“Brother, I’m bored. Let’s go explore the dungeon.” (Haru)

“No, after a little more research. Like we’ve decided.” (Kei)

It’s been a few days since we met Rimdobmur again. We’ve been researching in the morning and going to the dungeon in the afternoon.

We found out after our research that the Magic Items collected in the dungeon were unexpectedly plentiful in both variety and quantity, and that we could find several of the Item Pouches (very small) every day. The price of these items has been steadily dropping, and now I can buy them for about the price of an expensive car.

People from rich families wear them on a regular basis, and recently a famous YouTuber bought one and introduced it to the world.

That’s because it can hold 100 kilograms, so it’s very easy to use. You can do mountain climbing with just one pouch. I’m not sure why he used mountain climbing as an example.

By the way, a [Magic Item] is a general term for anything that can be obtained in a dungeon and can be used outside the dungeon to cause supernatural phenomena.

Well, let’s leave it at that.

And lately, it seems that Item Pouches (small) are being discovered about once a week. The price of these jumps up significantly. This is because big companies have a lot of money and participate in auctions. It’s impossible for individuals to obtain these items.

I thought to myself, “We’re not very well-informed people”, we didn’t even know this level of information.

Well, what I’m trying to say is that selling items is not as conspicuous as I thought it would be.

However, we don’t have that many items to sell either. We don’t have many items that we can sell, but there seem to be a lot of expensive items that are being sold in the market.

Knowing this, we hurriedly sorted through the items we had acquired so far and tried to gather items that we could sell at a reasonable price.

No matter how many magic items we had found, there was a high possibility that we would be identified if we sold expensive items, and even if the items were not that expensive, we would probably be noticed if an individual put a number of them up for auction.

Recently, large corporations have been setting up their own auctions, and the state-sponsored auctions will soon be closed.

If several large corporations are going to hold auctions, they can sell their products anonymously in various places.

Of course, your name will remain anonymous to the companies for financial and security reasons, but all information will be treated as anonymous.

This means that neither the buyer of the Magic Item nor any other large company will know who put it up for sale. This would increase the number of items sold somewhat.

However, in reality, such a dangerous thing cannot be done because there may be horizontal ties between companies. [T/N: Horizontal ties/relationships are more or less equal. Like buyers and sellers. Unlike vertical ties that are about the hierarchical relationships.]

I don’t know how scary the adult world is. We’re just kids, and there’s no harm in being as careful as possible.

That’s why we decided to dive into the Tokyo Dungeon once a week.

We had made up our minds, though. But another piece of information forced us to scrap that plan.

The Treasure Tool, which is a limited first-time drop from the boss of the 15th level of the dungeon, the Minotaur, can also be obtained by defeating the boss of the 15th level of another dungeon, the Minotaur.

However, you can only activate as many skills as you have at the same time. That is two.

I’ve looked up a lot of information, but I’ve never heard of a player having three skills, so I’m guessing it’s basically two.

This was discovered by the Hero Party who is commonly known as the strongest in Japan.

After conquering the 15th layer of the Hokkaido dungeon, it seems that all four members of the party have obtained a second Treasure Tool. However, the second Treasure Tool had a different shape but the same type of weapon, so only the two boys had any use for it.

After receiving this information, a certain party started to move.

Party Name: 893

Recently, they have started calling themselves the strongest survey party in Japan, and have been investigating dungeons in Japan.

They are popular among explorers because the information they find is quickly leaked to the private sector.

Not that it’s a coincidence, but I was wondering how popular the top five were. Well, as expected, I found a bunch of sites that looked at the popularity of the top five and other top exploration parties.

I thought the most popular party was the Hero Party that had supposedly defeated Gan Ceann, but apparently not.

I checked out someone’s blog, which seemed to have a popularity ranking based on online voting. The person who wrote the blog seemed to be famous, and the number of people voting seemed to be in the five figures.

And the result?

The result was that the winner got first place by a huge margin over second place.

A party for only the most beautiful women. [Yamato Nadeshiko].

This party seems to have stolen all the votes from the men because they are all beautiful and strong. There are rumors that they don’t get along with each other, but I guess that’s the way it is with any celebrity group.

And the 2nd place is the [Hero Party].

There is nothing special to mention now.

The third place goes to the self-proclaimed [893 (PacSun)] survey team, which is famous for being both strong and friendly.

The fourth place goes to the [Grapevine Association], a group consisting of only women with martial arts experience.

They are just plain strong. They are said to be the second strongest after the Heroic Group.

And lastly, [The Biceps].

It seems that these people are also strong, but well, they’re not very popular because they’re just a group of four muscular uncles.

Now, let’s get our thoughts back on track. So, what did the 893 verify?

What they verified was the weapon they were carrying when they attacked the 15th layer of the second dungeon.

It’s not uncommon for the Hero Party or other ordinary explorers to change their weapons after gaining some experience. Even with the same sword skills, the use of a one-handed sword is completely different from that of a two-handed sword, and the seemingly similar use of a one-handed sword is completely different from that of a sword.

If you use a one-handed sword in the way you use a sword, it won’t be powerful enough, and if you use a sword in the way you use a one-handed sword, the blade will crack and bend in no time.

That’s what 893 was looking for. He thought that if he changed the equipment he used, the treasure he received would also change.

893 also had already gotten the Treasure Tool for their main weapon.

So, when each of them managed to subdue the Minotaur with a unique combination of brass knuckles, the Treasure Tools they got were brass knuckles and gloves with metallic knuckles embedded. Everyone was equipped with a fist that suits each member.

The conclusion that the 893 came to was that the treasure tools they would get would be the types of weapons that they had used in the battle against the humanized cattle, regardless of their skills, and among them would be the ones that suited their fighting style.

Because it seems that one of the 893 had been fighting with a dagger/push knife all along, and the weapon that came out was a glove that could be used to summon a dagger by making a dagger-gripping-gesture. In return, the power of the recoil was reduced, and it turned out to be well adapted to their fighting style.

So for now, we decided to continue diving into the Tokyo dungeon and defeat the Minotaur.

Haru and I decided that we have to get a sword and tonfa treasure.

Unfortunately, neither Haru nor I can use the first Treasure Tool at the same time because it’s a two-handed weapon, but I’m sure it will come in handy one day.

There was a lot of other information that we didn’t know that was widely accepted in the world. That’s why we decided not to stop collecting information after the first day, but to spend every morning on it.

They had to keep gathering information. But they also needed to continue to get stronger. All for the sake of entertainment.

To escape the Forest area that they had grown tired of.

The siblings are willing to go through the trouble.

Well, they may not like hard work actually.

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