Barrier of Light

Chapter 730: Looking at each other (second update)

Gu Shen's mental power was injected into the Disaster Bracelet.

Most sealed objects are ranked according to their rarity.

Objects related to "karma" are all of extremely high grade. Even if they are only contaminated with some edges, they are at least "Grade A".

The bracelet is an item that directly predicts the future.

The effect is: what the user sees will definitely happen!

This is terrible.

As one of the "Three-piece Destiny Sets" that has been scattered without an owner, according to Nagano's sealing artifact grading standards, this bracelet is of a very high grade, and it is not too much to give it "S grade".

But objectively speaking, the Disaster Bracelet is not an easy-to-use "sealed object".

Because of the disordered nature of the information, it is often misleading!

The previous owner of the bracelet, Meng Xiao, died due to "misleading".

When a person has the ability to "peep into the future", his mentality will change.

There is another very important factor. Unlike the secret divination skills of the Five Continents, the [Three-piece Destiny Set] is of such a high level that even information related to fire can be peeped... Back then, Meng Xiao even used this Bracelet, a small peek at the scene on the second floor of the attic.

This "sense of control" that transcends the upper limit of the rules often makes people forget the reality.

"I will protect you, you can just 'perform magic'."

Mr. Gu's words made Gu Shen feel completely at ease.

He didn't shy away from anything.

All mental power is poured into the [Bracelet]...

The cold wind in the snow-capped mountains hunted and hunted, but they were all bounced away by the "infinite scale".

Gu Shen closed his eyes.

His consciousness was immersed in the Disaster Bracelet.


This time, he was like a traveler walking in the long river of time.

In the extended timeline image, Gu Shen did not see his own image.

This situation is rare.

Gu Shen looked around at the "gray fog".

Could it be said that he will not encounter disasters in the future?

He has always been curious about the exact effect of the Disaster Bracelet...if he didn't use it, would he not encounter those "unlucky things"? Judging from Meng Xiao's case, the reason why the blessed son died was because he looked at the bracelet.

The result is the cause.

If he didn't look and peek into the future, could this tragedy have been avoided?

In other words... the bracelet also has divination restrictions.

Human vision has its limits.

The divination time of the bracelet also has a maximum limit.

Just when Gu Shen was confused, the gray fog dissipated, and a large number of pictures were superimposed on each other, pouring into the spiritual sea like a tide...


Good guy!

I thought everything was going well for me, but I didn't expect that there were too many disasters. This bracelet will still need to be processed for a while? !

One picture after another floods into my mind.

The first scene is almost entirely dark except for a swaying white flower.

The second picture is of scarlet blood flames.

The third picture and the fourth picture are of the collapsed cave and the sweeping blue sea water...

The fifth picture, the sixth picture...

Too many images!

These scenes appeared with no logic and no chronological sequence. Due to the sudden influx of images, Gu Shen did not dare to guess what these disaster divination meant.

In fact, these pictures don’t contain much information, and they don’t look difficult to guess——

First picture.

The white flowers swaying in the darkness were very familiar to Gu Shen. This should be the sacred mountain of the Li clan's ancestral hall.

Now, the top of Shenci Mountain has been "healed" by himself.

Although in the wonderful land, all over the mountains and plains, there are still many flowers of broken order growing.

But at least the top of the mountain is as white as a snow-capped mountain.

Just looking at this picture, it may indicate that the Shenci Mountain will suffer disaster in the future... However, the divination given by the bracelet is often related to myself on the line of cause and effect. Could it be that I will experience the disaster of the Shenci Mountain in the future?

This is not the message I want.

jump over.

The second picture of "Scarlet Blood and Fire" is easier to extract information than the first picture.

Blood fire is Xiao's ability!

Because the picture was too dark... Gu Shen could not see other "objects" except blood and fire. He could only think that the disaster reminder in this picture was that he might be robbed once in the future because of "blood and fire" .

Now, Xiao is far away in Nanzhou, which is thousands of miles away.

So this is not the message I want.

Keep skipping.

The collapsed cave, the sweeping sea water...

These are confusing.

The "weird" thing is that the bracelet rarely shows such a large number of out-of-sequence pictures. After the fourth picture, there are many "repeating" pictures——

A tangle of scarlet seaweed.

Countless stone chips rolled.

These scenes are like a "drowned person" using his own eyes as a camera to "photograph" the scene when he fell to the bottom of the sea. This is probably the reason why the disaster bracelet is stuck.

This suffocating "drowning" perspective, the bracelet captures too many frames.

Every frame is sent to your own spiritual sea.

"What the hell is this?"

Gu Shen felt a headache, feeling both frightened and weird.

He resisted the discomfort of wanting to quit the disaster divination and browsed these "drowning scenes" without any information. At the same time, he felt doubtful in his heart. He originally wanted to "capture" dangerous information related to the killing.

