Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1629: I can not be reconciled!

In a blink of an eye, seven minutes have passed since the fourth quarter.

At this time the Pacers are still 14 points behind.


Coach Vogel called a timeout. When the players came down, his face was full of dignity, and he looked at George: "George, you have to score."

In the past few minutes, George was double-teamed as soon as he took the ball. Although Hibbert, West and others did not pull their hips after the ball was divided, they played well.

But just relying on Hibbert’s a few you, one hammer and one hammer, can only bite the score without being further expanded. It is impossible to even reduce the score difference to less than ten, let alone catch up with the score. The counterattack came back.

After all, whether it is Finsen and Hill on the outside, or West and Hibbert on the inside, they are not the kind of players with explosive scoring ability.

These people can score, but it is difficult to score consecutively.

At this time, what the Pacers need is continuous scoring, and only in this way can they catch up with such a big difference in a limited time.

Only George!

"Yeah." George nodded his head heavily, but frowned.

Anyway, he is also an All-Star player. He has also encountered double-teams against other teams in the past, so he naturally has a set of ways to deal with it.

For example, by moving and pick-and-roll, you can catch the ball and attack immediately after getting rid of the defense, or shoot quickly, or break through immediately, without giving the opponent a chance to double-team.

It's not that George can't play without the ball, but the 76ers' defense is too fast. Qin Hao, Iguodala, Butler, and Kaka can rotate infinitely. Whoever is close to George will immediately jump in. , And the four are tall and have excellent defensive capabilities. As long as one person jumps on the first time, it is difficult for George to shoot.

In the past, George got the ball after getting rid of it, because his teammate blocked the pursuer, and it was either the inside or the defender who came to defend himself.

For the inside line, George took the ball and broke through immediately, faster than the opponent; if it is a defender, shoot the ball directly because it is higher than the opponent.

But it's not enough to run into the "four small" of the 76ers.

Coach Vogel knows this too. He looks at other players: "Be sure to help George with screens and pick-and-rolls, especially Hibbert. You are playing against Nene and try to get George to catch the ball as much as possible. It’s Nei Nei, you understand?"

Eber characteristic head: "Understand."

When George faces any of the "four small", it is not easy to play, only facing Nei Nei has the advantage in speed.

"There is also defense." Coach Vogel emphasized again: "We must defend, defend, and then counterattack, so that we can catch up with the score."

Only offense does not work.

A few people all agreed, their faces were full of solemnity.

The timeout ended quickly and the two sides returned to the field. At this time, the two sides had already replaced the main lineup. The Pacers attacked, and Finsen pushed the ball to the frontcourt. He glanced at George, gestured to the teammates, and motioned for everyone to move. .

After continuous running and passing the ball, George came to the three-point line to catch the ball. Kaka was blocked, and the nearest to George was Nene. He quickly stepped forward and pounced on George.

George received the ball, saw that it was Nene, and immediately it was an accelerated breakthrough. After falling into the basket, he hit the basket and scored a layup.

This time the Pacers’ tactics were executed beautifully.

However, until the next time George repeated his old skills, the 76ers have quickly made adjustments. Although he passed the inside, the 76ers have already waited for the inside to make up.

"Damn, why are you reacting so quickly?" George cursed secretly, and had to divide the ball and pass it to Hill, who loves inside and outside the right three-point line.


Hill hit the iron with a three-pointer.

After a few rounds in a blink of an eye, the point difference is still more than ten, and George is a little anxious.

"This is not enough time." George frowned, gestured to his teammates, borrowed the pick and roll to get rid of, came to the three-point line to receive the ball, and then did not jump on the person who changed defense, jumped up immediately after receiving the ball, three-pointer Shot.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

"This kid is tough." Butler squinted.

"Well, it's the people from our tomorrow's training camp, where can we go?" Qin Hao smiled, and when he came to the front court, while walking outside the three-point line, he gestured to his teammates and motioned for everyone to move.

But at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly jumped up and took a three-pointer abruptly. Without warning, he was close to two meters away from the three-point line, so that Finsen couldn't react, and only heard the "huh". There was a soft noise.

Finsen knew that the goal was scored.

"This can also get in..." Finsen shook his head helplessly. Although his reaction was a little slower, Qin Hao didn't have much preparation for this kind of abrupt three-pointer, and it seemed that he hadn't finished his actions. But still in.


On the Pacers side, George took another three-pointer. Not only did he want to return the color, but the key is that as the game time passed, the two-pointer chase was too late.


It's a pity that I didn't make a hit this time.

This kind of three-pointer on catching the ball is not easy. George is not Qin Hao. What's more, he consumes a lot of physical energy today. By this time, his physical fitness also begins to have problems.


On the sidelines, Coach Vogel sighed.

At this time, he has understood that today's game cannot be reversed.

George failed to achieve a burst, unable to score consecutively, and after all, they still failed to prevent the 76ers' offense, and there was not enough time.

When there was less than one minute left and the score difference was still ten minutes, everyone knew that there was no suspense in the game.


Near the end of the game, George finally shot a three-pointer, but still failed to make a hit, and the game was completely over.

The flute sounded and the score was fixed at 116:106. The 76ers defeated the Pacers by 10 points and won the first game of the series.

"Sure enough, our 76ers are stronger."

"Although the Pacers are much better than the Wizards, they are not at the same level as us. They are also better than George, and we have three."

In the audience, the home fans laughed and talked happily.

Today, Qin Hao scored 28 points, 8 rebounds, 13 assists, and a double-double. Butler scored 23 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 20 points, 5 rebounds, 2 times. With assists, the three of them scored 20+.

The "Three Young Masters of Philadelphia" played very well.

Although the game is over, George is still standing on the field, his knees supported by his hands, sweat drops, his eyes are confused, and his eyes are full of unwillingness.

Despite the double-teaming in the fourth quarter and not many points, George still scored 33 points today, plus 6 rebounds and 5 assists. Personal performance can be said to be very good.

"I still lost." George exhaled, raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and muttered unwillingly, "Why is it always me as the background board? I'm not reconciled."

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