Barrier of Light

Chapter 929: Deep meditation (second update)

Afu took Gu Shen and Xiaoman through the initial number.

The initial number is extremely large.

This is a survival ship built by the God of Craftsmen in order to escape. Most of the space inside the ship is used for extraordinary people to live. The vast "fake snowfield" can change the seasons according to the needs of the initial ship, and can even be switched. into a different ecology.

Aside from the simulated environment outside the snowfield, there is also a fairly large resource reserve room and several gravity training rooms.

"Okay, this is the gravity training room."

Afu introduced: "This place can provide up to fifty times the gravity pressure..."

Gu Shen was quite impressed.

Gu Xiaoman blinked: "Since there is fifty times gravity, why did you only use thirty times when we triggered the alarm?"

"On the one hand, I'm afraid of hurting you."

Afu was helpless: "On the other hand, Gu Shen is too cunning... This guy was reluctant to break through thirty times gravity at first. By the time I reacted, he had already reached the control room. I could only give up. Pressure and obstruction.”

Gu Shen smiled.

In the previous breakthrough, he deliberately kept [Truth] and did not use it directly. This is how he defended himself.

"It is not easy to draw the sword in the dream of the 'Lord of Love'."

Gu Shen said seriously to Afu: "I want to take Xiaoman to practice on the initial ship for a while... Before the submersion is over, we want to rest on the initial ship."

"no problem."

Afu agreed readily: "There are many nutrition cabins here, and there are also a lot of unused living rooms. If you like it, you can live in it."

The initial number is moving.

The trouble in Binghai has been solved, Gu Shen is not in a hurry to leave...

As for Xiaoman's follow-up arrangements, we have to wait until he returns to Wuzhou.

He needed some time to meditate and think carefully about what he would do when he returned.


Getting along with Xiaoman is also very important.

The little guy has made rapid progress in the past five years and has been promoted to the seventh level of the deep sea. At this stage, he has the opportunity to hit the "Three Transcendences".

Gu Shen was ready to give Xiaoman personal guidance.

In the following days, three figures would often be seen on the huge Initial Number, inseparable.

One big and one small, with a rickety cube robot outside.

Afu is an AI that does not need to rest 24 hours a day. It does not need sleep or company.

If Gu Shen and Xiao Man hadn't arrived, it wouldn't have felt anything wrong with being alone for thousands of years...

But now there are two more people.

Afu's life also has something different.

The initial number built by the God of Craftsman is not just a shelter. Likewise... the "Afu" he created is not just a cold-blooded program to perform the duties of a housekeeper.

"Quick, Xiaoman... use the knife!"



On the snowfield, heavy snow was flying, and a fierce black cloaked figure was launching a fierce attack on the bamboo armor.

The former kept cutting crosses on the snowy field with the light of his sword.

The continuous cold light tore through the heavy snow, cut through the void, and chopped into a heart-stopping roaring river. But every move of the bamboo armor was perfectly blocked. The two of them advanced and retreated on the ice field, fighting for several miles, and the battle was very serious. It was so intense that it threw up thousands of piles of snow.

This scene is both dangerous and beautiful.

A moment later, Gu Xiaoman slashed hard with his sword. When the bamboo-armored man raised his sword to block it, he used lightning speed to change the sword's force from chopping to teasing. This change of force was extremely clever.


A piece of bamboo armor was thrown out.

This discussion ends here.

Gu Xiaoman held her knees with both hands, panting. Even though she was extremely talented and physically fit, this tug-of-war lasted for an hour...

The physical exertion on her was too great.

"It took an hour to barely find a flaw."

Gu Xiaoman spoke reluctantly: "Has this guy's difficulty level really been lowered?"

"It has been lowered several times."

Gu Shen smiled and said: "Afu... what is the difficulty level of 'Red Shadow' now?"

"According to the trial intensity you provided, the current physical strength of 'Red Shadow' is the ninth level in the deep water area, the elementary level." The little cube flew over and comforted: "Miss Xiaoman, with your level, you can do it This step… is already quite remarkable.”

Gu Xiaoman had just been promoted to the seventh level not long ago.

According to a careful assessment, the little guy's current strength should be barely considered a "one-time transcendence". Putting aside external assistance, Gu Xiaoman can fight in a serious singles match with a transcendent from the eighth level of the deep sea. open.

When it comes to spiritual practice, being young is an advantage.

This means you have more time to practice slowly and don't have to rush.

But when it comes to fighting, being young is a complete disadvantage.

Older transcendents often have richer combat experience and more sophisticated combat skills.

"No...I'm still far away."

Gu Xiaoman gritted her teeth and grasped the sword again, "Afu, you don't need to comfort me, I know I still need more training."

The Initium sailed under the ice for nearly a week.

This week, Gu Shen and Xiao Man focused on practicing physical skills...

the reason is simple.

These "red shadow" robots on the initial number are really perfect sparring partners that can only be found.

Even Gu Shen couldn't fault "Red Shadow"'s fighting skills.

When the God of Craftsman was building it, he should have unreservedly incorporated the essence of the physical skills of that era into it.

This is simply not an industrial product, but a work of art.

It's not just Gu Xiaoman who is fighting against "Red Shadow".

The same goes for Gu Shen.

"You should rest for a while and watch my next battle..."

