] were smashed, you seem to have become blind. Because I can't find my specific location, I have to conduct testing... If allowed, you will conduct testing one after another until you find useful information."

The reason why Gu Shen remained silent was because everything Han Dang said was right.

The law enforcement team is in great shape right now.

But in the future...the last group of "stickers" will be the most difficult problem.

"Okay, no more words."

Han Dang's voice was gentle and he said: "As far as I know, today is the massacre in Kulong Snow Mountain. You are in the final battle of the first mass massacre... If you guessed it right, the only one with a banned title in the team is Gao Tian, ​​the one responsible for protecting Li Qingsui, is no longer here, right?"

Gu Shen's hair stood on end.

At this moment, the ominous premonition that the disaster bracelet gave him suddenly emerged.

"Like last time, I will show my 'sincerity'."

Han Dang said slowly: "Please accept it."

The sound of the old communicator became hoarse, and the last word was "laugh". Although it was still smiling, it made people shudder!


The spirit of the communicator was completely broken.

And explosions broke out one after another all over the mountainside!

Those law enforcers who pounced on the targeted targets had already begun the official final killing. They set foot on the snow-capped mountains, went deep into the snow-capped mountains, climbed the snow-capped mountains, and killed every enemy they encountered along the way... But as A burst of strange will and order, everywhere in the pale snow-capped mountains, dozens of "tundra criminals" who were fighting with the law enforcement team, their bodies were torn apart from the inside like tearing paper, they lowered their heads, each one He was stunned, obviously he did not expect such a scene to happen.

And what tore their bodies apart was not the "forbidden technique" cast by some title!

Instead, there are countless small, cursed fragments of the sky sheath!

A moment.

Countless fragments were splashed everywhere in the snow-capped mountains, tearing apart the criminal's body as a price——

The law enforcers who rushed up to the snow-capped mountains to implement the verdict were instantly enveloped by the bloody storm erupting from the fragments of the sheath!

The first scene of the Disaster Bracelet was staged at this moment.

It is indeed misleading...the two pictures have been deliberately reversed, making people subconsciously think that this is the natural sequence of events!

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere on the dry snow mountain.

The fog filled the air.

(Happy New Year, post first and change later~)

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