Barrier of Light

Chapter 724 The Battle of White Whale

The burial ground was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Gu Shen brought the silver box of miracles to Gu Qilin.

"These are the 'Sky Sheath Fragments' of the Northern Suppression Campaign so far."

Gu Shen handed over two boxes in total, one each for Black Silver and Miraculous Silver. The "celestial sheath fragments" in these two boxes were still active. According to the collection of Tundra Prison staff over the past twenty years, Speed... In another hundred years, we won't be able to collect so many fragments.

Luo Yu took the box from the old man.

These two boxes are very light, but also very heavy.

"Have the Gu family prepared the blueprint for use?" Gu Shen asked curiously: "Are these fragments made into cannonballs...or?"

"Blueprints? Of course! The Gu family has already prepared tens of thousands of blueprints for the Sky Sheath Project!"

The old man laughed loudly and said: "It's just that these blueprints have never been used. For the first time in so many years, we have so many 'raw materials'. In the past, we used [deep sea] to simulate the manufacturing process, but this time we can finally Sample testing is underway.”

"Thanks to you."

Gu Nanfeng said seriously: "I hope the fragments in these two boxes can be used to create a complete sky sheath weapon."

"If these fragments of the sky sheath...are not enough, don't worry, I have a way."

Gu Shen said: "I'm going to leave for the Beluga Mountains."

"Beluga Mountains?" Luo Yu was startled and said, "That's where the Central City law enforcers are."


Gu Shen smiled and nodded: "Don't forget, this time the mission is for the north and the south to attack at the same time. Since we have launched a massacre against Kulong Snow Mountain, Beizhou's action should be fast... If I set out now , if the speed is fast enough, we should be able to catch up with the end of the encirclement and suppression mission in the Beluga Mountains. They will be happy to hand over those 'bodies' to me for disposal."

Speaking of which.

Gu Shen suddenly frowned.

While disposing of the corpses at the mortuary, he thought of a question.

That is the "gift" sent by Han Dang. Is there more information that can be mined?


He realized the problem.

The killings in the north and south were carried out simultaneously.

If Han Dang saw that his trick was effective against the Nagano law enforcers, would he consider replicating the same trick against Beizhou again?

The Beluga Mountains, as the "natural chasm" in the north of the tundra, have geographical advantages that are roughly similar to the Kulong Snow Mountains.

In this encirclement and suppression campaign, the Beluga Mountains were the most likely "breakout point" in the eyes of many tundra criminals.

As the encirclement shrinks in the future.

Their scope of activities is getting smaller and smaller.

The night was long.

The snow-cage criminals dormant in the White Whale Mountains are gradually becoming desperate. The Beizhou garrison that has been stationed outside the line is motionless. They have neither launched an attack nor launched an encirclement... They have just drawn a long line, and they don't know what they are waiting for. Looking at what they were looking for, the extraordinary beings of Beizhou were silently guarding within the boundaries, holding on to their strength, motionless, from night to day.

The collective actions of extraordinary people, such as encirclement and suppression, attacks and killings, actually have nothing to do with the weather sooner or later.

It doesn't matter whether it's day or night.

What they use to observe the world is not their eyes, but their mental power.

Therefore, there is only one possibility for such consumption——

The Beizhou garrison was waiting for "orders".

"No one is allowed to advance without permission from the Legion Commander."

For this southern suppression mission, Central City temporarily mobilized surrounding fortresses and the elite team of the Survey Corps.

Zhong Yuan, captain of the second team, is leading his team members to guard the west flank of the Beluga Mountains.

This blond man wearing an exoskeleton armor was sitting on a tree covered with heavy snow. He looked calm and not in any hurry. Yuan Yuan under the tree was equally calm.

As top hunters, they have an extremely keen sense of hunting.

The Beluga Mountains looked peaceful.

But in fact, it gives people an uneasy "sense of danger"... This feeling certainly does not come from the absconding criminals who generally have level three strength in the mountains.

"There is a high probability that there is more than one top fourth-level transcendent in this mountain."

The third in command of this team, Su He, said seriously to the transcendent under his opponent: "I think Master Zhuxue has not issued an attack order for a long time... maybe because he has not confirmed whether there is a 'banned title' in the mountain range."

This time the criminal escaped from the snow cage.

There are two titles.

One is Nagano's former temporary "Grand Adjudicator", Zhu Wang.

Nagano's title has a very high status in the Five Continents. The whole world recognizes the combat effectiveness of Nagano's top powerhouses. Before Zhu Wang, the former Grand Adjudicator Zhou Jiren had proven Nagano's power to the world.

