Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1579: New Orleans All-Star Weekend

Fans are discussing, and they are starting to look forward to it. They didn’t expect that this time the All-Star singles lineup was surprisingly gorgeous. Even the dunk contest, which has become increasingly dull over the past few years, has some fresh elements, which makes people look forward to it. .

Some people are discussing that this time Qin Hao is definitely going to be a big one. This guy is very ambitious and may be running for the "Triple Crown."

If it wasn't for him, what would people like Ross, Curry, and George say?

But when Wall and Lillard saw this list, their reactions were very different.

"Fak." Wall cursed depressedly, "I would have stopped attending if I had known Qin this guy."

This time he was officially invited to participate, and he was selected for the All-Star for the first time. He felt that he had to give the official face to him, so he agreed.

How did you know that there would be Qin Hao.

And there are Ross, Curry, and George. Who doesn't know that these and Qin Hao wear a pair of trousers? Suddenly he felt as if he wanted to single out a group of them alone, not to mention the sadness and depression in his heart.

Seeing Wall's reaction, Bill leaned over and whispered: "Or, you said you were not feeling well and you temporarily retire?"

"No." Wall shook his head quickly.

You don't need to look at him to know that now the fans must be talking about him and Qin Hao, talking about this dunk contest, who doesn't know the grudge between him and Qin Hao? If he suddenly retired from the competition, wouldn't he appear timid before a fight?

That's more embarrassing than losing.

"Forget it." Wall was annoyed for a while, and finally accepted the reality. It was already like this, and he could only bite the bullet. "Isn't it Qin? I didn't fight him once or twice. Afraid that he won't make it?"

"Yes." Bill nodded, but he was muttering to himself, but as far as I know, you and Qin Hao have never won.

Of course, this cannot be said.

On the other hand, the guidance of the pioneer Xinxingli is high-spirited and energetic, and the cells all over his body are trembling, full of expectation.

"Qin, Rose, George, Wall, yes, the opponents are very strong this time, and there are two regular season mvp." Lillard grinned, "hehe, I like it. Defeated two mvp in the dunk contest. , Superstar, this kind of opportunity is rare."

For this dunk contest, Lillard is looking forward to it.

As a second-year player who was selected as an All-Star, he averaged 20+ per game in the second season of his career. Like many talented players, Lillard is extremely proud of his heart, and his heart is higher than the sky. Fear of anyone.

Even if his opponent is a superstar like Qin Hao and Rose, he will only be excited, what about the superstar?

I, Lillard, are not afraid of anyone!

Hey, how do you feel that one person is missing? Qin Hao, Rose, George, Wall, and himself are missing individuals... Forget it, it doesn't matter.



In Jinzhou, Curry suddenly sneezed. He rubbed his nose, a little strange. The weather is not cold now, and he is in good health, so he shouldn't catch a cold.

He looked at the dunk contest list on the computer and couldn't help but smile: "I shouldn't have promised Qin to participate in any dunk contest, this liar."

Before Qin Hao called him and said that he only planned to participate in the skill challenge, the three-point contest, but his teammates said that participating in two is also participating, and the same is true for three, so he simply participated in the dunk contest. The important thing is to play.

Then invite Curry to play together.

Although Golden State LaVine had a dunk dream since he was a child, he still knew how many jins were. He didn't want to agree, but Qin said it was just for fun, all-star weekend, entertainment only, grades are not important. He thought about it, and finally agreed.

But who knows not only him, but also George, Rose, Wall, Lillard, is this really just for fun?

All-star lineup, alright!


At the same time, George is also a little excited, he is looking forward to it, if he can beat Qin Hao, Rose and others in the dunk contest.

It also seems to be a good experience.

Rose is more Buddhist.

This time he really just played and didn’t care about other things, because for him now, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter what mvp or All-Stars, he only cares about one-winning the Eastern Conference championship, breaking the curse, and Have won the championship!


Time enters February, and the NBA regular season is still going on.

However, due to the upcoming All-Stars, with the exception of a few games, the others seem to have lost their appeal.

The 76ers ushered in several opponents, namely the Kings, Timberwolves, Bobcats, Clippers, and Bucks.

In several games, Qin Hao maintained restraint and was willing to be the boss behind the scenes.

Although the All-Star lineup has been released at this time, Butler and Kaka have both entered the All-Stars, and let the two of them perform, and the purpose of fighting for the All-Stars is gone.

But he didn't just do it to make Butler and Kago into the All-Star, the growth of the two is the focus.

Therefore, we still have to continue, let Butler and Xiaoka more on their own, to use their own strength to determine the outcome of a game, rather than relaxed when they are in, let Qin Hao solve the problem.

Fortunately, both Butler and Kaka have improved a lot during this period, and besides the Clippers, the other strengths of these opponents are very average.

For example, the Bobcats and the Bucks are the last teams in the league. Qin Hao basically clocked in three quarters and left work, leaving the rest to his teammates.

Qin Hao also handed over the remaining kings and Timberwolves to Butler and Xiaoka. The two did not disappoint everyone and did a good job.

In a few games, the 76ers lost only one game, which was to the Clippers.

The score of the two sides in this game has been anxious, but in the last few minutes, Qin Hao was not on the court. Butler and Kaka led the team and faced the Clippers' Paul, Griffin, Jr. Jordan and others. The result was 5 points. The game was almost lost.

Of course, for the 76ers, losing a game is nothing, and their record is still firmly occupying the first place in the Eastern Conference.

What's more, at this point, the regular season record is not so important, so even if the team is in trouble, Qin Hao did not choose to shoot.

After the game ended, it was already mid-February, and the 76ers game came to an end temporarily because the All-Star Weekend was approaching.

The 2014 NBA All-Star Weekend will be held in New Orleans from February 15th to February 17th.

So when the All-Star is approaching, the games of each team come to an end temporarily. The players relax, want to participate in the All-Star, or want to join in the fun. At this time, they have rushed to New Orleans. If you don’t like the excitement, you can also go. fishing.

On this day, Qin Hao also set off for New Orleans...

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