Chapter 17: The biggest surprise among the rookies of the new season

After taking makeup photos, the league also announced the schedule for the 07~08 season, and the Lakers training ground “happy” a more gloomy “black mamba”!

The Lakers’ new season opener, home to the Suns.

In the past two years, the Lakers have reached the playoffs twice, both of which fell into the hands of the Phoenix Suns.

Especially in the 05~06 season, the Lakers were beaten by the Suns for 3 consecutive games when they led 3-1 and lost the series in shame. In the fourth game of that series, Kobe shocked everyone with his “double kill” performance, he thought that his two kills broke the mentality of the Suns, but he did not expect that it was “long night coming”.

After that game, the Lakers played a total of 7 games in the playoffs with the Suns, and the Lakers won only 1 game.

With Kobe’s character, the Suns are naturally enemies who do not share the sky in his eyes at this moment.

Low air pressure is also normal.

Speaking of which, Li Wan has not spoken to Kobe Bryant so far.

It’s not Kobe Bryant against him, although the summer soap opera has ended, but the big move that Old Buzz promised him has not yet appeared.

It is estimated that it will not be until the “big earthquake” appears, that he can relax his tense nerves a little.

Now facing anyone on the Lakers, he speaks with a straight face.

Odom also set up a gamble in the locker room, betting that Kobe’s first laugh would be a few months.

In the final half of the month, as the players recovered and Tex Winter returned, Phil Jackson also began to carry out more detailed tactical training.

“Zen Master” returned to the Lakers in ’05.

But the Lakers’ first two seasons were not the “triangle offense” that won the “trifecta” at the beginning of the 21st century.

With the exception of Kobe, the Lakers have not had a reliable response point for the past two years.

However, as Bynum has grown further this summer, the entire coaching team believes that the opportunity to restart the “triangle offense” has arrived.

No, the 88-year-old Winter is on duty again.

As the founder of “triangle offensive tactics”, no one knows “triangle attack” better than him.

Or the outside player’s version of the “triangle offensive tactics”.

The core of the Lakers’ “three consecutive championships” in the 00~02 season is Shaq O’Neal, and the entire “triangle offense” is also formulated by Phil Jackson around him.

During his time with the Bulls, Winter has been an assistant coach on the team.

It is fitting for him to integrate the Lakers with Kobe as the core to play “triangle tactics”.

It’s just that resuming the “triangle offense” is not a simple matter.

During the first team training, Winter called several stops.

Bryant’s singles choices a lot of times gave him headaches.

Do not make 1vN, do not rely on 1v0, do not exclude 1v1.

These are the three ultimate purposes of the “triangle offense” operation ball.

Unlike other offensive tactics that pursue absolute “1v0”, “triangle tactics” are aimed at creating open slots or 1v1 singles from the beginning, and then scoring through the superstar’s outstanding individual ability.

This is why “triangle tactics” have always been called “superstar tactics”.

To a certain extent, “triangle tactics” are the tactics that superstars can most “free themselves”.

The problem with Kobe Bryant is that many times, he believes more in the ability of individuals to score points than in a theoretical absolute 1v1 or 1v0 situation.

Usually a 1vN option.

“What a second Michael Jordan, there really is no difference between these two in this regard! ”

Phil Jackson listened to Winter’s complaints and couldn’t help but laugh. When he was with the Bulls, Winter didn’t complain about Michael Jordan so much. Think he’s playing too selfishly.

But…… Michael Jordan can be selfish, and he has Scottie Pippen, the greatest “second in charge” of all time. Even if he doesn’t respond.

Pippen can help, too.

The Lakers can’t, Bynum’s ability to shoot the ball is very reluctant, and he is counting on him to respond that is, waiting for the “old sow to go up the tree”.

In this way, the training of the “triangle attack” has not yet begun, and it has encountered a big problem!

Phil Jackson didn’t practice as hard as “squeezing toothpaste.”

Kobe Bryant has been alone for two seasons, and his desire to finish is still strong, and it is impossible to expect him to transform at once.

The offensive end is not well trained, and the problems on the defensive end are not small.

Derrick Fisher, 33, deteriorated further by his traverse footsteps. Although he has not yet degenerated to the level of “pant leg defense” later, it is really unlikely that he can be expected to block the opponent on one night, especially against those league’s top point guards.

In addition, Pau Gasol and Ariza have not yet been traded, and the team lacks interior and flanking defense.

Phil Handy watched it for two days, and his final idea was to defend the joint defense.

This tactic has never been accepted by NBA coaches, and Popovich’s ability to lock LeBron James by joint defense this summer has become a treasure in the hearts of many coaches.

The only problem is that the NBA has the concept of “defending for three seconds”, and if you want to defend the joint defense, you need enough tacit understanding, and now the inside line has to move factors to interfere, and it is even more difficult to defend the joint defense.

The Spurs are also a group of main players who have played together for N years, which has formed enough tacit understanding.

Li Wan is one of the few highlights.

Whether in defensive or offensive training, he rarely makes mistakes, and his super high ball intelligence is undoubtedly displayed in the process of the team’s run-in.

Phil Jackson became more satisfied the more he looked at it.

“Lee, I plan to put you off the bench in pre-season, but I’ll let you play more than 25 minutes in every game. ”

Li Wan nodded.

The recent time together made him feel as if he had “misunderstood” Phil Jackson.

Since entering the training camp, instead of obstructing Li Wan’s behavior in the slightest, he has been very active in helping Li Wan adjust. Such a manager is undoubtedly happy for newcomers.

Mike Conley also called Li Wan the day before yesterday and cried to him about the unfair treatment he had suffered in Memphis: “They chose me with such a high pick, but they had no intention of grooming me!” ”

That’s a lot of it…

“You show your ability to hold the ball and your projection, you have improved a lot in this area, you know this yourself, the pre-season stage is for running-in, I expect you to play well!” ”

Li Wan continued to nod.

Phil Jackson said this, he felt that his relationship with the manager should be better.


All to blame Kupcek!

On October 25, the day before the preseason kicked off, the Lakers’ media release day.

Kobe Bryant faced the camera and pressed again: “I can’t accept the same loss as last season, absolutely impossible!” ”

Phil Jackson took the initiative to mention Li Wan: “He is not on the right path, there may be such problems since college, I believe everyone will see a different him, the biggest surprise in the new season rookie, I think it is him!” ”

(End of chapter)

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