In the space-time tunnel, a faint blue light is speeding! Suddenly, a huge black hole flashed out of space, and a dazzling crimson light drilled out of the black hole and crashed into a faint blue light, and the two fused to produce an even more dazzling purple light and shadow!

Purple light and shadow cut through time and space like shooting stars!

Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

April is the cherry blossom season and the annual promotion season!

Rennan High School is one of the most famous public high schools in Kanagawa Prefecture, located by the sea in Kamakura.

Beautiful scenery and pleasant environment!

At this time, at the school gate, a man with a height of more than one meter and eight meters appeared at the school gate, the man had a beautiful face, a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, a black broken hair fluttering in the wind, the difference was that a pair of red eyes under the broken hair were different from ordinary people!

“Is this Lingnan High School? The environment is really nice! ”

Smell the scent of cherry blossoms in the air and walk through the tree-lined paths of the campus.

“Classmate! Coming to an anime agency? We have countless figurines there~”

“Classmate! Come to the Astronomical Society! We have the latest astronomical telescopes there, and the seniors in the community are very knowledgeable about the stars! ”

“Classmate! Come to the Literature Club! ”


Along the way, the enthusiastic seniors and seniors were like wolves seeing sheep, and they pulled when they saw new students.

Tianze looked around, looked at a small classmate beside him, and stepped forward to grab him.

“Hello classmate, I am a freshman, I want to ask, where is the recruitment position of the basketball club?”

The little man looked at Tianze’s crimson weird pupils and was slightly startled.

Subconsciously said: “Turn left in front, a big man who looks like a monkey is there!” Easy to find. ”

“Thank you!”

Tianze responded politely.

A big man who looks like a monkey? Eight achievements are fish pillars!

Tianze carefully recalled the appearance of the fish pillar and couldn’t help laughing.

“Monkey boss! How interesting! ”

Looking at the back of Tianze leaving, the man touched his head.

“Strange, what happened to me just now? Why don’t you involuntarily say the words from your heart! ”

Tianze followed the tips given by the man and really found a new position in the basketball department!

I saw a tall man with bent legs sitting on the main seat, like a circus bear sitting on a pony, and on the left was a slightly old man with a combed back.

The two are the main and deputy captains of Lingnan, Jun Usumi and Ryoji Ikegami!

At this time, Ikegami was snorting.

“I said, Captain, we’ve all been sitting all morning, and there are less than ten people who are willing, or let’s go back!”

Yuzhu’s face is also not good-looking, originally said good, today’s recruitment is Xiandao and Chi up, but as a result, Xiandao said the day before, he has a stomachache tomorrow, so he has to take a day off!

The result was obvious, they didn’t even see a single hair of Immortal Dao today.

The more Yuzhu thought about it, the more angry it became, and the green tendons on his forehead burst out.

And Ikegami seemed to feel that his life was in danger, and like a quail, he sat on the side and shivered.

“So, hello, is this the new position of the basketball team?”

Just as the pool was shivering, a bright voice sounded.

Chi Shang suddenly stood up with an agitated spirit.

“Yes yes yes! Please sit down! ”

Tianze was blinded by the enthusiasm of the pool.

Seeing that the pool was moving chairs and pouring water, Tianze was a little embarrassed and quickly waved his hand.

“That, hello senior, no need to bother!”

He came to sign up for the basketball club, not to sign up as a basketball coach, and it was a bit inappropriate to be so diligent.

“Oh oh ~ sorry, that, this is the registration form, you fill it out, wait for the basketball department to report after school, we are a famous strong team in the county!” Oh, by the way, forgot to introduce, this is the captain of our basketball team, Jun Usumi! ”

Ikegami glanced at the fish column cautiously.

Five minutes later, Tianze handed the completed list to Chishang.

“Senior, then I’ll go to the class to report first, we’ll see you after school!”

Tianze said politely.

Looking at the back of Tianze’s departure, Chigami nodded very satisfied, and he liked the good-looking and polite junior brother he liked very much.

“Captain, that junior just now is good!”



Chi Shang shouted for a long time and found that no one paid attention to him, turned his head and looked, I don’t know when, Yuzhu had fallen asleep sitting on the chair!

Ikegami: “…..”

Along the way, Tianze attracted the attention of a large number of girls because of his handsome appearance and exotic pupils.

“Alas~ Ryoko, look, that person is so handsome~”

“Yes~ It’s so warm to laugh, I like the boys who laugh the sun~”

“Is it a freshman? Haven’t seen it before, alas! ”

“It seems that if he goes up to ask for contact information, he should not refuse!”

“First grade A class, found it!” Tianze came to the classroom with the admission notice, and at this time, someone in the classroom had arrived first, and three or three gathered together.

Tianze followed the prompts on the blackboard and came to his seat to sort out the clutter.

“Hello, my name is Hikoichi Aida! Hobby is basketball! Please take care! ”

At this time, a small man came to Tianze’s side to say hello.

Of course, Tianze is no stranger to this person, and the legend is a good observation! Oh! By the way, there is also a very wow-wow journalist sister Yayoi Aida!

Extend your right hand.

“Hello, my name is Tianze, coincidentally, my interest is also playing basketball.”

As soon as Aida heard that the person in front of him was actually interested in him, he immediately felt a lot more cordial.

“Really? That’s great! However, I played very well, and they all disliked me for being short and didn’t want to play with me in middle school! ”

Seeing Aida Hikoichi touching his head awkwardly, Tianze smiled slightly.

“High has high benefits, low has low advantages, don’t cause yourself to not play basketball for this reason, it doesn’t matter, the key is that you love basketball, that’s enough!”

Hearing Tianzawa’s words, Aida Hikoichi’s eyes suddenly became hazy.

“Really? Can I really be a basketball player! ”

Tianze shook his head helplessly, an extremely unconfident person like this would take any encouragement as his lifesaver.

“Of course, there are not many well-known stars in the NBA who are only 170 centimeters tall, and besides, we are only fifteen years old, and when we are still growing our bodies, the old saying goes, isn’t twenty-three still a swoop!”

“Is there an old saying?” Aida touched his head.

In this way, the relationship between Aida Hikoichi and Tianze ‘at first sight’ quickly warmed up.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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