Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 802: The future of the 76ers

"The Bulls are still stronger in terms of overall strength. The Bulls played very well today, and every player played a role."

"Qin's playing is not bad, but Iguodala's performance is terrible, 8 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, this should not be his performance. If he can play better, the result may not be. same."

"Yeah, what happened to Iguodala?"

"Maybe it's just come back, I haven't found the status yet."

When the game was over, the fans were already talking.

Qin Hao scored 27 points, plus 6 rebounds and 7 assists. The data is still very beautiful. His role in the game is obvious to all, and he did not disappoint the fans.

After all, Qin Hao is still just a rookie, and many fans think that Qin Hao will be uncomfortable in the playoffs and needs at least one or two games to find the feeling.

Unexpectedly, this is completely unnecessary.

It’s a pity that Iguodala played so badly. The other 76ers also performed well. Brand only scored 10 points, not as good as Lu Wei and Iverson. Lu Wei 14 points and Iverson 18 points. Within 17 points, Speights 11 points...Many people scored in double figures, but not many.

In contrast to the Bulls, Rose scored 29 points, plus 4 rebounds, 9 assists, Noah 16 points, Boozer 17 points, Roll Deng 22 points...

Comparing the two, it is clear at a glance.

However, no one knew that when the game ended and returned to the locker room, Coach Thibodeau had no smile on his face and even reprimanded his players.

The Bulls are No. 1 in the Eastern Conference. Their goal this season is the championship, but they played so hard against the Sixers, who were eighth in the Eastern Conference, and were almost overtaken by the Sixers.

Is this what it should be?

How can coach Thibodeau be satisfied?

"Next game, we must be more serious." Coach Thibodeau said at last.


At the same time, in the 76ers locker room.

The atmosphere was depressed, and everyone was silent.

Although knowing that there is a gap between the strengths of the two sides and being mentally prepared to lose, no one can be happy if they really lose the game.

Especially Iguodala.

At this moment, Iguodala's mind was messy, helpless, self-blaming, unwilling, confused...He sat there with his eyes erratic and motionless.

Qin Hao looked at his teammates around him. Just as he was about to speak, Iverson stopped him. Iverson whispered: "Let them experience the taste of failure. Only through experience can they grow, and all It takes time to grow up. Of course, except for you, you are an exception."

After that, Iverson couldn't help feeling that Qin Hao was really an exception. He played so well in the playoffs for the first time. He didn't seem to be a rookie at all, and he didn't seem to need to adapt at all.

what is this?


When the 76ers packed their things and returned to the hotel, Coach Luke discussed with several assistants for more than an hour, and then called Iguodala over.

No one knows what they talked about with Iguodala, but in the next day's routine training, Iguodala was assigned to Group B and Iverson returned to Group A.

Obviously, this is a lineup adjustment. Iverson returned to the starting lineup, Iguodala played as a substitute, and Lu Wei and Holiday were coordinated.

For this result, everyone was a little surprised, but not surprised.

The previous game has proved that Iguodala's state has not returned to its previous level, and it has little effect in the starting lineup, but will affect Qin Hao's performance. So let him play on the bench, Iverson returned to the starting line, but also for the team.

It's just that everyone is inevitably curious, what exactly did Coach Luke and Iguodala say to make Iguodala acceptable?

Coach Luke will naturally not answer this question.

It is not easy for everyone to ask Iguodala, anyway, the lineup seems to be good after the adjustment, whether it is for the main lineup or the bench lineup, it is a good thing.

"Okay." Coach Luke waved his hand. "Start training."

Everyone dispersed and started training.

After this personnel adjustment, the lineup has indeed become more reasonable. Iguodala's presence has improved the strength of the bench lineup, and Iguodala's own state seems to be better than before.

"Harry." Coach Luke shouted: "Pay attention to recording problems in training. We must make as few mistakes as possible."

"Yes." Assistant Harry agreed.

When playing against a team like the Bulls, there is a gap in the overall strength of the two sides. If the 76ers want to win, they must make as few mistakes as possible and play better.

The 76ers made a lot of mistakes in the last game, not only the players' personal mistakes, but also tactical mistakes, such as the initial formation of troops, and the last time substitution...

After a defeat, the players need to learn lessons and grow. The same goes for coach Luke and other coaching staff.

After all, Coach Luke is also the first time head coach, the first time to participate in the playoffs as head coach.

More than an hour later, coach Luke called a stop.

Because two days later is the next playoff game, coach Luke reduced the training intensity to allow the players to reserve their energy.

However, Qin Hao's additional training has not been reduced.

After the teammates left one after another, Qin Hao stayed and started today's extra training.

And this time it’s not only Qin Hao who stayed, but also Coach Luke and Assistant Harry. Assistant Coach Harry stood at the basket and was responsible for passing the ball to Qin Hao. Coach Luke stood on the sidelines to observe, reminding and correcting Qin Hao’s actions in time. .

"Let's start." Coach Luke said.

Qin Hao nodded, assistant coach Harry passed the ball to Qin Hao. Qin Hao didn't stop after receiving the ball. He immediately made a three-pointer. With a "swish", the basketball went into the net hollow.

After that, Qin Hao made shots, hits, or hit irons. Assistant Harry was in charge of passing the ball, changing angles, strengths, and directions.


A soft sound, like a natural sound.

Coach Luke secretly nodded his head, full of relief: "Qin's three-pointers are getting more accurate. He has made rapid progress and has a strong psychological quality. As long as he can perform well, we may not be able to beat the 7 Bulls."

The reason why Coach Luke gave Qin Hao a small stove and stayed with Assistant Harry to accompany Qin Hao in training is that he hopes that Qin Hao can continue to improve and become stronger.

After a playoff game, with Harry’s assistant saying "the speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart", coach Luke has made a decision, and Iguodala is no longer suitable to be the leader of the 76ers. The 76ers Qin Hao’s future is the one the team needs.

And, where is the strength gap between the 76ers and the Bulls.

It is not realistic to expect other people to come forward at this time. After all, where their strength lies, Qin Hao is the exception, he can always bring surprises to people.

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