Barrier of Light

Chapter 727 Combination

A dark and deep prison.

A "chi" sound.

The flames in [Mantra] jumped for a moment, as if something was extinguished, but then returned to normal.

in the field.

One old and one young, one tall and one low, looking at each other.

"Tsk...Qi Zhou is dead."

A sigh.

Han Dang stretched out his hand and fiddled with the light of [Mantra] at will. He picked up a ray of spirit from all the extraordinary people who stepped into the realm and kept it. Death is like a lamp extinguished, and the light here is like a small lamp. lamp.

Just now, many lamps were extinguished.

Except for Qi Zhou, all others were "detonated" by him.

"Qi Zhou is an ambitious man. I know that he will leave one day. Hiding here is just a temporary solution."

Han Dang said regretfully: "It's's really a stupid idea to break out from the White Whale Mountains. It seems that there is only one title there, but in fact, this only title is stronger than any of the four in Nagano. All must be strong.”

"So... even if he successfully breaks through and becomes a banned person, there is no possibility of escape in front of the Beizhou Army Commander."

The tide gradually dissipated.


Han Dang smiled and said: "Senior, the game is almost over. After two killings, the law enforcers are advancing towards the hinterland of the tundra. You are indeed very courageous and refuse to say a word... but you don't think that I am anything Don’t you even know?”

"About the Star Project..."

"The most important part of this plan is not to create a sufficient number of life capsules, but to allow the 'lucky ones' to submerge underground and have the means to fight against all disasters in the [Old World]."

"The biggest problem is actually the collapse of order and the chaos of the essence..."

"The Star Project requires a strong enough barrier to resist the final 'despair'."

Han Dang slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Jingshanyan's head.

"Last chance."

"Tell me the final defense method left behind by the Dongzhou government's Star Project."

"The Southern Suppression is officially over."

"The casualty statistics of each team are out... 1 person was seriously injured and 4 were slightly injured."

"A total of 47 Tundra criminals were killed, 6 in the fourth level and 41 in the third level. The on-site 'cleaning' has been completed and these bodies have been moved to the rear of the base."

Beneath the foothills of the Beluga Mountains.

The previous mighty snow wave impact had been resolved by the legion commander with his own strength.

But now there is still snow scattered all over the sky.

Under the burning of [Dragon Annihilation].

Most of the snowflakes had burned to ashes, revealing large areas of blank space. The Beizhou law enforcers responsible for the southern suppression were gathered here. Mu Wanqiu, Zhong Yuan, and many other acquaintances were all here.

This time the southern suppression mission can be considered "very easy".

If you want to compare it with a hell-level copy like the Dolu River Disaster Realm... it can even be said that the Southern Suppression is not comparable.

Beizhou's cutting-edge elites are faced with dangerous missions outside the Great Wall. This kind of encirclement and suppression mission of using more to defeat fewer, and using strong to defeat weak, is only on a larger scale.

This powerful law enforcement team has conquered the Beluga Mountains and has no chance of overturning.

But without Gu Shen, they wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

The explosion of the sky sheath fragments will cause "huge" losses to Beizhou!

The management in Beizhou is much stricter than that in Dongzhou.

Therefore, these law enforcers from the fortress and legion have a will stronger than steel!

Therefore, when both sides suffered a blow from the Sky Sheath, it must have been the Beizhou people who recovered faster than Dongzhou and were more determined to advance.

But this time the southern suppression mission.

Every law enforcer sent by Beizhou is an extremely precious asset.

They can be injured, they can die in battle... But what is most difficult for the higher-ups to see is that these elites are stabbed by the "Sky Sheath", and then lose their essence and become mortal.

Everyone saw the blazing wall on the White Whale Mountains.

That was the "light barrier" built by Gu Shen.

After this battle.

Gu Shen's reputation as the "Chosen One" has also spread among the Beizhou law enforcers. The fact that he is immune to the Curse of the Sky Sheath would be incredible if it happened to others.

But if it happened to an S-class like Gu Shen - everyone wouldn't be too shocked. When they came to their senses, they would think it was a "reasonable" thing.

"Next... we'll have to trouble Brother Gu."

Yuan Yuan, deputy captain of the Second Investigation Team, who was responsible for moving the corpses, completed the final inventory task.

Before participating in the southern suppression of the Beluga Mountains.

Gu Shen has reached a consensus with Zhu Xue.

In this battle, he will help Beizhou resist the erosion of the "Sky Sheath"...and in return, he will accept the "corpse proceeds" from Beizhou's southern suppression.

Lin Ci agreed without thinking.

There's no use letting this thing go.

Take ten thousand steps back.

The reason why Beizhou participated in this joint massacre was because they released the "Traveler", which led to a series of traps. As the highest person in charge under the Queen, his biggest task at present is to carry out the southern campaign. , establish a good relationship with Nagano senior officials, promote and finalize the future cooperative relationship between the two continents.

Central City needs a strong ally like Nagano.

