The next day.

Mu Shuiqin woke up early today and went to the balcony.



Since the air conditioner broke down the night before, the hotel compensated with a free stay in any suite for one month, so Su Bai found a chain hotel last night. He went straight to the most luxurious presidential suite.

That's how it happened.

Mu Shuiqin stood on the balcony on the 15th floor, looking down at the early morning in Los Angeles after the snow. Looking over, the white snow was really beautiful.

""Wow, so beautiful!"

She couldn't help but shout out, breathing in the fresh morning air, and her mood also improved.

"Sister Qin, you got up very early today."

Su Bai woke up, holding her disheveled hair, and came to the balcony. Mu Shuiqin was about to say something, but when she was about to say something, she heard Su Bai shouting at the balcony outside.

"Ahhhh~~~Troubles go away, life is worry-free~Ahhh~"

He started yelling, and Mu Shuiqin widened her eyes in fear, but Su Bai tilted his head and said with a smile:"Try it~ It's very comfortable and refreshing!"


"" Yes!"

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

"Ahhh~ Let Mu Shuiqin star in a hit TV series~ Ahhhh~~~"

"Ahhh~ Come on, Sister Qin~ Ahhhh~~~"

Early in the morning, the two of them were like fools, laughing and venting their emotions unscrupulously outside the balcony, until they didn't know whether someone was scolding them upstairs or downstairs. Then they smiled angrily and retreated back to the living room.



"Sister Qin, how is it? Do you feel better after shouting?"


"I tell you, it would be more refreshing if you shout like this on the prairie!"

Su Bai said with a smile, and Mu Shuiqin nodded repeatedly. She could imagine how happy it would be to vent her emotions loudly on the endless prairie.

"Sister Qin, I’ll take you to the prairie next time!"


Mu Shuiqin smiled and nodded, but then she seemed to realize something, staring at Su Bai with her beautiful eyes, and asked seriously:"Xiaobai, you are not right!

How come you suddenly seem to have changed into a different person, becoming so mature, stable, and sensible."

Ah this?

Is that so?

Su Bai couldn't answer, smiled awkwardly, changed the subject, and said:"Sister Qin, are you hungry? Let's have breakfast? The waiter said yesterday that the buffet breakfast here is rich in variety and delicious."

"Oh~ go quickly, go quickly!"......

Eat breakfast.

Su Bai helped Mu Shuiqin pack her luggage, checked out of the room, and left the hotel.

"Sister Qin, are you really not going skiing?"

Su Bai asked

"There is no time this time. As your sister Qin, you still have to pursue your dreams.......You are so good now, you must continue to be excellent"

"I will, and Sister Qin should also work hard. I believe you will become a big star in the future!"

"Yes, of course."

Mu Shuiqin smiled slightly, a smile that was so charming......


At the airport security entrance, Mu Shuiqin gave Su Bai a big hug and said with a smile,"Xiaobai, thank you for these days. I am really happy.


I will come to play with you when I have time.""

"If I have time, I will also look for Sister Qin"

"It’s a deal!"

"It’s a deal!"

"Xiaobai, lower your head."


Su Bai lowered his head, Mu Shuiqin tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, and said with a smile:"Xiaobai, Sister Qin is leaving, bye~"


After passing the security check, Mu Shuiqin waved at Su Bai through a guardrail and shouted several times,"Xiaobai, bye", before entering the waiting area.

Su Bai, who had originally felt good, felt a little embarrassed.

After saying goodbye, he sent a message to Mu Shuiqin, saying: [Sister Qin, can you please not call me Xiaobai in public in the future? It doesn't fit my tall image.]

Mu Shuiqin replied: [What's wrong? I'm your Sister Qin, and you're my younger brother. What's wrong with me calling you Xiaobai? No matter what time it is, I'll call you Xiaobai, hehe.~】

【Well...All right!】

Xiao Bai?

It's really not a domineering nickname. Su Bai doesn't like buffs. However,......His mother and Mu Shuiqin both liked to call him that.

Su Bai chatted with Mu Shuiqin for a while, and didn't leave the airport until she boarded the plane. Thinking about the past few days with Mu Shuiqin, he felt a little dazed.

Su Bai could feel that Mu Shuiqin treated him as a cousin, a very close cousin.

Mu Shuiqin, who was cold to the outside world, was so cute and smiling in front of Su Bai, his younger brother. This contrast gave Mu Shuiqin a reversed charm.

This made Su Bai like him a little

"Just treat him as a younger brother?" Su Bai murmured to himself, with a smile on his face:"I am very greedy.~"......

After parting with Mu Shuiqin,

Su Bai also boarded the plane and returned to Phoenix. The wonderful Christmas was almost over, and he had to re-enter the regular season.

When Su Bai flew from Los Angeles to Phoenix, the NBA officially announced the best player of the week last week.

Su Bai was elected as the best player of the week in the Western Conference again. This is his fifth consecutive best player of the week. He has long surpassed LeBron and continued to refresh the record of consecutive best players of the week.

Given that Christmas Eve and Christmas are consecutive.

Last week, the Suns played only 2 games. Su Bai averaged 43.5 points, 12 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 3 steals and 3.5 blocks per game, leading the team to win 2 games.


Kobe Bryant averaged 46 points, 7.3 rebounds, 5.4 assists, 1.4 steals and 1.5 blocks per game last week, with an average score that is even more terrifying than Su Bai.

However, the fans have no objection to Su Bai being the best player of the week.

After all, the Lakers played 3 games last week and only had a record of 1 win and 2 losses, even though Kobe had a gorgeous performance of 12 3-pointers and 60 points in a single game.

But Su Bai's 13 3-pointers, 65 points, steals and layups to kill the Lakers were even more explosive.

Kobe really can't compare.

In the Eastern Conference, Howard was once again selected, using a different restricted area dominance from Su Bai on the outside, overpowering LeBron, Rose, Stoudemire and others to win the Eastern Conference Player of the Week.

These two people won the Player of the Week, which really caused a lot of heated discussion.

"""Monster newcomer" center Su Bai won the Western Conference Player of the Week, and"Magic Beast" center Howard won the Eastern Conference Player of the Week. One is an outside player, and the other is an inside player.

Two centers with very different styles won the Player of the Week at the same time!

Is the traditional center stronger, or is Su Bai, who is unique and plays a groundbreaking center offensive style, stronger?! To be honest......I'm looking forward to the showdown between these two now!"

"Me too"

"And I!"


While the fans were discussing Su Bai and Howard, two powerful centers with different styles, an announcement attracted the attention of all the fans.


At 6 pm, the NBA announced that the 2011 All-Star voting channel was officially opened!

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