Basketball is Faith

Chapter 5: Team drill

   Crane Castle at 8 o'clock in the morning, the sky was already bright, and the sun hanging in the east wanted to bring warmth to pedestrians on the road, but was blown away by the cold northwest wind.

  Compared to the cold outside, it was a scene of enthusiasm in the gymnasium of Crane City University.

   "Pick and roll tactics! Pick and roll tactics!" Zhang Tiejun waved from the sidelines and shouted. The pick-and-roll tactic is one of the offensive tactics developed for Willow last season.

Guo Cheng is a cool-headed backcourt commander. He dribbled the ball to near the three-point line and beckoned to let center Liu Mu come to cover. Guo Cheng used the screen to rush to the free throw line and prepare to pass the ball across or hit the ground Pass it to Willow.

   Because Liu Mu stepped forward to screen, the bench defending Liu Mu's center Yu Fei had no choice but to follow. Liu Mu completed the file split and quickly ran to the basket.

   Guo Cheng's pass was just right, which made Liumu very comfortable to receive, and it also destroyed the defensive formation of the bench.

   Guo Cheng used the ground pass, making it difficult for the bench center Yu Fei to bend over to intercept.

   After receiving the ball, Yanagi faced the empty basket and slammed the ball into the basket.

   Take into account the two outside shooters of the main team, small forward Qian Ning and shooting guard Hou Wei. The substitutes didn't dare to step forward to help defend. It was such a simple pick-and-roll tactic, which made the defense of the bench seem like a fake.

   Guo Cheng, the starting point guard of Hecheng University, is staring at the genius with short hair in front of him. For a semester of training, he already knew Liu Xiaodong's offensive characteristics.

   He stepped back into the three-point line and let Liu Xiaodong take an open shot to prevent Liu Xiaodong from breaking through. This is what he thinks is the best defense against Liu Xiaodong.

   Liu Xiaodong played on behalf of the substitute team. He not only scored a single point on the field, but was also responsible for the offensive command of the substitute team.

   Coach Zhang Tiejun uses Liu Xiaodong as the sixth man. He wanted to arrange Liu Xiaodong to train in the starting team, but out of consideration of Liu Xiaodong's poor shooting, he decided to place Liu Xiaodong on the bench and let Liu Xiaodong temporarily serve as a point guard.

   Liu Xiaodong didn't choose to shoot, he knew Guo Cheng's defensive ability, he wanted to score the ball to rely on team strength.

   Liu Xiaodong reached out and made a pick-and-roll action. The backup center Yu Fei who had just been bullied by Liu Mu quickly rushed over, and Liu Xiaodong broke through and started!

   Guo Cheng immediately moved laterally, trying to block Liu Xiaodong's breakthrough route.

   Yu Fei came to his side when Guo Cheng was about to brag his footsteps, and used his lanky body to prevent him from the next defensive action.

   Liu Xiaodong jumped into the penalty area to pretend to shoot, and after attracting the help of Channing, he passed the ball to the substitute small forward Sun Yangyang who ran to the corner.

   Although Sun Yangyang has unstable long shots, he doesn't want to waste open shots.

   Sun Yangyang had a firm face, adjusted his shooting posture, and threw the ball with soft power. After the basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air, it fell steadily into the basket.

   "Yangyang, good shot!" Zhang Tiejun applauded and shouted from the sidelines. He knew that the credit for the ball should be given to Liu Xiaodong, but Sun Yangyang's mentality is too weak, he needs more encouragement than that little **** Liu Xiaodong!

   "Good job! I knew you would give me an assist stat!" Liu Xiaodong ran to Sun Yangyang and said with a high five.

   "Our future star is very talented as a leader!" Guo Cheng looked at Liu Xiaodong and joked to Liu Mu.

   "Yes, I also think his talent is better than mine now." Liumu said seriously. He has been with the coach for three years, and he has not seen the coach treat the freshman like Liu Xiaodong with such care, including him, the "province first center".

   "Um..." Guo Cheng didn't know how to answer, but he also knew in his heart that the coach arranged Liu Xiaodong as the backup point guard to exercise Liu Xiaodong's leadership ability. Thinking of this, the senior point guard couldn't help but think of the past when he just entered school.

   "What are you doing!" A roar from the sidelines interrupted the memories of Liu Mu and Guo Cheng.

   "Hurry up and serve, the coach is going crazy!" Guo Cheng whispered to Liu Mu who was standing on the bottom line.

  Guo Cheng started to direct the starting players to run just after halftime with the ball. Willow quickly circled too far and rushed towards the restricted area.

   Faced with the help of bench power forward Zhou Jie, Liu Mu did not choose to play hard. He first made a false shooting. After cheating Zhou Jie, he rushed to the basket and dunked the ball into the basket without defense.

   Liu Xiaodong took the bottom line to serve, and steadily pushed through the half. Guo Cheng didn't wait for Liu Xiaodong to come to the three-point line, so he went forward and defended closely. He didn't want to give Liu Xiaodong any chance to organize an attack.

   Zhang Tiejun saw Guo Cheng’s serious defensive attitude and smiled with satisfaction. He wanted to know how Liu Xiaodong would perform in the face of Guo Cheng’s “brown sugar” defense?

   "What should I do?" Liu Xiaodong thought about countermeasures while holding the ball. The coach did not arrange any tactics for him. He knew that it was the coach who was trying to prepare for the college league.

   "Be calm, be calm..." Liu Xiaodong kept muttering silently at the same time his eyes were constantly on the observation field.

   On Liu Xiaodong's nearest right, Sun Yangyang was defended by Qian Ning, blocking Sun Yangyang firmly behind him to prevent him from catching the ball, and he could help defend Liu Xiaodong more quickly.

   Liu Xiaodong did not break to the right, but made a false move to the left and passed the ball to substitute shooting guard Wu Lei.

   The moment the ball left his hand, Liu Xiaodong began to run backwards, he wanted to get rid of Guo Cheng's entanglement.

   Wu Lei received the pass without pausing, and dribbled directly to the center line.

   Hou Wei is not a vegetarian. He quickly moved laterally to the left and opened his arms to defend.

   Seeing Hou Wei blocking in front of him, blocking his breakthrough route, Wu Lei passed the ball to the right while advancing!

   Liu Xiaodong used Yu Fei's pick and roll to get rid of Guo Cheng's entanglement and ran to the right corner to catch the ball.

   Faced with an open three-pointer, Liu Xiaodong did not hesitate to throw the ball over his head.

   After crossing a standard arc, the basketball hit the edge of the basket and bounced. Willow got stuck and grabbed the fallen basketball.

   Liu Xiaodong still didn't score. His shooting posture is very standard, but the front sight is not satisfactory.

   In the subsequent game, Liu Mu showed his all-around skill, dunking in the penalty area and pulling to the mid-range shot. The ability of his province's first center was fully explained in the second half of the training game.

  In the end, the main team defeated the substitute team with a huge advantage of 40 points.

  After the basic training in the afternoon, the players left one after another. Liu Xiaodong did not leave, but found a coach and expressed his idea of ​​staying to train and shoot.

   Zhang Tiejun smiled and agreed. When he came to the basket to help Liu Xiaodong pick up the ball, he also constantly corrected Liu Xiaodong’s problems when shooting...


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