It doesn’t take too long to treat the wounded, extract the fragments of the Sky Sheath, and absorb the extraordinary essence.

Gu Shen was very familiar with this process and it only took an hour.

Finally, the criminal's body was burned and he completed the mission.

Gu Shen did not return to the Nagano base, but went to the base command office where Zhuxue was located to conduct intelligence docking on the details of the mission.

Perhaps it was because of the Longyan fire.

Although it was daytime at the moment, the sky over the Beluga Mountains was covered with red snow, like the sunset.

This scene is beautiful.

Gu Shen was walking in the base. Wherever he passed, Beizhou law enforcers all stood in awe, saluting him and saying hello.

He walked quickly and didn't have time to return the greetings one by one, but he nodded to say hello along the way.

In this era, there were only two Dongzhou people recognized on a large scale in Beizhou.

One is "CN021", and the other is Gu Shen.


Gu Nanfeng's secret identity is not convenient to be disclosed, so the only one who can really be accepted by the people of Beizhou is Gu Shen.

North of the tundra, few transcendents know who the White Sleeves are.

But everyone is familiar with the name "Gu Shen".

The relationship between the two continents is getting closer and closer, which is what Gu Shen wants to see... The general trend has pushed him to the forefront, and he is willing to be the "relationship link" of Nagano Central City.

If you want to choose an ally among the gods——

Then Gu Shen will not hesitate at all, he will definitely choose Her Majesty the Queen of Beizhou.

Put aside the many years of friendship between Lin Lei and Gu Changzhi, and put aside the long history of cooperation between Lin and Huazhi.

Throw away all external factors.

Only personal subjective wishes are considered.

Gu Shen would still choose this way.

the reason is simple.

He saw a "real" queen on the second floor of the attic.

A soothsayer who reverses fate in countless reincarnations in search of hope.

And this.

Light, sky, storm, they can't do it.

In human civilization, there must always be a ray of "fire", and there must always be a silly "salary-holder".

It was Gu Changzhi before, and later Gu Changzhi passed this fire to a little girl.

Those who hold wages for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow.

The conference room at the temporary base at the foot of the mountain was empty.

The seats at the long table were lined up one after another, and it looked like a meeting had just ended.

But there are still people who haven't left.

The legion commander and Zhuxue are still here. They are discussing something. There are scattered paper documents on the table.

After Gu Shen pushed the door open, he pulled out the seat and found a nearby seat to sit down casually.

"Is the extraction of the Sky Sheath fragments going smoothly?"

Grand Duke Zhuxue smiled and said, "To be honest, Beizhou is also very interested in the 'Sword of Stone', but after all, it is a taboo item in your territory... Over the years, we have just watched."

The meaning of this sentence is very simple.

They once had the idea of ​​a "celestial weapon", but it was never implemented.

There is a high probability that not even a blueprint has been drawn.

Apart from the old man, I am afraid there is no other "war madman" who would be thinking about collecting "sky sheath fragments" to make weapons.

"Can I have a look?"

The legion commander asked curiously: "What does the legendary 'Heaven Sheath Fragment' look like after being extracted?"


Gu Shen took out the box of the Miracle Silver, opened it, and reminded: "Just look at it, don't touch will become unfortunate."

When this box is opened, it is filled with fragments of the Sky Sheath.

It doesn't look like there's anything special about it.

Just ordinary stone chips.

But... these stone chips are "fatal" substances to extraordinary people.

Seeing this miraculous silver box, Zhuxue's eyes became a little dazed.

He was stunned for several seconds, then asked with a smile: "Are these miracle silver enough..."

"That's enough. One of the things I have to do when I come here is to thank Lin for his help in this matter."

Gu Shen said: "Mr. Gu said that if Nagano really makes a 'celestial weapon' that can be put into actual combat, we will give it to Beizhou free of charge."

"I wish you all the best, Lin is deeply honored."

Lin Silu smiled and said, "If such a day comes, I will express my gratitude on Lin Lin's behalf."

These miraculous silvers are not his.

He asked Lin Lin not to accept payment, but that was what he said...

As an elder brother, he has actually been indebted to his younger brother since he was a child. At this moment, he is not qualified to express the generosity of others. However, he has to be "selfish" when it comes to the relationship between the two continents.

Sacrifice some interests in exchange for a better overall situation.

Therefore, if Nagano really "reciprocates the gift" in the future, he will also send the Sky Sheath weapons directly to Gubao Fortress.

This time, Lin Lin's "sacrifice" was of great value.

Nagano's statement has put some things on the table.

"In addition, on behalf of the Nagano law enforcers, I am here to discuss the next killing mission with you two."

Gu Shen became serious.

He said carefully every word:

"After this southern campaign, the law enforcement team will advance to the 'tundra hinterland'."

"By then, Central City and Nagano will be integrated."

(PS: There will be more tonight, but it’s quite late. If you don’t stay up late, don’t wait. I’ll try to finish the transition chapter in one chapter. Please vote for me in the new month~~)

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