Barrier of Light

Chapter 756: The sight of spring and everyone (first update, please vote for me!)


Gu's base.

"Mr. Luo, you are here."

"[Children]'s Frozen Lake Strike has come to an end. The experiment was successful. I came here this time to see how the project is progressing. How many warheads can be made from the remaining fragments of the Sky Sheath?"

"Judging from the loss of materials in the current simulation is expected that only one can be produced."

The project leader of Tianshe Weapons was walking in the base with Luo Yu.

The person in charge hesitated and said: "However, the storm release equation should still be optimized... If you are not in a hurry, maybe the amount of materials we need will be greatly reduced in the future."


Luo Yu frowned and asked: "How can you use 'should' to describe this kind of thing? If you can, you can, if you can't, you can't."

"The research result of the project team is 'no'."

The person in charge said honestly: "But Mr. Xing said 'yes'."


Luo Yu stood up suddenly.

"You also know...Mr.

The person in charge gave a wry smile and said: "My suggestion is to hand over the research authority of the 'Heaven Sheath' project. From my perspective, it will be difficult to lead everyone to move forward."

"You want to resign?" Luo Yu looked at the person in charge.

"I can't understand all this." The person in charge said sincerely: "I just want to resign from the position of 'team leader' and become a member of the research team."

Luo Yu looked back.

Many researchers are behind the base.

In the green-silver glass laboratory, a fragment of the sky sheath was dancing wildly.

Because the speed is too fast.

The entire closed experimental site is almost filled with its shadow.

The storm release keeps repeating——

Its activity is always maintained above "60%".

The huge laboratory was empty except for one person.

The ghost of Tsukasa was lying in front of the case, sleeping soundly.

Outside the laboratory, a group of people stood silently, not daring to disturb the "sleep" of the person inside.

"The deep-water code of the storm release equation has been stuck in the bottleneck and cannot be broken through." The previous project leader of the Sky Sheath Weapon was, to be precise, an ordinary member of the project team who resigned from the position of team leader.

"We would have needed a lot of time to conduct exhaustive calculations and deductions to break through the bottleneck."

He continued to be responsible for the general interpretation of the Sky Sheath project for Luo Yu: "But Mr. It has nothing to do with it. You can understand this sentence as: the power used to combat the extraordinary must come from a higher level. Mr. Xing’s head is full of knowledge that can crush us, and he wants to optimize it again. All tasks can only be carried out by him alone."


Luo Yu rubbed his eyebrows and barely understood what he meant.

He asked, "So, what are your jobs now?"

"We... are currently studying the equations created by Mr. Tsukauki."

The person in charge said sincerely: "The success of [Children] has pushed the research on Tianshe into a new field that is certain and feasible... If Mr. Xing is a professor in this field, we are probably just students, and we are still in kindergarten. , the current initial task of the project team is to learn to 'literate', and the next step is to 'understand' Mr.

"A long time...approximately how long?"

Luo Yu is a pure layman.

"About three years, five years?" The person in charge said helplessly: "We can't guarantee the time, but we will try our best."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the base.

"Just try your best, don't be too stressed."

Following the sound, Luo Yu looked back.

His expression immediately changed to respect.

He said respectfully: "Young Master, you are here...why don't you say hello in advance?"

"Just passing by."

Gu Nanfeng stood in front of the laboratory door.

"The frozen lake mission is over, thank you for your hard work."

He smiled and said: "The Skysheath weapon has been successfully launched... Dongzhou already has a brand new 'deterrence'. Judging from the current number of fragments, at least we can still have one warhead, right?"


Luo Yu was a little helpless and said: "But according to the old man's intention——"

"Research on Sky Sheaths has been going on for decades without progress." Gu Nanfeng interrupted: "Whether it is improving the 'activity' or improving the equation, we cannot rely on just one person... Xing Yun is not Gu's research Tools of arms, he should have his own freedom."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the base probably understands.

Gu Nanfeng seems to be taking people away...

There was a lot of discussion for a while, the researchers had different expressions, and the base became noisy.

Now this young master has a completely different style of conduct from the previous Gu Lushen.

He treats people with gentleness, is considerate of his subordinates, and has a far-sighted plan. During the eight years of long internal fighting between the old and new factions, the Gu family was once on the verge of a separation crisis, but now it has improved again. The hearts of those who were separated have been touched by Gu Nanfeng. Win back a little bit.

"Young Master, do you want to take the ghost to leave?"

