We decided to visit dungeons all over Japan, but it was difficult to use airplanes. Airplane security is usually very strict, and you have to pay a hefty surcharge to carry weapons, even within Japan.

However, there are few places in Japan that are difficult to get to without an airplane. You can go from Hokkaido to Kagoshima by land, and even Okinawa, which is far away, can be reached in about two days by boat.

But if you go outside the country like New York, it will take more than ten days by the sea, and it is more expensive than taking a plane.

Once you are out of the country, no matter what you do, except smuggling, it will cost you a lot of money due to the fact that you have to bring in weapons.

So the best way to go is by land or sea if you’re in Japan, and by air, if you’re going somewhere abroad.

Aside from that, the best way for us to get around the dungeons in Japan is by train. Fortunately, Okinawa doesn’t have any dungeons, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

There are ten dungeons in Japan: Hokkaido, Iwate, Niigata, Chiba, Tokyo, Toyama, Osaka, Shimane, Kochi, and Kagoshima. We can’t enter the dungeon in Chiba, and we often go to the dungeon in Tokyo, so we will go to only eight of them.

I thought it might be helpful to find out which other dungeons have stores open near the dungeons and where the excitement is but after some research. They said it could be anywhere.

Come to think of it, Tokyo Dungeon also has a plaza-like area right in front of the dungeon dam, where I often see mobile stores.

During the peak hours of the Dungeon Dam on weekends and holidays, there is a line at the entrance, so I guess they are profitable. I have no idea how these businesses and individuals get their spots, though.

This means that I’ll have to visit all the dungeons until I find my father. If that’s the case, the first place we’ll go is.

“Hokkaido, right? The north would be a good place to start.” (Kei)

“It’s summertime, that’s good. I also want to eat fish.” (Haru)

“Hokkaido, right? How long would it take to get there?” (Kei)

I did a quick search and found out that it would take about 10 hours to get there, and we could go if we had 40,000 yen to spend. It’s more expensive than usual because of the weapons.

“Haru, when is the best time to go to Hokkaido? We’ve got shopping to do and other preparations to make.” (Kei)

It was not good to decide the date alone, so I consulted Haru. Haru pondered, “hmm”,  and clapped her hands.

“Okay, tomorrow is good. We’ll buy our luggage on site. It would’ve been hard if we’re in a foreign country. However we’re still in Japan, so we can easily find what we need.” (Haru)

“Umm, tomorrow?” (Kei)

Despite being confused by Haru’s words, I think in my head whether the plan is okay.

First of all, regarding crime prevention at home, I think it’s okay considering that I’ve been to Tokyo so far.

A thief wouldn’t aim for such a tattered house. Just in case, I want to install a security camera, but I don’t have the time. Considering the current time, even if you hurry by bicycle, you will come back at night, and the price of a taxi is not stupid.

Ah, I still want to buy a motorcycle. I want a solid medium-sized bike instead of a moped. I don’t have a license.

And thinking things through, I’m still worried about the dungeon. I don’t think it would be a problem to be away for a day or so. We’ll probably be gone for a week or more, so I’ll need some kind of burglar-proofing.

The house key is useless because it can be broken with a kick. Or rather, if we make it stronger than that, the house will be destroyed by the dungeon.

If that’s the case, I think a good security measure would be to hide the house visually. I’m not even sure what would happen if the entrance to the dungeon was covered with carpet.

In the first place, we don’t even know what kind of explosion would occur if we blocked the dungeon. Well, since it easily destroys reinforced concrete walls, this rundown house will surely be obliterated without a trace.

I’ve heard that the blast destroys all obstacles and then sucks everything around it into the dungeon. Well, in other words, this entire raggedy house will be sucked into the dungeon.

“I guess this is it.” (Kei)

I was tired of thinking about it. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t figure out what I couldn’t figure out.

“Haru, you haven’t thrown away the cardboard yet, have you?” (Kei)

“I put it outside where it won’t get rained on. I put rocks on top of it.” (Haru)

“Oh, I get it. Behind the woodpile.” (Kei)

“Yes, yes.” (Haru)

I went outside to the roofed area and found a bundle of wood on the ground. Behind it is a bundle of cardboard boxes. They were still the same ones I had used when I moved in. There was also the cardboard box that contained the furniture I had bought just a few days ago.

After three trips back and forth between the house and the yard, I brought it all into the house.

“Haru, help me assemble this.” (Kei)

“Hmm? Sure, but what’s it for?” (Haru)

“To hide the dungeon.” (Kei)

We silently assembled the cardboard, and when we had accumulated a certain amount, we pierced it with sharp objects and ripped bits of it to pieces without losing their shape.

After assembling all the cardboard boxes, they looked like they had been used up. No, I had a pile of cardboard that looked like it was destined for the garbage. Okay, the rest.

