Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 807: Three points at the buzzer, a breakthrough in ability!


The Bulls double-teamed for the first time and did not give Qin Hao any singles opportunities.

But this time Qin Hao didn't pass the ball. Instead, he slammed forward and broke from the right. Rose moved quickly, and Cj Watson next to him also jumped up. The two of them left and right. But at the moment when the double-team was about to take shape, Qin Hao suddenly paused, shaking his body to the left.

Rose's heart beat, and he subconsciously stopped, while adjusting his center of gravity, preparing to move to the right.

Once Qin Hao changes direction and breaks to the left, he will immediately move sideways.

However, Qin Hao's actions exceeded his expectations. Although Qin Hao changed the ball to the left hand, he did not change to the left to make a breakthrough. Instead, he suddenly hooked the basketball with his left hand, taking the right foot as the axis of the foot, and suddenly came. He turned around with the ball. Taking advantage of the hesitation of Rose and Watson, the double-teaming could not be completed, he turned around with a clever dribble and turned from the middle of the double-team gap.

Get rid of the double-team all at once.

"Not good." Ross yelled, "Match up defense."

However, it is no longer useful.

This was too unexpected, and Noah was not prepared at all. After all, Rose and Watson had both gone up to double-team, how could he have imagined that Qin Hao would be able to make a breakthrough.

For a while, the inside line became a vacuum. After Qin Hao turned around, only the basket was left in front. He was holding the ball with his legs bent, like springs, flying into the air.


There was a sound of air-conditioning in the audience.

Qin Hao jumped too high, as if he was flying. He stretched his body in the air, grabbed the basketball with his right hand, squeezed out a ring, and finally dunked towards the basket.


A blast shook the audience.

It took a full two seconds before the audience screamed and screamed, and the fans were screaming and screaming, cheering for this wonderful windmill slam dunk.


The 76ers rest area, the players also jumped up one after another, feeling blood boiling.

They have not seen such a goal and such an explosive dunk for a long time, and the depression in their hearts has been released. They are roaring and roaring.

Qin Hao landed with sharp eyes, sweeping the Bulls players, and then rushed to his own half, quickly entering the defensive position.

When the Bulls arrived, Qin Hao immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Rose. Rose frowned, feeling a surge of pressure on his face.

"Pick and roll."

Rose is very calm, and instead of rushing to singles, he asked for a pick-and-roll.

Noah came up for the pick-and-roll, Rose broke through, attracted the defense and divided the ball, gave Watson the ball, and then accelerated the breakthrough, rushing into the inside, first found a physical confrontation, and then lifted the ball. , Ready to layup...

"heads up."

An exclamation came.

Watson's heart jumped, just about to speed up his shot, a big hand was already fanned over, and with a "pop", the basketball was fanned.

"Damn it." Watson was annoyed and couldn't help cursing secretly. When he turned around, he saw Qin Hao's stern face. He was blocked by Qin Hao.

The next moment, Qin Hao took off twice, very fast, grabbed the rebound, and then turned around to quickly counterattack.

"Hurry up!"

"Quickly, stop him!"

The Bulls players on the sidelines shouted, but Qin Hao's speed was too fast, and everyone except Rose was left behind.

Seeing Qin Hao rushing to the front court, Rose chasing behind him, the two are only one position difference, Qin Hao turned his head and glanced, hesitated for a moment, but soon he made a decision.


Suddenly, Qin Hao stepped on the brake and stopped outside the three-point line.

"What?" Ross was taken aback, but because of the speed, he couldn't stop in a hurry. He stopped the car two steps forward. When he looked back, he saw that Qin Hao had jumped up.

"Shoot three pointers?"

"Are there any mistakes..."

Qin Hao's choice made the players and fans on both sides surprised and incomprehensible. They all left everyone behind. Why not layup or dunk.

What's the joke about shooting a three-pointer?


But at the next moment, with a soft noise, Qin Hao's three-pointer hit.

For a moment, all the exclamation and spitting stopped abruptly. Many people opened their mouths, but their voices were stuck in their throats, just staring at the basket blankly.

"That's OK?" Rose shook his head depressed.

Many people were stunned by such a goal, and they never thought that Qin Hao would do this. The key is that he really made it.

In fact, Qin Hao is not without consideration. He can directly layup or dunk, but two points are not enough. He wants three points and also needs to shoot three points.

Another point is that the Bulls players saw that Qin Hao was too fast, and Yiqi Juechen had given up on chasing after him. There were only two people in the half-court range, he and Rose. In case this three-pointer fails, Qin Hao may not have the opportunity to grab a rebound by virtue of his height advantage.

"It feels like it's getting closer and closer to the three-pointer ability breakthrough."

With this three-pointer, Qin Hao could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the breakthrough.

A few dozen seconds later, Qin Hao made another three-pointer, but this time he failed to make a hit, but it did not affect Qin Hao's shot. After a few rounds, he ran back and shot the ball immediately.


Still not in.

"Qin was irritable."

"Yes, the shots are getting more and more unreasonable. He throws the ball when he catches it. It's all three-pointers. His breakthrough is also very sharp. Why not break?"

"Hey, it's a young man after all. This is just hitting and hitting the head and starting to break the can. If it goes on like this, the 76ers are really hopeless."

Some fans shook their heads, complaining about Qin Hao's irrationality, playing too unreasonably, and others pretending to be old-fashioned, shaking their heads and commenting, saying that Qin Hao is too young after all.

No one understands why Qin Hao is like this.

The 76ers players and Coach Luke didn't understand, but unlike the fans' complaints and complaints, they didn't say anything because they believed in Qin Hao.

Even if Qin Hao doesn't look sensible, even if he keeps hitting the iron.

In a blink of an eye, the second quarter has come to an end.

With only ten seconds left, Qin Hao came to the frontcourt with the ball to the 76ers and encountered a double-team. He passed the ball out and started to run.

The basketball passed quickly in the hands of the 76ers players, trying to play a tactic, but failed to succeed, on the contrary, a lot of offensive time was wasted.

Seeing that the offensive time is almost gone, they still haven't been able to take up a good opportunity.

"Ball." Qin Hao gritted his teeth, his speed exploded, and he was three-pointers faster, suddenly got rid of the defense, and came outside the three-point line.


The teammate passed the ball.

Qin Hao jumped up when he caught the ball, because there was no time, only 2 seconds left in the second quarter, and Rose was behind him, chasing him quickly.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Qin Hao's heart, as if time had stopped all of a sudden, there was a faint "click", and something was broken.

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