Batman In MCU

Chapter 26 - Captain marvel finale

Batman took a closer look at Goose and deciding that he was enough to protect Nick and Maria. Bats jumped down to deal with the soldiers below who now had their weapons at him, with a well timed flash bang Batman momentarily disappeared.

The soldiers began looking around wondering just where he had gone, one of them spotted batman who now had a gas mask on, "found him!" his shout causing them to turn to him whilst bats dropped some bombs which released purple gas obstructing everyone's view.

There was a thud suddenly followed by more thuds in rapid succession. Nick and Maria looked on from above wondering what was happening in there. Their questions were soon answered, the smoke cleared away revealing countless bodies sprawled on the ground with the batman still in his original position, looking down Nick spoke but three words, "what the f*ck?!"

Batman paid them no heed, and began running down the pathway trying to find where Carol was whilst taking down any soldiers that appeared in quick fashion with batarangs in both hands being used as daggers.

Batman had just taken down another squadron and was beginning to wonder just where exactly Carol was when there was a boom and there she was flying backwards with Yon-Rogg behind her smashing into the walls. Batman decided she could handle herself and began rushing to the hanger only to soon come face to face with the scene of Nick raising up goose and point it towards soldiers like some sort of weapon.

Batman released a sigh and jumped on the soldiers grabbing one's weapon and using it to blast the weapon straight out of the other ones hand before he could fire, proceeding to then flip the first soldier onto his back and blasting him before turning to blast the soldier who was mid jump, about to land on him.

Bats turned to face Nick after he was done, "I could have done that" Nick spoke up, "yeah right" Maria spoke up before turning to Batman, "we need to get to the hangar." "got it", Batman gave a nod and threw the weapon towards Maria before rushing for the hangar.

They soon arrived at the hangar to see Carol and Yon-Rogg going against one another. "Get in!" Batman stood before their ship, "I'll hold them back" he pulled out two batarangs and began fighting of the soldiers who were rushing for the ship, he first released a 540 kick straight to the head of the soldiers and then leaping of him unto another soldier and sending his batarangs straight into their head before proceeding to flip him into the others. He then performed a backflip back into the ship.

The soldiers attempted to chase after them but soon head beeping sounds looking down there were a dozen batarangs on the ground with blinking red lights, "oh crap" *boom*

The space ship managed to leave heading straight for earth's atmosphere, but looking behind Bats saw another ship chasing after them with Captain Marvel holding unto it trying to stop the ship but she was blasted of the ship.

The ship had arrived with Yon-Rogg right on their tail firing at them, thanks to Maria's flying skills they managed to avoid the gun fire. "let me out." Batman spoke up causing everyone to look at him as though he was insane, "have you lost your God damned mind!" Batman ignored Nick looking towards Maria who hesitated for a moment before opening the hatch allowing Batman to jump out, "What the hell" Nick shouted at Maria as he saw her actually open it.

Batman activated a mechanism in his suit allowing him to glide and avoid Yon-Rogg's fire and land on the ship ready to blast Yon-Rogg but he just rose his arm releasing a green blast blasting the Batman away but Batman was quick enough to fire his grappling hook unto the ship and attach himself to the underbelly of the ship before taking of a bomb from his utility belt and jumping off right before it blew up.

Bats attempted to activate his mechanism to glide away but for some reason it wouldn't work as Batman realised this his eyes widened but just as he was about to make contact with the earth Captain Marvel arrived and landed him safely.

"Thanks" "your welcome." they spoke up with smiles on their faces when the both looked up shocked at what the saw a whole fleet just appeared above earth's atmosphere Batman and Captain marvel shared a look before Captain Marvel took of for the skies and began tearing through the ships like paper.

Captain marvel wiped out the minor ships in mere minutes and appeared before the mother ship, which promptly warped away.

Back on earth Batman had arrived before Yon-Rogg who had crawled out the ship. He looked at the Batman and began his typical villain rant, "do you know who I am human, I am a being beyond you I am..." before he could finish a batarang appeared before his face and blew with the resulting force sending him flying into his ship.

"Nice shot" Captain landed behind him, Batman turned to face her "he talked too much." Carol burst out laughing after that statement.


That night they were all back at Maria's home with Nick looking more like fury with an eye less, after a few talks Carol handed over a device to fury which would allow him to contact her but only during emergencies of course Batman received one as well before she went out and flew away.

"So... how do I contact you" Nick turned to the Batman, "you know where to find me" a ship arrived above them and Batman fired his grappling hook and jumped in before flying away.

Nick stood there mouth agape, "that is from the space ship right?" "yeah..." Maria answered mouth agape as well "how.... when did he get that?"

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