The next day, at 8 p.m., at the American West Arena, with a full hour left before the game, the arena was already packed with countless fans wearing Su Bai's No. 0 jersey, waving banners, holding flags with cheering messages, cheering for him and the Suns.

In short, the Suns players, who had returned to their home court after four consecutive away games with 21 consecutive wins, were cheered at the highest decibels by the home fans the moment they arrived at the court.

So much so that the Rockets players who came out of the player tunnel right after them felt an invisible pressure before they even warmed up.

However, they were not afraid.

The heat of this night's match had been hyped up, and the Rockets were determined to win. They must not repeat the same mistake as the Bucks, and they must not be crushed by the Suns and break the record!

The two teams warmed up actively!

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean, in the CCTV-5 studio.

Wang Meng was excited and said with a smile:"Coach Zhang, I have been waiting for tonight for a long time. Yao Ming, who was at his peak at that time, led the Rockets to 22 consecutive wins and brought the Chinese basketball world to a new height.

At that moment, many Chinese fans were excited.

Now, just thinking about Su Bai tying this record as a rookie, my little heart can't stop beating wildly. I am so looking forward to it!"


Coach Zhang also nodded heavily and said excitedly:"Su Bai is already the strongest Chinese player after Yao Ming, and he has brought Chinese basketball to a new height.

Now, it depends on how high this height is.

However, after all, there are countless variables in the game. Teacher Wang Meng, how big do you think the Rockets' chances of winning tonight are?!"


Wang Meng thought for a moment and said,"Very slim. If the Suns were in that state when playing against the Jazz, they might still have a chance of winning. But now, facing a super strong team that has rested for three days, is playing at home, is in good condition, has won 21 consecutive games, and is ranked first in the Western Conference, and the Rockets are barely eighth in the Western Conference.

The chance is really small, unless......"

"Unless what?"

Coach Zhang echoed the question.

Wang Meng paused and said:"Unless Yao Ming can recover and come back, the Rockets may still have a chance, but......There's no way!"


Coach Zhang sighed, shook his head and said,"It's a pity. I don't know if Yao Ming can recover. I don't ask him to return to his peak, but I just hope I can still see him on the court."


Wang Meng nodded and said,"Although there is a rising star Su Bai, I also hope to see Yao Ming continue to play. I think there must be many fans who think so."


As the two were sighing, Coach Zhang saw the camera on the screen turn to Dayao.


On the court, Dayao, who had not been with the team before and was actively undergoing rehabilitation treatment, appeared on the Rockets bench tonight in a suit and tie.......

Behind him, there is also Yi Jianlian.

Tonight, both of them came to witness Su Bai win 22 consecutive games. Of course, as a Rockets player, Yao Ming wants Su Bai to win.

But as long as they are not stupid enough to say it directly, no one will deliberately target him.

Behind Yi Jianlian, the Warriors substitute, a Chinese-American player with Chinese blood, Lin Shuhao, also came to the court tonight to support Su Bai.......

Not long.

The long warm-up finally ended in the fans' eager anticipation.

The starting lineups of both teams came on the court.

Phoenix Suns starting lineup: 191 cm point guard Steve Nash, 191 cm shooting guard Stephen Curry, 198 cm shooting guard Vince Carter, 211 cm power forward Channing Frye, and 215 cm center Su Bai.

Houston Rockets starting lineup: 185 cm point guard Kyle Lowry, 201 cm shooting guard Kevin Martin, 203 cm small forward Sean Battier, 198 cm power forward Zach Hayes, and 206 cm center Luis Scola

"Jump, ball!"

The fight between Su Bai and Scola for the ball


There was no suspense. Su Bai, who was in full form, easily kicked the basketball away. Curry caught the ball and passed it to Nash, executing the first attack of the game for the Suns.

""Bang, bang, bang!" Nash accelerated on the right wing, attracted the defense, and passed the ball to Carter behind him, confronting Lowry, who was only 185 cm tall.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The two men continued to fight physically, but the 198-centimeter Carter didn't win. Carter barely made a move.



In the next round, Lowry once again used his strong body to pressure the defense, blocked Curry's breakthrough, and grabbed the rebound.


A long pass to Kevin Martin sprinting in the frontcourt, the Rockets launched a counterattack?


Su Bai flashed out from the wing, leaped up, and grabbed the basketball behind Martin. Without stopping the ball, he passed it back, continuously moving the ball over a large area.

The camera could hardly switch to it.


Frye, who had not yet returned to the court, took the ball and directly counterattacked the basket. At this moment, only Lowry, who had just defended Curry, was under the basket.

Seeing that it was impossible to block Frye, Lowry stood directly inside.


Frye jumped up and bumped into Lowry, about to dunk over him. After being hit, Lowry fell backwards and lay on the floor.


The whistle blew.

Frye committed an offensive foul!

"Wow...Lowry successfully defended twice in a row. The"Little Cannon"'s fierce defense is well-deserved."

"Yes, and......Lowry not only has excellent physical fitness, but also has a high defensive IQ. He is one of the few players in the league who can draw offensive fouls in the paint despite being a small player."

Two consecutive perfect defenses disrupted the Suns' offensive rhythm. Martin pushed forward with the ball and just as he pushed to the top of the arc, Battier and Lowry covered him one after another, creating shooting space for him.


There was nothing he could do.

Su Bai grabbed the flying basketball!


" Swoosh!"

The Suns pushed for a counterattack. Su Bai passed the ball to Curry on one side and accelerated at full speed. However, the Rockets also had a strong sense of retreat. Lowry and Battier returned to defense in time.

2 on 2 in the frontcourt


At the top of the left arc, Curry stopped suddenly and was about to counterattack with a 3-pointer. Curry had a big explosion in the last game, and his 3-pointer should never be underestimated. Battier flew over to put pressure on him.


Curry made a quick sideways pass


Su Bai received the ball from the high right position and rushed to the basket without slowing down.


The paint area on the side saw Lowry rushing in, his eyes fixed, and he moved sideways to the basket, blocking Su Bai's rushing route.

"Lowry's position...He also wanted to make Su Bai commit an offensive foul."

Coach Gentry saw this and George shouted,"Be careful!"

"Want to commit an offensive foul?"

Su Bai was also aware. When he saw Lowry landing, he narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t slow down. He stepped into the paint area and stepped in front of Lowry.

Then he grabbed the ball and flew up, just like Frye just now, hitting Lowry who was in a good position.

"Offensive foul!"

Lowry's mouth curled up.

But the next moment, with a terrifying bounce and a height difference of 30 centimeters, Su Bai, who had spread his legs, flew over Lowry's head as he stared with wide eyes and a look of horror.


Complete the dunk!

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