There is another person, Jing Shanyan, who was the chief judge more than 20 years ago.

Even if these two people were imprisoned in the core area of ​​​​Tiansheath and their strength has declined, they should not be underestimated.

"No need to worry, the legion commander is sitting at the rear."

Zhong Yuan, who was sitting on the tree, said calmly: "The garrison has blocked the northern front. They have tremendous abilities, but they can't escape... So it doesn't matter if it drags on forever. Remember, our goal is not to win, but to 'annihilate' .”

The difficulty of the word "total annihilation" is actually not the latter one.

It’s the “whole” in front of it.

The ultimate goal of joint law enforcement between the two continents this time is to find all the escapees in Xue Long and lock their identities.

Life or death doesn't matter.

It is important that no fish slip through the net.

At this moment, there are many teams on the northern line of the Beluga Mountains, just like the elite second team led by Zhong Yuan, waiting quietly.

The team of law enforcers in Hokkaido is divided into different groups from Nagano.

Each fortress participating in the battle, as well as many legion squads, were carefully divided according to the daily battle plans.

No matter what criminals they encounter, they will be crushed directly... If we really want to talk about actual combat capabilities, no one in the Five Continents can deploy and attack with the same strength as Beizhou.

Northern Line Base.

"I didn't notice the aura of 'banning'. Are you a little too cautious?"

Ziyu stood under the steel eaves of the base. She looked back at Zhuxue. This time the battle was jointly led by her and Zhuxue. She was responsible for guiding the battle and dealing with risks that could only be solved by being banned.

Lin Silk, on the other hand, was responsible for overall command and finalizing orders.

A big task like slaying the White Whale Mountains, of course, required Lin Ci's nod... But unlike what those captains had guessed, Lin Ci didn't order the attack because he suspected that there was a title hidden in the White Whale Mountains.

At this moment, Justice Zhuxue was sitting at the table.

He stretched out his slender fingers, and the middle finger was wrapped with a circle of gold thread. At the end of the gold thread, there was a round white bead hanging.

This bead is automatic without wind.

Lin Ci asked softly: "Aunt Wen, do you believe in 'fate'?"

Ziyu looked helpless as she watched the white beads and stones swaying.

What kind of problem is this?

"This is a 'token' given to me by my sister. Over the years, I often take out pearls and stones before making decisions."

Lin Silk smiled and said: "It doesn't need the wind, it will move by itself... My sister didn't tell me what the use of this bead is, but I think, after all, this is a gift from the Queen, how can it be useless?"

The discarded stone that my sister had thrown carelessly on the corridor.

They are all miraculous silver.

Those things were picked up by Lin Lin, and he didn't know how much he saved... Even those "trash" items were worth thousands of gold.

What's more, is it a gift given with such care?

"I have a hunch that this bead contains the power of destiny... When I am hesitant, it will guide me in the right direction." Zhuxue said this, slowly holding the bead, Then put it away.

He put his hands on his elbows and said seriously: "Regarding the Beluga Mountains, the right direction is...not to fight."

"Do not hit."

Ziyu sighed in her heart, and then solemnly warned: "Not to fight, of course. Now we have an absolute advantage. No matter how much we delay, we will win, but the Beizhou people never retreat on the battlefield. If in this situation If you don’t choose to take the initiative to attack, you always need to give a reason... You know, everyone has been holding their breath for the past two days because they thought there was a tough battle to be fought, and everyone’s morale was high on the eve of the battle."

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

"I still understand this truth."

Lin Silk smiled and said, "No fighting, not forever, just not last night. The people of Beizhou don't need to take a step back on this battlefield."

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rings.

Lin Silk let go of Yu Shi's hand and answered the call naturally, playing hands-free.

"I'm Gu Shen."

Gu Shen asked: "Is the southern suppression of Central City going well? It's so quiet over there. Could it be that the Beluga Mountains have been captured?"

"not yet."

Lin Ci said softly: "We haven't fought yet."

Lasted all night? Gu Shen was slightly surprised, but this was a good thing.

"The Nagano Law Enforcement Team encountered a serious attack in Kulong Snow Mountain. The specific situation is as follows..." Gu Shen briefly explained what happened last night, and Ziyu frowned as he listened.

She didn't expect that Han Dang, a mere fourth-level person, could resist the curse of the Sky Sheath and complete the feat of remotely controlling and detonating the Sky Sheath fragments in his body. There is no doubt that these Sky Sheath fragments are shot into the body of the extraordinary. ...It will bring huge lethality to the coalition forces.

