Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 876: Card point master

When the first half ended, the score became 48:31, and the Chinese team led by 17 points.

It was also because the Chinese team had a three-point rain today, so the scoring efficiency was extremely high, so only the first half scored as many as 48 points, almost catching up with the NBA score.


"Too strong. I thought our three-pointers were very good, but compared to others, huh..."

During the intermission, a group of South Korean players' faces were full of depression.

Yu Zaixue frowned, summoned the players and started cheering for them. The game was not over yet, it was just the first half. And this is the semi-final, and one step further is the final, and there is hope of winning the championship and winning tickets for the London Olympics next year.

How can you give up?

I don't know what he said to the South Korean players. Anyway, in the third quarter, the South Korean team miraculously recovered their fighting spirit, and also played a good wave of counterattacks, reducing the point difference to 11 points.

"It's not good."

"Yeah, in the past few minutes, the South Korean team's outside shooting percentage is very high, chasing 6 points. If you score another goal, the point difference will be reduced to single digits."

In the audience, Chinese fans frowned.

But the more you were afraid of something, the more things came. At this moment, the Chinese team made a pass error, was intercepted by the South Korean team, and scored with a fast break. The point difference became 9 points.


Coach Deng Huade requested a timeout.

When a few players came down, coach Deng Huade had a dark face and looked at them coldly.

It’s no wonder that he was angry, Qin Hao was also angry. Before the group stage, round-robin match, the quarter-finals, everyone urged it to be okay, but in this semi-final, it seems that the team is getting closer and closer to the championship, and the team is still leading the South Korean team by a big score. , Some players have loosened their skins again.

"The worrying thing happened." Yao Ming smiled bitterly, in a bad mood. This kind of critical moment, the semi-finals, dare to release the water, can you float at this time?

Yi Jianlian also smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The South Korean team has played well in the past few minutes, but it has a lot to do with the lack of defense of the Chinese team. Qin Hao, Zhu Fangyu, and Wang Zhizhi are not on the court. A few young players may be because there is no one to remind them. Floating just hitting and hitting.

"Get out of here." Li Nan cursed with a dark face, and was also very angry. How can I keep people from being angry when they lose their chains at critical moments?

Several players cringed and looked at Qin Hao secretly, hoping that Qin Hao could help them with a few words.

Qin Hao glared at a few people, narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Three orders and five applications, you still have to commit. Okay, I remember you."

Suddenly, the faces of several people changed drastically. Just as they were about to beg for mercy, Qin Hao had already turned around and ignored them, but looked at coach Deng Huade. Coach Deng Huade replaced him and sent Qin Hao, Wang Zhizhi, Zhu Fangyu and other key players together, and then gave a deadly order: "Give me the points difference. Never give the opponent any hope."


Several people agreed in unison.

After a while, the pause ended.

The South Korean team also knew that this time was critical, so as soon as Qin Hao took the ball to play singles, the South Korean team was like a frightened bird and quickly surrounded Qin Hao.

But this was of no use. Qin Hao forced a breakthrough and shot against the defender. The South Korean team players were also fierce, grabbing Qin Hao's arm, and decided to stop the foul.



The whistle sounds and the ball is scored.

However, to the help of the South Korean team, Qin Hao still scored this goal, and it was a 2+1.

Qin Hao walked to the free throw line and steadily made an additional penalty, and opened the point difference to double digits.


After a few rounds, the South Korean team hit a three-pointer and once again approached the point difference to a very critical point. Without waiting for them to be happy, Qin Hao stepped forward.

I saw Qin Hao split the ball to his teammate and then started to run. The South Korean team players were chasing very tightly. However, Qin Hao was too fast and pulled a little away, and jumped up after receiving the ball from his teammate.

"Don't even think about it..." The South Korean players fought hard.

However, Qin Hao didn't even look at him. He only had the basket in his eyes. He shot the ball when he received the ball. He also leaned back a little. With a flick of his wrist, the basketball crossed an arc and finally hit with a "swish".

Go in again!

"too strong."

"What can we do, Qin Hao can't be prevented, how can we catch up with the score?"

The Korean lady was crying anxiously.

A group of South Korean team players are full of helplessness, this is entirely the player's personal ability, Qin Hao's personal ability is too strong, it is impossible to prevent it.

"Fortunately, there is Qin Hao." Li Nan breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the team. If it weren't for Qin Hao, others might not be able to stand up again and again at this time. In the end, they would really be taken by the opponent. The score catches up, this kind of time is not uncommon before.

Coach Deng Huade also had a smile on his face, full of emotion in his heart, marveling at Qin Hao's strength and his maturity, not at all like a young man in his early twenties.

Perhaps most people will not pay attention, but as the head coach, Coach Deng Huade understands that every time Qin Hao makes every shot and every time he scores, he does not do it casually, but is particular about it. He is always stuck in the South Korean team. When the situation is strong, the card is extremely accurate, which prevents the South Korean team from setting off an effective counterattack.

In addition, Qin Hao's shot choices are exquisite every time, how to be more secure, if the offensive efficiency is maximized...

"Ordinary players simply can't do this." Coach Deng Huade said to himself, putting his heart back in his stomach.


When the third quarter ended, the Chinese team still led by more than ten.

In the fourth quarter, coach Denghuade still put a few young players who made a mistake on the bench. They don't even think about it today.

In the last quarter, the South Korean team did not give up, but every time they had to counterattack, they were accurately interrupted by Qin Hao, as if they wanted to shout loudly, but got stuck in the third throat every time.


There was a crisp sound.

However, the South Korean player Wu Se-geun's layup was blocked by Qin Hao, and the ball was directly fanned out of bounds.

What Qin Hao did was not only scoring, but also defense, such as steals and blocks. After this block, the South Korean team's spirits were completely gone.

Anyone who gets stuck precisely and constantly interrupted by Qin Hao's heart will not last long.

At this time, there were four minutes left in the fourth quarter, but there was no suspense in the game. The last four minutes became **** time, and Qin Hao didn't make any shots.

When the game ended, the score was 85:70. The Chinese team defeated the South Korean team by 15 points and successfully advanced to the final.

In this game, Qin Hao scored 28 points, plus 8 rebounds, 9 assists, and a nearly triple-double. The performance in the last quarter was particularly critical. Almost every one of them was a key goal, which left a deep impression on the fans. —Of course, in the eyes of the fans, this is Qin Hao's basic operation.

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