Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 381: Injury

Throughout January, all the media seemed to be paying attention to Iverson.

"Allen has 50 points in a single game! The 76ers beat the Wizards!"

"Allen has 43 points in a single game! Leading 76 manpower to beat the Heat!"

"Allen scored only 26 points in a single game! The 76ers beat the Pacers by one point!"

Iverson 40+, 50+, that is big news, Iverson 20+, that is even big news.

In the 12 games in January, the 76ers achieved an excellent record of 10-2, and the overall record has also come to 38-6, still ranked first in the league! The second Lakers are 36-7.

NBA officials also announced soon:

"January Player of the Month: Allen Iverson, from the Philadelphia 76ers!"

"10 games, averaging 36.5 points, 3.4 assists, 2.3 steals per game.

The shooting percentage is 45.6%, the three-pointer percentage is 37.9%, and the free throw percentage is 83.5%.

50+ in 1 game, 40+ in 6 consecutive games! "

Iverson was elected Player of the Month, and Philadelphia fans were naturally delighted.

"We have Lee, we have Allen! The championship this season is ours!"

The 76ers fans are looking forward to this season after seeing the two in such a good state.


January passed, and February came.

The results of the 00 Oakland All-Star voting will soon be released.

O'Neal became the All-Star vote king with 2073627 votes

Iverson was second with 1907289 votes

Li Nan third, 1880998 votes

A lot of media have begun to build momentum, Philadelphia Gemini VS O'Neill!

In the All-Star individual event, Lee vs. Carter's dunk contest was promoted as a battle of the century!

The Oakland All-Stars are also about to become the focus of the world.

However, a week before the All-Star Weekend, an unfortunate thing happened.

February 4th, Chicago United Center Arena.

The Philadelphia 76ers beat the Chicago Bulls 120-65 with 55 points.

However, there were no ribbons flying at the scene, and the 76ers didn't mean to celebrate at all.

As soon as the game was over, everyone hurriedly packed their luggage and went straight to the local Chicago hospital...


Someone was injured in the Sixers!

That's right, Li Nan!

In today's game, the 76ers still show no mercy to the Bulls. Won another 20 points in the first half.

At the end of the third quarter, seeing the 76ers pull the score to 30 points again, Artest was also furious and directly elbow Li Nan.

On the spot, Artest himself was blinded.

Because he heard the sound of "chucking" bone fracture.

However, what made Artest even more horrified was that the guy with the broken rib even completed a dunk on the head of his teammate Brand.

When facing his interview, Artest confessed everything.

"My head was blind at the time. That guy was really a pervert. He made me feel like I was against Michael Jordan..."


In the hospital, everyone saw Li Nan who was lying on the bed.

"Brother, are you okay?" Iverson was a little anxious.

"Of course it's okay! Do you think I am someone in trouble?" Li Nan was about to pat his chest. Halfway through the shot, he stopped by himself and stopped on top of the fixed bandages.

Oops, I was almost silly, Li Nan himself laughed "hehe".

Seeing Li Nan like this, everyone was relieved.

At this time, Snow also asked somewhat puzzledly.

"Brother Li, you broke a rib at the time, why didn't you end up?"

At that time, Li Nan not only dunked a basket, but also continued to play the remaining 2 minutes of the third quarter. Forcibly changed the difference between the two sides to 40 points!

To be honest, Li Nan himself is a little afraid now. If the broken bone accidentally stabbed to the left, he would be dead in his life.

However, he did not feel anything at the time.

"I didn't feel anything at the time, it was just a faint pain."

Everyone also gave thumbs up.

"Brother Li is awesome!"


Outside, the news media is also raging.

"In today's NBA regular season game, the Philadelphia 76ers beat the Chicago Bulls by 55 points. Allen Iverson scored a game-high 46 points and Lee scored 28. The 76ers played in the game. It was wonderful, but in the game, an unfortunate thing happened. In the third quarter of the game, Artest rudely broke Lee's rib..."

"According to the latest report by a reporter from the front, Li is currently in no danger. It takes two months to recover before he can recover and return to the stadium..."

"May the injury go away, and wish Li back to the court as soon as possible..."


The news of Li Nan's injury spread all over the league and the whole world.

The Chinese fans were worried, the 76ers fans were worried, and Lin Yue, who was far away in Italy, ran over desperately.


In the media, the experts are also very optimistic about the prospects of the 76ers.

"Lee's injury will take two months to cultivate. By the time Lee comes back, the game has reached the playoffs. The 76ers' ranking will definitely be affected. If Lee fails to make a comeback, then the 76ers will be able to walk more in the playoffs. Far?"

"The 76ers are missing such an off-ball scorer, which has a great impact on Larry Brown's system. Without Lee, the 76ers can't go far. Next, the 76ers will encounter a lot of difficulties in the regular season. They are the first One's position cannot be kept."

"The reason the 76ers are strong is that the Philadelphia twins are strong. Now that Lee is not at Iverson can't move the 76ers alone."

Many media experts have expressed such views, however, the facts have proved that they have not!

The 76ers can still function normally without Li Nan.

The 76ers returned to the Snow-Iverson-Pippen-Hill-Wallace mode and fully opened Iverson’s scoring mode. The other four were all Iverson’s helpers!

This is what makes Iverson a fish in water.

After a few games, the Sixers are still strong. They are still winning streak and are still No. 1 in the league!


For the upcoming All-Star Game, the media also sighed.

"Without Lee, this All-Star Game will become bleak. The Slam Dunk Contest has lost the meaning of the war of the century..."

However, the facts prove it, not!

The All-Star Game will not only be bleak, it will be exceptionally exciting.

In the three-point contest, Ray Allen defeated Glen Rice, Peja, Mark Jackson and other shooters to take the lead;

In the skill competition, Nash defeated Kidd, Marbury, Bibby, Jason Williams and other point guards to win the championship;

In the dunk contest, Carter, McGrady, Francis and others fought a battle. Finally, Carter became famous in the first battle! He was even banned by the media as the number one buckler in history!

In the All-Star Game, Iverson fought against O'Neal, and the two scored super high scores. As a result, the West team won by 3 points. Finally, it was very unexpected. O'Neal and Duncan won the All-Star Game MVP together!

After the game, Oakland's All-Star was also regarded as a very successful All-Star by the media.

The joyous atmosphere of the All-Stars slowly faded, and everyone turned their attention to the regular season.

The second half of the season begins.

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