Don't kill people.

But it's enough to make people retreat thousands of miles away.

Sometimes, killing people will only arouse the bloodiness and make the situation that was still possible become completely irreversible.

But Han Dang is different.

What he "killed" was not the law enforcers, but his "companions". The reason why those people's bodies could be controlled by him was probably because they stepped into the safe zone he had set up, and thus unknowingly, Spiritual seeds were planted.

Kill your companions first.

Destroy fighting spirit again.

This... is the deterrent of the "Heavenly Scabbard".

"So, there are a large number of 'self-destructors' in the Beluga Mountains, just waiting for the encirclement and suppression to begin. Is this what you mean?"

Lin Ci lowered her voice.

"Yes." Gu Shen responded: "As soon as you enter the mountain, they will blow themselves up."

"This did you resolve it in the end?"

Zhuxue was a little confused. In fact, the methods used by Han Dang, whether it was the Beluga Mountains or the Kulong Snow Mountains, could not be considered a conspiracy.

This... is actually a conspiracy.

Because the law enforcement teams on both sides, as well as relevant leaders, knew from beginning to end... that this siege would not be that simple.

But even if he knew about Han Dang's weapons, Beizhou could do nothing.

The sky sheath explodes, what else can you do?

Is it really just putting it off like this, not fighting, and just wasting it?

Zhuxue and Ziyu are both smart people. After listening to the information Gu Shen said, they realized that Han Dang's real purpose was not to defeat the law enforcers, but to delay time.

Procrastination was what he most wanted to happen.

"I have a way to restrain myself." Gu Shen paused slightly. This matter has spread in the south, and the north will probably know about it soon.

He said frankly: "The Curse of the Sky Sheath is of no use to me."

Lin Silk: "..."

Ziyu: "..."

"I'm on my way with all my strength, hoping to reach the White Whale Mountains before the war begins."

Gu Shen said: "If I am present, I can ensure the absolute safety of the Beizhou team. Anyone who is injured can be 'treated' as soon as possible."

How to treat sky sheath injuries?

"Absorb the curse...and then use your own characteristics to resolve it?"

Zhuxue raised his eyebrows and immediately thought of this level. If this kid is really immune to the curse of the sky sheath, is there a bug in his gameplay?

"If I don't catch up, Mr. Zhuxue, please collect the corpses from the Beluga Mountains. These people are useful to me. Don't get me wrong. I don't have any special hobbies. Nagano needs to take advantage of the corpses of these criminals while they are still 'fresh'." Extract the fragments of the sky sheaths from them as soon as possible." Gu Shen made his request.

This is not too much to ask.

These corpses are of no use to Beizhou.

"Do you really have no special hobbies?" Lin Ci said with emotion: "I always feel that you have a gloomy aura of the dead, and the curse of the sky sheath fragment is invalid... It must not be a coincidence."


Gu Shen suddenly felt guilty and hurriedly hung up.

Zhuxue smiled.

This information is actually some of the "thoughts" that flashed through Grand Duke Zhuxue's mind when he used the white beadstone.

The white bead... is actually a small part of the Queen's ultimate bracelet, symbolizing the selfless power of destiny.

With the blessing of [destiny].

The guidance received by Grand Duke Zhuxue was very accurate.

At this moment, deep in the Beluga Mountains.

The fog was thick.

The pine leaves rustle.

A man sitting cross-legged in the heavy snow slowly opened his eyes. His body was almost submerged in the snow. As he stood up, the roaring snow wind and heavy fog drifted past, bringing out millions of people. An ice crystal.

This person is Qi Zhou, the "will-o'-the-wisp" who ranks second in the Snow Cage.

"These guys in Beizhou are really tolerant. They didn't make a move the whole night."

Qi Zhou gathered his energy and looked into the distance.

The Beizhou law enforcers who were originally stationed in a group began to cross the "sky chasm" and try to get closer to the Beluga Mountains.

This means...the action is about to begin!

Qi Zhou recalled the task that Han Dang had given him, and he let out a long breath.

Raging black fire burned on his clothes.

"bring it on……"

Qi Zhou expanded his own domain.

The two laws rise and entangle in the realm of will-o'-wisps, only a little short of "union".

"Let's get started!"

He held his breath, waiting for the war to begin.

"Let this... come more violently!!"

(I’m back and I’ll start updating tomorrow.)

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