Luo Yu whispered: "I'm afraid this is inappropriate... Research on the Sky Sheath is still going on."

"The results of Sky Sheath research have far exceeded expectations." Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "Without the Tomb Ghost, with Gu's efforts alone, given ten years, would we be able to achieve the results we have achieved today?"

For a moment, there was silence.

The answer is obviously no.

"Since the members of the research team need to interpret the new storm equation, the pace of the entire experiment may be slowed down and we will consider the long term..."

Gu Nanfeng slowly turned around and asked gently: "Everyone, what do you think?"

In the past few decades, the Sky Sheath project proposed by Gu Qilin has been regarded as a delusion by various continents.

Gu made a lot of blueprints.

And invested huge amounts of money.

But these are not the most important... What is important is that in this tundra base, a group of top researchers with the same "delusions" gathered together, chasing the limits that extraordinary powers can reach.

Human beings need to have their own controllable "technology"——

The Sky Sheath weapon was successfully developed.

They are surprised, they are wild, they are confused...because these actually have nothing to do with their efforts.

After the tide dissipates.

They still hope to continue to move forward and touch the barriers in this field, because they see infinite possibilities in the "Tomb Demon". The big roc rises in the wind, and the birds soar into the blue clouds.

But Gu Nanfeng was right.

Now that they can't even recognize the "word", is there really any point in continuing to push forward?

"I agree……"

The person in charge sighed softly and said: "But please forgive me for asking, young master, do you want to end the advancement of this project?"

“Not an end, but a pause.”

Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "What the Gu family needs is not just one 'child', but tens of thousands of 'child'. This cannot only rely on Tsukauki alone, it requires the efforts of all of us."

Outside the tundra base.

The cold wind is like a knife.

"Young Master, how did I perform in the play just now?"

Fatty Luo warmed his hands, rubbed his face, and said with a smile: "These guys in the base are all stubborn. When the feasibility of the blueprint was less than 1%, they never suspended the experiment. Now, 'Heaven Sheath' 'After it was successfully launched, even if they couldn't understand a word of Tsukauki's equation... they wouldn't agree to stop the experiment."

"The acting was okay."

Gu Nanfeng said: "But sooner or later they realized something was wrong."

"Actually, I'm a little confused."

Luo Yu scratched his head, "I know that if we had not acted like that and forcibly took that unfortunate guy away, it would have caused strong dissatisfaction among the researchers within the base... But if he really took him away, what good would it do to the Gu family? "

The activity of the Sky Sheath Experiment, as well as the Storm Equation, can continue to be improved.

The child has used it up.

Roshan is going to be given to Beizhou...

The remaining materials are only one warhead!

"The continued breakthrough of Skysheath weapons... does not depend on our 'research team', but on the 'Tomb Ghosts'."

Gu Nanfeng lowered his eyebrows and said, "So he can go anywhere. He alone is a whole team. Wherever he goes, the Gu family can build a new 'base'."

"In addition, after the detonation of Tundra, the eyes of the whole world are watching here. Everyone knows that our Gu family is developing the 'Heaven Sheath Weapon', and the existence of this base is no longer a secret." Gu Nanfeng He said lightly: "With the power of the highest seat, there is a high probability that you can spy on a corner of the tundra. Since the secret is no longer a secret, isn't it a good thing that the Gu family gave away one of these weapons and only one is left? ?”

Fatty Luo's eyes widened.

He probably understood what the young master meant.

"You mean...we actually..."

There is actually more material.

Luo Yu didn't have time to say this.


Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "The second base is under construction. Gu Shen submitted a large number of sky sheath fragments after the mission in the frozen lake... As long as the past few years go by calmly, we will have a considerable number of 'Absolute deterrence'."

Hiding the truth from the sky and crossing the sea, hiding in secret.

Luo Yu was silent for a long time, and then uttered one word very seriously: "...Wonderful."

"This is Gu Shen's suggestion."

Gu Nanfeng smiled and said: "It's indeed wonderful. The old man and I unanimously agreed. The reason why I tell you is because the construction of the second base has begun. You will take over the subsequent confidentiality arrangements and related matters... In addition, the old man is getting older, and he hopes that in his position at the command post, he will have someone he trusts enough to take over."

Luo Yu's heart trembled.

"Theoretically, the command post belongs to Nagano, not the Gu family."

