Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1601: The All-Star Weekend ends!

In a blink of an eye, the third quarter ended.

At this time, the East Army was still leading by 12 points, the score difference was not too big, but the East Army always occupied the lead.

"Looking at this situation, the Western Army is not an opponent."

"How come there are so many insiders in the Western Army that can't be effective?"

"It's not that the West unit is not strong enough, but the East unit is too powerful. Especially the previous five small lineups composed of Qin, George, Leonard, Butler, and James. Although it is five small, it does not suffer defensively at all."

"Yes, the West has an advantage inside, but in order to give full play to their inside advantage, they have to allow the inside players to score more, especially in the low position. But the East unit's defense is too fast, so they can't find the opportunity to play in the low position. , The inside line advantage cannot be used..."

There were also some keen eyes in the audience, who saw the problem in this section.

at the same time.

Western troops rest area.

A group of players gathered around Coach Brooks. Coach Brooks frowned. After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of a good way to deal with it.

"Coach." Durant asked: "What should we do?"

"How to do it?" Coach Brooks sighed in his heart, and said after a moment of silence: "The most important thing is to play well..."

After some arrangement, the fourth quarter begins.

Watching a few players walk onto the court, Coach Brooks shook his head. He has no advantage in match-ups, and has no advantage in coordination and understanding. Now the score is still a dozen points behind. If you want to come back, you can only rely on the players. We played on the spot.

Both sides returned to the court.

Qin Hao didn't go, Butler and George didn't go. Coach Luke was going to let them play the last few minutes.

On the court.

You come and I go between the two sides, and the game continues. At this time, the confrontation intensity has increased, and both sides have become more serious.


With a soft sound, the Western troops scored.

The points difference has been reduced to less than ten, and continues to shrink.

On the eastern side, Qin Hao, Butler, George, and James were not on board, but Wall, DeRozan, Joe Johnson, Xiaoka, and Bosh were on board.

This lineup is a bit of a disadvantage to the Upper West.

At this time, the western troops are Howard, Love, Aldridge, Harden, and Lillard. The eastern troops suffer a lot from the height. In addition, the defensive strength increases and the outside shooting rate drops, allowing the western troops to occupy. The upper hand.

After a few minutes, the score difference became single digits again.


Coach Luke began to substitute and re-take the "Five Juniors".

After a while, the Eastern Army was replaced with the fifth elementary school, Qin Hao, Butler, George, Xiaoka, and James.

At the same time, the Western troops also replaced, bringing Durant, Griffin, Paul, etc. up.


"There are only a few minutes left. The East Army is still 5 points ahead. The difference is not too big. The West Army still has a chance."

"Opportunity? I don't think so. Can the West team play this lineup on the East team? It has been proved before in the third quarter."

"That is the third quarter, does not mean that this quarter is still the same..."

In the audience, the fans were arguing.

On the field.

Qin Hao pushed forward with the ball and made a gesture after reaching the frontcourt. Butler and Xiaoka understood. The two began to run. Qin Hao broke through and passed the ball to Xiaoka. Xiaoka also made a sudden point and passed to Bart. Le.

At this time Butler was standing outside the right three-point line, and almost all players on the field were concentrated on the right.

This is Qin Hao's purpose, passing the ball and running through the three sudden points, bringing the defender to the right, leaving a piece of space on the left.

At this time, Qin Hao suddenly ran backwards, ran from the right to the left along the three-point line, and passed Butler sideways. Butler passed the ball with his hand and turned sideways to screen for Qin Hao.

Qin Hao shook off the defense, took a step forward, and pulled it up as a three-pointer.


The ball is scored.

"nice shot."


In the auditorium, there were repeated cheers.

Qin Hao turned around, a little helpless. I only wanted to make soy sauce. Why did you force me? Can't you give up well?

After a while, Qin Hao ran back to take the ball, lifted it up, and made a false shot, then took a step to the side, avoided the defender, and shot again.


Return in.

And, dozens of seconds later, Qin Hao and James came to a line. Qin Hao broke through along the bottom line. After attracting the defense, he suddenly passed the ball from behind and gave the ball to the center in a concealed manner. James cut through the air and grabbed the ball to fly. A burst button.


With a loud explosion, the western troops were stopped.

Coach Brooks turned his head and glanced at the gap that was opened again. He could only helplessly smile. Although he played well here, Durant had already hit 30+, but he couldn't help the East team's score. Comeback?

After a while, the pause ended.

The two sides returned to the court, with only more than two minutes left in the game.

On the side of the Western Army, Durant and Paul began to use their personal abilities to score points, not reconciled to defeat.

However, there are also Qin Hao and James on the Eastern Army's side. When Qin Hao and James partner, it is unstoppable.

Qin Hao and James can pass the ball, have excellent organizational awareness, and both of them are incomprehensible. James' breakthrough and Qin Hao's three-pointers are perfect together.

When James breaks through, Qin Hao will wait at the three-point line. If the West troops do not encircle James, they can only watch James score. Once they pass the encirclement and James scores, Qin Hao can use the three-pointer to give The western troops hit hard.

And when Qin Hao held the ball outside the three-point line, the West troops could only go to assist defense and directly defend outside the three-point line. At this time, James made an air cut and Qin Hao scored the ball...

The rest is burst button.

"Hey, I can't beat it."

"There is no way. There is Durant who has no solution on the West side, but there are two players on the opposite side, and one has no solution for the three-pointer, and the other has no solution for the breakthrough. The combination is simply terrible."

"In fact, there is also a three-point marksman on the western side, but it's a pity..."

"Although Curry's three-pointers are also very powerful, there is still a gap between Qin's overall strength and Qin's overall strength."

Amidst people’s discussions, the game is coming to an end.

At this time, the East Army still leads by 11 points.

With only ten seconds left in the game, Durant sighed helplessly, rushed to the basket with unwillingness, and staged a burst dunk.


With a loud bang, the whole game also came to an end.

The score was fixed at 139:130. The East team defeated the West team by 9 points and won the All-Star Game.

Durant scored a game-high 35 points, but only missed the mvp.

On the East side, Butler scored 26 points and George 24 points. Qin Hao only started to exert force in the second half. He scored 19 points, plus 4 rebounds and 9 assists.

James scored 8 points in the last quarter, scored 27 points, 10 rebounds, 7 assists, double-double data, and was finally elected mvp.

The 2013-2014 season NBA All-Star weekend has come to an end!

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