Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1039: Jimmy, the starter brother

In a villa in New York.

Dock did not work in front of the computer this time, but sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine, opposite his boss, a middle-aged man named Brady.

"Boss." Dock raised his glass, "I toast you a glass to celebrate the perfect success of our plan for the 28649 stock this time."

Brady smiled slightly and touched Dock. He and Dock are not only the relationship between the boss and the subordinates, but also good friends. The two have worked together for ten years.

The manipulation of the 28694 stock was very successful. Although the strengths of all parties have joined in, the situation has become extremely complicated, but with the solid preparation of the team, rich experience, and sufficient capital reserves, they have always been in In the position of a "controller", a lot of leeks were harvested successfully in the end.

As Brady has always believed, in this pond, everyone else is just fish and shrimp, and only he is the big and small crocodile.

It’s just that while earning a lot of money, there is always a thorn in Brady’s heart, that is the man who robbed him of the bottom hunt before he started, the one who was out of his expectation and was almost silent after the first bottom hunt. .

Originally, Brady didn't take this man seriously. Although this guy was very smart, he saw that he would take this stock, but after entering this game, it will only become his food in the end.

However, in the end he let the fish that reached his mouth slip away.

Not only did he escape, but he also swept away a bunch of fish and shrimps in his pond, which made him suffer.

"Dork." Brady asked, "How did you check it?"

Dock's mouth twitched, and he smiled bitterly: "The investigation was found, but I was a little surprised."

Brady raised his brows, oh, took a sip from his glass, and motioned for Dock to continue.

"Boss." Doc said: "The other party is an investment company that has only been established for two years. It is called Tianyu Investment. The president is a Chinese woman who is said to be very young. But nothing else was found, no photos, and I haven't seen her at any banquet, a very mysterious person."

Hearing that, Brady frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said, "Hehe, I thought it was strange at first, why the other party started to buy the bottom, but the back seemed to disappear. Watching the stock price soar, but never again. Enter. If the other party is a woman, that's not surprising."

From Brady's point of view, Jiang Xue was regarded as an opponent from the beginning, and he was a courageous and smart opponent at the same time. Based on this, he judged that Jiang Xue would definitely continue to buy, keep buying, and manipulate behind the scenes just like him.

However, the result was quite the opposite.

A courageous and smart opponent in his opinion, but after a wave of bottom hunters, there was no more movement, and he did not even wait for the stock price to rise to a high level before selling, as if it was purely to make a little money.

This is unreasonable.

But now that the other party is a woman, Brady understands a bit. After all, women are always cautious, isn't it normal to be coward?

"Tianyu Investment, heh, interesting." Brady chuckled, remembering the name.

On this day, with the closing of the "Snipe on the Stock Market" plan, some things Tianyu Investment did in the stock market within half a month have gradually surfaced, which has attracted the attention of many people.

People were full of curiosity about the mysterious female president, but many people didn't even inquire the name, but everyone remembered the company's name—Tianyu Investment.

It's just that they don't know that the word "Tianyu" invested by Tianyu is actually taken from the names of Qin Hao and Jiang Xue, taking half of Hao and Xue, which happens to be "Tianyu".


In a blink of an eye, more than half of March has passed, and there are only a few days left to enter April, and once it enters April, it means that the NBA regular season is over and there is only one month left.

At this time, many NBA teams are nervous, and many teams are working hard for the playoff tickets.

Of course, there is not much effort required, because what they want is not the tickets for the playoffs, but the draft picks for next year.

For the Pistons, a team that is not ranked high, it is a bit of a headache. At present, their record is ranked tenth in the East. It is not easy to reach the top eight, but it is not the bottom, and from the lineup. In other words, it's not the kind of team that can just put it out and wait for the draft lottery.

This is a bit embarrassing.

But this is a good thing for Butler.

Prince was injured in a truce and the team’s ranking was embarrassing. In addition, he had 38 points, 11 rebounds and 6 assists against the Magic. The head coach simply stopped suppressing Butler and let him play. Able to play well, improve the team's record, and even have the opportunity to hit the top eight, he will be very happy to call on the players to work hard to hit the playoffs.

If you don't play well, it doesn't matter if the team's record becomes worse.

Regardless of whether it is an improvement in the record, which is expected to impact the playoffs, or a decline in the record and falling to the bottom, in short, it will not be worse than the current situation.

So Butler got enough opportunities and finally had room to play. After the game with the Magic was over, they played against the Pacers at home. Although they lost to the Pacers in the end, Butler played well and cut the whole game. He scored 25 points, plus 7 rebounds, 4 assists, and ranked first in the team in scoring.

After that, the Magic rushed to the away game to challenge the Bucks.

In this game Butler once again scored 20+, scored 18 points, plus 8 rebounds, 5 assists, and 3 steals to help the Magic beat the Bucks.

The next day, the Magic faced the Bobcats back to back. Butler scored 23 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists. The team beat the Bobcats 117:102 and won another victory.

In four games, Butler averaged 26 points, 8 rebounds, 4.5 assists, and helped the Magic achieve a 3-1 record in a week. Butler also changed from a substitute player to a substitute in a week. He was a starting player, and with his outstanding performance, he was elected the best player of the Eastern Week.

Although it's just the "player of the week", not the "player of the month", it's amazing enough.

In a week's time, Butler can be said to have accumulated a lot of money, proved himself with his actions, and completed a magnificent transformation. Even if Prince returned from injury, his starting position did not waver.

After all, Prince has just returned from injury and is still in the stage of "finding status". What's more, even before the injury, Prince hasn't averaged 26 points, 8 rebounds, and 4.5 assists per game. Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Read: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1039, Jimmy, who is sitting firmly and first), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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