Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 809: It's unreasonable, but it can get in!


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

Qin Hao chuckled, knowing he had the ball as soon as he shot it.

Although the three-pointer ability has just broken through, this time it is not an increase in quantity, but a qualitative change, so even if it has just made a breakthrough, Qin Hao's strength has improved greatly.

"nice shot."

"Qin, that's it, wait and continue."

The teammates ran over and high-five Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded and shouted: "Defend."

Offense alone is not enough. You must also have excellent defense. The combination of offense and defense is basketball.

Especially when the score is behind, if you can't prevent it, it is difficult to catch up with the opponent by scoring, because you are scoring and your opponent is scoring.

The Bulls hit it.

Rose held the ball and took a deep look at Qin Hao. He felt a little strange since returning to the court in the third quarter. It was not very clear before, but now he understands.

This originated from Qin Hao.

"Compared with the first half, he seems to be a little different." Rose frowned and said to himself. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he knew that he had to be careful.

If they can sweep the 76ers 4:0, it is naturally better for the Bulls, which means that they can end this series early and will have more time to rest and wait for the next opponent.

The next moment, Rose acted and played alone.

However, this time he failed to score. The 76ers' defense suddenly became tough and fierce. Rose failed to adapt for a while, and the rhythm was disrupted. After the breakthrough, he threw and shot the iron.

"And me." Noah jumped up, ready to get the rebound. He occupied a good position.

"Dreaming!" A voice sounded behind him, and Nene quickly jumped up. His bounce and explosiveness were better than Noah. Although the two were about the same height, Nene first hit the basketball and gave the rebound. Noah was very upset when he caught it, and the duck in hand flew away.

The Bulls retired quickly, retired at the first time, quickly returned to their own half, and did not allow the 76ers to fight back quickly.

After Qin Hao came to the front court, the Bulls team was double-teamed, but now and then, as Qin Hao's performance became more and more exciting, under his encouragement, the state of the teammates is recovering...


Qin Hao divided the ball and passed it to Iverson.

Rolle Deng quickly moved across, rushed to Iverson and blocked Iverson's front, but this time Iverson played very resolutely. A crossover made Rolle Deng unable to react and passed away. After Roll Deng, Iverson rushed to the basket and scored.

The difference is further narrowed.

"Be better guard, and be serious." Coach Thibodeau also noticed something wrong and yelled at the court.

Several players nodded together.

Previously, Rolle Deng, Noah, and Boozer didn't care about it, but Qin Hao made a three-pointer and Iverson made a layup. The point difference was reduced to single digits, and they had to get serious.

However, they didn't know that Qin Hao had become stronger.

When the Bulls players began to get serious and strengthened their defenses, the 76ers encountered trouble in their offense. They passed the ball several times, but still failed to find a phone meeting.

"Ball." Qin Hao ran backwards, demanding the ball at his teammate.

Seeing Qin Hao taking the ball, Rose quickly greeted him, and at the same time Bogans also jumped over, double-teaming again.

However, Qin Hao didn't pass the ball this time, but jumped up to meet Rose and Bogans and made a three-pointer decisively in the face of double-teaming.


"What's the joke, do you dare to vote?"

"Hey, this ball is too unreasonable. Facing a double-team, Bogans will double-team, Iverson has a chance at this point, and pass it to Iverson."

"Today Qin shot too many three-pointers. Although his three-pointers are very accurate, it is not a way to keep throwing three-pointers. The key is whether you shoot or not..."

Before the fans had finished speaking, they saw the basketball hole through the net.

The goal was scored.

Facing Rose and Bogans' double team, it seemed unreasonable to shoot, but Qin Hao made it.


A group of fans who just shook their heads and sighed. They couldn't help but stunned. They couldn't help but smile. Why did Qin Hao make such difficult and unreasonable shots today?

This is unreasonable in itself.

Qin Hao doesn't care what they think. At this time, he is confident and feels fiery, and he really appreciates the benefits of the transformation of his ability to shoot three-pointers.

"If my previous three-point shooting ability is considered first-rate in the NBA, then my current three-point shooting ability should be enough to be among the top." Qin Hao was in agitated mood.

After many breakthroughs in his abilities, he also has a better understanding of this, and he can roughly judge his level to which level he belongs to.

Before, his three-pointers were also very accurate, but in fact, it may not be better than some of the league's three-point shooters. The reason why he left a very deep impression is that Qin Hao is a rookie, and the other is because Qin Hao is a rookie. Hao invested enough.

Especially after the All-Star Weekend, Iguodala was injured and Qin Hao became the only core of the team, averaging more three-pointers per game.

There has never been a three-point shooter as the only core of the team, and he still plays the No. 1 position, controls the ball, and can throw three-pointers at will.

Leah Ren is not the only core player in the Sonics or the Celtics, nor is he playing at the No. 1 position.

Nash's three-pointer is also very accurate, playing the No. 1, but he is not the only core of the team, at that time the Suns and Stoudemire.

Therefore, no one has such a good opportunity like Qin Hao.

Of course, no one knows the future development direction of the league like Qin Hao. Qin Hao's style of play will be exactly the style of the "small ball era" a few years later. At this time, other people did not have this awareness, even a few players with accurate three-pointers, it is impossible to throw like Qin Hao.

Curry, at this time has not yet become the core of the team.

Therefore, Qin Hao’s three-pointer data is good, which impressed the fans. It is more due to his good enough conditions, including the team conditions, as well as his own height advantage. As far as the three-pointer level is concerned, it can only be regarded as a good one. The level of the league's first-class level is about the same as today's Curry.

Until now, the three-point shooting ability has broken through again, further transformation and improvement, Qin Hao's three-point shooting level can be regarded as among the top of the league.

Coupled with Qin Hao's height advantage, his breakthrough ability is a deterrent to the defender, and his three-point shooting ability is no longer a "killer" but a "big killer."

After a few rounds.

Qin Hao took the ball, took a probing step, then suddenly changed direction, took a step forward, and immediately retreated back and returned to the three-point line without waiting for the double-team to come up.

"Not good." Rose's heart jumped, jumped up quickly, and rushed forward.

However, he was already half a beat slower by the time Ross flew forward, and his height was much shorter than Qin Hao's, and his interference with Qin Hao was limited.

I saw Qin Hao jump up, retreat and take a three-pointer.

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