Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 856: This is too straightforward!

At first everyone thought that Qin Hao was here to take a look today, get to know everyone, get acquainted, and wait until tomorrow to participate in the training.

After all, he had just arrived today, but Qin Hao said immediately that he could participate in training immediately.

This makes Coach Deng Huade very happy, and his teammates' perception of Qin Hao is getting better and better.

Look at people, young, promising, strong, yet so approachable, without any arrogance at all, and showing no starry style at all, it's simply too rare.

First is free training, but also warm up.

Qin Hao just moved a bit, shot the basket, and looked for feelings.

In fact, there is no need, although he is the third batch of reports, but before he practiced hard every day, he has never slackened, and his state may be better than his teammates.

After a warm-up, coach Deng Huade called up the players and started fighting in groups.

This is also a routine matter. Qin Hao just came to report. Although everyone knew him and watched him play, it was on TV. Now Deng Huade, as a coach, needs to learn more.

After all, this time the national team only has Qin Hao a big-name star. He is the absolute core of the team. The team's lineup arrangement and tactical system need to be built around him.

Qin Hao's abilities are undoubted, but if you don't understand Qin Hao's technical characteristics, game habits, etc., how can you arrange the lineup and tactics?

"Qin Hao, Sun Yue, Zhu Fangyu, Wang Zhizhi, Zhang Zhaoxu, you are the red team." Coach Deng Huade began to divide into groups, "Liu Wei, Xirelijiang, Ding Jinhui, Yi Li, Su Wei, you are the blue team."

From this grouping, it can be seen that in the mind of Coach Deng Huade, the red team is the "main lineup" and the starting lineup he thinks is the most suitable.

With Qin Hao as the core and Sun Yue, the two form a backcourt combination. The front line is Zhu Fangyu, who is good at shooting three-pointers, the power forward is Wang Zhizhi, and the center is Zhang Zhaoxu, who is 221 cm tall.

Regardless of whether it is a defender, a striker, or an inside line, they are quite good. At least they have a considerable advantage in height. Qin Hao is 198 cm tall, close to two meters, and the other four players are all over two meters tall.

"Okay, let's get started." Coach Deng Huade waved his hand and didn't plan any tactics. Anyway, he was mainly observing Qin Hao.

The match begins.

Chen Zhan did not leave, standing on the sidelines with coach Deng Huade watching.


First it jumped the ball. Zhang Zhaoxu took the ball by virtue of his height advantage. It was in the backcourt. Qin Hao controlled the basketball and started to advance. After reaching the frontcourt, Liu Wei greeted him.

Liu Wei is a veteran national team player. He is 32 years old and 189 cm tall. Although he is experienced and has seen big scenes, he still has a solemn expression in the face of Qin Hao.

"According to Qin Hao's habit, I should first observe his teammates and understand his opponents, and then..." Chen Zhan said with a smile.

He was also a player before, and now in addition to being in charge of basketball xie, he is also a fan. He has been observing Qin Hao for a long time, has watched many Qin Hao games, and has a good understanding of Qin Hao's self-confidence.

But before he finished speaking, Qin Hao was a sudden breakthrough.

Now Chen Zhan had to swallow the words that came to his lips, staring at the stadium in amazement, saying that Qin Hao shouldn't organize an attack first, observe the situation of his teammates around him, technical characteristics, playing style, and then observe the opponent's situation, etc. Is it possible to have a targeted attack after understanding it?

Why do you play singles as soon as you come, this shouldn't be.

This is the normal situation, but Chen Zhan can't possibly know that in the national team, Qin Hao doesn't need this at all. He knows all his teammates around him, including his opponents, so where does he need to do that?

The intermediate process is directly omitted.

"Not good." Liu Wei's heart jumped, and he also didn't expect Qin Hao to play singles as soon as he came, his reaction was slow, and Qin Hao passed it clean in one step.

After passing Liu Wei, Qin Hao grabbed the ball and rushed towards the basket. The blue team’s inside line was Su Wei, who was 212 cm tall. The rules of FIBA ​​are different from those of NBA. FIBA ​​did not defend for three seconds. The tournament follows the rules of FIBA, so defensive centers tend to always stand on the inside.

But Qin Hao didn't care. After two steps forward, he jumped up and faced Su Wei with a one-handed snap button. Su Wei wanted to block the shot, but his reaction was slower and he didn't jump high enough.


With a bang, Qin Hao succeeded in a bang.

At the beginning of the game, Qin Hao staged a burst of slam dunks, and still stunned everyone behind Su Wei's slam dunks.

An exclamation sounded from the sidelines, Guo Ailun, He Tianju and a group of young players could not help jumping up and shouting excitedly.

Chen Zhan's expression was a little convulsive, he couldn't help but blush, his previous judgment was a bit sloppy.

"This is too straightforward." Su Wei smiled bitterly, feeling helpless.

Qin Hao is too fast and jumps too high, he can't keep up with the rhythm at all, and it is difficult to block if he keeps up. Even if the height difference between the two is more than ten centimeters, when Qin Hao jumps up, he knows that he is blocking. No more.

The red team retired and the blue team attacked.

Liu Wei pushed the ball to the frontcourt, Qin Hao stepped forward and stood on the three-point line. Liu Wei frowned and didn't dare to play singles directly. Instead, he asked for a pick and roll and played a tactic.

However, the blue team's lineup itself is at a disadvantage. Qin Hao's dunk just now made the red team players excited, and the defense completely kept up with the position, and did not give the blue team a chance.


The blue team strikes iron.

Zhang Zhaoxu grabbed the rebound and was still lingering. When the figure flashed, Qin Hao had already approached him and shouted at him: "Quick."

"Oh." Zhang Zhaoxu subconsciously passed the ball to Qin Hao.

The next moment, Qin Hao's speed was full, rushing to the front like a whirlwind, the players of the blue team were retreating, but the speed was too slow.

Originally, their retreat was not fast, because they didn't expect the red team to counterattack so quickly, and the game had just begun, they were still in the process of adapting, and their bodies were still loose.

All of a sudden, I saw Qin Hao coming from behind, passing blue team players.


The blue team players were retreating, and suddenly seeing Qin Hao pass by him, he couldn't help but be stunned. There was only one thought in his mind-too fast!

Qin Hao was too fast, and he was on the frontcourt in an instant. At this time, only small forward Ding Jinhui was the only one who returned to the defense. Qin Hao grabbed the ball and took three steps, and then killed it towards the basket. Ding Jinhui hurried forward and jumped. Starting to prevent the ball, Ding Jinhui only felt a strong attack, and he was involuntarily knocked into the air.

Looking at Qin Hao again, the momentum did not diminish, but instead, with the strength of the rebound, he paused in the air and took advantage of the trend to make a light layup.



The whistle sounds and the ball is scored.

This fast break not only scored, but also caused Ding Jinhui's foul, and Qin Hao had to add another fine.

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