Batman In MCU

Chapter 31 - Klaue

"Argh! please stop! I'll talk! I swear! Please!" the gang leader screamed as the ground got closer and closer his screams got even louder.

when he was a few inches away from the pavement, he came to a halt and was yanked back up where Batman and the Black panther stood with the Dora Milage behind them.

"last time. talk!" Batman spoke once more. "okay, okay I don't know him all that well. One guy came up to me and told me about the weapons he said I should do something big, you know to serve as advertisement for the sale and I would get the weapons for free."

"What sale?" Batman questioned, "he is holding a sale at the docks this weekend, I swear that's everything, please, please, don't drop me." The gang leader gave one more plea as he saw the bat get closer, closing his eyes he waited to feel himself dropping once more but nothing opening his eyes he realised he was all alone.

Away from the scene of interrogation, Batman turned to T-Chaka who had been silently staring at him for a while, "What?" Batman spoke up.

"where you actually going to drop him?" his question caught the batman off guard, causing him to remain silent for a brief moment before he gave an answer, "no"

Gwen had just got home closing the window as silently as possible, but she wasn't silent enough as her mother walked in right after, "Gwen where were you? do you have any idea how worried your father and I were?"

"I... I was..." Gwen attempted to speak up but went silent, "go on then," her mom crossed her arms "your father could have died today Gwen. He could have died."

Gwen remained silent with her eyes trained on her feet not daring to look her mother in the eye. Her mother let out a sigh seeing her daughter's behaviour, but before she could speak up, George had arrived.

"I'll handle this Helen, why don't you go to the boys." George shared a look with his wife who looked between him and his daughter before walking out of the room.

Gwen stood with her father in her room unable to utter a word. "sit" George ushered to his daughter who moved to sit on her bed as he moved to sit by her side, "you know I care for you right?", "yeah" Gwen responded in a bȧrėly audible whisper.

George just watched his daughter who was definitely hiding something from him, "Gwen you can tell me anything, I hope you know that and when you are ready you'll tell me whatever it is that you are up to."

Gwen nodded giving her dad a hug, "okay, now why don't we go to dinner before the boys devour everything again ". Gwen broke out laughing as she heard what her dad said, "sure dad."

In a club,

"Dammit! as If that stupid cat wasn't enough we have a bat after us now! Damn it all" Ulysses Klaue smashed a glass of bourbon, when he received the news from his men.

"What did the man on the inside say?" Klaue asked his men, "he said he would deal with the bat so where is he now?!" Klaue got more angry the more he spoke.

"He says he is having some delays with the union." His henchmen begins "I don't care, I want them both dead" "but sir killing the bat right now will turn the union against us"

"bah who cares if the bat shows up before me" Klaue raises his prosthetic arm and delivers a blast leaving a hole in the wall, "I'll turn him to dust."

King Manor,

Sebastian is cleaning his home when Eve walks out the shadows, "hello Sebastian", "what are you doing here?"

"I get the feeling, you don't want to see me" Eve puts on a fake hurt face. "oh please Eve, you and I both know, you wouldn't be here if you didn't need something."

"there have been talks", She begins "they say you're loosing your edge and their planning a vote" Sebastian comes to a halt, "when?"

"When the new guy joins us" she responds before turning to leave, "watch your back...captain.." with those words she disappears back into the shadows.

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