Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 278: LYN training camp

Thousands of people gathered here at the Shanghai airport.

"Li Nan! Li Nan! Li Nan!"



Everyone shouted in unison, like a tsunami from the mountains, shocking people.

Li Nan was finally able to escape under the protection of security personnel.

After getting on the leaving bus, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, "Hoo~ha~~"

"It's crazy, crazy, crazy!"

"Lee, you are so happy to have so many fans."

"I love China!"

"Frank, don't you like Korea?"

"That was me yesterday! Only when I came to China did I know what true love is."


In the afternoon of the second day, the Luwan Gymnasium in Xuhui District, Shanghai was crowded with people.

The Shanghai Sharks will face NBA team Philadelphia 76ers here today.

This is the first time for many fans to watch an NBA team play at home.

"Yeah! I'm so lucky!"

"It would be nice if I could come every year from now on."

"So excited!"


Before the game, everyone on the 76ers was surprised to see Yao Liang for the first time.

"Wow! That guy is too tall!"

"Giant! My God! He is too tall!"

"Is that person three meters tall?"

Yao Liang is really like a big mountain, too high and too conspicuous, and the focus is everywhere.

Of course, Yao Liang is still a little immature, a little thin, and has not been taken seriously.

"Li, don't you mind if I teach him a lesson?"

Coleman rubbed his hands, eager to try.

It was a look that caught the prey.

Li Nan reminded, "Be careful."

"Okay. Don't worry, I won't do anything to him." Coleman thought Li Nan was asking him to be careful with Yao Liang and don't hurt him.



The game is on!

Li Nan hasn't played against a CBA team for a long time, and he didn't dare to play too hard, just dunking, passing the ball.

The 76ers' players are very expressive, all kinds of flying around.

In less than five minutes, the score difference was ten minutes.

Li Nan quickly chose to sit on the wall and give time to those guys.

On the field, the 76ers dipped the ball inside, and it was given to Coleman.

Coleman has always wanted to fight Yao Liang. This time is an opportunity.

However, the result is not very beautiful.

Coleman jumped up and wanted to make a dunk.



Yao Liang gave Coleman a big hat with a slight jump!


After that, Coleman challenged Yao Liang twice. One hook was disturbed, and one shot was scratched off.

Coleman finally understood what Li Nan said before. That is not to make him be careful not to bully Yao Liang, but to make him be careful not to be bullied.

In the end, Coleman also couldn't hold back, eating one with his body, and finally found some face.


In fact, it's not just Coleman who deflated, but others also fanned big hats. They also had to have a new perspective on Yao Liang.

"Wow, he is much quicker than Bradley's thin bamboo pole!"

"His shooting is a bit powerful! The basic skills of the Chinese players are too solid."

"He's good at blocking shots! Shooting in front of him is really annoying."

"If he is strengthened in terms of strength, he can definitely run the NBA arena."

"He shouldn't be here, he should go to the NBA!"

Everyone gave Yao Liang a thumbs up.

Davis, who came with the team, is also sharp-eyed. He took out his little book and wrote something...

And Iverson on the bench moved manually.

Li Nan at the side reminded him.

"Alan, you are a wounded man, hold back! In a month, you will be able to fight again!"

One month, another month! Iverson is really itchy. Especially seeing a player like Yao Liang, Iverson just couldn't help but want to do it.

"Oh~ **** it! You should hurry up for Lao Tzu!"


On the court, the 76ers' non-staff personnel played back and forth with the Sharks.

In the end, the 76ers' main force played for a while and immediately opened the score.

The gap between the main players in the two leagues is still a bit big.

The 76ers finally won the game 98-80.

Li Nan scored 12 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists!

Yao Liang scored 20 points, 15 rebounds and 5 blocks. But there were 4 mistakes. His confrontation is still a lot worse.


"Dayao, you played well."

Yao Liang blushed a little shyly when he heard Li Nan's praise.

"It's okay. If I get stronger, that guy will definitely not be my opponent."

Shy to shy, Yao Liang is still very confident.

It's good to be confident.

However, Li Nan said it.

"Those guys just told me that your close-to-basket attack is no longer good. And your footsteps are too bad. By the way, didn't I send you the videotape? Why didn't you learn Olajuwon's dreamy footsteps? "

"Olajuwon's dreamy footsteps? I learned it. But I can't learn it myself."

Li Nan also has a deep understanding of this.

It's like Jordan's footwork. No matter how many videos you watch, you will learn only the fur. If you want to truly learn the essence, you have to rely on competition practice.

"It's okay, take your time, wait for you to enter the NBA, just find Big Dream to teach you!"

Do you want to teach Dameng? Yao Liang looked happy.

Li Nan also suddenly thought of something,

"By the way, Dayao, I heard that you were selected for the national team? Congratulations!"

Yes, Yao Liang was selected into the national team under the guidance of Wang Fei. At the end of August and early September, the World Championships in Greece, this is Yao Liang's first World Championship.

"Hehe, I can finally play with you." Yao Liang showed a big smile, looking a little expectant!


In the next few days, the 76ers and a group of people continued to go south.

In Ningbo, the 76ers played a game with the CBA champion Bayi team this year and Li Nan's home team.

Finally, in Dongguan, the 76ers played another game with the Guangdong team.

Three games were full of fans.

Our Chinese fans also let foreign boys see the enthusiasm from China.


A banner hung at the gate of an arena in Dongguan that read "Warmly celebrate the opening of LYN training camp!"

A lot of people stood on the training ground in the arena.

Large and small, tall and short, male and female students.

Next to them, it was a group of 76 players and some training coaches.

On the main stage, Assistant Professor Davis is speaking on behalf of LYN.

"Today is a wonderful day. We are here because of basketball..."

The tricks Davis hadn't used for a long time finally came in handy today.

After a while, Davis finally announced: "I announce that the LYN training camp is officially open!"



The children gave a warm applause.

On the side,


Iverson and others are a little drowsy, but those big and small friends are serious.

"Oh~ I was beaten by a kid!"

"The concentration of Chinese children is extraordinary!"

Everyone also lamented Soon, the training camp started, and the training sessions for big and small friends began.

The 76ers also became coaches today, imparting playing experience to these Chinese young players.


The sound of friction between sneakers and the floor is endless.

"Go! go! go!"

"Move! move! move!"

"Pass! Pass! Pass!"

Various sounds sounded in the arena...

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