“If we go tomorrow, we won’t be diving in dungeons anymore, right?” (Kei)

“Yeah. We don’t have time anymore.” (Haru)

“Okay, we’re good then.” (Kei)

After confirming with Haru, I threw the broken cardboard into the basement one after another. After throwing some of them in, I crushed the rest of the cardboard again and put them in a garbage bag.

There were four of them. Throw them into the basement. Finally, walk around the basement, kicking cardboard and other debris off the floor, which is now covered with pieces of cardboard and garbage bags.

“Okay, the garbage house is complete.” (Kei)

Yes. What I was creating was a simple garbage house. Even a burglar aiming to burglarize the house would not leave the furniture on the first floor and look for a basement full of trash, or rather, trash and no furniture at all.

“Waa, so messy.” (Haru)

Haru looked at the basement and made a disgusted face. Certainly, if you keep it so dirty in the countryside, bugs will live there when you return.

“Well, let’s do our best to clean up when we get home. Bugs are better than burglars.” (Kei)

“Bugs? Oh, bugs. Yeah, I guess so.” (Haru)

Haru’s reaction was weak. It’s not that she doesn’t like bugs. Come to think of it, I was worse at bugs than Haru. So is it purely a dislike of mess?

The amount of trash in the basement is such that you can hardly see the floor, but you can easily kick it away. If you know that there is a dungeon there, you can easily reach the dungeon.

This would not be as strong as the key to the house, so there would be no danger of explosion. We can even see the fence that is the entrance to the dungeon if we want to. Then there’s one last thing.

Bring a stepladder and push away the trash. I climb it.

“Oh, Haru. Can you get a flashlight and turn off the lights in the room?” (Kei)

“Roger.” (Haru)

Haru immediately goes up to the first floor and comes down with a flashlight. She turned on the flashlight and turned off the lights in the room.

The light in the basement was unexpectedly dim. Even when the sun is still up, it’s pitch black if you turn off the lights. That’s why I used the flashlight.

I removed the bulb, letting Haru light my hand. I got off the stepladder and put it against the wall.

“Okay, let’s go back.” (Kei)

I went back to the first floor, kicking over nearby objects and covering the floor with garbage.

The reason I removed the light bulb was simple. It was too bright.

No, that kind of brightness is just right for daily life. But for a thief, it would make the environment easier to find. If you remove the light bulb, you have no choice but to use a flashlight.

Even with a bright flashlight, a flashlight is designed to illuminate a small area. It is not suitable for searching for something you don’t even know is there.

When you return to the first floor, open the safe and put the light bulb inside. In addition, I put everything related to the dungeon in there as well. In the Item Pouch inside the safe.

Come to think of it, if you look at this safe, it’s pretty obvious that all the important stuff is in here.

It’s a magnificent safe that probably wouldn’t be found in an average home. I’m confident in the strength of this safe, but the most important thing is to avoid being targeted. Unlike dungeons, this one can be sealed tightly without any problems.

“That’s why Haru. Can you hide this safe by using [Crafting] on the wood?” (Kei)

“Hmm? I can.” (Haru)

“Then, please do it.” (Kei)

“Got it.” (Haru)

Haru hurriedly went outside to get some wood and tools from the basement.

“It’s about time, so while you’re doing that, I’m going to make some food.” (Kei)

“Oh, I understand.” (Haru)

Haru told me to look at the clock, and sure enough, it was that time. The sun sets late in the summer, so it’s hard to tell the time.

I could hear the sounds of wood being sawed and drilling behind me as I quickly made dinner.

About ten minutes passed and I finished cooking dinner. I had forgotten to cook rice, so I made a beef stew using leftover stew roux. The meat was Minotaur beef, with a few vegetables.

I could eat this with bread even without rice.

It was so easy to make that it took me less than half an hour to finish. By that time, the noise behind me had stopped.

“Dinner’s ready. You’re as quick at making things as ever.” (Kei)

“Of course.” (Haru)

The safe in the back was all covered with wood and fixed in place, except for the door. It looked like a simple interior. You can find a lot of things that you can use to make your life easier.

The door of the safe was empty, but it was made in such a way that it could be fixed by simply applying some glue and inserting a wooden board. She must have used a chisel.

“Well, we’re all set. Tomorrow I’ll go to the bank in the morning, withdraw some money, and go to Hokkaido. Even though we’re buying stuff there, even it’s a jacket or underwear, bring something that can fit in your bag.” (Kei)

“OK. I’ll prepare it later.” (Haru)

“Okay, let’s eat before it gets cold.” (Kei)

“”Thank you for the meal”” (Haru & Kei)

And so we were off on a journey, or rather a trip, to various parts of Japan in search of our parent.

Now, I just hope that nothing will happen.

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