Gu Shen patted the little guy's shoulder and motioned her to step back. Gu Xiaoman adjusted her breathing and looked at Gu Shen longingly.

this week.

Gu Shen's image has changed a lot.

There was little food on the initial ship, but there were a lot of nutritional supplements. Thanks to Afu's "careful care", he no longer looked like the "sallow complexion" he had when he first came out of the ice sea. Although his overall figure still looked a little thin, But the general outline of the skin is already visible, and the long hair has become shiny.

Gu Shen did not cut off her long hair, but simply tied it up according to the traditional customs of Afu's time.

Gu Shen was wearing the black patterned robe left by the God of Craftsmen, holding the wooden knife stuck on the ground with one hand behind his back.

Three figures slowly walked out of the snow and fog.

Three red shadow robots.

Afu whispered: "Gu Shen, according to your request...the difficulty of these three combat-type red shadows has been adjusted to the highest level."

"Thank you."

Gu Shen stood there without moving, pulled out the wooden knife, and closed his eyes at the same time.

Close your eyes to "see" better.

The fire of vitality on his forehead was burning brightly. At this moment, Gu Shen's vision covered the ice field with a radius of one kilometer.

"When the fight starts... you can perform random 'laser strikes' on me."

Finish this sentence.

Gu Shen moved together with the three red figures, but his speed was faster than the bamboo armor man.


On the ice field, Gu Shen stepped on the weird and fast steps of the bamboo armor man, and attacked fiercely with the wooden sword.

[Deep Sea] provides a standard promotion path for extraordinary people.

How does an extraordinary person go from awakening, to mastering the realm, to transcending the deep water trial step by step... This is the entire content of the 12th level of the sea.

But [Deep Sea] cannot provide a way to practice physical arts.

Faster, more durable, and stronger, this seems to be the essence of "taijutsu", but behind these seemingly simple words, there is a promotion criterion that has not changed for thousands of years, from capturing breath, precise strikes, to [ [End Flash], those extraordinary people who specialize in physical skills are actually walking a completely different path from the "Deep Sea Trial".

They turn all external forces into their own advantages.

The era of hot weapons completely overwhelmed cold weapons.

But the emergence of extraordinary abilities makes both hot weapons and cold weapons meaningless.

A long-distance gunman who is good at spearmanship may not be the opponent of someone who is a master of cold weapons.

After Gu Shen understood [Complete Flash], his physical skills were stuck at a bottleneck.

But this time when he was competing with Hong Ying, he realized what the bottleneck was.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Cultivation itself and cultivating the extraordinary realm are inherently two contradictory paths... If you choose the former, you must give up the latter.

Why "Red Shadow" is so powerful.

It is because the God of Craftsmen has completely given up the "realm" and does not need the "spiritual sea".

The reason why Hongying is a work of art is because this mechanical body has reached the limit of what it can reach.

Extraordinary people, too.

Countless crisp collision sounds on the snowy field erupted in an instant. Gu Xiaoman concentrated and was able to barely see clearly the battle between Gu Shen and the three red figures... She found that in this battle, Gu Shen completely gave up on Blazing Fire. and the Pure Land. From the perspective of a spectator, Gu Shen is a purer "Red Shadow" than the "Red Shadow"!

"This guy's understanding is really amazing."

Afu said with emotion: "If the master is still alive, he will definitely accept him as his disciple, right?"

I felt the strange look from Xiao Man.

Afu sighed helplessly: "Well, Gu Shen will most likely not be willing to join my master... After all, my master is not good at fighting, but he is still a leader. No matter how bad he is, he can still teach him the art of casting and his state of mind. Practice.”

After the previous incident in the Bronze Hall was over, Gu Shen deliberately told Afu not to leak what he saw in the Pure Land World.

Although he didn't understand it, Afu chose to respect it.

It can only hide the information that it knows that Gu Shen has the "gospel box fragments".

However, knowing that Gu Shen was the "leader" made him feel more balanced.

Because he is the "leader" chosen by the gospel box fragments, he is so strong!

If any of the extraordinary beings from Wuzhou could be as perverted as Gu Shen, then Afu would really not dare to let the Initial go to sea again.

Seeing that the battle situation was getting anxious, Afu quickly made Gu Shen's battle more difficult.

"Wow!" Countless gusts of wind suddenly rose in the snowy field.

The laser beam was ready. It was hidden in the rolling snow. It found the pause gap when Gu Shen used his sword to block, and shot out in an instant!

More than ten laser beams crisscrossed and divided the void, but in the end they didn't even touch Gu Shen's hair——

Gu Shen's [Complete Flash] has been completed, and the blazing spirit envelopes the snowfield, capturing every strange thing and reflecting it into the lake of his heart.

The speed of this laser beam is still slow.

"Zi la!"

The battle ended with a simple cross cut.

Gu Shen dodged to avoid the laser, then stepped forward, drawing his sword and slashing continuously. This was not a fancy move, Gu Xiaoman had used it before... now it was borrowed by Gu Shen, and it was easy to use, and he already had the demeanor of a master.

Bang bang bang!

With such a simple move of the sword, Gu Shen was already behind the three red figures in a flash.

The extremely fast block that Hongying was good at was defeated head-on.

Amidst three crisp explosions, the chests of the three red figures burst out with crackling arcs of light, and they fell to the ground one after another.

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