Bags, bags, still bags!

The unlimited bag clips made Pei Yun feel the pressure.

And after the clip, the Spurs’ defensive rotation is particularly orderly.

Their defense is quick and efficient, and even a passing master like Kidd can hardly pass directly into the open space.

This is the defensive intensity of the Spurs, which is completely different from the Hornets.

Turning around, the Mavericks’ defense couldn’t effectively contain the Spurs.

The Spurs played too hard this game, looking at their spirit on the court, it was completely used as a finals!

Six minutes into the first quarter, the Mavericks trailed by seven points at 11:18, and General John had to ask for a timeout.

Looking at the momentum of the home team on the field, the commentator on the sidelines began to stir up the atmosphere again: “Look, this is the defense of our Spurs, we are serious, their arrow characters have completely lost their magic!” ”

The task of the live commentary is to drive the emotions of the audience, and I have to say that this commentator has done a good job in this regard.

However, to the Mavericks players and staff, it doesn’t sound so rosy.

Pei Yun seemed to be restrained!

This is the last thing the Mavericks want.

Since the G5 turnover wasp, Pei Yun, the “wonder boy”, has surprised the world again and again.

He played every defender on the Hornets, G1 with the Spurs, and slashed 30+ triple-doubles on Bruce Bowen’s head. His offensive methods are extremely avant-garde, and Mavericks fans look to him as a savior!

However, today, the Spurs’ bag tactic is like an iron tong, locking Pei Yun to death.

Mature bag clamping tactics are like this, as long as the bag is used vigorously, regardless of other gains and losses, it can limit the play of some players.

For the Mavericks, a second person has to step up!

Although Harris is injured and Howard is incomplete, Terry and Stark House are back on the bench.

But the Mavericks also have a superstar Dirknowitzki in the squad.

At this time, he should have stood up!

Indeed, after the timeout, as the only core of the Mavericks, Novitsky began to take the initiative to share the pressure for Pei Yun.

Once the Spurs wrapped Pei Yun, Nowitzki mentioned Pei Yun’s 45-degree three-point line near Pei Yun.

After receiving a pass from Pei Yun, Novitsky faced Oberto and either shot directly from three points, broke through, or used his height and weight to hit him on his back.

He is an All-Star three-point contest champion, a regular-season MVP, and a Western Conference All-Star almost every year.

In the power forward position, Novitsky’s offensive means are very diverse, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an offensive kaleidoscope in this position.

And like Pei Yun, in the NBA, no one can prevent him one-on-one.

Three-pointers, breakout jump shots, back-and-back shots, and even passing to assist teammates.

Nowitzki began to erupt, he continued to score and directly stopped the Spurs!

At this time, Popovich’s face was grim, and what he was worried about still happened.

Good pinch and rotation tactics can indeed make the defense impermeable, but such a situation can only be that the opponent is not strong in breaking the bag, and can only wrap the opponent’s player.

Obviously, the Mavericks are now dual-core on the field, wrapping Pei Yun, so what about Novitsky who broke out?

This is last year’s regular season MVP!

The Hornets have proven in the first round that they can’t do without him, and even with the superstar, he can still blast 30+ points.

The conundrum lies in front of Popovich, who is it pinching?

He did not change his strategy, still decided to wrap Pei Yun, as for Novitsky, let him attack.

The old coach Popovich is a particularly persistent person, he is not like the young general John, how the opponent changes, how to adjust the response.

Experienced coaches will lay out their defensive strategies before the game and follow through to the end.

As the young general’s mentor Nelson Sr. said, “Respond to all changes with immutability.”

Perhaps Popovich has another reason, that is, he wants to make Pei Yun, a talented rookie player, “unhappy”.

Continuing to trap him gives him no chance to show himself, and his numbers will drop as a result.

Young players are impetuous and can be unstable and confused when they encounter setbacks.

At that point, turn around and target Nowitzki, and the Spurs will be able to win the game.

Popovich has lived most of his life and knows more than just on the pitch.

Watching Nowitzki continue to chase points for the Mavericks on the court, the old and cunning Popovich watched with interest off the court, and silently thought in his heart: “The good show has just begun!” ”

Throughout the first quarter, Pei Yun only made 4 shots, hit 2 shots, and scored 4 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists, which was far from his previous performance.

Dirknowitzki, on the other hand, won a big explosion, shooting 7-of-9 in the first quarter and scoring 18 points and four rebounds.

Under his leadership, the Mavericks led the Spurs by one point at 31:30.

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