Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1049: Block people

The game will continue.

The referee gave a penalty, gave Bath a second-level technical foul and was directly expelled, but Bath had just returned to the locker room amid the verbal abuse of the home fans.

In addition, the referee gave Nene a first-degree technical foul because he pushed Buss.

This made many home fans uncomfortable, but some people turned their minds fast, and soon thought of a problem. At that time, it was not just Nene who impulsively started. Speights also gave a push and directly pushed Buzz Sit on the ground, why didn't the referee give Speights a technical foul, but only gave Nene?

Is it because Nene was the first to do it?

"Well, the referee's penalty is quite reasonable." After recollecting it, a fan called to a friend who was scolding the referee next to him, explained it, and laughed.

Qin Hao couldn't fight anymore today, but the 76ers were even more fierce, like a beast. The eyes of the players were palpitating red, and the Celtics players couldn't help frowning.

I saw Xiaoka rushed to Pierce and displayed the "Death Coil", making Pierce a little confused.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and the basketball was cut off with a snap, Pierce's heart trembled, and when he looked quickly, he saw a familiar figure—Iverson.

"Damn it." Pierce cursed secretly. When he was entangled by the card, he ignored the others. Obviously Iverson took the opportunity to grab the ball.

Iverson saw a ride to the dust, hit the frontcourt and scored a layup.

On the defensive end, it's not just that the small card becomes difficult. Everyone in the 76ers is fierce, which makes the Celtics' offense sluggish and greatly reduces the efficiency.

Everyone knew that the 76ers were avenging Qin Hao because of Qin Hao's injury. Although Buzz returned to the locker room, they would not stop there.


There was a crisp sound, but the inside blocked Rondo's layup, and took the rebound and passed it to Iverson. After Iverson got the ball, he pushed with both hands, and the card was almost down, and it was a two-handed slam dunk. .

After a while, Speights was in a high pick and roll and received a return pass from his teammate. He fumbled for a while, then speeded up his breakthrough, went straight to the inside, and dunked strongly...

For a time, the situation became one-sided.

The 76ers completely suppressed the Celtics, whether on the defensive end or on the offensive end, the points difference quickly opened up, and the game time has become less and less.

The game lost its suspense.


"Although he won, it is not worthwhile for Qin to be injured. I just hope that Qin's injury is not too serious."

"It should not be very heavy. Qin didn't return to the locker room and was still sitting on the sidelines. But now, in the last period of the regular season, he still has to compete with the Knicks for third place in the Eastern Conference. Even if Qin only delayed one game at this time, The two games also had a big impact on the 76ers."

"Yeah, **** Buzz..."

Although the 76ers are about to win the game, the fans are not happy. Qin Hao's health is far more important than victory in this game.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, the score was 117:105. The 76ers defeated the Celtics by 12 points.

However, there was no joy on the faces of the 76ers. Qin Hao was supported by Jiang Xue and Xiaoka and limped into the player's aisle. Fans in the audience stood up and shouted: "mvp, mvp... ...."

Despite retiring from injury and failing to play the entire game, Qin Hao still scored 28 points, plus a double-double of 5 rebounds and 10 assists, which is a well-deserved mvp in this game.

The fans shouted, in addition to Qin Hao's outstanding performance in this field, always able to come forward at critical moments, but also contains their expectation that their mvp can come back sooner.


After returning to the dressing room, Qin Hao simply changed his clothes and was sent to the car by his teammates, and rushed to the hospital for further examination and treatment.

A group of teammates accompanied to the hospital.

But Qin Hao glanced up and suddenly found that a few people were missing: "Where are Nene, Speights, and Lu Wei?"

These few people were not there, and even Xiao Ka was not there. This made Qin Hao a little strange. He stopped Thaddeus Yang and asked, "Where did Xiao Ka go?"

"That one."

"to be frank."

"Okay." Thaddeus-Yang gave a wry smile and said: "They went to block the bus outside the arena."

Hearing that, Qin Hao was both moved and helpless. It's not surprising that Speights and Nene did so, but he didn't expect even Xiaoka to go there, and he didn't know if there would be any conflict.

He wants to make a call, but think about it, it’s probably too late to make the call at this time, and it may not be through. Assistant Harry and Iverson don’t seem to be here. Most of them stayed at the arena and watched. Then, there should be nothing wrong.

After a while, Qin Hao was pushed into the MRI room.


At the same time, outside the Wachovia Center arena, the Celtics bus was blocked by a large group of people. The driver honked his horn, but he couldn't move.

The crowd was made up of hundreds of fans, and among them, there was Nene who had only suffered a technical foul. Next to him were Speights, Lu Wei, Xiaoka, and the water fountain watcher Blakins.

Speights originally only called Nene, Lu Wei, and Xiaoka, but didn't plan to call more people because he was afraid that Qin Hao would stop him if he found out that there were so many people missing.

But Blakins took the initiative to join in.

Even Nene and Lu Wei are not afraid. What is he afraid of as a water dispenser watcher?

Even if the matter is a big deal, it's fine to be punished by the NBA. Even if the game is suspended, it's not a big deal to him.

Anyway, I didn't have much chance to play, and I could still have a good relationship with Nei Nei, Lu Wei and others. Maybe he could still leave Qin Hao's heart with the impression of "being righteous".

Good deal!

Of course, he is not afraid of bans, but he is a little afraid of fines. The league fines are too severe. They are tens of thousands of dollars at every turn. How much is his salary in a year?

But thinking about it again, I can't bear to let the child not cover the wolf.

It's done!

"Bath down."

"Despicable villain, you come down to me, I can't beat you to death..."

People are clamoring where to block the bus.

The Celtics in the car were extremely anxious, but at a loss. Coach Rivers had already called the police to greet the players not to get out of the car to avoid direct conflict.

Buss simply shrank in the back seat and didn't dare to get close to the window. In case the fans saw him through the window, let alone smash the window, it would be no surprise even if he suddenly pulled out a gun. .

Freedom America, who hasn’t ordered a little toy yet?

Fortunately, Assistant Professor Harry kept staring, and he had already notified the stadium security. A group of security guards barely controlled the situation and waited until the police arrived before clearing the way for the bus. The Celtics bus was able to leave, everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief, and Bath was soaked with sweat. Basketball Myth: Super Defender's latest chapter address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1049 Blocking People), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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