What do these images mean?

He couldn't find his thoughts at all.

After reaching the end of the many scenes of falling into the deep sea, Gu Shen finally saw the "divination scene" he wanted to see——

The endless jet black threads spread and weave like a big fish.

Endless darkness, I don’t know where it is.

There was a strong light shining down from above.

In the darkness, a lazy and crazy figure emerged.

Han Dang sat on the "throne". He intertwined his hands and placed them in front of his abdomen. He looked calm and serene. On the handle of the throne, there was a bloody head.

This head has hollow eye sockets and both eyes have been gouged out.

Blood flowed from his eyes.

The mouth is still trembling.

It's all like this... and he's not dead yet?

Wrapped in such a cold and dark atmosphere, Han Dang leaned on the throne very calmly. Behind the throne, there seemed to be countless light spots flickering, like fish scales.

Han Dang sat numbly, and slowly moved his head, finally looking directly at himself outside the "disaster divination perspective".


Gu Shen woke up from the divination, with a lot of cold sweat oozing out from his back.

This was the first time he saw such a "weird" scene.

The final picture.

Han Dang, are you looking at yourself?

Since he was watching from the perspective of a traveler when he used the bracelet, he could remain calm most of the time... But this time, Gu Shen actually had the illusion that he had been "insighted" by Han Dang .

he knows.

This kind of thing cannot happen.

Han Dang's eyes just happened to fall on him.

But this kind of coincidence is a bit scary...

"What did you see?"

Mr. Gu supported the field and spoke with great concern.

"I... saw Han Dang."

Gu Shen's voice was hoarse. He recalled the last scene and murmured: "He was in an extremely dark environment, surrounded by countless dark threads, woven into a realm."

The Disaster Bracelet gave Han Dang information, which made him feel more at ease.

If you use the bracelet for divination and don't see any relevant pictures about the massacre... this is not a good thing.

Because this is likely to mean that the "mission" carried out at great cost by law enforcement officials on both continents will ultimately be in vain.

No conflict breaks out.

Naturally there will be no ominousness.

However, in this disaster divination, there is not much information about "Han Dang".

The perspective of the bracelet focuses on Han Dang.

Gu Shen couldn't see clearly the surrounding environment.

Combined with the previous "Drowning Picture", could it be that Han Dang and his group were hiding under the water? can't draw such an arbitrary conclusion.

The information given by the bracelet has no time correlation at all. The white flower picture and the blood and fire picture before are enough to prove it.

Forcing contact will lead to oneself becoming "unlucky".

Gu Shen frowned and said, "By the way, there are many scattered light spots behind Han Dang..."

The picture given by the Disaster Bracelet is very blurry.

Those light spots are not the subject of the picture and should not be "dangerous items".

"Is this it?"

Gu Qilin waved his hand, summoning a spiritual image of nothingness.

This is an old-fashioned spherical nutrition capsule.

The mental projection magnified the nutrition cabin many times.

Gu Shen's eyes lit up, "Yes, it should be this thing... Han Dang is in the [Bi King Power Realm], and his back is covered with suspended 'spherical nutrition cabins'."

This picture can explain why the scale of the two massacres, the Kulong Snow Mountain and the Beluga Mountains, was smaller than expected!

Because Han Dang's recruitment was very successful.

Many snow cage criminals were attracted by him into the [Blue King Power Realm].

"I can probably guess what Han Dang and the others are doing."

After confirming the spherical nutrition cabin, Gu Qilin's voice became deeper.

"They want to use the [Blue King's Realm] to sink, and then use the criminals they 'recruited' as supplements to provide 'winter fuel.' Those nutrition cabins came from a proposal twenty years ago... Now Not many people in Nagano know about it anymore, but back then we called it the ‘Stars Project’.”

"Stars...plan?" This was the first time Gu Shen heard it.

Chu Ling also gave his response after searching: "The search for keywords failed and the permissions were insufficient."

"This is the plan proposed by Jing Shanyan."

Gu Qilin said: "This plan is too complicated to talk about. No one saw the 'clue' at the beginning. Nagano even invested money to start research. It was not until later that everyone discovered the problem... Now the project has been abandoned, and the nutrition cabin that was tested back then They were all processed and buried, and the ones you saw in the divination scene were probably Jingshan Yan’s private collection twenty years ago.”


Gu Shen suddenly felt that something was not right.

"You mean, this is Jing Shanyan's plan?"

Mr. Gu was stunned.

"But, I also saw... a head placed on Han Dang's throne."

Gu Shen rubbed his brows and murmured: "If I'm not mistaken, that head is that of the first-generation chief judge... Jing Shanyan."

(Still available tonight.)

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