Basketball Commander

Chapter 298: Bullying this is

The Philadelphia 76ers blocked the opponent's offense once in the first half of the second half, and made two consecutive steals to make the opponent foul. At the same time, they offensively, and quickly converted these three opportunities into goals.

Still three three-pointers! Two of them are Han Miao and one is Hayward.

All of a sudden, the difference was pulled to 12 points!

This is shocking, especially the fans who went out to buy burgers and cola during the intermission, they did not believe their eyes when they came back.

Obviously there was a difference at the end of the first half. Why did the difference become double digits when I bought a hot dog?

Of course, after the fans of the home team are surprised, they are happy. The more the team leads, the happier they are.

The faces of the visiting team's fans suddenly couldn't hold back.

When buying hot dogs just now, the away team fans were still giving advice to the home team, thinking that they might be able to win today by only three points behind!

Who would have thought of being 12 points behind instantly? !

"Don't change defenses easily! Follow your defenders! Raise your hands! Don't let them score easily!"

The roar of the Pacers coach failed to cover even the cheerleading performance. It can be easily heard from the 76ers bench. Although it is not very clear, you can guess it.

"You said, he yelled so loudly, is this a self-imposed oolong?"

Everyone on the 76ers bench looked at each other. The head coach on the opposite side, is it really good for you to say your tactics so loudly?

"Okay, all come to mind. Regardless of him, we play our own. We did a good job just now. Keep going! Spencer, Jason, Keller, you three are ready to warm up. The current lineup will play for about three minutes. We Change people too."

Stevens intends to use his current major and four minor rushes for a few more minutes, and then let Hawes, Capono and Korver go up to replace Whiteside, Iguodala and Hayward.

The horror of this substitution is that Hawes is tall and has a basket. His range is very far, close to the three-point line!

And don’t talk about Capono and Korver. The 76ers’ two-bar muskets, which are the most accurate outside shots, are only better than open shots.

Coupled with Han Miao and Livingston's two open three-pointers, Stevens is going to make the three-pointers to the end!

"Coach, a full three-point lineup, is it too much? Defensively..."

Han Miao was taken aback, Mom, you are really good as a coach. You actually want to play a lineup with all players throwing three-pointers. Are you also from the future, referring to the Golden State three-point team model?

"Don't worry, although the Pacers have a big inside, they are too weak and they do not have a stable outside shooting point. We are bullying them for not having a three-pointer! As for defense, even if they make two-pointers, we are not afraid. Take offense as defense!"

Stevens waved his hand fiercely, his expression was so fierce, it seemed that he was preparing to win the first playoff win of his coaching career today.


"Invincible! Invincible!"


Both sides returned to the court and Granger struggled to score goals. Knowing that the coach now encourages three-pointers, so in addition to Whiteside who also scored inside to keep rebounds, the 76ers made a lot of outside space.

"Beware of three-pointers!"

The Pacers coach is now afraid of the 76ers shooting three-pointers, because the Pacers currently do not have a reliable pitcher, they must block their three-pointers to chase points.

"It's like we only make three-pointers."

Han Miao curled his mouth in disdain, and then flexibly turned left and right to turn back and forth, and the whole person flashed past George.

Although George chased him back quickly and interfered with Han Miao's sight with his long arms, this did not affect the 76ers' offense.

Raising his hand to toss, the basketball looks like a high toss to the rim, but in fact, there is another person on the inside who is ready to catch the ball.


Whiteside first broke free of Hibbert's entanglement, grabbed a good position, and stuck Hibbert. Then when the ball flew over, he jumped up suddenly. Seeing this, he was planning to catch the back buckle empty!

Hibbert is still a relatively domineering young man at this time, instead of the soft "Gao Yuanyuan" later, he did not take any advantage of this guy who is 6 cm shorter than himself in this game, which makes Hibbert very uncomfortable. happy!

How can you take advantage every time? !

So, even though he knew he could not bounce well, Hibbert jumped up without hesitation!

He wants to block this dunk from behind!

I have to say that Hibbert's figure is really scary to jump up. Although the jump is not high, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a black wall! Instantly appeared between Whiteside and the basket.

So it seems that Whiteside can't smash this goal!

What Hibbert didn't see was that although Whiteside was facing him, his face showed a strange smile.

Do you really think I'm Whiteside a foolish man?

Catching the ball in the air with both hands, Whiteside did not pass his hand behind him, but slammed it to his right bottom corner! There, a figure wearing a home jersey is already waiting!

Because there are too many people's eyes on the law of attraction this time, the bottom corner is empty at this time!

Sean Livingston, he received a pass from Whiteside in the bottom corner!

Take a quick shot, such a big open, even if Livingston usually doesn't want to shoot a three-pointer, he won't be soft at this time!


The basketball draws a beautiful arc and plunges into the basket!

"nice shot!"

The 76ers stepped forward and gave Whiteside high-fives. Yes, this big man has finally is no longer a rough guy who only dunks and rebounds, he knows how to pass!

Hibbert also couldn't believe it. What about the good man? Why did you pass the ball? You guy who deceives public sentiment!

Obviously all rough guys, you secretly go to make up lessons! I hate you!

At this time, the point difference became 1 point, not only not weak compared to before the timeout, but also expanded by one point, which made the Pacers very hit.

There is no such bully! You just bullied us for not having a three-pointer, right!

Well, you are right, but what can you do? The goal of the Philadelphia 76ers and Stevens coach this season is to infinitely magnify his strengths and attack the opponents' weaknesses. Two three-pointers on the sidelines and a large space man are already warming up and ready to play!

The Pacers coach really wants to sigh up to the sky, don’t bring such bullies! Knowing that you are so shameless, we won't grab the sixth spot!

Alas, this is all fate, Pacers, you are unlucky to meet the 76ers, you have to admit...

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