Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1261: Two lineups

The game is over.

Qin Hao walked towards Yao Ming, hugged Yao Ming, and then hugged Harden again.

Harden seemed a little uncomfortable. After all, today he and Qin Hao fell into the wrong position. He was mirrored by Qin Hao twice to copy his actions, and he used the other way to return to the other body. At this moment, he was in his heart. There is still a question, is Qin targeting himself?

"I didn't mean to target you." Qin Hao guessed Harden's thoughts and smiled: "I just happen to be able to withdraw three-pointers and European moves, and that's on the court, you know, we are opponents on the court. . Of course, now that the game is over, we are friends again."

"Yeah." Harden replied, but it always felt weird.

Butler also hugged Yao Ming and Harden again.

After Yao Ming and Harden turned to leave and walked into the locker room, he couldn't help laughing and winking at Qin Hao: "You are too bad. You just finished your mentality. You don't want to beat Harden. This I became friends again."

Qin Hao glared at him. Are you questioning my character?

Although today’s game was won, the 76ers didn’t play very well. Qin Hao scored 30 points and scored 30+ again. Butler 18 points, Iguodala 13 points and Lu Wei 13 points. , Nene and Speights played really depressed today, one got 5 points and the other got 7 points.

However, Xiaoka played very well, scoring 17 points, the third highest score of the team.

When the 76ers returned to the locker room, Coach Luke was not idle, greeted Harry and Cox, and discussed today's game.

The three people gathered together.

Coach Luke said: "Even though we won today, we also exposed a problem. When we encounter all-star insiders like Yao Ming, we are easily disadvantaged."

"Indeed." The assistant coach Harry nodded. "Today Harden of the Rockets was suppressed by Qin. He didn't play very well. He only scored 16 points and his shooting percentage was not high. You know, he averaged points per game this season. 25 points, less than 20 points today. If Harden can get a score of twenty or so, I'm afraid the situation will be different."

"It's not necessarily." Cox assistant coach said: "Our side Nene was troubled by fouls early, and he didn't show the strength he should have at all."

Seeing that assistant coach Harry was arguing with Cox, Coach Luke coughed and said: "In any case, when encountering an insider like Yao Ming, how should we deal with it and how to make up for the disadvantages of the insider? This is a problem we have to solve. ."

This is indeed.

Assistant Assistant Harry and Assistant Assistant Cox nodded together.

The two looked at each other, and Harry Assistant said: "Coach, I think it's good to play like we did in the fourth quarter today, and the effect is also seen, very good."

Cox seemed to be on the bar with Harry, shook his head and said: "I don't think it will work. Today was because the other party was unprepared and was caught off guard. I didn't expect that we would take Qin and Iguodala, Leonard, Butler will send it together. After today, other teams will definitely be prepared, and it won't be so easy when we put on such a lineup next time."

After finishing speaking, before Harry's assistant could refute, he added: "Also, although this lineup is very sharp on the offensive end, its shortcomings are also obvious. There is no height inside, and it relies too much on three-pointers. In case the outside three-pointer is out of alignment, There is no guarantee on the inside line, so it will be very troublesome."

"Cox." Assistant coach Harry scowled, "I don't think so. Today's game has proved that this style of play is feasible. Don't you have confidence in Qin's three-pointers? Ra, Butler, Leonard are not confident in their scoring ability?"

"Harry, of course I have confidence in them, but this is too risky and too radical." Cox said with a black face, "I just think it should be safer, such as using Mozkov instead of Speights to play doubles. tower."

"No, I don't think so, I think..."

Harry was just about to say, Coach Luke raised his hand to interrupt, and said in a bad mood: "I want you to discuss and come up with a way, not for the two of you to quarrel."

The two also reacted, why did they get on the bar properly?

Harry and Cox quickly apologized to coach Luke.

Coach Luke waved his hand and said, "What you said makes sense. The primary and secondary schools and the twin towers have their own advantages. Forget it, let's do this first, and we will study it when we return to Philadelphia." Even so. Said, but when everyone boarded the plane and returned to Philadelphia, Coach Luke did not rest on the way, holding the tactical board to write and draw, still thinking.


The next day, the team trained.

The 76ers players have arrived and are training freely.

"Why hasn't the coach arrived today?"

"Yeah, usually this time has come long ago. Assistants Harry and Cox have arrived, but Coach Luke hasn't arrived yet."

"Isn't it sick?"

Everyone has been in free training for more than an hour, and coach Luke has already arrived by this time.

At this moment, one person came from the door.



Everyone looked around and greeted them hurriedly.

Qin Hao also looked over. Just now, he was also worried about whether Coach Luke was ill. Had it not been for the phone in the locker room, he would have called Coach Luke a long time ago.

I saw Coach Luke coming from the door, looking very tired, with two dark circles under his eyes, unable to even speak, only waved his hand.

"Coach, what's wrong with you?" Qin Hao was startled.

"It's okay, just didn't sleep last night." Coach Luke smiled and said, "Assemble."

The crowd gathers.

Coach Luke said: "Even though we won yesterday's game, it was not easy to win. The inside team was completely at a disadvantage."

Upon hearing this, Nene, Speights and Mozkov bowed their heads in shame.

Coach Luke is naturally not going to criticize them. They have already gone through it, but they are facing Yao Ming. He added: "Obviously, when encountering an All-Star insider like Yao Ming, we will suffer a lot. So we must have a set of responses. The way is to defeat the enemy the next time you encounter this kind of team."

"I discussed with Harry and Cox after the game yesterday."

"They came up with two solutions,'one big and four small' and'two towers'. I studied them carefully last night." After speaking, coach Luke paused and announced: "In the end I decided Adopt yesterday's'one big and four small'."

After listening, everyone knew why the coach looked so tired and had dark circles under his eyes. It turned out that he hadn't slept all night.

As for the "two towers" or "one big and four small", the players don't really care, anyway, the coach said that it's just a "big and four small".

Coach Luke said again: "Of course, this is just an addition to our regular lineup. So starting today, we have two lineups."

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