
At this time, Sakuragi Hanamichi’s eyes are only baskets!

I saw Sakuragi jumping up again and raising his hands high!

This is! A lightning-like figure burst out from the side and approached the basket at a very fast speed!

With a sudden jump, the speed is not at all as slow as Sakuragi, and even the explosive power is even faster!

“You don’t think about it!”

Tensawa’s left hand slapped the basketball in Sakuragi’s hand, and the huge force made Sakuragi directly lose his balance in the air! The whole person was overturned by Tianze!

‘Touch’ sounded, fell heavily to the ground!

The ball slowly rolls off the court!

The audience fell into death-like silence, and this twist and turn caught everyone off guard!

“That guy! I actually slapped Sakuragi with a slap! ”

“What a monster!”

“Yes, yes, Sakuragi is probably going crazy! There is a rare opportunity to perform, and there may be violent incidents in a while! ”

The four of the Sakuragi Legion were whispering, which made Haruko on the side very worried.

“It won’t! Sakuragi wouldn’t do such a thing! ”

Yohei Mito shook his head.

“You still don’t know Sakuragi too well!”

On the field.

Akagi walked slowly into Sakuragi.

“Sakuragi! Are you okay? ”

Lying on the ground for such a long time, it is estimated that the fall is not light! Akagi was a little worried, if Sakuragi ended now, then their inner line in Shonbei would collapse!

Suddenly, Sakuragi swooped up from the ground.

Watching the black-faced Sakuragi walk towards Tianze step by step, he grabbed Tianze’s collar when he went up.

“You fellow! Dare to stop this genius’s performance! Unforgivable! ”

Tianze calmly looked at the angry Sakuragi in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

“Do you want to be sent off?”

Hearing that Tianze actually dared to threaten him! Sakuragi’s eyes suddenly bloomed red!

“You bastard!”

“Hey, Red Team Ten, what are you doing? Let go! The referee also came to stop it, and seeing that the referee was about to blow the whistle, Akagi was also anxious.

“Sakuragi! Let go! ”

Everyone in Lingnan also gathered around, and if Sakuragi dared to make a move, they would let Sakuragi know what it was to be two fists and four hands! A good man can’t stand up to many people!

However, how could Sakuragi, who had lost his mind, manage so much! Just when he was about to make a move, oh no, move his head! Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from outside the venue!

“Sakuragi! No! ”

Suddenly! Sakuragi’s ears immediately pricked up, and his face became kinder, and I saw him slowly turn his head with a pig brother look.

“Haruko ~~~”

I saw Haruko sitting on the stands, with her hands on her chest, looking at him with a worried face, and Sakuragi suddenly hit the root of the tail from the heavenly spirit!

Sakuragi then let go of her hand and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t worry, Haruko, I’m a genius! I will never be sent off! ”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief to see Sakuragi become normal.

“Big idiot!”

Rukawa Feng muttered softly next to him.

“Bastard Rukawa Kaede! What did you say! “The fire that Sakuragi had just suppressed was once again stirred up by Rukawa Kaede!

But Rukawa Kaede didn’t take care of Sakuragi, turned his head and left!

“Abominable Rukawa Kaede! And Lingnan! ”

Sakuragi clenched her fists.

“Calm down! Calm down! I must not be excluded! I must score more points than Kaede Rukawa! For Haruko! ”

Sakuragi whispered.

Lingnan organized an attack again!

This time, Xiangbei did not continue to let Tianze shoot three points, but transferred Mitsui, and the two directly wrapped Tianze at the three-point line!

In the face of the defense of the two, although he can also force a shot, Tianze will not choose to do such a risky thing! There is clearly a better choice!

That’s Immortal Dao!

I saw Tianze dribbling back and forth, and suddenly a back changed hands and passed the ball directly to Xiandao!

So far in the entire first half, the presence of Immortal Dao is extremely low! So much so that everyone gradually forgot Lingnan’s trump card!

Sendo dribbled unhurriedly after receiving the ball, and his face still maintained a relaxed posture!

This made Rukawa Kaede even more angry.

Who to look down on!

“Come on! Immortal Road! I will defeat you! ”

Xiandao smiled, and saw that the rhythm of dribbling in his hand began to become faster and faster!

“Here it comes!”

Liuchuan Feng’s pupils instantly dilated!

A whirlwind rose under the feet of Immortal Dao, and it instantly broke through Liuchuan Feng’s defense!

“Oops, Liuchuan Feng has been passed!”

Twilight shouted.

“Nope! Not yet! ”

I saw Liuchuan Feng closely following Xiandao’s side, closely behind half a position! This position, once Immortal Dao wants to shoot! Then Rukawa Kaede will break the ball with the trend!

Of course, Immortal Dao knew that he had not thrown off Liuchuan Feng.

I saw Immortal Dao rushing to the basket at a rapid speed! Rukawa Kaede is close behind!

Akagi immediately concentrated! Constant fish column in the card position!

But, suddenly! Force at the feet of Immortal Dao! A sharp brake! The whole person stopped instantly!

Strong friction makes the sneakers make a harsh sound against the ground!

And Liuchuan Feng was not mentally prepared, and he couldn’t stop for a while!

Sendo directly grabbed this gap, put his hands together, and jumped and shot!

Score 26-13! The gap is widening!


Liuchuan Feng scolded in a low voice.

The ball came to Shonobei, and Miyagi looked around looking for a suitable position! Suddenly, Mitsui forcibly squeezed Ikegami away with his body and stretched out his hand.


Miyagi’s eyes lit up, and he immediately opened the distance and passed the ball to Mitsui!

After receiving the ball, Mitsui shot without hesitation!

Ikegami struggled to reach out, but he was still one step slower!

Mitsui scored his second three-pointer!

Score 26-16!

“Quick! Back to defense! ”

Akagi shouted, facing Lingnan, he didn’t dare to relax for a moment!

However, there was a sudden roar in the venue.

“Don’t retreat! The audience is pressing! ”

The person who spoke was Mitsui! Mitsui knew that fighting a positional battle with Lingnan had a very small chance of winning! And he himself understands that his physical strength is already reaching the limit!

The whole court press is to let him run less and save more physical strength to shoot!

But the rest of Xiangbei didn’t know what Mitsui was thinking, but because of the hesitation at this moment, they were seized by Tianze!

I saw that Tianze flashed over Miyagi in the blink of an eye, and went straight to Xiangbei basket!


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