Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 464: This "feast" is not the other one

   On October 31st, Indiana played at the Bankers Center Arena.

   In the locker room before the game.

   "The Nuggets have replaced a few main players, the players' strengths are uneven, and the tacit understanding between each other is much worse, and the team's running-in is not enough..."

"Lee's personal strength is really strong... It's just that his vision of choosing the team is really bad. Lee chose Denver is a huge mistake. Denver is not suitable for him at all, he should come to Chicago~ Ah, bah! Shameless !"

   "The Pacers will hit the Nuggets head-on at home...Last season, Lee joined the Pacers to pick up the bargain. Before Lee came to the Pacers, the Pacers were already number one in the East..."

   I saw some outside reports before the game, and Wang Dazhi also talked a lot.

   "Damn it! These old guys are too much, right? No one is optimistic about us! They are really blind!"

   However, Li Nan was sitting quietly in front of the closet, looking at the "Herald" in his hand, with a bit of meaning still left.

   "This Kent McDill from The Herald is pretty good."

Wang Dazhi at the side hates that iron cannot become steel. "Hey, Xiao Li, why don't you talk? They said a lot of bad things about you, saying that you can't lead the team to victory. If I were you, I would Can't stand it! You are an FMVP!"

   Li Nan suddenly raised his head and glanced at Wang Dazhi, like an adult watching a child.

   There are puzzles, surprises, and kindness like an old father.

   After a while, Li Nan spoke.

   "Dazhi, are you nervous?"

   The opening game of the league, live broadcast across the United States, against the defending champion, it depends on others to receive the championship ring!

   This is the first time for Wang Dazhi, can you not be nervous?

   Oh, no, Wang Dazhi thinks it should be excitement, not nervousness.

   Wang Dazhi's eyes dodge a little, but he still said, "I'm nervous? How can it be? Brother is also a master who played the second round of the playoffs anyway, how can he be nervous?"

   "hen~" Li Nan smiled, stood up, and patted Wang Dazhi's arm immediately, "Aspirational, don't be nervous, I'll be my place in everything."

   "I'm really not nervous!" Wang Dazhi wanted to explain clearly, but Li Nan wanted to leave without looking back.

   "Xiao Li, what are you going to do? Let's go together."

   "It's convenient."

   "Hey, just right."

   "Have you been there twice just now?"

   "It should be because I drink too much water."

"is it?"

  Li Nan glanced at Wang Dazhi’s closet, where a bottle of mineral water and a bottle of Gatorade stood intact...


   The atmosphere in the Bankers Center arena is unusually hot at this time.


   "Let\'sgo! Pacers!"

   "This season's champion is still ours!"

   There were enthusiastic calls, and their voices were very loud at this time. Well, after winning a championship, the Indiana fans are really confident.

   The visiting team players who hadn't walked into the field already heard the calls.

   Wang Dazhi also sighed, "This Pacers is really a bit rough at home!"

   is really rough!

   This is Indiana's basketball style.

   If it is not rough, it will not taste like that.

   Li Nan also said, "Don't be afraid, there is brother."

   "Who is afraid? Don't talk nonsense!"

   The lights in the arena dimmed, and the crazy shouts of "Wow!"

   The host began to introduce visiting players into the field.

   When the first player of the Nuggets entered the field, there was a roar of intimidation.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

   The Indians are really crazy this year!

   When Wang Dazhi entered the venue, there were bursts of roars.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

   This roar is like a beast sees its prey and seems to tear you apart.

   However, when the host introduced Li Nan, the last player of the Nuggets,

   When Li Nan did not come out, there was a roar of "houhouhou".

   And when Li Nan walked out of the player channel and made his appearance in the Bankers Center Arena, which he was not very familiar with, the scene slowly changed.

   "Li, Li, Li!"

  In the beginning, the two sounds were mixed, but at the end they still converged into one.

   Seeing Li Nan beckoning to the surroundings naturally, Wang Dazhi is also envious and jealous at this moment.

   "Xiao Li, if I were an advanced NBA back then, now they would definitely welcome me like this!"

   It's been four years. Although he knows the possibilities, Wang Dazhi is still "broken."

   The host continued to introduce the home team players.

   Every home team player entered, the scene was crazy shouting.

   When Reggie Miller walked into the stadium for the last time,


   Fireworks explode!

   Under the splendid fireworks, the Pacers fans on the scene also jumped up, shouting with all their strength,


   The whole arena was blown up.

  Wang Dazhi grabbed the corner of his clothes with his fingers, Bobby Jackson swallowed, Michael Reid frowned...

   Patrick Ewing and Ben Wallace were expressionless,

   And Li Nan clapped his hands gently, with a lovely smile.

   In the commentary, Groom Albert and his two old brothers also showed kind smiles.

   Seeing such a hot scene at the scene, the old groom also sighed.

"Lee made the city of Indiana more wild! No, it should be said that it is more self-confident! Yes, it is self-confidence! The championship is too precious for them. How many cities, how many teams, How many players may not touch the championship trophy for a lifetime. However, the Indians have won the cup, and after so many years of hard work, they finally won the cup! This may be the best memory in their lives. And this will also encourage them to work harder Work hard!"

   "However, Indiana fans are so excited, but the young people of the Nuggets look a little nervous. Today's game, the Nuggets seem to be a little troublesome."


  On the field, the players from both sides shook hands.

   Reggie Miller grabbed Li Nan's, are you ready for the ticket home? "

   "Old guy, have you eaten yet?"

   Reggie Miller is not fooled. This guy Li just played the cards according to common sense. This must not be answered. If he answered, he was hit.

   "hen, you want me to be recruited, you want to be beautiful!"

   Reggie Miller gave Li Nan a light punch, turned and left. Can't give the other side a chance to pretend.

   "Hey, old man, if you don't eat, I'll treat you to a big meal later."

   Upon hearing this, Reggie Miller also smiled.

  Look, I know this guy is not at ease.

   "If you haven't eaten, please invite me to a big meal later."


   Reggie-Miller thinks he still knows Li Nan very well, but he doesn’t know that this "feast" is not the other one!

   Does that guy mean to teach himself on the court?

   "hen~ is really damn! Li this guy is really, he doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young!"

   Reggie Miller walked away thoughtfully.

   However, what Li Nan wanted to say was that he really wanted to invite Reggie Miller to a big meal, nothing more...


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