Barrier of Light

Chapter 736 Codename: Childish

"Next time you return to the temple, remember to bring back part of the true explanation of the longevity blueprint."

After leaving the shrine, Chu Ling's voice rang out in Gu Shen's spiritual sea.

Gu Shen was slightly startled.

"The true solution to the art of immortality?"

That kind of thing, only part of it, doesn't seem to mean much.

"She's dying."

Chu Ling's voice was very calm when he said this sentence, and it didn't sound like any fluctuations.

But the tone is actually low and fast. If you listen carefully, you will realize that this is not a voice that can be made by an emotionless AI.

Chu Ling didn't want this sentence to sound sad.

"She...Li Qingci?"

Only then did Gu Shen belatedly realize what the celadon girl meant when she hesitated to speak before leaving the temple.


Chu Ling said: "No one can get the complete solution to the Immortality Technique... Even what Ian got was only a fragment of the scroll, but even if there was only a wedge, it was better than nothing. Back then, Ian could rely on part of the 'true solution' ', if you live to be one hundred and twenty years old, then getting part of the true understanding may also extend Li Qingci's life... a little longer."


There was a long pause.

At this moment, Gu Shen was sitting on the special plane that was used to pick up and drop off the Gu family.

He didn't speak, and Chu Ling didn't speak either. The two of them just remained silent. Looking back, the outline of Shenci Mountain had been hidden in the heavy fog of Highway 447.

Sometimes silence can also give rise to sad emotions.

So Gu Shen took the lead in breaking the dead silence in his heart.

"Did you guess it, or did you see something?"

"Among the billions of 'visions', I have always retained my attention to the 'Shrine Mountain'. These days, Li Qingci is coughing more and more, her breathing is getting weaker, and her breath of life is getting weaker. These details have caused My attention.”

Chu Ling said: "Li's protectors can use the prayer technique. The difference between them and other casters is that... due to the power of blood passed down through the ages and their status as 'protectors', they can feel, When will my life come to an end?"

"This kind of perception is a 'gift' flowing in the blood. They know how many chips they have in the 'Scale of Destiny', and how many transactions they can make." Chu Ling said quietly: "So... what she has left Time is really running out. This is not a guess, but the truth that I have seen with my own eyes."

"It's just that Li Qingci... is only in her twenties."

Gu Shen's voice was a little hoarse as he said, "Even if you have to pay the price of the prayer technique, it's really too early."

"Don't forget, she paid ten years for Li to establish a good relationship with you and introduce you to the shrine."

Chu Ling reminded: "When Li Qingci paid the price, you were not famous yet, but in the destiny scale of the wishing technique, you probably already knew that you were related to fire. In ten years, it is a big deal to form a good relationship. a deal."


In the ten years without Li Qingci, there would be no such good relationship.

There would also be no subsequent four bronze lanterns or the successful birth of Chu Ling.

This is cause and effect, good karma, and a cyclical circle.

Now, it's time for him, the "King of Hades," to reciprocate the favor.

Gu Shen looked at the clouds and snow outside the window and said softly: "Celadon girl, you shouldn't die so early."

After Mu Wanqiu and Mu Qingyang's team lost contact.

All search missions in the hinterland of the tundra are over.

Everyone is on standby at the base.

It has been finalized...the target is in the frozen lake area, but the frozen lake is too big, and any rash search will only give Han Dang more leverage.

The entire base was waiting for news about Gu Shen.


They are also waiting for news about the Skysheath weapons.


A coordinate was sent to the main control computer of the base.

"It's news from Mr. Xiao Gu..."

"Are these the coordinates of the [Bi King Realm]?"

"According to the 'inspection log', no abnormalities were found during the initial inspection of the target area."

"The depth of [Jade King Realm] is at least 500 meters underground, and the depth of the mental sensor can only reach 300 meters... If no abnormalities are found, it does not mean anything."

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, the coordinates have been locked! Do we need to take action now?"

"Don't be anxious, continue to be on standby. long will that thing take?"

The entire base started to get busy.

The law enforcers from Beizhou and Dongzhou are resting in the base.

Although the inspection mission in the hinterland was interrupted.

But outside the frozen lake, the "purge and suppression" in the fringe areas continues... There are divisions within this group of snowfield criminals, and many unlucky ones are hunted by "our own people".

