Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1593: The madness continues!

"This is... a three-hundred and sixty-degree dunk in the air?"

People smacked their tongues and their eyes widened.

People were speculating about how Qin Hao would deduct it before. It is not too easy. After all, only two people can advance in this round. Rose scored 50 points and Lillard 47 points. How could Qin Hao have to come up with a difficult task? Only 48 points can advance to the finals.

As a result, Qin Hao made a big move directly.


There was a loud noise.

There was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning from the audience. Then, huge cheers and screams erupted, igniting the audience.

On the sidelines, a group of players all stood up, showing shock.

"Did not run, it's another 50 points."

"Change hands in the air, turn around 360 degrees to dunk, this is too difficult, and the completion is very beautiful, no need to watch, absolutely full marks."

"Turning around again, this guy is really an electric fan!"

Listening to the discussion, Lillard's heart sank to the bottom.

He knew that he was eliminated, even if it wasn't full marks, Qin Hao definitely had 49 points for his dunk, which couldn't be lower.

Soon, several referees gave a score-50 points, another full score.

The results of this round were announced. Qin Hao and Rose advanced. Both dunks were full marks!

"I still lost." Lillard was unwilling and brooded. "If my dunk is successful, maybe I can get 50 points."

At this time, Wall next to him suddenly said: "I don't know how Qin and Rose will deduct in the finals, and will they get full marks again?"

Hearing that, Lillard was shocked, and then it was like a flat ball.

Yes, there are finals, even if you deduct 50 points, three 50 points, you still have to play extra games, and there are finals, I have already taken the action of pressing the bottom of the box, even if I pass this round, how can I get back? They fight?

Finally lost.


"Tsk tsk, two rounds of the game, a total of 5 full marks, Qin and Rose have been full marks so far, how should the two play in the next finals?"

"Can't think of it. These are all full-point dunks, surely the ones behind can't be inferior to these ones, right?"

"Yeah, but this is already great, how do you dunk from behind? Is it possible to turn around to dunk a thousand and eighty degrees, what's the joke?"

"Just wait and see."

Amidst people’s discussions, the finals began.

The arena suddenly became quiet, and people were all staring at Qin Hao and Rose.

"Who first?" Qin Hao looked at Ross.

"I'll do it," Rose said, and he started to get serious.

At this time, I have all entered the finals, and then let me go and tell people my Buddhism mentality, I am afraid that fools will not believe it.

So Xia Rose refused to let it go, and took the lead, letting me take the lead, and was the first one to go.

I saw Rose stepping onto the court with a serious expression, first staring at the basket for a while, and then calling his teammate Flathead brother.

Hearing Rose calling himself, Flathead shook his whole body, moving tears, good fellow, can be regarded as showing his face.

He ran up to Rose and grinned: "Boss, what are you telling me? Do you want me to cooperate with you? I will pass the ball to you empty-handed?"

Rose shook his head: "You don't need to pass the ball, you just stand still."

The flat-headed brother looked confused.

In fact, Rose didn't prepare for this movement originally. He was originally a Buddhist mentality, so he didn't prepare a few moves, and the powerful one just ran out of two rounds.

Therefore, there was no communication and rehearsal for Brother Pingtou beforehand, which made Brother Pingtou look bored and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Rose didn't need him to do anything, so he stood in front of the hoop, put his hands on his head, and put the basketball in the hands of the guy with the flat head.

"Ok, that's it, hold on," Rose said.

"Oh." The flat-headed brother agreed and glanced up, "Derek, are you going to leap over and dunk me? Well, I was suddenly a little worried. I definitely didn't believe you, I was just afraid that I didn't do a good job. ."

"Shut up, stand still, don't move!"

"Oh fine."

Rose pushed back beyond the three-point line.

As people watched, he started to start, and after a few steps forward, he bent his knees and jumped up, his body suddenly raised, his legs curled up, and he flew directly over the top of the flat-headed brother.

And, while flying over the flat-headed brother, Rose raised one foot, spread his legs, left hand down, pressed on the basketball, grabbed the ball and sent it to the right hand, and then lifted the basketball with his right hand. From the start, the person also completely passed the flat head brother.


With a bang, Rose dunked the ball in.

This was actually a flying catch of a teammate, a dunk dunked by his hips.

"Dwarf Oil Ke Omi, Dwarf Oil Ke Omi..." The on-site commentator was already incoherent, leaving only exaggerated shouts.

"too crazy."

"This is even more outrageous than Lillard's leaping over Howard's dunk before. Although Rose's teammate is not as tall as Howard, this is a change of hands in the air."

The audience was boiling.

In the referee's bench, several referees shook their heads and looked shocked. Olney took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat. Magic Johnson held his forehead and muttered something in a low voice. The **** of basketball came after a tactic. Leaning back, leaning on the back of the chair, waving his right hand...

"Gan! Didn't Derek say he just finished playing? This is so special, it must be a perfect score again?" George jumped up and shouted.

Curry was also yelling excitedly.

Qin Hao shook his head and made a mistake. He didn't pick up the Buddha Roth and suddenly went violently. It seemed that this champion was really not easy to win.

"10 points, 10 points, 10 points..."

Another 50 points, no suspense.

People are already a little numb, how many full marks are there, and then they look at Qin Hao together, Ross is full marks again, then what should Qin do?

Qin Hao stepped onto the court.

For a while, people stared at him and whispered.

"How would Qin deduct?"

"I don't know, how can I deduct 50 points?"

At this moment, people were nervous and curious, nervous because they didn't know how Qin Hao performed this time, and curious because they wanted to know what Qin Hao would do.

This time, Qin Hao still didn't ask others to cooperate.

I saw that he first calculated the steps, and then began to retreat, retreating beyond the three-point line, but still retreating, retreating to the other side of the backcourt.

Seeing this distance, people are very surprised, why do you step back so far?

"It's too far, it's not necessary."

"Could it be that......"

Before people could react, Qin Hao had already started and rushed to the hoop. After a few steps, the speed was fully lifted, and people also rushed into the three-point line.

And just as he stepped into the three-point line, he suddenly jumped into the air, which surprised everyone. At such a long distance, he grabbed a basketball with his right hand and flew like this.

"Fuck!" George stared at the position where Qin Hao took off just now, his voice was a little trembling, "I really want to come to the free throw line to jump and dunk!"

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