Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1595: There is a playoff!

"Is it one step within the free throw line for a slam dunk?"

"No, it's not just that. This is an empty pick, and it's a self-throwing and self picking. Also, it's an empty pick that rebounds from the basket."

People were stunned.

Compared with Qin Hao's previous free throw line for a jump and dunk, this one has a shorter jump distance, but this one is not directly holding the ball to jump and dunk, but empty.

It's nothing more than emptying, the key is to throw away and pick up.

The problem is that he is not playing the board, but the basket.

The difficulty is too high. It is not only about throwing the ball to the hoop, but also about rebounding just right. There is also a step within the free throw line to jump into the gap...Any step went wrong, and there was no dunk. The approach is complete.

Of course, if you are an ordinary person, you can't even try, and you can't complete the first step at all.

On the court.

I saw Qin Hao stepping in the air and flying towards the basket. The basketball bounced back and was coming towards him. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the flying basketball, and then dunked towards the basket.


There was a loud noise.

In the huge arena, only this loud noise is left.

"It turned out to be a success."

"What did I see? Watfak, how did he do it?"

"Tsk tusk, take one step from the free throw line, or just throw and pick the hoop, bounce back and pick the dunk. I never thought about it, but I can still dunk like this."

"Is Qin trying to prove that he is the real three-pointer? Hey, Curry had an empty three-pointer before, and this time Qin has also come. Don’t look at the ball, but it feels better. It’s even harder to get the ball in."

"That's for sure, not only to hit the basket, but also to accurately control the strength and hit the basket point to ensure that the direction after the rebound is correct, and the angle after the rebound is correct. Moreover, after the ball is thrown, Qin also Follow up quickly, get the take-off time... Tsk tsk, it's too difficult anyway."

"It's just a pity. If this is the same as Qin's previous one, stepping on the free throw line to jump and dunk, it would be even more awesome."

"That's impossible, it can't be done."


"Don't forget, Qin stepped on the free throw line to jump and dunk, but he retreated directly to the backcourt for a run-up. For such a take-off distance, there must be enough run-up distance. But once the run-up distance is too far, how can Qin hit the basket? Why did Qin retreat more than a meter away from the three-point line and made a super long shot instead of just at the three-point line? It's because of the need for a distance run-up."

"Oh, it makes sense..."

People even forgot to cheer and were deeply shocked.

This is a dunk that people have never seen or even thought about. It is too difficult and too shocking.

"It's okay?" George was numb, his heart was devastated by Qin Hao and Rose's dunks again and again, he collapsed on the chair, leaning on all sides, in a state of salted fish, "It's so abnormal. Did someone else play?"

"Hey." Curry shook his head and sighed: "After this time, I'm afraid the fans of the future slam dunk contest will not be interested."

The people nearby nodded.

This time the dunk contest is so exciting. Full score dunks one after another, and there are even some unprecedented dunks, so that there may be no one after the dunk. It exceeded people's expectations and raised this dunk contest to a historical level. It can even be said that this is the most exciting dunk contest in nba history.

With this slam dunk contest, the future slam dunk contest may be difficult to surpass, and it is difficult to make fans interested again.

"10 points, 10 points, 10 points..."

Several judges gave a perfect score of 50.

There is no suspense. It is strange not to give 50 points. If anyone dares to score a 9 point, he can't be sprayed to death by the fans?

"It's another full score, and there is a playoff."

"Since the first round, Qin and Rose have both scored full marks, and now they have to play extra games, tusk..."

At the end of the two dunks in the finals, Qin Hao and Rose both got full marks and had no winners or losers, so they had to play extra games.

Only one deduction will be made in the extra game, and one goal will determine the winner.

Of course, if the two get 50 points again, or do not get full marks, but the scores are the same, then they have to continue the extra game.

"Huh." Rose walked onto the court, but he came first.

But at the moment Rose looked serious and frowned. He was really helpless.

After thinking about it, Rose called the Flathead brother again.

"Boss, you don't want to leap to me for a dunk again, do you?" Flathead asked.

"Not this time." Ross pulled the flat-headed brother to the left side of the basket, the bottom line. "Wait later you will pass the ball to me, not to me, but hit the side edge of the rebound. Pay attention to the ball. Height, I'm going to dunk it empty."

Dunk on the side of the basket?

The flat-headed brother was shocked. This difficulty is not small. Fortunately, he only needs to be responsible for passing the ball, which is not very difficult.

"Is it just that? Although the difficulty is not small, it is much inferior to Qin's just now."


The fans also guessed what Rose was going to do with the flatheaded brother.

At this time, Rose was ready, rushing to the head brother to signal, the head brother toss the ball to the side of the basket, Rose also quickly started.

Seeing the basketball rebound, Rose also jumped up, grabbed the basketball with one hand in the air, curled up, the hand holding the basketball passed under the curled legs, sent it to the other hand, and then grabbed it. Basketball, dunk at the hoop.

"He actually..."

People were stunned.

This is not a simple slam dunk on the side of the basket, but a leg change after the dribble.

This difficulty is not the same.


It's a pity that Rose could not finish the ball, it was a little short of it, and it was deducted.

"It's too difficult." Qin Hao shook his head, feeling a pity for Rose.

Ross is strong in stagnation, and jumping over obstacles is his strong point. It's not what he is good at to teach physical coordination like this, which tends to stretch and flow.

Moreover, the difficulty of his challenge was too high, so he chose to bend his legs in the air and change hands under his legs.

But there is no way. At this moment, the difficulty of the game has been infinitely increased. Rose not only has to surpass Qin Hao, but also surpasses himself, and must challenge more difficult moves.

"It's a shame, it's almost."

"Yeah, just a little bit."

In the audience, the fans all sighed.

Afterwards, Rose returned to his previous position for the second time.

This time he didn't reluctantly, but changed the hand from the lower leg to the hand from the back, which was much easier than before.



This ball is also very beautiful. It was definitely a perfect score in the past, but today is different. Although it is beautiful enough, Rose failed for the first time.

In the end, several judges scored-49 points!

PS: Let me just say that these dunk moves I designed are based on basis, and it can be done theoretically, not made up.

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