But there are also some "fish that slipped through the net."

In this siege, they want to ensure that no escapee can escape.

The final killing spree had actually begun the moment Gu Shen's target was finalized... This time, there were only three targets.

Zhu Wang, Jingshan Yan, Han Dang.

"Mr. Zhuxue, I have taken the liberty to come here this time because I want to borrow something from you."

Gu Nanfeng arrived on the main boat of the Beizhou Operations Department.

Zhuxue just finished an online meeting in Central City.

Zhu Xue expressed her warm welcome to the former "CN021" and the future head of the Gu family.

He personally pulled out the seat for Gu Nanfeng and said with a smile, "If you need any help, just ask."

Gu Nanfeng did not directly state his intention, but clicked on the projection interface, and a holographic image was built on the desk. The entire combat department was shrouded in the "field" by Gu Nanfeng's mental power.

Zhuxue was slightly surprised.

Covering oneself with a domain, what kind of picture is being displayed with such a huge force? Are the things in the picture very huge?

next moment.

The smile on his face became a little frozen.

The wind and snow roared in the picture. It can be seen that the shooting scene of this holographic image was a base deep in the tundra. On the smooth steel foundation that had been cleaned, dozens of Gu family night watchmen carefully pushed out a loaded A total of two heavy-duty aircraft were responsible for transporting the giant brown warhead, but they barely took off and circled around before falling again.

"This is... a sky-sheath weapon?"

Zhuxue's expression became very complicated.

Many years ago, he knew that Nagano was researching this forbidden weapon... but he was not optimistic about it at that time. The reason why the [Snow Cage] prison was established was because the Sky Sheath was indestructible.

If you want to build a Sky Sheath weapon, where will the raw materials come from?

But this time, he was still not optimistic about the "sky sheath falling off" incident.

This kind of technology cannot be developed overnight.

Within the five continents, Central Continent has the highest level of research and development of extraordinary weapons, followed closely by Beizhou... The "Underground Research Institute" in Central City has gathered the world's most cutting-edge elite geniuses. After this prison break, Sky Sheath The emergence of weapons became possible.

But they believe that it will take at least several more years to complete the development of a mature Skysheath weapon.

On the one hand, the problem of extraction of fragment activity cannot be solved.

on the other hand.

The specific equations of "Storm Release" are too difficult to simulate, and can only be optimized through continuous iteration and the most clumsy experiments.

But now.

It doesn't take years.

It doesn’t even take a few months.

In just a few days... the tundra base in Nagano has already handed in the "answer sheet"!

What a terrible level of scientific research is this? Could it be that the Gu family's blueprint back then was so perfect that it could be mass-produced with the materials?


Gu Nanfeng said sincerely: "Although the development is successful, it is only the first generation after all... What we can guarantee is that it can be put into use. What the old man means is that this tundra operation is just a good time to see what the Gu family has been looking forward to for so many years. 'Ultimate Weapon', does it deserve this title?"

"No one knows what the power of the Sky Sheath weapon is like..."

As the largest "warlord leader" in Beizhou, Zhuxue sat up straight and asked with interest: "You figured out the storm release equation and stabilized the fragment activity to more than 60%? How did you do this?"

"It's a long story."

Gu Nanfeng coughed a little embarrassedly.

He did not tell the man in front of him that because of the Tsukauki, the activity of the scabbard was now 75%. According to the original blueprint plan, the "first generation" scabbard warhead with this activity level was probably the third generation after the successful research. Even fourth generation products.

"Sorry, I just lost my composure. Congratulations."

Zhuxue realized that he was talking too much. He smiled quickly, lit a cigarette, and asked puzzledly: "Since you have successfully developed the 'Heaven Sheath Weapon' and put it into use directly, is there anything else that needs to be done?" Will Beizhou help?"

"Dongzhou's 'heavy machine' has limited startup efficiency."

Gu Nanfeng said frankly: "Looking across the five continents, it seems that only you have the vehicles that can carry this kind of strike force..."

"Are you here to borrow an energy boat?"

Zhuxue understood immediately when he heard this. He couldn't help but shook his head, "The Dongzhou people are interesting. It is obvious that the development of scabbard weapons is much more difficult than load-bearing vehicles. How come you only have weapons and no carriers?" Tools? Isn’t there a corresponding plan in the previous blueprint? "

Gu Nanfeng sighed helplessly.

