Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 892: As always

"Good job." Qin Hao nodded to Xiaoka, complimenting him.

"Oh." Xiaoka was still expressionless, and only scratched his head in response, making Qin Hao a little helpless. Xiaoka's character was even more difficult to deal with than Jiang Feng.

After a while, Qin Hao passed two more passes to Xiao Ka, both of which were good opportunities. However, Xiao Ka still did not make a shot. Qin Hao was speechless. When he passed to Xiao Ka again, it didn’t matter whether the chance was good or not. Shout: "Vote."

Kaka was shocked, but did not resist, and chose a direct jumper.



With a muffled sound, the ball hit the iron.

Coach Luke called a timeout to give everyone a break.

When everyone came off the court, Qin Hao stopped Xiao Ka. Before he could speak, Xiao Ka started scratching his head, with an expression of doing something wrong, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it."


Qin Hao rolled his eyes and couldn't laugh or cry, so he waved his hand: "I didn't mean that, I meant to say, why do you always hesitate, if you want to make a shot, you must make a shot."

Xiaoka was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect Qin Hao to mean this. For a while, he was a little cramped, his faces were wrinkled together, and he said, "I... my shooting is not good."

"If you are not good, you have to shoot." Qin Hao said in a magnificent manner. "You can practice if you don't shoot well. Who says that if you don't shoot well now, you must be bad? If you don’t shoot well, then give up. Your defense is good. This can be carried forward, but the deficiencies cannot be hidden. You have to work hard to improve and make up. As long as you work hard, I believe these can be changed."

Xiaoka started scratching his head again, and glanced at Qin Hao. He could feel Qin Hao's concern for him, but he was really confused. He seemed to be unwelcome to me wherever he went. Why did Qin Hao treat me so well?

In fact, Xiaoka was not like this character before.

When Xiaoka was 16 years old, his father was shot and killed while working. Suddenly, his world collapsed, as if it suddenly became gloomy, and everything changed.

After that, he became silent and reluctant to speak, and his friends began to alienate him. In order to get rid of the pain of losing his father, he held basketball all day. He didn't want to talk about his thoughts and thoughts with others. All he needs to do is to have basketball.

Because he doesn't like to talk, has a withdrawn personality, and always has a dull expression, giving people a feeling of being rejected from thousands of miles away, so he doesn't attract much attention.

Although he had a good performance in his freshman year, even the coach of the team was not very optimistic about his future. He thought he might not even get into the first round because he was ranked only 48 in ncaa at that time. I didn’t even get in the top forty.

Of course, at least much better than a certain Jimmy brother's 1,000th place in the United States.

Came to the 76ers, Xiaoka worked hard, training hard every day, not much, but everyone can see his efforts.

Although the 76ers have not had the habit of bullying rookies since Qin Hao, due to the dull personality of Xiaoka, the popularity is actually not good.

But at this moment, the players were surprised. Speights was a little bit savory. What kind of magic is this dull boy? Qin Hao was a little too kind to him.

"Okay." Qin Hao felt arrogant when he saw Xiaoka's only non-committal appearance, and he was not polite with him. "Remember, you should shoot. If you are worried about your bad shots and are afraid of wasting opportunities, In normal times, I should practice shooting more to improve my shooting percentage."

"Good." Xiaoka replied.

After a short break, the match continued.

The White team changed players, Blakings was replaced and replaced with Lavoye. Blakings is 208 cm tall and Lavoy is 206 cm tall, both of whom can play power forwards.

In fact, Coach Luke was going to replace Xiao-Ka and replace it with Lavoy, but seeing that Qin Hao treated Xiao-Ka obviously and favored him, he gave Xiao-Ka a little more chance.


The match continues.

This time Qin Hao didn't feed Xiaoka too much. He realized that he was a little hasty, and subconsciously treated Xiaoka as that superstar, and he was too demanding.

At this moment, Xiaoka is only twenty years old, and he is still a rookie who just entered the NBA. It takes time to grow up, so he has to take his time.

"Pick and roll."

Qin Hao made a gesture, and Speights came up for a pick-and-roll, and Nei made an empty cut along the bottom line.

This is one of the 76ers' pick-and-roll tactics. Speights mentioned the on-line pick-and-roll. If he has a chance, Qin Hao will pass the ball back to him. At the same time, Nei made an empty cut along the bottom line. If the position is good, Qin Hao can also pass to him to attack the frame directly. If neither has a bad chance, Qin Hao can still do it by himself.

At this moment, Speights and Nene have a bad chance, after all, the white team players also know them better.

Upon seeing this, Qin Hao decisively came forward, took a step forward, and then retreated suddenly, returning to the outside of the three-point line was a three-pointer with a retreat.


The ball is scored.


"As always."

The white team players are helpless.

After two rounds, Qin Hao ran back to get the ball, and then it was a singles, first crossed steps, and then suddenly changed to accelerate. Huo Ledi smiled bitterly. Although he guessed Qin Hao's intention, he still couldn't prevent it.

Seeing Qin Hao rushing, Mozkov from the inside line stood by. Seeing Qin Hao jumped to the layup, he jumped up too, and the two collided in the air.


With a muffled sound, Mozkov's face changed slightly. He was shocked to find that he hadn't gained much advantage against Qin Hao physically. A forceful attack forced him to stop where he was, but Qin Hao He didn't bounce off, didn't lose his balance, and took the shot calmly.


Go in again.

"nice shot."

On the sidelines, Blakins exclaimed.

The new assistant coach Cox also brightened his eyes. He knew that Qin Hao was strong, but he couldn't help being surprised when he saw it. He directly faced Mozkov's two-meter-high inside basket, and he did this to Qin Hao. It's not difficult for the star, but Qin Hao played too easily.

The White team fought back.

Lu Wei made a sudden point and passed it to Huo Ledi. Huo Ledi made a long-range run, and a three-pointer hit, helping the White team to stabilize the hand.

However, just a minute later, Qin Hao made another shot. This time the White team was assisted. Apart from Huo Ledi blocking Qin Hao, Lu Wei also rushed over to help him defend.

The two of them were on the left and the other on the right, faintly forming a corner.

At this moment, Qin Hao chuckled and walked to meet the two of them. He was about to fall into the surrounding of the two. He suddenly turned around, hooked the basketball with his left hand, and took the right foot as the axis of the foot. With his body pressed against Huo Ledi, he turned around, just passing between the two of them, passing them at once.

Immediately Qin Hao grabbed the ball, took a step forward, and scored with a lightly pick basket. The whole action was completed in one go, and everyone who watched it couldn't help but applaud it. Basketball Myth: Super Defender's latest chapter address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 892 as always) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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