Gu Nanfeng said slowly: "But I hope that the future command post can be used by the Gu family... We have the most powerful capabilities, and of course we must control the biggest rudder. Do you understand what I mean?"

It’s all explained so clearly, how can I still not understand?

Luo Yu said in a deep voice: "I understand."

Tsuka Oni was taken back to Nagano.

This ancient city was once very familiar to him, but now it is very unfamiliar.

He was brought to the Spring Rain Temple.

The courtyard door was closed, and he slowly opened it and entered. The courtyard was very lively, and two figures were fighting fiercely.

A red-tasseled gun flew up and down.

Point out dozens of phantoms.

On the other side, countless iron pieces rotated and collided with the gun barrel, wiping out little bits of fire.

Mu Qingyang and Shen Li were "discussing".

The former has been promoted to the fourth level, while the latter is still at the third level... There is actually nothing to fight in this fight, but no one can stop the little iron man's stubbornness.

The frozen lake massacre happened unexpectedly. He was on a mission in Jiangnan at the time, so he missed this opportunity.

He returns home like an arrow.

But unfortunately, when Shen Li returned to Nagano, the frozen lake mission was over.

Later, Shen Li came to Chun Yu Temple and listened to Gong Zi embellishing the details of the "Frozen Lake Mission". He just felt that "Mu Qingyang" who happened to come back from Jiuning was so lucky that he completely stole his position. If I was there at that time, and maybe I could join Gu Shen in carrying out the Kucong Snow Mountain massacre, and break the "fourth level" bottleneck at the same time!

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Today he came to Chunyu Temple again, and Mu Qingyang happened to be there, so Shen Li greeted him directly.

There were many people in the courtyard.

Gong Zi, Mu Nan, Mu Ya, and Li Qingsui were all watching the show. There was also a figure who was leisurely drinking tea and reading the newspaper. From time to time, his eyes glanced at the two figures fighting back and forth through the gaps in the paper. .

"It turns out Mu Yi is right. Mu Qingyang is really not tired..."

Gu Shen sighed in his heart: "I said I went back to Jiuning District to clean up, but it was too fast. I returned to Nagano in two days."

"Isn't that right?"

Chu Ling teased: "It must have been someone's words that gave him a lot of motivation. I looked through his diary in the deep water area these days, and the word 'Brother Gu' was mentioned a lot by him with gratitude. This time..."

"Serious people...who keep diaries?"

Gu Shen said something subconsciously.

Then he immediately fell silent, remembering the youthful past several years ago.

There was sweat on Gu Shen's forehead.

He asked cautiously: "Isn't it bad to peek into other people's privacy? When did you develop this habit?"

"you guess."

Chu Ling asked with a smile: "By the way, let me guess, did I only look at him?"

"Just kill me."

Gu Shen sighed deeply in his heart and said: "If there is a crack in the ground in the Pure Land, I want to get into it right now..."


The courtyard door was pushed open.

The two people who were fighting immediately stopped.

Except for Mu Qingyang... everyone else knows this guy.

All eyes in the courtyard were focused on Tsukauki. Tsukauki looked at these "strangers" cautiously. He was a little cautious and didn't let go.

The next moment, everything was back to normal.

Everyone looked away. Shen Li found the right opportunity and took the lead in launching an attack. He ran into Mu Qingyang's arms and struck out the heart with a black tiger move. The two continued to struggle together.


Tsukasa was stunned.

In the cold base of the tundra, he was haunted by nightmares every day.

He felt as if he had lost a very important memory.

Those memories were sealed by some force.

But after entering the courtyard, Tsukauki looked at the light from Chunyuguan falling on everyone's faces, and everything felt warm.

The cold, gloomy feeling in my heart seemed to be dissipating little by little.

My head feels so itchy.

He felt that his dusty memories seemed to be reviving bit by bit.

Those unfamiliar faces seemed to have become familiar.


Gu Shen stretched out his hand, patted the seat next to him, and said with a smile: "Qingsui, Tsukasa has lost his memory. He probably can't remember us... Can you help reintroduce us?"

"no problem."

Tsukauki looked at the smiling girl.

"Before the introductions, the ugly words come first."

Li Qingsui poured a pot of tea for Zhonggui and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't remember me. Just remember to pay off the debt you owe me. The total with principal and interest is 30 million."


Tsukauki spat out the tea.

I remembered.

All remembered.

He stared at the little girl dumbfounded and cursed angrily: "Li Qingsui, you are shameless! When did I owe you money?!"

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