Of course there is.

In the original blueprint, once the Skysheath weapon was successfully constructed, a heavy-duty airship with the "Source Energy Core" as the main driving energy and dedicated to launching Skysheath warheads would be built immediately on the other side of the base.

Since the blueprint plan has been stranded for so many years... this so-called special airship will naturally not be built.

No one could have imagined that in just a few days, the Sky Sheath Weapon had been built.

The heavy airship is still in the process of collecting materials.

"These are the energy boats from the nearest fortress..." Zhuxue also turned on the projection and said with a smile: "The one you like, I will transfer it now."

"I'm afraid these won't work."

Gu Nanfeng didn't even look at the projections. He looked at Zhuxue and said seriously: "I want to borrow your main boat."

"The main boat is an exclusive vehicle awarded by Her Majesty the Queen herself... Theoretically, I don't have the right to second it."

Zhuxue spoke with some embarrassment. He slowly leaned back and looked at Gu Nanfeng with narrowed eyes.

"You can personally watch the explosion of the first Skysheath weapon on the main ship."

Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "What else do you think is more interesting than this?"


There was a long silence.

The whole main boat was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"Tsk, that's so damn!"

Zhuxue, who had always been gentle, suddenly smiled.

He just looks gentle, but he is not really gentle... Every Beizhou person has a warlike factor flowing in his blood, and he, the Supreme Grand Duke of Beizhou, is no exception.

In fact, he is in charge of the entire Central City's military expenditures. He reviews the latest weapon research and development of each fortress every year. Gu Nanfeng is right. Compared with the "Heaven Sheath Weapons", the weapons manufactured by Beizhou Those are really weak.

Gu Nanfeng also smiled.

He had been in Beizhou, and he knew very well the behavior of Beizhou people, so he took the initiative to ask the old man to leave this negotiation to him.

"What's the name of this thing...?"

Zhuxue tapped the projection lightly with his finger. He looked at the warhead in the image, and his eyes passed over the data displayed by Gu Nanfeng... Some of them were impact experiment data from the Qingyin Laboratory at the Gu family base.

Details of the Storm Unleashed equation are withheld.

But the entire glass curtain wall was shattered from the inside by fragments... In this scene, just a few fragments in the hidden snow could create such terrifying lethality.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like if a whole warhead exploded.

The instantaneous high pressure of "Storm Release" will blast out all the sky sheath fragments before they become inactive, and at the same time completely crush them into powder, carrying out a devastating covering strike on the target strike area.

The curse from the fragments will invade the skin of every living being in an instant.

No "person" can survive this double physical and mental blow!


Gu Nanfeng said softly: "Its name is Zhidong."

"Children?" Zhuxue was a little confused and asked, "Why is it called this name?"

"This is the name given by the old man." Gu Nanfeng said seriously: "Maybe it has a very special meaning?"

"Is this so..."

Lin Silk pressed her eyebrows.

"Since you agree, I will send people to install it... and connect the power source."

Gu Nanfeng said no more and was about to turn around and leave.

He stood up and said, "This time... I would like to thank the Grand Duke."


Lin Cian took a deep breath and then put out the cigarette butt.

He recalled the words Gu Nanfeng used when he mentioned the warhead just now, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The youngest Grand Duke in the history of Central City also stood up at this moment.

Zhuxue put a hand on Gu Nanfeng's shoulder and asked in a complicated voice: "This kind of thing... you couldn't have made two of them in one go, right?"

"...I still can't hide it from you."

Gu Nanfeng sighed. He was not good at lying, so after mentioning "child", he wanted to end the conversation quickly.

did not expect.

Zhuxue was still aware of it.

"Currently, a total of two have been produced."

Gu Nanfeng smiled and said: "In addition to this 'Child', there is another one called 'Roshan'. 'Roshan' is still at the base, and this warhead is being packaged."

"Packaging?" Zhuxue was slightly startled.

"Yes...this will be our special gift to Beizhou."

Gu Nanfeng stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you Major General Lin Lin for providing the 'Miracle Silver', Mr. Zhuxue, I hope that in the days to come, Dongzhou and Beizhou can become the most loyal allies."

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